He keeps biting his lip that it's beginning to feel sore now. Back in her house, she had disappeared into a room and haven't (or perhaps, refused to) come out. It wasn't her bedroom (because he checked).
After much thinking, Jungkook's decided that whatever comes forth, he will try his best to stay here for at least a night. Of course it didn't require much thinking...any time that is spent with her will always make him feel happy.
But it's also to keep her safe, inside the confinement of these four walls. He wasn't sure just how serious 'Suho' was about his threat...and he certainly didn't want Lalisa running off to get herself hurt (or most likely, anyone getting hurt by her).
When she finally came out to the living an hour later, the first thing he noticed are the pink blotches on her cheeks and nose. It's as if she's been crying, but her eyes remained numb. Jungkook wasn't sure what to do at first when she sat opposite him across the coffee table and turned up the volume of the television.
She obviously did that because she didn't want to talk...and at this point, he feels like he knew her by heart to not push her into it. As restless as he is, he needs to get comfortable within her silence. It's just the way she is, he decided.
It is now safe to say that Big Earth is her favourite channel. It seems that it's the only thing she watches every time he is here. 15 minutes in and Jungkook feels more and more squirmy at the show of crab spiderlings eating their own mother upon entering life. That is disgusting! Yeah...nature is hardcore.
But his queasiness died instantly when he glanced towards Lalisa - who, for some reason, now has tears in her eyes. Does she feel bad for the mother? Is that why she's crying? Jungkook didn't know why but it's like his feet had gotten a mind of their own. He got off the sofa and went around the coffee table - sitting just behind her before wrapping his arms (slowly and gently) around her small waist.
She didn't push him away and he felt the shudders on her shoulders, and it's confirmed that she's really, actually crying. A lot of thoughts ran through his mind...curious as to the 'battles' she said she picks well. What exactly is she going through? How do I get her to talk to me about it? Maybe I can help...or eomma and appa can help? Someone...I bet someone will be able to help!
"Are you okay?" He whispered softly when she seemed to calm down, but not letting her go. She nods. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head. "Do you want some water?" Because water always helps, right?
"No...this helps..." He felt a palm, resting on his wrist. The thought that she's now able to read his mind made him smile so he held her tighter.
"Is Jisoo noona and Ji-yoon alright?" He tries his luck. Maybe she's been worried about them, that's why she's crying?
She nods again. "I sent them to Jennie unnie's house...around Geongjeo-dae. She's been staying here for a couple of days...I can't let that fucker finds her again,"
Even in her small voice, her cussing sounded aggressive. It's heartwarming how much she cares for her friend back there. My little monster...is that why she hadn't gone to class? Because she's been here, taking care of Jisoo and Ji-yoon?
"He hits her a lot?" He asked, finding himself caring a little more too.
"Whenever he's caught fucking up,"
"Why can't she just report him? Get a divorce maybe? People have gotten divorce for a lot less -"
He felt rather than seeing her chuckle. Then she turns her head slightly, enough to catch his eyes. There are still traces of tears on her cheeks but thankfully, no longer in her eyes.
"You're in Heulg, Jungkook-ssi...not Geum. The cops could care less about 'simple' cases like domestic violence. They'll rule suicide if a person bleeds to death in their own homes. And in order to get a divorce, she would have to go to Geum to file for it. The officials will notify Suho right after, while the jurisdictions will probably take about 6 months...and that's the minimum,"
"Really?? But my aunt filed for it before and it only took weeks -"
"That's because she's a Soulite..." Oh... "Like I said, there's a lot for a 'Heulg' to envy," She smirks.
"But there must be a way! There has to be - she can't keep suffering like that, what about Ji-yoon??" He can't help the frustration in his voice.
"There is. If she moves to Geum, her file might get that privilege of being processed easily. If she moves to Geum, Suho won't be able to hurt her...touch her. I offered her a place -"
"Offered?" What...wait - what?! "A place...as in...a house? You have a house in Geum?"
She shifts, forcing him to release her. Then she turns to fully face him. "Yes," Then...then why is she staying here?? Why can't she be there - it's safer there!! "My parents bought it for me. It's empty...but I told her she can have it any way she likes. But she didn't want to leave. This is her home. Heulg is her home -"
"But it's not safe anymore! You can't call it 'home' if it's not safe! What about Ji-yoon? She can't grow up in a nightclub - and what if he ends up hurting her too?"
Lalisa sighed a weak laugh. "I told her that too...but her mind's seemed made up," She looks down to her fingers. "If you wanna see how strong women can be, Jungkook-ssi...there's no better place you can find than in Heulg. If you live your whole life in a world with no safety...no justice and no reasonable cause that protects your vulnerable being...that's when you start to truly fight. At the end of their war, you'll find where they stand. The good...or the bad. Sometimes they can't even tell the difference anymore,"
Her words left his heart feeling heavy. Jungkook feels like he's at an edge of a precipice, looking out towards a land of nothing but never-ending fire...but there's nothing he could do to wash it down. To make it green again.
"What about you?" He asked with an unintended croaky voice. "Why are you here...and not there?"
She smiles, probably trying to soothe the worry reflected in his eyes. It worked countless times before but it's not working now. "I don't wanna be a cliché. I'll be the only mad one there,"
"No, you won't," He smiles back. "I mean...I've already sat in that seat so...we can be mad together,"
. . .
