chvpter 16
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Enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️
Violet Warrendale
Reid lays across the bottom of the bed, a pillow under his chest as he flicks from screen to screen on his phone. The ridges of his back are clear through his thin black long sleeve, and his sweats sit low on his hips so that the elastic of his boxers peaks through. I, however, sit with my knees to my chest and my back to the headboard. The baggie of pixie dust in my pocket burns like I'm hyper-aware of what it means.
I dismiss it, shutting my thoughts down until I'm consumed with absolutely nothing except Reid's keen interest in his phone.
My mind is a silent battlefield where thoughts claw at me, but none manage to scream an actual idea. Like the memories of my life are just lurking, out of reach, but close enough to leak every negative toxin they can. It all boils into this prickling and silent boredom. Impatience, irritability.
It churns with throws of rage and pinches of fear, but I don't move. I don't really breathe. Instead, I watch Reid. He's so determined, but his cool wears thin with every second that ticks past. We've taken to ignoring each other.
I've only been comfortable in silence with three men; my brother, Scorpius, and Elias. Now Reid fits neatly at the bottom of that list because even though I can be quiet around him, I still can't forget his presence.
"You ever wanna fuckin' scream?" He grunts, making his phone blink into blackness. He tosses it beside him, and it bounces across the comforter slightly.
I glance away, pretending that I was focused on the nail of my forefinger which is stained red from the warehouse ink. The labour hours are much the same as work in Lake Darling. Our city produces a hell of a lot more though.
Gleaning that as a rhetorical question, I chew my lip, "What you want from it?"
I try to figure a way of asking about his phone in Lake Darling, but nothing I can think of would pass his veil of defence.
"Anything that I'm not meant to get." He mutters, laying his head so that he's facing away from me, but then he tightens his arms around the pillow under him and the muscles in his back ripple.
"I got the IMEI and EID off mine, but it's useless unless I can get it to someone outside." I mumble, and he makes a noise like he's almost impressed.
"I got the Service Provider Code, and Connection Address." He huffs frustratedly, "No good unless I get it outside too."
"Really?" I ask, genuine.
He glances over his shoulder at me, but our eyes snag. Despite the prickly encounter in the bathroom, Reid puts our hostility aside and cracks a grin, "I can show you."
Sensing his offer could lead to prying questions, I switch topics. "What labour did you get scheduled to this week?"
He arches a brow slightly, swiping his hand across the mattress to shove his phone aside, before he shifts onto his back. My dismissal frustrates him. "Unpacking supply vehicles again. You?" He drawls, bored.
"Army consumables production. I wan' get into the device assembly line but the Soldiers don' trust me to handle tech because I was flagged." At least that's what Thai said.
"Yeah, fuck. Get my hands on parts for a Comm-Tech and we'd be out for real." He leans back, looking at the ceiling like he's abandoning hope of a real conversation. He knows about Thai's plan, but he doesn't know she told me about it at dinner. God he lies like he breathes.
"Well, I'm sure you're great at manual labour but you're probably a bit too smart for it." I pick at the red dye on my finger again, "Must suck spending the day with Trent and Saxon."
He grins, "You callin' me smart?"
"Called them dumb, actually." I grumble, but the edge of my lip lifts.
"Elias got moved to Logistics. Lucky prick."
"Smart cookie is E." I quip.
He bounces his brows, "He'll get flicked back to manual soon as they catch him tryn' pull some sly shit."
I smile, liking his analysis of E. He's deceptively intelligent, but he sucks at going unnoticed. "Gisselle is on one of my shifts." I'm not in the mood to admit that the kid is bloody funny, and she's smart too. A born liar, born thief. She's got keen eyes and the quickest hands I've ever seen. "How do you know her?" When we were at the shop today, she robbed them blind. Sticky fingers.
"She used to bother me and Thai. Beggin' like all the other kids whose parents were too poor for an apartment in the estate." The estate is another word for Haven. He scratches his arm, "Stole my phone once, tried to sell it back to me."
I rest my chin on my knee, "You buy it?"
"Yeah." He admits like he knows it was a sappy move. "She made friends with Bloom, and, well I don' know how but I'm pretty sure most of Bloom's rations went to Teacup."
I raise an eyebrow, though a smile dances on my lips.
"Bloom knew her parents weren't in the picture, and she knew all she had to do was give me a bit of grief and I'd just steal more rations for her..." He shrugs like its explanation enough. It reminds me of those months he spent living with my family when I was a scared little kid with a marching war rally against him.
