Chapter One
I gasped as the sky turned this odd orangish red color,and the yellow rift filled the sky.Ford looked at the sky in disbelief.
"No,no,no!"he yelled."Bill-Weirdmageddon is here!"
I suddenly thought about it-the apocalypse couldn't have started unless the rift was broken.The rift was in my backpack!I scrambled and checked inside my backpack-and realized that it wasn't my backpack at all!It was Mabel's,which meant she had mine.....
"Grunkle Ford!"I yelled at my great uncle."Mabel....she's in danger!The rift probably broke in her backpack....Bill probably got her-oh,no....what would he do to her?Come on Ford,we have to save her!"
Ford's grim expression gave me the chills."Look Dipper,we have to stop Bill first.After that,we can save your sister."
I looked at him in disbelief."Are you sure there's a way we can beat him?"
He sighed."Look,Dipper I'm not sure.But I think there's a way we can stop that inter-dimensional rift from spreading his weirdness across the globe!"
I looked down on the ground."But Mabel......"
Ford gave the smallest of smiles and tipped the tip of my hat,which got my attention."I'll be honest.It'll be hard beating Bill but in times like this,but being a hero means fighting back even if it seems impossible."
I looked deep into his eyes,and tried to give a smile.But it was hard to smile when you know that your sister is probably in grave danger.
"Will you follow me?"he asked.
I nodded gravely."To the ends of the Earth."
"Good,cause let's where we're heading."
Suddenly,someone yelled,"Weirdness wave!"
Ford and I looked up to see a huge pink colored wave heading out direction.I gave a gasp,panic churning my insides like butter.I tried to fight back the fear I felt.
"Quick!To the Shack!"Ford yelled,and we both ran into the Mystery Shack.It was the only place Bill's weirdness couldn't touch.
He slammed the door.My breathing was shallow,my breath token away by the horrors of this apocalypse-Weirdmageddon.
"We're safe-for a while.It won't be long till we need to go track down Bill and his Henchmaniacs."
Stan Pines was nailing down a sign on a tree near the Mystery Shack when Gompers the goat chew down on the feather of his fez.
"Ugh,stupid goat!"the old man muttered,trying to get the goat off his hat."It's time I get you off this property for good."
Suddenly,the weirdness wave spread towards Stan and the goat.As it passed,the goat grew into a giant,towering over trees.
He trembled in fear looking at the giant goat."On a second thought,I'm going to run off like a coward now."
Stan ran as fast as he could from the goat chasing him,and he eventually lost the goat.He gave a sigh,relieved.Stan turned around to head back to the Mystery Shack.
"Not so fast Grunkle."said a familiar voice.Stan turned around to see a floating Mabel,a crown on the top of her head and grappling hook in hand.
"Mabel?"he asked."How are you floating?"Stan pointed to the space under Mabel's legs."And what's with that crown?"
"Don't call me Mabel,call me,Queen Mabel."she smirked."Future queen of Gravity Falls."
Stan finally noticed her Eye Of Providence sweater and black skirt."Seriously.....your on that weirdo triangle's side?"
"He's not a weirdo,just weird."Mabel's hands burned with pink fire,her great uncle wrapped in pink chains,floating in the air.
"What?Let me down,Mabel!It's me,your great uncle Stan!Don't kill me!"he exclaimed,looking into her pink eyes."It's me."
She gave an evil laugh."I'm far too nice to kill you.In fact,I'm going to send you to Stanleyland.Say hello to paradise!"
A red bubble formed around Stan,covered in black chains.A key with Stan's fez symbol floated towards Mabel,and she gave the key to a nearby demon.
"Yo Pyronica!"she called to the glowing one eyed demon.Pyronica headed towards her.
"Yes,mistress Mabel?"she asked.
"Take this key!Keep a good eye on it.....don't let anyone get it!If you do...."she gave a small chuckle."....let's say Bill has some plans for you."
Pyronica bowed in front of Mabel."As you wish,Queen of Gravity Falls,as you wish."
As the demon left,Mabel looked at the bubble,and sighed.She wondered if her brother could trust her-a demon who locked their beloved great uncle in a prison.
It's for the greater good,Mabel assured herself,but she didn't really believe it.
Another weirdness bubble passes by,quick enough for Mabel to see her own reflection.She looked so different....not just her outfit,but her expression too....she looked....sinister.Not loving.Not kind.Not caring.Not any of the three things Mabel herself wanted to be.
She sat down on the stump of a chair,tears filling her eyes.Mabel stared at the pink fire.
"What have I done?....I'm such a-such a monster."the demon sobbed.
"Ready to cause some havoc boys?"asked Bill.Hatred burned in my veins as I looked through my binoculars.The pink demon,Pyronica glared at him."Oh,and girl."