"Lisa..." He whispered from across the bed, just to see if she's awake. She hummed and it made him smile. "I can call you that now...right?"
She turns her head slightly to face him, probably wondering the sudden randomness. She was nice enough to let him stay throughout the day, and sleeping beside her tonight. And she spoke more after their dinner together.
"Lisa..." She hummed again, still staring at him. "Was that your friend?"
It took her a minute to answer but he stays patient. Her eyes then darted onto the ceiling. "No..."
Oh...who is Bam then? "Lisa...am I your friend?"
She turns back to him and a small smile crept upon her lips. "Would you like to be?"
It sounded beautiful, just like her. "I..." He sighed. The past month has been nothing short of dramatic – too different than what his life used to be. But of course, he knew the answer to this. "I want to take care of you when you're sick too...when you're hurt. Or when you don't have anyone to eat with, I want to be the one who eats with you. I know I'm not that much...a...a cliché, like you said. I don't have much to offer. You seem to be much stronger than me...much braver too...but maybe...if you need a person who you can tell anything to...can it be me?"
There's a large gap between her body and his, but the glints in her eyes are very visible...as if they're calling for help.
"Can I hold you?"
"That's the drugs talking, Jungkook-ssi...you need to sleep," She sighed.
She probably right. The medications have started kicking in about 15 minutes ago. His head feels a little floaty and she's probably right. He should go to sleep...but his chest and mind keeps sending signals to one another.
"I waited for you...at our classes...at the faculty. You never came. I wanted to tell you...that you were right. I can't change the oblivion...I can't do anything to change the world I came from. But I want to change me –"
"There are other people to guide you through your rebellious phase, Jungkook-ssi. That's not what I'm about,"
"It's not a phase...and it's not about rebelling. I like the way you talk about the world. I like the way you view our world...Geum or Heulg...and how you walk in between the two,"
"Just read more then. You don't need a tour guide,"
He sighed a weak smile, shutting his eyes before he bears his soul. "You know...the first time I saw you...I thought you looked like dream. You were dancing...you were on your own but you looked like you're in your happiest moment in life. Then I saw you at the café and I...I knew I had to get to you. I didn't know how...but I just felt it. Then I saw you in class. I've never seen you before but I keep wanting to see you after. And I've been a mess when I couldn't. Since you're smarter than I am, maybe you can tell me...why do you think that is?"
Jungkook didn't know when his hand decided to slide forward – as if it's imperative that he tries to reach for her. He wasn't sure what expression is written on her face but since she leaves it unattended, he thought that she must at least be amused at his confession. Still, he braves himself to bear more.
"When I first saw you...it felt as if I was in the sky. I see you, even when you're not looking up my way. You keep catching me off guard...saying and doing things I didn't expect. I think you're stronger than these drugs in me, Lisa. I'm always left surprised...intrigued..."
"I don't know what's happening to me. I've been doing things I wouldn't normally do while at the same time...feeling like it's the right thing – the best thing I could do. I'm collecting pieces of you, whatever I could find...to at least be a little closer to you. You're always a step ahead and I...I wish I could be beside you...instead of getting left behind. I don't mind if you call me a cliché. I don't mind if you call me a coward...or stupid –"
"You're not stupid, Jungkook-ssi," She finally says. Her voice is soft and he opens his eyes back again. There's a small smile on her beautiful, bare face. "You're not a coward...I don't know what you are, but definitely not a coward. I'm sorry for calling you that – I just...I don't fit...with what you had in mind,"
"You haven't given me a chance...how are you so sure?"
"I'm sure because I've been here before. You're a true Soulite...born and raised to be just like everyone else –"
"Do you hate us that much?"
"While I was thrown like a trash from the moment I was born,"
He blinked. Gone were the floaty air...and the whispering voices in his mind. Perhaps the medications have stopped their works too.
"They found me close to dying, in a trash tank – in between Geum and Hon riverbank. I was in the system for a year and 8 months before my current parents adopted me. I was raised in the West...Elandrew, where my parents are right now. I only found out 5 years ago, and I came here with a purpose. The rest of me are just killing time. I don't hate you, Jungkook-ssi. If anything...it's the clichés who hated me,"
Silence fills the air and within a second, his vision had gotten blurry with the pooling waterworks. Who would do such a thing? How can anyone throw a precious living being...into the trash? He recalled their conversation by the Gyeonggu River, when he asked her where she's from and she said,
"If I say 'trash', would it sound any better than 'dirt'?"
His chest feels all too heavy now, as if hearing the sadness for the first time. Does she thinks of herself the same, ever since she found out? Is that why she has very little concern about herself and well-being?
"You're not trash, Lisa..." He found himself mumbling out. "I don't care where you're from...or where I'm from. I don't care what separates us...the only differences I've gathered so far is that you are much more valuable than I could ever be. I'm not with those who'd hurt you. You took good care of me...and I don't believe for a second that you're as bad as you led yourself to believe,"
He saw a single tear, dropping from the corner of her eyes and onto her cheek. "You've been hurt twice now, because of me –"
Jungkook gathered all of his weakness and pushes himself closer to Lalisa, forcing her to be in his arms, almost desperately. "I'd do it again...all the same,"
. . .
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