Chapter 10; Too Prying
There's a bit of melancholy in the light, and a bit of comfort in the darkness.
───── ❝ do haru ❞ ─────
Sunday, 19th of January, 2021
It was past lunchtime, two-forty p.m. A few more minutes and Yoongi and Jimin would show up. Haru had everything ready. The clothes hung on a coat hanger, covered by a plastic bag and ironed to perfection. They were ready to be shown off by their respective models.
Haru had also set up her phone on a stand, pointing it at a plain white wall that was in her kitchen. However, she was ready to translocate to another spot—a plain black wall—found in the hallway. The white wall was for Yoongi so that his black outfit would stand out. The second was for Jimin for the same reason.
When the two would have to take photos together though, she decided that they would settle on the balcony since there was a grey wall there. The colour scheme was just perfect. And some people would call it bland, boring or typical, but Haru liked to keep it simple.
Her doorbell rang, signalling that her two awaited guests had arrived.
As she opened the door, she was greeted by Jimin's sprightly smile, letting out a small gasp when he pulled her into a sudden yet gentle hug. Haru patted his back and they finally pulled away, Jimin walking into her apartment. Yoongi bypassed her and raffled her hair, inviting himself inside too.
Haru giggled quietly at the cute greetings.
'Oh, are those our outfits?' Jimin exclaimed excitedly, running up to them like a kid. He was about to touch them but stopped before he could rudely and stupidly ruin something.
Haru simply nodded as she walked up to him and grabbed both outfits, handing the white one to Jimin and the black one to Yoongi.
'Yoongs, you can change in my room and Jimin you can change in the bathroom.' she smiled at them as they nodded and walked off. In the meantime, Haru continued on obsessively checking out her camera angles.
Five minutes later, the two returned to the kitchen. Haru gasped, more than delighted with the vibes that they gave off.
'You guys are looking stunning,' said Haru.
Jimin wore a white jacket with a tank top underneath. The v-shaped collar slightly exposed his collarbones and toned chest as on his right lapel feather-like tinsels ran down all the way to the bottom of the jacket.
His trousers matched the material and colour of his jacket. On his feet, he wore white cap toes with black tips, making him look even swankier. Jimin was overall very elegant, a bit sultry.
On the other hand, Yoongi wore a black turtleneck underneath an unbuttoned topcoat. Near the left side of his chest area, there was a small pocket from which a white folded pocket square peaked out. His turtleneck was tucked inside his black dress trousers and matched with black combat boots.
Haru couldn't help herself with those. It felt iconic, even though only she and Yoongi actually knew the allusion behind black combat boots.
Both of the models had at least an item of the opposite colour. There wasn't a specific reason for that, but Haru thought that they should have something in common. Something to make their outfits interesting.
"The angel is unhappy, but the death is rather unbothered." - To make that possible, they have to have something similar. There's a bit of melancholy in the light (Jimin's black feather-resembling decoration), and a bit of comfort in the darkness (Yoongi's white pocket square).
'You guys are very very handsome!' she repeated, noticing them blushing. 'I am so happy my clothes fit perfectly! Anyway, are you guys ready?' Haru clapped her hands excitedly, running to her phone.
Jimin snickered internally because Haru really looked like a designer as her tailor's tape was draped around her neck. Her hair was tied up into a high and messy ponytail.
'Yoongi's up first!'
The said man groaned as he walked up to the wall, his nose scrunched up nervously. 'Okay, now just do what you are good at. Just a little less cold than usual,' said Haru, but her best friend's portrayed confusion.
'I am talking about your facial expression. Kind of, as I told you the other day, be unbothered.' Haru positioned herself properly behind her phone, inspecting her model. 'Put your hands inside your pockets and straighten your back and shoulders.'
After a few shots, Haru pulled away, releasing a breath of satisfaction. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled at the pictures she had taken.
'You look awesome, Yoongs!' she showed him a thumbs-up as he chuckled at how adorable she was acting. 'I need just one more, one in which you look over your shoulder.'
Yoongi nodded and did as he was told.
'Jimin, you're up next,' Haru announced once she was done with Yoongi, and grabbed her phone along with the stand, moving to the hallway with Jimin hopping behind her like a content four-year-old.
