While in his sleep, Jungkook had a nice dream of Lalisa holding his hand and never left it empty. She was walking beside him on an unknown pavement and with a big, bright smile, she seems to genuinely enjoy his company as well. The blurry details of what she made or said to get his heart fluttering crazily was a dream that he didn't want to end...not until he actually stirred up.
Beside him, Lalisa's head is rested on her arms at the left side of his bed. Her messy bangs had swept downwards and a few long strands from her ponytail accommodate small parts of the unused blanket on him. But perhaps the best thing about his view right now is that her hand are closed on top of his. For once, he gets to feel peaceful within her presence.
Noticing his sentimental demeanour, the nurse quietly gestures towards the tray on his bedside table. She probably found her angel-baby features calming too since she leaves the room without a sound or hassle. Or maybe Lalisa had thrown a tantrum while I was passed out and she just didn't wanna stir the little monster! Yes, it's his personal nickname for her now upon seeing how crazily angry she was with 'Suho' after the guy injured him. Not that he'll ever dare to say it out loud!
With his free hand, Jungkook took up the small container - careful enough to not wake Lalisa up - and threw the 2 pills to the back of his throat before gulping on the plain water. He then lays back down to his side, facing her to get a better view. He winced a little as the small, sharp pain awakes across his shoulder, but he accepted the challenge since Lalisa's already owned his hand.
She must've been in shock after seeing the blood on his shirt...or maybe mad - yeah, that's more like her! He should feel scared at the prospect of what awaits him when she wakes up later on but for some reason, he isn't. She was worried...so worried for me that she almost cried, rushing me to this hospital. And she's holding me...it means something, right? Yeah...it means I shouldn't give up!
Lifting his other hand, he hovers his palm on top of her cheek - imagining that he's gently caressing on her soft skin. Why did you say that...that I thought you needed fixing? Sure, she's a bit tough on her words and actions but that's highly commendable when you're a single woman, living in the toughest part of town, isn't it?
She doesn't look like she's scared of any repercussions cus if she was, she wouldn't have stood up for the store owner that day. And she definitely won't try to fend for Jisoo and her daughter this evening. Jeez...she really lost it then, huh? The way she beats that guy was truly a scary sight...I guess Jisoo wasn't joking about those men with the scars! I wonder how bad it could be if Jisoo hadn't pull her back?
As cold as her façade may be and as little insights in the portrayal of what her life might be, she is brave in facing it alone. She isn't heartless at all – perhaps quite the contrary, her heart is too warm. It's the only answer as to why she always ended up in trouble. She gave me a ride home and bought an ice-pack for me. She swam in that river because 'the water is pretty and the sky was blue'...and she gave me that chance to be with her that night. And now she's brought me here...
Jungkook's never been to a hospital room this luxurious before - visiting or staying. The big space is to accommodate him alone, with lines of dimmed, yellow lights peeking from above the plastered ceiling. It feels like staying in a hotel - with brown, wooden wardrobe, canvases of beautiful paintings on the walls, and the rich, brown curtain slightly opened to show the wide floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the city view. Even his pillows, bedspread and duvet feels like it's made for the ultimate comfort and it brought him to wonder...
Why on earth would she live in that side of town? Sure, her apartment is the most decent-looking one there but the border between Heulin and the Ryong slum is where 'personal safeties' are at risk - everyone knows that and since she's smarter than I am, I believe she knows it too! Drugs, gambling, and robbery - we read about it daily on the news that it's almost like a weather report!
She rides an expensive bike. I bet everything on her are designer-labelled. She goes to Jinsil and that costs around 9.7 million won per year...why didn't her parents get her a place in Geum instead? Why does she have to be left alone in that dodgy area? She doesn't have any food in her fridge and she said she doesn't have guests around...who looks out for her when she's sick? She looks out for her 'Chu unnie'...but who saves her if she needed help?
I can't even feel angry that I'm here now, with this pain. Not with that thought. Because at least she's unharmed...
Why can't she think of me as her friend, if not more? I'll take care of her...as best as I can, I'll protect her. If she can only let me...
. . .
The next day, Jungkook overheard two interesting conversation from Lalisa. The first was when he got up to visit the bathroom. Lalisa was in the hallway, just outside his ward, with a guy in a white, doctor-like robe. Jungkook will later find that it is actually his doctor, sometime at noon when the guy came to give him the good news of being discharged.
What's interesting about their conversation was that they sounded like they knew each other on a personal level. The charming-looking Doctor Oh was asking Lalisa about her parents' 'travel' and when they're visiting the country. By the word 'visit', Jungkook now knows that Lalisa's family does not live here...and that raises more questions.
Out of all the places she could have stayed and study, why here? And she chose to live in one of the most dangerous area one could possibly find, why?? He also heard Lalisa asking the doctor to charge the bill to her card (which was kind of appreciated because there was no way for Jungkook to be able to pay for it himself!).
He wasn't even going to think about letting his parents know about this, since he already texted them last night that he'll be at Namjoon's place for a few days over a case-study. He considered it a white lie because...well, what else can he say without getting the two deathly worried?