For a teenaged deviant prone to violent tendencies, Reid was remarkably thoughtful.
"Why you call her Teacup? Because she's small?" I ask.
A bright smile flashes across his face at the mention, shaking his head like he wants to laugh. "It's stupid." He clears his throat.
"Tell me," I murmur, but something in my soft tone snags his attention because he finds my eyes.
"Uh. Back in the city she was always chatting shit about counting pounds, like, 'gotta get that, P, man'," he mimics, not really putting effort into it, "Don' think she even realises that we used the dollar before the war."
I laugh through my nose, enjoying the way his masculine features warm. He lays back, his amusement nearly palpable as he grapples with disguising it. Normally he's this disinterested and intimidating pillar of stone, or at best, a speculative and sarcastic prick...
"An' when she was a kid she broke her pinky, but it healed wrong, so it's got this crook in it..." He bends his pinkie as a demonstration, snickering like he's unable to get through the story without laughing. I admire his perfect smile. His lips are satisfyingly symmetrical, and his eyes are set so there's a feminine lilt to them. It's no secret that he's hot, but fuck, with a smile like that, it makes sense why half of the girls in the city used to get in a spin about him. "Sometimes Bloom would wait for me to get off shift with the beggar kids like Gisselle. This one time, Thai and I were walking over and they were all chattin' mad game, you know, talking about how they'd make a house out of olden day money if they had the cash. An' you know how rich people pick a teacup up with a crooked pinky?"
I nod, already grinning.
"So these dumb ass yout's are sitting in a circle, and Gisselle doesn't realise Thai and I are walking over, so she gets up in the middle, spinnin' crazy game about how she's already got a plan to get her pound's, like she's already coutin' her P's," He shakes his head, breathing out a laugh, "keep in mind she bellyached for weeks to get me to buy that phone back. Played poorer than poor." I bark a laugh. "So naturally these kids start raggin' on her, but she just starts goin' like this," he pretends to sip from a teacup with his pinky crooked, "Fuck all yous, fuck all yous, I'm already countin' my pinkies up!"
I laugh, "Fuck off, that's why? Teacup?"
He laughs too, "Yeah. It stuck after that." Reid's grin sobers slightly, "She was still poor as fuck though, and Thai caught on, so she gave the kid her ID card. Told her to start doing her shifts and she could have the money."
My brows raise higher, "Thai didn't need the work?"
"Hito." He mutters, all humour falling from his face. It disappoints me, like I secretly enjoyed his good mood more than I realised. "Didn't like him girl having rough hands, so he pulled strings. She didn't quit because it meant Teacup couldn't have the money cause the job would've gone to someone else."
"Rough hands." I echo, not liking the implications of that stipulation.
"Thai's smart till it comes to him." He shakes his head, "Oh well, guess people are dumb in love."
"People. Not you?"
Reid glances at me, interest dancing on his sculpted features, "You asking if I've ever gone dumb for someone?"
I raise my hands in mock surrender. "Sorry." I tease.
He snickers, "You must be pretty dumb for this manic, huh? Up and leaving to run away with him."
I laugh, shaking my head, "Nah. We're more like friends."
Reid wrinkles his upper lip, calling bullshit, but just when I open my mouth to explain, my eSight flashes red.
It presents a virtual warning code across the right side of my vision. I freeze.
I nearly lurch up, my mind racing, but instead, I look at Reid, whose brows sew tight together. He saw me freeze like a fuckin' psychopath. My vision flashes red like a silent alarm. I look away, clearing my throat as I try to make heads or toes. Only Scor knows the code to access my chip, is he in the building? My heart starts thudding when I realise that I might be seconds away from a full-force escape.
"Sorry. I just remembered something that I forgot," I wince at the stupid statement. "As in," Of its own accord, the virtual reality generated by my eye starts altering itself, a cursor tracing across my vision as though someone is remotely accessing it like a master computer.
A chat function opens, making it impossible to focus on Reid with my right eye open. Code, like streams and streams of code, starts flooding the chat, processing faster than any sort of tech Scorpius could run.
But the depth portrayal, the function of the eSight that allows me to read everything its AI processor retrieves, is un-configured, meaning all I can see is blurry red scribbles darting across my vision.
"You okay?"
I must look like I've seen a ghost.
"Yeah," I smile at him smoothly, unhooking my hair from behind my ear to provide a curtain to hide behind. The chat shifts in virtual position to a depth that's easily visible to me. Whoever is configuring this is extremely, extremely skilled... and more importantly, the code is backwards.