'Okay, so for you, I need two pictures as well. One in which you look over your shoulder, and another one, but I am not sure what pose. Yoongi's pockets are bigger and it's his usual pose, so it looks good. I feel like you need something different,' she explained.
'Ah, I think I know!' Jimin cleared his throat, stretching his arms out almost like a ballerina.
His pose suited his outfit faultlessly. And what was even better, was the fact that Jimin had remembered the concept. In fact, despite his graceful pose, his face portrayed no emotions whatsoever and held a sinister, somewhat viperous undertone.
'Wow, that was idyllic! Do you dance or something?' Haru inquired once she was finished.
Jimin only shrugged shyly in response, making Haru titter under her breath.
'Next pose please.'
Jimin looked over his left shoulder as his left hand snuck to rest on the right side of his neck. His lips were slightly parted, his brows raised.
Haru had to literally distract herself and forget the fact that Jimin was her crush since she was doing her job. Otherwise, she might've as well fainted.
'Great, now we should move to the balcony,' Haru stated, grabbing her camera with its stand and moving to the balcony with her two friends following behind.
'Here too, I'd like to have two photos. One in which you two are facing each other, Yoongi wears a small smirk as Jimin looks at him unhappily. In the other one, Jimin faces his back to me as he rests his elbow on Yoongi's shoulder and looks at the camera.'
'And we are done!' Haru said, satisfied with how the photo shoot unfolded. The boys sighed and she thanked them for their help before inviting them to change.
When they returned to the living room, Haru's heart melted. Jimin was leaning on Yoongi's shoulders, laughing mirthfully as Yoongi cracked a fond smile. It had seriously made her heart flutter—her crush and her best friend were getting along.
'Guys, wanna hang out?' she proposed, unable to contain the felicity in her tone.
'I actually have to meet up with Haneul since I promised her,' said Yoongi, his lips curving into a clumsy line.
'But, since I knew you were going to ask, I told Jimin in advance—' he smiled, '—you two go watch a nice movie. Let's hang out tomorrow after school so you can tell us how your project goes, okay?'
Haru almost squeaked at Yoongi's words. He was smiling at Haru as he held out two tickets, handing them to a very joyous-looking Jimin.
Within Yoongi's eyes, there was a glint; it was a labyrinthine melange between "I am a mother who is letting their child go although I don't want to do so" and "I am such a proud mom".
But the point was that Yoongi had taken a step up, becoming even more thoughtful towards Haru, Jimin too.
'Lil' Meow Meow!' Haru squealed, forgetting Yoongi's hatred towards being (publically) called that as she jumped into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck. She hung on him like a monkey as Jimin tee-heed hushedly in the background.
'Thanks, Yoongs! Have a nice time with Haneul.'
They pulled away, staring into each other's eyes for a moment. Both of them had taken a step back. Haru had given Haneul another chance, and Yoongi had given Jimin a chance as well.
But in reality, the two best friends had given each other a chance, they had gone a level higher with their trust. If that was even possible.
'No problem, Ms Nuisance! See you.' Yoongi winked before grabbing his coat and taking his leave. Haru shook her head and exhaled contentedly.
'Well, wanna get going?' Jimin turned to face her, his hands buried in the pockets of his tight jeans.
Haru nodded in response, and thereupon, the two exited her apartment to make their way to Jimin's car. His blue Hyundai suited her taste.
The car ride went by in a blink of an eye as the two listened to various songs and sang along. Haru was over the moon after finding out that Jimin also quite enjoyed Billie Eilish's songs. They also both found joy in the aesthetics and messages of Melanie Martinez's music.
'We are here,' announced Jimin as he unbuckled his belt. Haru did the same and they exited the car.
The parking lot wasn't too far from the cinema, however, there was still a little bit of walking that they had to do.
When Haru was about to commence walking, Jimin stuck his hand out, smiling. She frowned, so Jimin chuckled and slipped his hand into hers, making Haru release a sharp breath. Then he wordlessly started walking, their fingers intertwined.
Needless to say that Haru was taken aback. Her heart soared at the contact with Jimin's warm skin, and a red tint crawled up her cheeks all the way to her ears.
