Chapter Four - The Dinner
TW: mention of suicidal thoughts after the first line break. If you're sensitive to that please skip to the second line break. They look like this "❦ ❦ ❦"
The McClain's and the Royal family of the Antarctic Empire sat across from each other. From left to right on the Antarctic Empire side, Phil sat across from King Charles, Techno across from Queen Anna, Wilbur across from Princess Evangeline and Tommy across from Prince Rishard. It was silent for the first few minutes before Phil took charge of the conversation.
"So... Londbergh has agreed to supply the antidote for Toby if we join their trading route, but as majority of us are aware already, our Empire prides itself on being fully self-sufficent. Food from our southern lands, the textiles from the north, our mines that provide currency in the east, our long standing temples to the west, each corner of our kingdom has what we need, and our people know it as much as we do. Our people work day in and day out to keep that self-sufficency going... so, the Antarctic Empire cannot just 'join' the trading route. Therefore we need a political and substantial reason to do so, and King Charles and I have to come to a mutual agreement of a marriage linking the two families."
Phil said the last bit nice and slow, as if trying to break the ice, and when no one gasped in suprise, or outrage, he glanced around confused. Tommy couldn't help himself but snort lightly, Rishard following while Wilbur elbowed his brother to get him to shut up. "Father, all of us grew up learning politics, you don't think we already suspected this?"
King Chalres glanced at his daughter and sighed, "I knew you were acting strange."
Princess Evangeline smiled to herself, her face glowing red with pride, and she ducked her head; red curtain of hair hiding her face. Wilbur smiled at her from across the table, and she looked back up to her family. "Prince Wilbur came to me and informed me of the potential of a marriage, and I am grateful. As that is what is asked of us, I have one question to ask. Who will i be marrying?"
Phil sent the girl a sympathetic smile, "Well, that would ultimately be your choice. Both of my eldest children have expressed they'd be willing to the union, so it's up to you to decide. Techno, or Will?"
Princess Evangeline sat silently, the end of her curly red hair twisting in her fingers. She glanced between the two brothers, Wilbur's small and welcoming smile, and Techno's hard set jaw, finally seeable without the mask. Both were handsome, no doubt about that, but the two individuals couldn't have been more different. One was artistic, louder, more exuberant, the other more morose, military focused, and quiet. Princess Evangeline herself was more quiet and had always kept to herself, but once you go out to know her, it was hard to shut her up. She already knew of Prince Wilbur's kindness, his help and warning earlier in the day told her that. He hadn't needed to warn her, but he did, and she deeply appreciated it. She didn't know much about Techboblade, but his display during the summit had genuinely scared her. This was a big decision, because this was forever, or until death, but she's didn't plan on dying anytime soon. Not only was it forever, but they'd immediately start courting after maybe a day or two, but it wouldn't be long now. "Uhm... if he agrees, I would like prince Wilbur."
Wilbur brought his hand to his head and ruffled his hair to hide the blaring blush that covered his face, "Uh, yeah... Okay that sounds good."
Tommy met the eyes of Rishard and they both coughed to hide the laughs that were trying to escape them. Techno glanced at his brother and s slight smile graced his face before he nudged his brother. Wilbur looked up, smiling slightly to the girl across from him before glancing to his father. "Well then, it seems we're in agreement."
❦ ❦ ❦
Tommy rushed into Tubbo's room, despite the immediate protests of the sick teenager. "Tommy! I'm sick get out!"
"Oh shut up about that, you're poisoned, I'm fine. Anyways, we got a cure for you!" Tommy exclaimed, approaching the bed and sitting on the edge.
Toby glanced at him curiously, sitting up to look at his tall younger brother, "Really? Like... I won't die?"
"That's what a cure is you idiot, yes you won't die," Tommy said with a wide smile.
Tubbo smiled, "Well that's exciting. How'd you get it?"
Tommy pursed his lips and looked to the floor, "I'm not allowed to tell you."
Tubbo glared at him, "Tommy..."
"I'm serious! I'm not allowed to, dad says so!" Tommy told him.
"Well dad trusts me more than you so that means he knows whatever way you for it i won't like it," Toby deduced.
"Well-- hey! Dad trusts me plenty!" Tommy yelled.
"Yeah, but he trusts me more," Tubbo argued.
"That's not fair!"