The chat runs into text.
Scorpion: It's Sphynx and Scor. Not much time. No audio, just visual.
I grapple to stop from replying, opening and closing my mouth distractedly.
Scorpion: Can you write on paper if we ask in chat?
No. How do I tell them no? If I start randomly throwing gestures Reid is gon' do more than pass my tension off as weird behaviour. Wait.
If I get Sphynx the details that he needs to remotely invigilate my phone, he can surely hook audio through it. "You said the Service Provider Code, and the Network Code?" A drop of desperation creeps into my voice.
Reid nods slightly, brows crunched.
"Can you show me?"
He looks surprised, as though he never thought I'd willingly ask for help. As we hold eyes, I can see he's itching with intrigue. "You really wan' see?" He mutters, and I nod, almost timid.
He pushes himself off the bottom of the bed before he scoops his phone up and walks around the mattress. "Uh," I swallow again, "You want to show me on mine?"
He watches me hesitantly, sceptical, but I make a point to catch his eye like it'll prove that I'm not internally screaming. He lies out beside me, one leg outstretched, the other upright so he can rest his hand on his knee.
I notice the distance he places between us, telling me to come to him if I really want his help... putting me on the chase.
More code starts running through the chat, and I try to grasp parts of it, but then I realise Reid is waiting for me to hand my phone over. Without thinking, I push myself to my knees and reach over him, grabbing the sleek device.
Having misjudged the distance, I stretch, catching the bedside table to stop myself from falling. My shirt lifts and my abdomen brushes his knee, forcing his leg to splay wide. Surprised, he flips his hand and catches me by my sternum like he half expects me to slip. The sensation of his cool fingers makes my skin tingle.
I gasp, looking at him quickly. Despite his sign-post glare, his eyes spark in amusement, clearing his throat as he adjusts his hips beneath me to alleviate the awkward position.
Heat floods my cheeks, like the red text sprawling across my vision.
"Sorry," I murmur, pushing off so I can return to my seat without teasing the gap between us too much.
The corner of his lip tugs, "Here." He doesn't turn the screen for me to see, so I have to crowd in. My skin goes ablaze as I pressure the distance between us.
"You go into the rule book, then if you scroll through the file it has a hyperlink to the government database that published it, but because that's fire-walled, the phone defaults and takes you to the application selection screen. Left hand corner there's a settings loop, so you follow that and it takes you to an army security wall but, I," He scratches his cheek, glancing at me, "I got details of a soldier so I just put his clearance in," he types, his nimble fingers fast. His veined hands are tan and speckled by scars, and above the knuckles of his pinkie and ring finger, a small 'X' sits, "then, you're into general," tap, "device," tap, "speculations," tap, "device ID. And," He reveals the screen. "Service Provider code, network code, IMEI, EID." His voice remains deep, level and uninterested the whole time, but when I nearly rip it out of his hands, his eyes sharpen with the burn of intrigue.
"Uh, thanks. I need to go to the bathroom." I practically throw myself off the bed, looking at the specifications keenly so Sphynx will hopefully take the hint.
Reid watches me as I pass the bed, his dark features suspicious.
Aware that I appear insane, I cringe as I close the door behind me.
My skin prickles, and my heart thumps. I look at the mirror, which still has condensation permeated against the glass. Again, code starts flooding my vision. However, now that he's configured the chat to match the depth perception I need, I can read every line.
A long moment passes, an army of ants charging along my skin. Needing to do something, I put my hand in my pocket, tugging at the inseam, except my fingers run along the crisp lining of Zina's baggie.
Do I tell Scor that my father is running a drug line through here? Or that the Yakuza is supplying this place, and maybe, my father is too?
The chat stops again. "Scor?" I whisper. Nothing happens. I keep holding the device in front of my eye in case he needs the code, but then it blinks into a login portal...
I enter the password of a soldier I met long ago, praying the server hasn't realised that her account is inactive. It processes one second, two seconds, three. Done. "Scor?" Impatient, I scribble in the steam with my finger. U HEAR ME?
I can hear my heartbeat in my own body, feel the thud of my chest. Silence, dull, deafening silence.
Scorpion: Yo. Talk?
Scorpion: Loud and clear baby.
"Oh thank fuck," I murmur.
Scorpion: What happened? Who the fuck was that guy?
"Army took everyone. I'm in a place called Barden Compound off the Hawkesbury River. Where are you?"
Scorpion: Camden Outpost.
"The one off the Narrabeen ridge?" I whisper.
Scorpion: Yes.
