Chapter 2: Learning
Tomas groaned as he rose up into a sitting position rubbing his head his eyesight was still slightly fuzzy and almost glitchy. A loud joyous laugh erupted in the dingy workshop and Tomas looked toward it, there stood a man with caramel hair that ended in two points, the strange, short man had an eye patch on his left eye around that odd feature were a lot of faded scars, the man wore thick goggles on his head resting just behind his horn-like bangs, over his red hoodie he wore a thick black coat.
"Tomas!" He cried out happily.
"Me?" Tomas pointed at his chest in confusion as his eyesight adjusted to the dark room.
"Yes you" The man responded extending a robotic arm to gaze at the blue circle in the middle of it.
"Who... are you?" Tomas asked tilting his head. "And what am I?"
"I'm Tord an inventor and you are Tomas, a robot, an artificial construct made by me as a challenge to see if I make a humanoid robot." Tord responded shrugging off the thick black leather coat.
"Okay?" Tomas responded gazing at the short Norwegian's robotic left arm. "What... is that normal?" The newly awakened robot pointed at Tord's robotic arm.
"Oh- the arm..." Tord chuckled nervously. "No. I had to get the real one amputated due to an explosion years ago" Tord really didn't want to tell Tomas about the incedent and about Edd, Matt or really anything about his past, he just wanted to get to know the robotic man. "What do you know Tomas?" Tord questioned.
"Well..." Tomas trailed off rubbing the back of his neck in the same way that Tord does when he's nervous, causing Tord to chuckle. "I know that I only just existed, that I would rather be called Tom and that you are the only thing I've spoken to!" Tomas finished, smiling nervously. Tord nodded.
"Come on down Tom that table can't be very comfortable" Tord held out his right hand to help the shorter robot down from the stone bench. Tom nodded and took the offered hand before leaping from the cold, stone bench. Tom stumbled slightly and fell into Tord's chest. "Huh, not too adept at movement" The ever so slightly taller human chuckled looking at the 5''1 robot, while subconsciously petting the spiky fake hair that stood up from Tom's head.
"Well, if you've never moved before you'd stumble too, wouldn't you!?" Retorted Tom glaring at Tord with those endless black void-like eyes.
"Sharp," Tord commented. "But yes I probably would trip" Tord stopped petting the robot's hair and stepped back allowing Tom to find his feet.
"Bitch-ass" Tom mumbled once he had gained his balance.
"Sweary, just don't curse around Pat he may hit you." Tord began to fumble with the eye patch's strap to untie it.
"Pat?" Tom asked tilting his head.
"My dad" Tord responded after finally pulling the midnight black eye patch from his head, revealing the empty black abyss of an eye socket.
"Oh OK-" Tom froze seeing the blank eye socket and extended a hand to touch it a confused look on his face. "What happened, Tord?"
"Same reason for my arm" Tord retorted slapping away the cold, robotic hand that was ebbing ever closer to his face.
Tom frowned and walked away looking about interested he extended a hand curiously to one of the scrapped arms. "Hey! Tord was this one of your arms?" Tom called over his shoulder, no response. Tom turned and could see no one in the workshop. "Tord!" Tom called out beginning to panic, the robotic man didn't know why being alone scared him so much it just did. "Tord!" Tom yelled as he ran toward an open door. "Tord where are you!" Tom yelled again as he sprinted up the stairs.
The short robot erupted into a small room with red walls that were covered in shelves there was a large window at the front of the room. Tom looked about, confused. The man-like robot walked toward a small grey box it had an ''R'' like logo on it's underside. Tom extended a hand toward the odd device before a call jerked his attention to the two inches taller male who stood by a side door holding a grey t-shirt, blue hoodie, black trousers and some black and white checker patterned trainers.
"Hey Tom, get over here I have some clothes for you!" Tord called to the robot who was stood in his shop.
"Tord!" Tom cried running to the Norwegian man his arms extended. "Why did you leave?" Tom stopped just short of the man tilting his head.
"I had to get these for you" Tord explained patently.
"Why not tell me where you were going, I was..." Tom frowned. "What's it called when you start to feel scared for no reason?" The short robot tilted his head.
"Panic?" Tord supplied.
"Yeah panic. Tell me where you go next time fucker!" Tom was shaking.
Tord chuckled. "OK I will, Tom" Tord smiled. "Anyway here's your clothes, put them on"
Tom nodded and dressed without much help from Tord, he only had problems tying his shoes, but Tord gladly showed him how to tie them instead of just doing the task for him. "Thanks Tord" Tom smiled as he stood up placing one had inside the large hoodie pocket.
"No problem, Robo-" Tord was cut off with a punch in the face from Tom, anger boiling in the robot's black eyes.
"MY NAME IS TOM!" Tom roared.
Tord groaned and rubbed his cheek looking up at the fury filled humanoid. "S-sorry, Tom" Tord groaned as he stood up gazing at Tom as if trying to figure out how to best approach the scared looking humanoid.
Tom looked at his clenched fist. He fell to his knees, whimpering. "S-sorry" Tom stammered, looking up like a scared kitten.
"Tom," Tord crouched down to look into the whimpering robot's void-like eyes. "It's OK, really, I shouldn't have tried to give you a nickname like that. It was mean" Tord smiled warmly at the scared looking robot in front of him. "Now let's go up into my house, I bet you don't want to live in the workshop" Tord smiled and helped Tom up still smiling and led him into his house.
A/N The drawing at the top is what Tom looks like in this fanfic. I'll draw Tord, Edd, Matt, Paul and Pat at a later date but for now I need to sleep, Peace!
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