Chapter One - Adversary
Tommy's chest heaved as he sprinted past the tall, towering pine trees. His legs and lungs burned as he ran faster; the sound of footsteps crashing behind him. The smell of pine was almost overwhelming as he sprinted past, and took in breath after breath of air, the scent coming with it. Tommy had always loved the smell of pine, it had always been associated with home, but like anything, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
With his thoughts; he slowed, and when a body crashed into his, he fell face first into the dirt, sliding slightly. "Toby!"
"Sorry! But you know this isn't fair! You're so much taller than me!" Tubbo exclaimed, pushing himself off his brother and best friend. "Oh get off!"
Tubbo huffed, "I'm trying! Stop moving!"
"I'm gonna move if I damn well want to!"
Toby frowned, slapping his younger brothers shoulder, before sitting up, and helping Tommy to his feet. He grinned, grabbing Tommy's hand and pulling him to a wild bunch of lavender that stood in the forest. "We should take some back for Niki. She's been wanting some lavender. And look, the bees!"
Tommy smiled at his older, yet shorter brother, "We already have lavender in the garden. Plus, there are bees there too."
Toby frowned lightly, "Niki says that medicinal properties are most potent from the wild, and specifically for lavender, in the morning before the sun reaches it's peak..." Toby looked directly up, turning his head, "I don't see any sun directly up."
Tommy laughed and shoved him lightly, "This is a hooded forest you idiot! You can barely see the sun even at it's peak."
Toby rolled his eyes, but lightly stuck his hand in the bush and took the purple sprigs, gently laying them on a stained brown cloth; wrapping it with a string, and putting it in his bag. The leather bag slung sideways across his chest, and rested on his thigh; the other side of his hip sported a small dagger. The previously white tunic was smeared with green and brown from falling, his brown trousers scuffed around the knees. Tommy was clad in deep brown trousers, and a light blue tunic, sporting long sleeves that stopped a quarter away from his wrists; red cape slung over his shoulders, only going down to about his sternum. It was practically a shawl, really just meant more for statements publicly rather than usefulness. Tommy could admit though, that it was easier to use than a typical cape; stayed out of the way a lot easier. Tubbo gripped his younger brother by an arm, and he checked the shiny golden pocketwatch that was set inside a little pocket of his satchel. It was around midday, and their father would want them to join in family lunch. He told Tommy as such, and they began the journey back to their home.
❦ ❦ ❦
The two boys were nearing their home, just chatting about random topics, or playing around like brothers; as they were, when an arrow flew past, skimming Tubbo's arm, and sinking into a tree. A thin red line began to seep through the sleeve, and the boys quickly glanced around the dark forest, hoping to catch a glimpse of the individual. The the tall trees cast many shadows, and the bunches where the trees grew close enough to touch were almost impossible to see through. Toby glanced around, fear evident in his brown eyes, his supple hand clutching the now slowly seeping wound. Tommy grabbed his brother by his uninjured arm; pulling him closer for protection. Tommy gripped the hilt of his sword, pulling his brother behind him.
Lately, the Antarctic Empire had been in a little bit of a spat between the neighboring kingdom of Badlands and the Dream Empire. Both were allied to each other, so if it came to war, the Antarctic Empire would have to fight for their lives. Tommy wondered if any of the political meeting his father and older brothers had been going to so regularly had gone badly, and that was why the young princes were being targeted. When no other shots came through the brush, Tommy quickly shoved Tubbo in the direction if their home signaling to him; they were moving.
The two boys ran for their lives, dodging tree roots, the occasional fauna, and the low hanging branches. At some point, Tubbo had slipped his hand into Tommys for comfort, and whether Tommy had noticed or not, he didn't reject the gesture, or let go. When they broke through the forest, the sight of cobblestone paths and streetposts not yet lit was a welcome sight. Not to mention the hustle and bustle of the main city, Azgeda. Tommy and Tubbo sped through the streets as fast as they could, sending gentle smiles to the locals, and pretending nothing was wrong. The locals were used to the young teenagers running rampant through the streets, usually followed by Techno or Wilbur, but it was common knowledge that the boys frequently went out into the hodded forest at least once a week; so the villagers paid no mind and gave kind smiles and the occasional bow to the young prince's. Soon, they arrived at the towering gates of the castle, the guards permitting them entrance after seeing whom they were via a pin that was clipped to each of them. The pins were crafted of gold dug from the lands of the empire, they had engraved the emblem of the Antarctic emire; a torch surrounded by eight circles in the background. Tommy always wore his pin on his cape, or tunic, but it was always over his heart; Toby wore it in various places, but when he carried his bag with him, it was clipped on the strap across his chest. All the members of the royal family; King Phil, and the four Prince's, Technoblade, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo, had to wear the pin, both as a signal of their royal status, and for patriotism for the Empire.