The chat blinks in and out of reality, but then the phone vibrates in my hand. I nearly start dancing with glee, praising Sphynx's name to the fuckin' gods. "Scor?" I answer.
"Viper, fuck it's good to hear you." I press the phone to my ear, relief flooding me. "I don' got no time, but I've figured out where you are, and I got into your army file. Figures me that you're part of this, this fucking repopulation boot camp program the big wigs in Newcastle have whipped up."
"Yeah, no shit. They put this guy and I in a room and told me to get pregnant. Only heard of two girls who got transferred yet, but, it's early days."
"Fuck, that's freaky as." He sounds disturbed, "can't lie though, looked like things was about to turn into some POV type shit before," He snickers, and my jaw slackens. Does he mean with Reid? I bark a laugh, dismayed. "What's him name?"
"Reid. Do you know what's happening to the girls who get transferred?"
"No. But you don' got to worry, because we're gon' get you before that." Scor's voice is quiet over the line, "Is this device gon' be on you? Like always?"
"Sphynx is setting it up as a bug, linking it to your eSight," he talks quick, "Did you use Vanner's army clearance to get through the password wall?"
"Good, he's fixing up an army profile, puffing out the identity." I arch a brow. Sometimes I forget Scorpius is a highly proficient smuggler, con, thief, and now, invigilation hacker. He has half the army and half of Heratix bugged, so no surprise that four hours of travel didn't stop him from finding a way to hack the microchip in my eye.
"Can you look up a Doctor named Abigail? She told me," I lower my voice, reminding myself that Reid could have his damn ear against the door, "she told me I have a month until I'm transferred to a new partner, but I get the impression it was completely classified. I don' know anything except she works for a person named Dr Jewel, and that she has hella modifications, so brown hair with gold streaks in it, yellow eyes, and glitter freckles. I was interviewed by a woman with pink eyes named Dr Carden. Only other staff member I can think of is Sergeant Wilkes. He seemed to know my brother." A memory strikes me, "Oh and this other soldier, Sergeant Barra?"
Scorpius makes a noise of surprise, "Why a month?"
"No idea. But the way she said it, it was like she wanted me to hang on for a month. I don' know who she is, but I'm like ninety percent that she risked her job by saying it."
"Alright-." The reception scrambles for a moment.
"Yo, the scrambler is gon' cook itself in a minute." Sphynx's gravelly voice comes through in the background.
"Alright. I think we can set this up to work through your phone now, without, never mind the logistics. Sphynx will fix it up. But yo, listen. When you say a month, a month from when?"
"Uh, when I was taken."
"Vi there's a CITE.K hit order to extract and transport undisclosed merchandise from the Barden Compound in two weeks. Makes that exactly a month from when you were taken."
"Oh fuck. Who ordered the hit?"
"It's a private anonymous listing, but when I asked Sphynx if we should take it he couldn't access the ad... the buyer opened a chat and his user is ANON."
"But you can? Wait so it's a private order, with access just for Scorpion?" Scorpion is his user for the underground database we use to liaise between criminal organisations. The website is called CITE.K.
"Yeah. An' ANON is letting me edit it, letting me set the amount of people I extract."
"What?" I hiss.
"The money we get don' change none, but they have a man on the inside who's gon' help extract you, so I can put names in at request. On my side I can probably get, what, three out?"
"Four?" I try.
"Four? Max? You want me to try put four names in?"
I splutter, "Yes. Do you want them now?"
"No, log into CITE.K and send them to scorpion." Static interrupts him, "Sphynx—cracked the phone you're on. He's gon' get a CITE.K portal loaded into it-."
"Wait, wait," I panic, "Scor, I have another way I could get out, but it means using a Yakuza supply route, so you'd have to extract us from a road train."
"Can't front that sounds skeptic as cause I don' have any bugs in the Yakuza warehousing systems." His words are gobbled by waves of static, making his voice sound creepily distorted.
That's a stellar point, "So stick with this job? Don' bother looking into getting out sooner?"
The static returns, getting worse. "An' a... sixty grand hi-t prize... Just wa-it. Me to contact you. Lay low."
The reception dies, leaving me gawking.
Before I can even wrap my head around the conversation, my eSight presents a new Glim-Screen of the phone in my hand.
Cellular Device, Vortex Suite 3.21.5
Fuck yes! I nearly fist bump, so elated that the AI in my eye has paired with the phone, meaning my eSight is back. Yes!
I run my hands through my hair.
