Chapter Five - The Parade
Once the kingdom announced the engagement of Prince Wilbur and Princess Evangeline, per tradition they had to go to all parts of the empire, before making their way to Londbergh, where they would begin wedding preparations. The families had decided that the wedding would take place in six months, but as they had already announced the engaement to the public it was solidified in stone. Therefore Londbergh fulfilled their end of the bargain and gave the empire the antidote. A week after the engagement tour was announced, the tour was about to begin.
"Why cant i go with you?" Tommy complained as he trailed his older brother.
"Because, if we took majority of the succession to the throne, we create bigger targets on our back. Don't forget Tommy, this tour is also a disguise for us to smoke out the ones wishing to do us harm. Queen Lysanna agreed to send her elite soldiers to trail us throughout this journey to ensure out safety. You, Tommy, need to stay here with Tubbo. Can you do that?" Techno asked while slinging his sword into the sheath. Tommy pursed his lips in annoyance, crossing his arms. He muttered, "Fine," under his breath, and looked away. Techno just sighed, pulling Tommy into a hug, resting his head on the youngers head.
"It's only for a few months Tommy, it'll be fine," Techno assured his younger sibling. Tommy hesitated for a second, before hugging his brother back. He knew he would never forgive himself if Techno didn't come back, and Tommy rejected his hug. But how could that happen? He was the Blood God. When Tommy backed up, he grinned at his brother, "Bring me back somthing cool!"
Techno smirked, a light breath passing through his lips to signify he found the statement funny, "Alright Tommy."
He mounted his horse, Carl, and turned back to Tommy, "Tell Toby and dad I said bye, will you?"
Tommy nodded, "Okay!"
Techno's lips curled upwards the slightest but it dissapeared as he turned away and galloped off to start guard preparations ahead of Wilbur and Princess Evangeline. Tommy's grin faded as Techno dissapeared, like it always did. Techno was powerful, but he was human, and everytime he left, Tommy pleaded for him to come back. Specifically, to come back alive. This time was no different. Tommy pulled his fur cloack closer, turning around and heading into the castle. He was met with the bustling of servants in the halls. It was two weeks after the massive royal meeting, and it was a week since every monarch, spare Princess Evangeline and some of her guard had left. Queen Lysanna arrived back after checking on her kingdom, starting to map out a plan with King Phil, and Prince Techno.
Queen Lysanna had left a good impression on the family. She was strong willed and hard headed, but when speaking with Toby for the first time, she was kind, and gentle, expressing her happiness he was getting better. Tommy was in the room when that had happened, and he remembered Tubbo's bright grin. She promised to bring her nephew, who was around Tommy and Tubbo's age, the next time she went back to Lysann and came back to the Antarctic Empire. Queen Lysanna passed Tommy in the halls, trailing behind Wilbur and Princess Evangeline, her black and gold armor clinking with each step. The servants and royal family in the palace had only seen Queen Lysanna without her armor twice. Once when she was sparring with Techno, and another time when she came back from a recon mission where she played as a civilian. Now, her armor clanked as she chased the two royals, her long braid, so blonde it looked white, flew behind her as she shouted after them.
"Oi! You guys have two hours before you gave to go, come here!"
Wilbur and Princess Evangeline became quick friends, and the inhabitants of the castle quickly found out that they made wicked trouble when together. Once on the morning patrol at 4am, the entire castle had awoke because a guard tripped on a tripwire, his iron armor clanging on the hard ground. The entire palce went into attack mode, and that poor guard had to explain the entire situation, until Phil noticed the two giggling in the back of the group.
Now, the two sprinted away from the queen, laughing and chattering away. Queen Lysanna spotted Tommy, shouting after him as she ran past, "Tell Phil that Wilbur and Evangeline are making a ruckus!"
Tommy watched ss the two rounded the corner, Queen Lysanna's footfall following them. Tommy jogged to his father's study, knocking before opening the door. His dad was an absolute mess, as he had been for the past month of their lives. His blond hair had gotten longer, now passing the nape of his neck, and his crown laid strewn on his desk. "Dad, Wilbur and Princess Evangeline are running away from Queen Lysanna..."
Phil sighed deeply, leaning his head back in his chair, "They have to leave in a couple hours don't they? Has Techno already left?"