The boys didn't make a beeline for the throne room, as it honestly wasn't used as much as one might think. It was most commonly used during political meetings, dances, and the occasional royal visits from other countries and empires. Instead, they made a beeline for the dining room, knowing the whole family would already be seated for their mid-day meal. The dining hall was a vast room, a towering ceiling adorning paintings of past monarchs, and a visual representation of past wars, and eras of peace. The dining room also had giant stained glass mosaics, some depicting past monarchs, like the painted ceiling, some just commissioned to look beautiful. Regardless, the dining room was almost as magnificent as the throne room, which was decorated similarly, but it was significantly smaller, and a little more homey. The palace held tributes and gifts from the subsections of their empire all around their home, most having secure places among the other decor. Along the floor, underneath the dining table, was a long rug, made by the people of Eira; a city under the Antarctic Empire in the frigid land towards the north, had specially curated the rug for the monarchs around a hundred years before. It was a beautiful pattern of blues, whites, blacks, and greys, and it had called the royal palace of the Antarctic Empire home ever since.
Normally, one would knock before entering the room; especially if royalty were in the room, but the circumstances could permit the unsaid rule. Tommy burst into the wide hall, practically dragging his injured brother behind him. "Dad!" Tommy exclaimed, slamming the giant door behind him. The long dining table only housed three individuals, all three turning around in their chairs to see the two young boys. Phil immediately got out of his chair and began towards his youngest children, "Tommy? What's wrong?"
Tommy scooted Toby, whom was hiding behind him, in front, facing Phil. "We were in the hooded forest, and someone shot at us."
Phil turned towards his eldest children, alarmed, "Someone threatened you?"
Toby shook his head, "No. It was one arrow, and neither of us could see any individual. We couldn't even see the arrow coming."
"They hit Tubbo!" Tommy exclaimed, tired of Toby avoiding the subject. Now Techno and Wilbur stood from their chairs, and crossed the room to see Toby.
"Where?" Techno said, his hand extending.
"What?" Toby asked, confused.
"Where did they hit you?" Techno asked, his hand prodding forward again.
Toby laughed lightly, "Its not that bad!It's barely a scratch!"
Techno raised an eyebrow, once again extending his hand farther outward until Toby sighed, submitting, and rolling up the sleeve of his tunic. Techno gently grabbed his arm, examining the wound. It was a shallow cut, but deep enough that it bled a generous amount, and stained the shirt red.
The family watched in silence as a little trail of blood ran from it; Techno wiped the glistening blood with his thumb, and examined it. He cocked his head lightly to the side as he peered at it.
Tommy had a hold of Toby, hugging him into his side, as all four of the family members watched Techno bring his now slightly bloodied hand to his face, and lightly smell the crimson liquid. He looked up at his father, meeting his gaze.
"It's poisoned."
The four individuals glanced sharply at Techno, illuminated by the multicolored window, and candles variously stationed around the room, Techno's face was well illuminated as all of the family members looked towards him. Tommy glanced down towards his brother, Toby glancing up, as the young boy collapsed; body crippling towards the ground. Tommy managed to snag his arm before he feel completely, but he sank down to the ground with his unconsious brother. Phil kneeled, lightly shaking Tubbo, to try and rouse him; it didn't work. The young brunette boy was seemingly peacefully asleep, but when Will placed his hand on the skin around the wound, he frowned, "The skin is hot. Not only is he poisoned, but it's infected too."
Tommy, as unusual as it was, was silent. He didn't utter a word, and only glanced down towards his best friend, what would happen?
Phil's face hardened as he stood back up, the chains along his cape jangling, "It's time to organize a congregation."
[A/n uhm... hi! I only posted the prolouge and already some people have read and followed me, and somehow I'm sub 100 ranking on the sbi tag so uhm, thank you all so much!? I really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, because i have big plans and I am having fun writing. I am going to be figuring out an updating schedule soon so hopefully I'll have consistent updates!]
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