The demons gave a mean laugh and I clenched my teeth."Coast is clear,great uncle Ford."
I headed towards Ford,who was taking out this huge gun from it's case.He looked up at me,and gave me a nod.
"Duck when I fire's rather powerful."he said."I've been waiting a long time to use this......We're only going to have one chance to take this shot."
Ford aimed the gun at Bill from the ledge of the bell tower.The demon and his Henchmaniacs hardly noticed,all of them too busy focused on Bill talking about taking over the world.
"Steady.................steady........"Ford muttered under his breath.
Suddenly,the weirdness wave spread across and the bell became alive,giving a high pitched laugh.Ford lost his focus and fired.
A hole was in Bill's top hat.He turned around to face Ford."No,no,no,no!"I said,panicking.It wasn't supposed to be like this!
"Well,well,well.Today I thought things couldn't get any better!"Bill shot a laser straight from his finger,the bell tower falling apart.
As it fell,pieces of concrete fell on my back,which was probably going to cause cuts and bruises.But I hardly cared,I was too taken over by the fear of Bill.
I sat up,facing my great uncle looking unconscious on the floor.It didn't look like he was breathing very well.....he looked seriously injured.
"Great Uncle Ford!"I yelled,running towards him.
"Dipper,take my journals!"he pushed me his backpack,the third journal falling out.I grabbed the backpack and the third journal in hurry."I know of one other way to defeat Bill it's-"He was cut off."Quick,get down!"
I ran down the stairs,obeying his orders.I ran as fast as I could,not looking back.Oh Ford,please be okay......I don't want you getting hurt.
"Good ol' Six Fingers."I heard Bill's voice in the background."I've been waiting an entire ETERNITY to have a chat face to face."
I hid behind a boulder,listening to Bill's harsh taunts and the demons' evil laughter.It only filled me with more hatred and anger,knowing I couldn't fight back.I would be powerless against them.
I watched doing nothing as Ford floated in the air,surrounded by red fire.It hurt,knowing that my great uncle was going to die and I was just watching.Ford called me a hero,but what kind of hero am I if I can't even save everyone I love,watching them get killed with my own eyes,doing nothing?
"This Armageddon wouldn't be possible with our friend over here!Give him a six-fingered hand!"More laughter.I clenched my teeth,trying to hold in the fire."This brainiac is the one who built the portal in the first place."
Bill noticed the serious expression on Ford's face,and said,"Aw,don't look so sour Fordsy,it's not too late to join me!Say,that pesky girl already did!With that extra finger,you fit right in with my freaks!"
I stopped,blood cold.Who was that pesky girl?Could it be Mabel?Nah,it couldn't be!,I assured myself.She's a lot smarter than that!
Ford took a minute down to look at his extra finger."I'll die before I join you!"he growled."I know your weakness,Bill!"
"And I know a riddle!"A question mark replaced Bill's pupil."Why did the old man do this?"
"Like this?"
A laser blasted from Bill's eye,Ford dropping to the floor.I gasped.He was solid gold.
"Because I needed a new backscratcher!"Bill said,and his friends laughed.
The fire inside of me I could contain no more.I clench my teeth and leave my hiding spot.I didn't care if the demons killed me.
"That's enough!Hand over Ford,or else!"I hold up Journal 3.
"Now isn't this-"Bill expanded three times his size,his eye glowing so bright I had to look away."INTERESTING.My old puppet is back for an encore!You think you can stop me?Go ahead Pine Tree,show me what you got!"
Panic filled me,all the fiery anger gone.I shined a black light over the pages of the journal."I-I I um....."If he gains psychical form,all will be lost!,it read.Well,that didn't help.
"I-I I um!"Bill taunted."Do it kid!Do some brilliant thing that takes me down!C'mon everyone's waiting!"
My panic was no more,but even my burning-white anger couldn't stop Bill.I yelled and tried to punch him the eye,but epically failed as the forced bounced back.I was flung towards a tree stump,the backpack sliding away from me.
The demons laughed and my anger got worse.But it wouldn't matter now,since I was defeated-powerless.
The three journal floated,surrounded by red fire."Hey!"I yelled,and tried to reach them,but I was too weak.
"That's right!"The three journals burned,the pages aflame."Don't be a hero kid!"He held up Ford."This is what happens to hero in my world."
I stared in disbelief as I saw the three books that helped me survive this summer burn to ashes.All the research Ford spent time didn't matter anymore.
"Not much of a threat,are you kid?"Bill taunted."Now can anyone remind me why we came here?"
"To get weird!"yelled a demon.
"That's right!VIP party at the Fearamid!Oh,and Eight Ball and Teeth,you guys deserve a snack!You guys can have Pine Tree over there."
Oh no.
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