Chapter Three
"What?!"exclaimed the angry Queen of Gravity Falls."You lost Ford and the key?What kind of demon are you?"
"I'm sorry miss!"Pyronica exclaimed in fear."It was-"
"It was what?"
"It was important!One of the demons-"she started to say.
Mabel rolled her eyes."It's not as important as your duty to serve your queen.You have no more chances,but being Bill's friend I will give you a lesser punishment."
Pyronica gave a smile of gratefulness."Thank you,Mistress."
"You shall be stone for two days."Mabel put her finger out and blasted the pink demon,who now lay as a perfect stone replica of herself.
"Yo,Hectrogon!"Mabel called to the demon.
The polygon turned around."Yes?"
"Bring me two of your best demons....."she looked outside at Wendy's truck."....I have some humans to capture and a brother to save."
"At your service."he dipped his head."Though miss,how would your brother react?Perhaps-"
Mabel cut him off."Perhaps nothing.Obey my commands,or end up like her!"she pointed at Pyronica.
Hectrogon shivered and nodded,getting two other demons.
"Weirdness bubble!"yelled Wendy."There's no way through it.Brace yourselves!"
We all screamed.I closed my eyes,scared of the horrors I might see.Good thing I did,since Ford looked traumatized after what was in that bubble.
"There's more!"Ford yelled.
I closed my eyes as the truck drove fast.It felt like we were on a roller coaster,going up,going down,going up,going down,going up-
"I think someone's after us!"Wendy yelled.I heard some rumbling from behind."We're gonna need to drive faster!"
"They're getting closer!"I closed my eyes as we passed through another weirdness bubble.
"We're there!"I called,relieved.I looked behind and saw no demons in sight.
As I walked out of the truck,I bumped into a figure in a black cloak.I gasped and backed up.The figure tipped his coat,revealing to be Soos.
"Soos?"I asked in disbelief.
He nodded."Hey dude.I've been helping stranger s survive the apocalypse....I heard there are some folk songs about me now?"
"Soos?"Wendy asked.
"Hey Wendy."greeted Soos."Hey Dipper's-great-uncle-who's-name-I'm-always-forgetting."He waved at Ford.
Ford sighed."Name's Stanford Pines,but call me Ford for short."
"You dudes heading to that bubble over there?"Soos pointed at 'Stan's' bubble.All three of us nodded in unison.
So from then our trio turned into a quartet.I took the key and put it inside the keyhole of the bubble's chains-
"STOP THERE IN THE NAME OF THE QUEEN OF GRAVITY FALLS."a gruff voice bellowed.A black demon eyes all over it's body stopped us.
"Oh great."Wendy muttered under her breath.Ford held up his magnet gun.Soos balled his fists.
The black demon and another purple demon both yelled and stormed towards us.Wendy grabbed an axe and Ford aimed his gun.
"STOP!"screamed an angry,but familiar voice.Mabel?My sister stepped out of a floating carriage carried by magnificent pink horses.It was Mabel,but she looked- different.Alarming,really.She wore a floating crown,and her skirt was black.But the two most alarming things were her sweater and her eyes.
The sweater had the Eye Of Providence on it and her eyes.....They were pink.It hit me suddenly,who the mistress was.It was Mabel....and that 'pesky little girl' was her too.
It all made sense....but the betrayal hit me like a sharp knife.It was painful,just looking at my floating traitorous sister.Mabel was on Bill's side.....
"Mabel?Seriously,your on Bill's side?"I yelled-asked."I thought you were dead?But your really just-safe.TOO safe,to say."
Mabel's pink eyes softened."Dipper,I only joined him so we could have summer forever.Both of us."
Anger and sadness filled my soul."Seriously?!You think I'm joining that devil's side?"
I slapped her hand away."Don't Dipstick me.That Mabel is dead to me,the one standing here right now isn't even you.Guess Ford was right,I can't even trust my own sister."
It hurt,yelling at her.But her betrayal hurt more.It stung,knowing your sister is siding with your worst enemy.
Her nose scrunched when I mentioned Ford."Don't listen to that old man over there."Mabel held a finger at Ford up,burning with pink fire.
Ford backed up,but the two demons held him back."Mabel,please don't do this!"he yelled,eyes full of fear."Bill tricked and deceived you!"
"Just like you tricked and deceived Dipper,Sixer."she growled,her finger fired.
Wendy held the metal tip of the axe and the blast hit away."Quick,Dipper unlock the the chains!Me and Ford will fight them off,and Soos will keep as your guard!"she yelled.
"Oh no you don't!"Mabel floated on top of Soos,a bubble of pink trapped around him.
"Mabel,why are you doing this?"he asked,shaking inside the bubble.
"To get my brother,Question Mark!"she sneered.
Wendy slammed her axe into the bubble,breaking it like glass.Ford aimed his magnet gun up at Mabel.
I ran up to the bubble,but the black demon blocked me.I dodged it's swift blows,but it bit my arm,blood spewing everywhere.I cringed,backing up.
Being a hero means fighting when it seems impossible.Ford's voice echoed.I gave a yell and threw a punch at the demon.It growled in pain.
"Quick Wendy!Give me your axe!"She threw me the axe.
I grabbed it and stabbed it in the chest.It fell down,unconscious.I took the key and tried to insert it in,but I heard Mabel's cries......
"Don't do it bro!"she yelled."I put Stan in there for a reason."
It hit me cold.Ford said the bubble wasn't created by Bill."You put him there?"
She nodded."Come on,now Dipper,let's go.You'll be a demon too,King of Gravity Falls."
The idea sounded pleasuring,but it would mean betraying everyone."No way Mabel.I never wanted that title.You can be queen all you want."
"Listen here,Pine Tree-"she put a hand over her mouth.
"Don't.Ever.Call.Me.That."I said between paused breaths.
I inserted the key,and yelled for Ford,Wendy,and Soos to jump into the bubble before Mabel and the monsters could reach us.The last thing I heard was chilling.
Dipper,even if you won't cooperate with me to have summer forever,I'lll force you to.
I closed my eyes as we fell down,hugging my knees.Tears burned my cheeks.
I'll force you.
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