Anyway, shortly after (and probably the most important insight throughout this conversation), he heard Doctor Oh asking her if her 'medications' are 'helping' and if it's 'enough'. This information made him more nervous than curious, to be honest, and he's been fidgeting – figuratively dying to stop himself from asking her about it.
She doesn't seem to be suffering from anything. I mean...she already beats the crap out of 'Suho' like she's the most healthiest and strongest (cough) man to ever live! What medication is he talking about and what help is he referring to??
At noon, Lalisa asked him where she should send him to (which is nice, because it gave him a room to smile and be cheeky) and he said 'to your house'. She rolled her eyes and he could have hopped in tiny circles of happiness when she didn't counter it with anything else. No, he needs to keep being in pain in order to play this right!
When they got to her house, Jungkook realized that she hadn't spoken a lot to him. Despite the fact that she had ordered food and they had sat themselves in front of the television together while eating, she would only respond to him with short, casual answers. It is definitely unlike her to be so...so uncharacteristic...and it makes him feel bad.
Jungkook thought of how the whole incident must have made her feel...and he thought that she must have felt a little guilty over the fact that he's hurt. He even thought that it might be best if he just leave her alone...maybe for a few days just so she can feel better with herself again, because it really wasn't her fault.
She was only trying to do the right thing with her friend...and unfortunately, that right thing might mean she'll be the one to get hurt. The thought of anyone ever harming his 'little monster' is absurd, so of course Jungkook will take the plunge!
Interestingly enough, when he was about to knock on her bedroom door to tell her that he can leave if she wants him to, he overheard another (one-sided) conversation – to which he assumes was a phone call.
"You –" A pause. "You found her?"
"So the documents..." Another pause. "She faked it??"
"Wow...okay. My lobby in ten, and bring everything you have on her – including the pictures,"
Of course, he discarded the idea of leaving after hearing this. He may not have a clear picture on what this is about and who 'her' was, but he could tell that she's about to get herself in another set of problem again. It's from her tone alone. Yes, he lets himself believe that he knows her well enough by now!
Right on cue, she told him that she'll be out for a while 9 minutes after. Jungkook nods with his usual (clueless) blinks, and he waited for about 3 minutes before he left the front door and taking the elevator down to the lobby. There are a lot of things he expected to find when he decided to eavesdrop like this. One that hits close to reality is that it probably has something to do with Jisoo's husband.
Hiding behind a large pillar next to the elevator, he found Lalisa in a deep conversation with some guy at the centre of the lobby.
"What are you planning?" The guy asked.
A couple of seconds passed in silence before she answered, "Make her pay, of course,"
'Her'...who are they talking about? Someone owes her money?
"Lis...I know we've gotten this far for a purpose...but for the sake of your own, please think about what you plan to do with this information,"
"Your job was to find what I asked you to find, and you found it. You don't need to worry about anything else,"
'Lis'? Her friends call her Lisa...who is he then? Closer than a friend? What did he find for her?
"I just hope that you know, Lis...things don't always have to be in black or white. You don't deserve to be in this position and you've got the whole world waiting for you...your parents, waiting for you -"
"Exactly. That's why I gotta settle this, once and for all. Consider your job done, Bam. You may leave,"
More seconds passed before 'Bam' replies with, "No. I don't only report to you, Lis. Your parents have also trusted me with a task. I'm supposed to look out for you, remember? Call me if you need anything then,"
Confused and slightly discouraged, Jungkook lets himself hide for longer while he processes the little conversation and figures out his next move. Bam looks like a sharp and well-off guy. And her parents trusted him to look out for her. Huh... But it doesn't sound like she's in a good mood...if anything, she sounded dead serious by that 'you may leave' bit. Now Jungkook wonders if he should leave too -
His phone rang and panicked, he scrambled to get the thing out just to shut the loud ring off. His hands must've been slippery with sweats because the phone fell on the floor, just as he managed to take it out. Now on his knees, he presses End to the call of his mother more than he probably should -
Shoot! He clipped his lips and shuts his eyes. He only opens them back after his head is (steadily slowly) fully turned towards her. Her eyes held some sort of humor on her otherwise straight face, and her arms are folded across her chest, with one hand holding a brown folder.
"Hi..." He slowly got back up. "I uh..." He scratches his non-itchy ear. "I was gonna find you - I mean, I was scared...but here you are!" He sighs a little nervous laugh. "Hi..."
"Why were you scared?"
"I um...I uh..."
"The clock doesn't go backwards, Jungkook-ssi,"
"I need to see if you're okay!" He was probably a little loud with that one. "You've been really quiet and you didn't say how long exactly you were gonna be out and I...I was just worried...that you might not come back until I leave..."
She stares at him with the same amusing (but mostly, scrutinizing) gaze. "How's your shoulder?" She probably asked because he was leaning way too hard on his pained side of arm, but his brain refused to work properly.
Thankfully, it made her laugh. A little.
. . .
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