Chapter Six
We were lead into the courtroom,a grand room with plush red walls and golden ceiling.There were pictures of Stan plastered all over the walls.I rolled my eyes as I looked at them.
A tan skinned lady sat in a large chair.The strange thing about her was that she had white cat ears and a long,swishing cat tail.One of those anime things....I don't know,nekos?She was the judge.The judge winked at Stan as he walked in,and he winked back.
"Order in the court,order!"she squealed and everyone became quiet."Let's get on this case,shall we?Stanley,you go first.If Dipper wins Stan returns to him back to the reality and if Stan wins Dipper is banished here forever."
I ignored the heaviness in my heart and looked at my friends and my other great uncle,sitting just a few feet away.
"Alright,alright.Can someone bring in those two from my legal team in?"A woman wearing a red dress opened the large door,revealing two busty ladies.
"We have a college degree in beauty and sexiness!"said one of them.I rolled my eyes.
The one with red hair clapped her hands,and a whiteboard appeared."Okay everyone,my case is simple.This very unrighteous little boy-"She pointed at me,and I growled with anger."-thinks that reality is better than fantasy.But that's not true,and I have proof!"The curly haired lady brought out a memory book,and snapped her fingers-
Boom.All of us were in another reality now.The background changed into Ford's secret room.I overheard yelling and shouting,and turned around to see a hologram of the younger Ford and Stan.
"I remember this day well......"Ford mummers quietly to himself.An air of dread overcame me.
"Selfish?I'm selfish?!How can you say that after costing me my dream school!"the younger Ford yelled,and pointed a finger at younger Stan's chest.
The two brothers wrestled and fought,bruises and sadness soon appearing.Suddenly,younger Ford kicked younger Stan against this wall,causing him to get a burn.He howled in pain,and Ford's expression changed.
"Stanley?Are you alright?"he asked worriedly,but his brother gave him a hard punch in the cheek.Ford staggered back,injured.
Stan followed Ford,and accidentally hit this lever."Some brother you turned out to be....."
Lights glowed from the portal and Ford started floating higher.
"Stan-Stan help!"Ford yelled as the portal started sucking him in."Do something!"He threw his journal,and Stan caught it.
"Oh no what do I do-what do I do!"he looked as his brother got sucked into the portal,eyes full of fear and regret.
Ford's shouting did no help.He still got sucked in,the portal shutting down.
The red haired lady snapped her fingers,and the scene disappeared.
"So I guess that's it.Dipper loses and he has to be sent back to reality-"
"-WAIT!"yelled Ford,storming towards us."You can't do that!The boy hasn't even presented his case yet!"
"Oh yeah?"asked the cat judge,who was playing with a string of yarn."Do you even have a case,Dipper Pines?"
"I-uh....I-"I thought nervously.The judge was right,did I even gave a freaking case?
"Here,let me take over!"yelled Ford."I am Stan's brother,anyways."
"Some kind of brother you turned out to be."muttered Stan,and Ford winced.But that didn't stop the angry expression on his face.
"Give me that book!"Ford screamed at the curly haired lady.As she refused to,he just snatched it from her.
"I call as a witness-Stanley Pines!"Ford pointed a finger at Stan,who looked in surprise.
"What?!"he scoffed."Objection,your honor."
"No,it's all right.Cats are famously curious,as quote goes.Go on Stanford."she smiled down at Ford,her tail swishing.
"Listen.I might not have all the answers.But I want to say.....thank you."Ford sighed in regret."I should've said that to you a long time ago.This time,I really mean it.But I know one thing well.....and that's you.I know you don't want to stay in this paradise."
"What?!Boo!"Stan hollered,but his expression was tired and worn-out.
"Look,real life sucks sometimes,I'm not gonna lie.But it's better to get through it from people who care about you-"he squeezed me hard and tapped my hat."-then to live it through a dream.It's how we've gotten through it as kids."
"I'm not listening!Guards!"Stan snapped,and two ladies carrying large foam pointed fingers appeared and put it against his ears.
Ford smiled sadly and opened the memories book.The background changed in a flash,turning back to when Stan and Ford were young kids playing in a beach.They appeared to be topless and painting a boat.Stan and Ford laughed as Ford got his fingers stuck into the paint.
He shut the book,and the background turned back normal."I'm sorry Lee-"he looked into his brother's face."-but if you come back with me to reality,we could have that all again.I was planning to explore the world after all this....will you join me?"
Stan grinned,and waved.The ladies put down the foam fingers."You haven't called me that in thirty years,ya old Sixer.I'll join you."
"Order!Order in the court!"the cat judge meowed,but no one listened.
Ford grinned and put his hand up."Hi Six?"
"No don't do the Hi Six!"the judge yelled,but again,no one listened.
"Hi Six!"Stan slapped Ford's palm,and the brothers embraced in a warm hug.
Stan pulled away from the hug,his expression strange."Ugh,why are there all ladies in this place!And even though money is wonderful,the cash smell is-yuck!"
The cat lady screamed,and her body turned out to be a pile of dark,solid organs.I screamed in fear,not caring how girly I sounded.
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