A private listing? Is it a coincidence that it's scheduled for the same time Dr Abigail said I'd be re-partnered?
The bathroom door cracks again, and I jump, turning to face Reid. I hide my phone but then I realise how suspect it is to conceal the device he helped me crack two minutes ago.
He glances at my arms behind my back, then at me, and his glare crackles. Myers remains silent, letting his question weigh on me.
Do I bother trying to lie? He can't know about my eSight. It'll just earn more questions.
"Scor is friends with this manic who's an actual whiz when it comes to tech. Sphynx got into it."
His features darken, "How in fuck?"
"I don' know how, but I swear to god I was just on the phone with him."
"No shit, didn't think you were in here talking to a fucken' fairy." His deep voice is peppered with callous sarcasm.
I glare at him, gritting my teeth for a moment. What is his problem?
"Why are you cut?" I mutter.
"What he say?"
"He thinks he can get me out." I open my mouth, "And a car full of people. The connection cut before I could actually ask anything... he's, I, I'm not goin' anywhere without E, and he's not goin' without you so." I trail off a bit more abruptly than I meant to, trying to discern his growing hostility. His keen mind moves fast like he's making decisions about me as we speak, compiling facts and weighing them against my name.
Reid crosses his arms over his chest, nodding stiffly, "Convenient."
I veer back, bucking my chin, "What? Reid, Thai said she has a way out but that she can't get herself to Holders Bay. If she wants to get to Holders, it's better if we jus' use my guy-."
"So, how's this gon' work for you? You do what the army wants, then your month is up and your Manic comes to take you away?"
I wrinkle my face up, "Well that's fucking dumb cause why in the hell would I do what the doctors want, then leave? Are you kidding?"
"I don' mean fuck. I mean, do, what? Run Craig's drugs, or spy on Hito. Hell, observe the doctors, get to the experiment wing. You're fucked I knew you were as crook as your daddy."
My jaw drops, so shocked and angry that I don' even know which part of his accusation to attack first. He knows about my father's drug line. He knows that Hito is attached to Akimitsu, exactly like Thai said.
"Experiment wing?" I balk.
Reid's features drop like a thunderclap, "What'd you put in your pocket before?" He snaps, cutting the shit.
I stand up straight, "You'd like to know." I glower at him, defiant and adamant. To my dismay, he takes the bait, prowling toward me. His towering form and dark glare is enough to make my pulse skip, but I grit my jaw, refusing to let him see how much of a pull he has on my nerves.
"Saw you talking to Zina," His electric grey eyes pummel into me, his angular features hard and unforgiving. The chain around his neck glints, complimenting his gold earrings.
I pivot one foot back, my heart thudding progressively harder, but he closes the distance, snatching at me. "Don'-." We enter a struggle and I try to get past him by grabbing his chorded forearm, but he catches me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He pulls my back to his chest, and heat runs through me. I struggle but he restrains me.
My breath catches, his cologne so attractive that it's distracting. The warmth shrouds my skin. I grip his forearm, making a slight noise of complaint as I try to squirrel away. But then my gaze lands on the mirror with my jagged words scribbled into the mist.
I wouldn't put it past him to figure out I have an eSight contact in my head based on that. He hasn't noticed yet. Maybe I can trade one secret to protect another.
I give up my resistance which takes him by surprise because he accidentally steps into my back, pressing us together.
My heart flips, but I ignore the feel of his washboard torso against me, digging my hand into my pocket. I pull out the pixie dust.
He collects it from me, "Fuck Vi. I know Hope got on it but didn't have you pegged that low." He grates, his deep voice rolling down my back.
The sting of his taunt burns me.
My mother was a junkie by the end, but when she looked after him, she was on clean the and narrow.
I rip myself free and spin around to thwack my palm against his cheek.
The contact is loud, cutting the air. The sting tingles my hand.
Reid wrinkles his nose in reaction, using his free hand to stretch out the pain as blood flushes to that side of his face.
"Mention her again," I tremor, "an' I'll show you what I did to Mal."
His gaze snaps up, his chest stiffening, the baggie in his palm falling.
Uninterested in his regret, I smear the words off the mirror before he can see.
Five Days Later
"Wait so she's jus', gone?" Thai asks from her relaxed position on the outdoor table. Elias and I sit on the bench beneath her, however Reid sits atop the table, his tan and muscular quad planted right next to my elbow.
We sit in the leisure yard, waiting to be let into the dining hall. This is the first time all five of us have finished work at the same time. I play with my phone, trying to balance it by it's corner.