Tommy nodded. "Damn, I wanted to say bye to him."
"He told me to tell you bye for him... he also explained why i couldn't go with him," Tommy told his father.
Phil laughed, "So you understand?"
Tommy reluctantly nodded. Phil grinned, standing from his chair, "Alright Tommy. I'll go get the two, you help Toby get ready for the departing ceremony."
The two left the room, splitting in different directions to go opposite sides of the hall. Phil found the two young monarchs in the throne room, hiding from Queen Lysanna who was trying to fill them in on safety protocsls. "Guys! This is important, it's no time for slacking off!"
Queen Lysanna's face was red in frustrstion as she ran around looking for them. She stopped when Phil set a hand on her shoulder, peering into her eyes, "Let them have a bit more fun, they're taking on a huge responsibility and they're going to be on a journey for the next 6 months... just give them an hour more of fun."
Queen Lysanna sighed deeply at Phil's smart words, reluctsntly standing down from the chase. The young Queen pursed her lips in frustrstion, turning away from the king and stalking out of the throne room. Phil peered behind the throne, seeing the young monarchs, "So are we going to acknowledge the wild goose chase you just sent our closest ally on, or...?"
Wilbur grinned at his dad, "Thanks for the bail out dad!"
Phil rolled his eyes, reminding himself of his own words, before helping the two stand, "She is right though, today and the discussion are very inportant."
The two relucantly nodded at his statement, "We know..."
Phil smiled, "Good. Then go meet her in her office to discuss plans, you still gave to get ready and you leave in an hour and a half."
The pair's eyes widened, "Oh my gods! It's been that long? Go!"
The two sprinted away, realising how nuch time had passed. Phil sighed at their shenanigans... were they really creating a union of two nations with them? Phil went to his room, beginning to prepare for the departure ceremony.
❦ ❦ ❦
A line of monarchs lined the steps of the palace, guards lined the cobbeled path, a large crowd of citizens stretching for as far as the eye can see. Phil's crown gleamed in the sunlight, as did Queen Lysanna's, who stood across from the king and his family. Princess Evangeline and Wilbur stood beside the queen, dressed in the colors of the Antarctic Enpire, while Princess Evangeline was dressed with the colours of Londbergh. Phil stepped forward, and the crowd became silent.
"Today, we celebrate the beginning of the journey towards a new era! An era in which the Antarctic Empire and Londbergh join together in a union, joining kingdoms, and sharing our resources. Our two kingdoms, despite sharing borders, have never been close allys, but soon we will all be one in the same! We implore you in six months time to welcome our new family from Londbergh like you have welcomed my family and I over the years! We appreciate your support, and we hope for more prosperous years under the rule of our new union!"
The crowd of citizens cheered at Phil's speech. Tommy stared at his fsther in wonder. It was beautiful, moving, and the perfect words to say to persude apprehensive citizens that all was okay. Toby clutched his younger brothers arm as his eyes welled with tears. Wilbur grinned at his younger brothers, mouthing, I love you, before stepping into the carriage after Princess Evangeline. Tommy gripped Tubbo's hand back, refusing to show he was saddened by the departure of his brother.
"Onwards towards a greater tomorrow, and forward towards a better future!" Phil said, all guards and citizens replying with the same as the carriage began to move forward, and away from the family. The sound was deafening, thousands of people chanted the same words at once back at him, including the two young boys who screamed the words back in an attenpt to drown out their sadness. The carriage bounded away, drawn by two horses, as they made their way through the central city. The long standing motto rang in everyones heads as the carriage left, signaling a new era as Phil had said. A new era of hopefully peace and prosperity. The moment was broken by the sound of clanking metal.
"I will return boys, and I have spies everywhere, messages will be sent as needed, information encrypted inside. Be safe, be smart, and be strong," Queen Lysanna's footfall away from the royal family could not be heard over the deafening crowd, as she mounted her horse, galloping away as her white-blinde braid flowed behind her.
Onwards towards a greater tomorrow, and forward towards a better future!
The family could only stand and reflect those words as the pair of betrothed traveled away. It truly felt like the end of an era as they dissapeared over the horizon.
Onwards towards a greater tomorrow, and forward towards a better future...
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