"I'm older Tommy, it makes sense," Toby tried to make his brother feel better. Tommy wasn't having any if it, "By like barely a year! This isn't fair, I'm plenty trustworthy!"
Tubbo pursed his to try and not laugh, "Well... kind of."
Tommy glared, "What's that supposed to mean you bee loving idiot. You're so childish how could you be more trustworthy than a big strong man like me?"
Tubbo laughed out loud now, but began to cough during it, reaching for the bucket placed beside his bed and emptying whatever was left in his already empty stomach. Tommy instantly scooted beside his brother and began to rub his upper back to try and sooth him, watching as a few tears leaked from his eyes and into the bucket too.
"I-- screw it, get the antidote I'm so over this," Tubbo said, no longer joking. He's been suffering for around a month now and he could barely move his arm to get the bucket some days. Tommy smiled to him, " Don't worry, it'll be here soon, I promise. Only a few more days."
"Good, because if this didn't take me I was going to ask you to do it," Tubbo joked. Tommy glared, "That's not funny Toby."
Tubbo laughed before coughing, "Its a little funny."
"Its not, we all really love you and have been so worried!"
"I know I'm just... trying to cope. It's been scary, y'know? Sometimes the only way i got through it was thinking like that... is that bad Tommy? Did i do something wrong? Am I not as strong as other people? I know techno wouldn't think like that..." Tubbo had already set the bucket back on the ground and he set his head into his palms.
Tommy scooted closer and pulled his brother into a hug, "Of course not Toby. You did what you could to deal with the situation, but you're loved by all of us, and we're not going to let anything happen to you, that's a promise. And you can't compare yourself to others like that yknow... it's not gonna do anyone any good," Tommy told him
oby smiled into Tommy shoulder, "thanks."
"No problem, now I have to go but I promise after guard practice with Techno tomorrow I'll come for longer," Tommy reasoned.
"Take a shower first!"
"I don't think that I will actually," Tommy said with a laugh.
"I will kick you out I swear," Toby threatened.
"Fine, I'll take a shower."
❦ ❦ ❦
Tommy cursed as he felt his cheek be sliced. It was small, and wouldn't do much damage, but it still hurt. The smirking face paired with a pink braid pissed him off immensely. "That'll scar."
"I know you pink headed idiot. It'll be cool," Tommy swerved away from the incoming blade.
"Its like the size of a paper cut, the most it'll do is make it look like you lost a fight with a piece if paper," Techno laughed, slashing forward.
Tommy stepped back before lunging forward, "ha ha Techno. Very funny."
Techno met the slash with a clang of his sword and he watched as tommys arms shook from pressing the sword so hard against his, his face revealing the pain he felt. Techno was competitive to a fault and pushed against the sword his own muscled shaking, "you going to give up?"
Tommy scoffed, "Of course not."
Techno laughed before pushing harder, Tommy's feet slipped, and he fell. He brandished the sword to his first and smirking, "I win. As usual."
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Help me up," Tommy demanded sticking the hand that wasn't holding a sword up. Techno grabbed it, hauling Tommy up. When they stood eye to eye he smiled and shoved him lightly. The two stalked back to the palace side by side, joking and laughing. The two quieted down as Techno pulled Tommy behind a pillar in the grand hall. Techno put his index finger to his lips and motioned him to be quiet. Tommy peeked around the pillar to see a yellow seater and emerald fur coat. Tommy turned to Techno and made wild motions to show his surprise, to which Techno responded with a nod. The voices drifted down the hall and they could hear the two's laugh, it was Wilbur and Princess Evangeline. Techno smirked and dragged Tommy out from behind the pillar behind him, "Well I see no guards, and as this is a courtship... Dad won't be to happy."
Wilbur jumped at the sound of his brother voice and turned to see the long pink haired man stalking towards them. Wilbur laughed, "We just passed eachother in the hall and decided to stop for a bit and say hello. Nothing nefarious."
"Im just jesting, lighten up. How are you Princess Evangeline?"
"I am well thank you, but Prince Techno you are right I must be going now, it was good to talk Prince Will," The princess smiled and continued on down the hall. Immediately as she turned the corner the two began teasing their eldest brother.
Wilbur laughed along with them as they teased and continued their way through the castle to Tubbo's room.
[A/n sorry for not updating last week I had midterms and was super busy but hope you all enjoyed! Not edited! Don't be a silent reader, love yall!]
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