Teacup, lying on the grass, perches up on her elbow and covers her eyes from the sun, squinting up at us, "Yeah. Genuine, she told all us at dinner, next day, Jet had a new partner from some other place out of Lake Darling."
"From where?" I balk, the conversation snagging my direct attention for the first time.
Teacup's lips pull down as she splays her fingers, seeming incredulous, "There's like six of them now. All sayin' they was in another place like Barden, but got moved in here to fix up numbers." Teacup's friend, a pudgy girl, looks up at us too, squinting against the dying light.
"Fuck so they're stealing people from other places?" I mutter.
"Yeah, think anywhere that's a red zone is fair game... so long as they're not plucking manics." Reid mutters from above me. I glance up at him, noticing the way his eyes look like opals in the sun, "One guy from as far south as Old-Wollongong."
I whistle, kissing my teeth in dislike at how chilling that nugget of information is. That's hours down the coast. How big is this repopulation program? I open my mouth to share something Scorpius told me, but then I cast my gaze to Teacup's friend, and instead I return to trying to get my stupid phone to hold still. I feel Reid watching me, sensing I was about to say something.
Scor said that Newcastle is infertile because they mandated an emergency vaccine which was rushed through testing. Guess they missed that glaring side effect.
Thai twists from her sun-bathing, looking down at Teacup and her friend. They're both a fair bit younger than us, and the little girl that decided to tag along with Teacup is an irritating addition to our present company, but to be fair she hasn't gone so far as to actually say something annoying. I'm jus' being high handed. "So it happened as quick as that?" Thai asks.
"Honest. She said the doctors took her in that morning and the test came back positive. Next thing she was gone." Teacup shrugs.
"Starting to feel like the ground is just swallowing chicks up left an' right." Thai shivers, spooked. "Where do they take the pregnant ones?"
I look to Teacup who just shrugs through deflated shoulders, "Hell?"
I bounce my eyebrows as I breathe out a laugh, agreeing with the sentiment. Not bothered to continue participating with the chatter, I gaze at a tattoo on Reid's thigh. It's a large black rectangle, filled in and non-descript. But for some reason, I find the simplicity and boldness of it so hard-lined and masculine that I can't deny it's attractiveness. Fuck, sake....
We shared the bed for the first time last night. Neither of us talked about it, letting the other assume we were mutually fed up with having to slum it on the floor. Even on a roster of alternating nights, that shit starts to hurt.
I've been telling myself that, no matter how many times I wan' change my mind, we've made the point that we're not gon' fuck. Ever...
God I was just getting horny over how fit his legs are, am I dumb?
"Yeah Jet was talkin' about it," Elias chimes, though he scrunches his nose up like he's about to laugh. However when he doesn't elaborate I nudge his shoulder with mine, prompting him.
"What?" I muse, knowing that no matter how fucked up this whole thing is, Elias is about to conjure up a clanger.
"Him said it was cause of all them fertility drugs."
Thai squints, "How he know that?"
Elias snickers, "Uh..." he finds Reid's eyes, but Myer's arches a dark brow as a boyish grin tugs his lips. "Put it lightly, the tried and tested got an F."
Reid barks a laugh, "Fuck off, bro. Surely not."
"What?" Thai laughs, amused despite our shared confusion.
Elias nods, scratching his temple, "Harry and Jackson said the same thing."
Reid groans through a laugh, "Fuck sake." He complains.
"What?" Thai reaches up and nudges Elias's shoulder, getting annoyed.
"Uh, jus', Jet said they only fucked once. Pull out too. But with all them fertility drugs she still got preggers."
Thai instantly curls her lip in outrage, "The tried and tested?!" She parrots, laughing.
I join, shoving Elias, "Cunt you have a kid from pulling out!"
He raises his hands in defence, "Aye, aye, I used it hundreds since that, never failed me again."
I cover my face, groaning, "Yoh your dick must be fuckin' crawling with bugs. You nasty-."
Elias splutters in defence, "I have been tested, missy. Since you're so concerned."
Thai, who seems to have checked out for a second, makes a face of horror, "Wait, deadset he pulled out once and she was down for the count?" She balks.
I wrinkle my nose. Man when you put it like that, maybe I really am gon' have to stay on the straight and narrow with Myers.
Cheeky photo dump^^ (more on my art book)
still working on a revised cover, this is kinda the idea ^
I'd love to be friends on Insta and Tiktok too, I always follow back!! (and for writing enquiries email me at: [email protected])
Instagram: cvilyn_
Tiktok: cvilyn
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