Chapter Twelve
(Sorry if you liked Dipper's perspective,for the next few chapters we will be focusing on Mabel's portal adventures.This story IS about her,so yeah.)
Mabel followed the kid,shivering in the cold,mushy snow.Even though she was a demon now she still had a physical form,and boy it was cold in here.She squinted at the Dipper-look-alike.
"We're almost there!"He said,grinning.Mabel nodded and followed him along."Say,how did you friend know about Mabel?"
"Er,well she's friends with her.Her name's Candy."
"Oh you mean that professional wrestler?"He asked,eyebrows scrunching."I thought Mabel didn't hang out with her,but whatever."
They arrived and Mabel sat down in a blue,cozy chair.She felt snug and warm.
"Woah!"His eyes widened as he saw her sweater."Is that......Bill?"
Mabel looked at him,speechless.Shoot.She had forgotten that the sweater would give her away....perhaps the kid would realize that she was associated with the triangle.
"Bill?Who is that?"she tried her best to sound truly like she didn't know who Bill was.Mabel fidgeted in her seat.
A frown appeared on his face."That meany triangle who tried to kill me and my sister....OOH AMD ALSO MY WHOLE FAMILY!Are you in league with him?"
Mabel bit her tongue."Er,a friend let me borrow this sweater."
He blinked twice."You're lying."
She sighed.It was time to reveal the truth.She liked the kid,but Mabel would have to sacrifice some people along the way.Mabel took out a dagger.
"Sorry kid."She said,and sighed.Mabel disabled the spell on her face,revealing who she really was.
" that you?"His eyes widened as he backed up.
"Nope.I'm from an alternate dimension,long story."Mabel said walking closer and she pinned the poor boy on the ground."I have to kill you."
She stuck the knife into his neck and blood dripped out.......scarlet,think blood.Some got on her fingers so she licked it off.It tasted good.Mabel stuck the knife in his forehead in case he wasn't dead.Just incase.
Mabel left the knife there,because she could conjure other ones.As she opened the door to leave,she came face to face with her alternate,more Dipper-like self.
She gasped at the sight of her dead brother and her eyes darted to the blood on her hands."You did this?Who are you,and why do you....."Alternate Mabel looked up to see her face."......look so much like me?"
"Long story.Now if you'll excuse me,I'm doodly doo leave this place!"Mabel pushed past the girl and ran out of the building.
On the snow,she heard footsteps pacing behind her.Mabel's breath was shallow.She wouldn't be able to take advantage of running away now,even with her powers.They would need to recharge because she was tired.
Alternate Mabel tackled her on the cold snow floor and grabbed a pencil."any last words?"She asked.
"Wait,wait,wait!Here me out!I'm from an alternate universe!"She yelled."I didn't mean to kill you brother,he just asked the-"
"-wait an alternate universe?"She cut Mabel off."Where?And how?"
"I'll tell you if you let me go."Mabel said through gritted teeth."Please."
Alternate Mabel slowly got off of her,and Mabel kicked her in the face and ran away.She laughed."SUCKA!You're so gullible!"
Alternate Mabel growled."I k-knew I shouldn't have trusted you!"She yelled as she ran after her,journal in hand.
"Catch this!"Mabel through a pink fireball towards her look-alike,who dodged it while screaming.
They both didn't notice,a blue portal opened in front of them and they both fell in.
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