She turned away in an attempt to hide her face, feeling embarrassed, but heard Jimin snigger. When she turned to face him again, his gaze was already on her with that toothy grin.
Eventually, the two finally made it to the movie theatre.
They bought, after hours of arguing, some salty popcorn and took a seat.
'Ugh, I wanted caramel...' Jimin crossed his arms and pressed his chin into his chest as he slumped in his seat and pouted like a baby.
'Ew.' Hary made a disgusted face, 'Please, Jimin, I'll unfriend you,' she kidded.
'Whatever.' he rolled his eyes, 'Let me take a selfie with you,' Jimin said as he pulled out his iPhone.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, making her jaw drop. 'Haru-ya, smile, will you?' he chuckled, clicking a few photos as she grinned sheepishly. 'We look way too cute,' mumbled Jimin as he pulled away.
And oh...
Haru had gotten a glimpse of him putting one of the best selfies they took as his home wallpaper and lock screen.
She attempted to hide her red cheeks (once again) as she coughed and punched her chest, begging her heart to stop beating so loudly. She was almost sure Jimin could hear the blasting lay of her heart.
'Haru?' Jimin suddenly called her. 'I don't know if I can ask, but why did you get so upset during art? I mean, are you scared of darkness? Forests?' he pursed his lips, hesitation clear in his voice.
Haru visibly tensed up, her fingers curling around the armrests of the velvety seat, nails almost digging into the plastic.
'U-um, I have a condition.' she shifted uncomfortably. 'And yes, I do not like forests, especially at night. I have my reasons for that,' she added vaguely, trying not to swallow too loudly.
'And what is this condition?' he tilted his head innocently, pouting like a small curious kid. Haru knew the guy meant no harm, yet she couldn't help but feel aerated.
'Stop it, Jimin!' Haru shouted, catching the attention of a few people that were seated a little too early just like them.
After realising how aggressive she sounded thanks to the look in Jimin's eyes, her muscles relaxed as she leant back in her seat.
'I-I am so sorry Jimin... I didn't mean to get angry. It's kinda part of my illness, but next time please don't be so...' she trailed off, not knowing what adjective would suit him the best. It's not like she wanted to offend him.
'Plaguy? Nosy? Prying? I-I know and I am so sorry...' Jimin murmured, his voice quivering as his face fell into his hands.
'I've always been nosy, and sometimes I can't hold back. Before my parents died due to a terrible accident, they always fought. I asked them why all the time but they would shrug me off, and o-one day...'
───── ❝ X/X/2004 ❞ ─────
'Son of a bitch!' Jimin's stepmother screamed, taking off and throwing her oven mitts at her husband.
'How dare you beat up my son and use the fact that you were drunk as an excuse?!? This is not your first time either!' she screeched even louder as Jimin stood and watched from the doorway, knowing that he was getting beaten the most, but Mrs Park wouldn't stand up for him.
'Oh, yeah, right! You only worry about your son! Who in reality isn't even your real son...'
Mrs Park glared at him, not denying his words; her "son" was in actuality her sister's son.
She didn't know why her sister had left the kid at her doorstep along with a letter that begged her to take care of him. Nevertheless, she did as she was asked, it was her sister's desperate request after all.
'If you were actually a good person, you'd worry about Jimin too. But at least I know that I am shit, meanwhile, you pretend to be so good, then leave Jimin in the dust,' Mr Park retorted, slamming his bottle of Soju against the counter.
The dark green bottle shattered into a thousand pieces, fragments lying dangerously all over the floor. Mrs Park gasped, lurching away from the glass and standing on her tippy toes against the seemingly cleanest part of the floor.
'If you care so much about your son, why do you beat him? You do him even worse than mine! Aren't you a hypocrite, Ji-mong?'
'No, because as I said I know I am pure shit, but you are acting like you actually care. Why do you cook warm meals for Jimin? Why do you make his bed in the morning and pat his hair before he sleeps, huh? Why do you smile when he and your "son" play together?!?'
Mrs Park tried to butt in, annoyed by the emphasis on the word "son", but her husband didn't let her utter a word.
'And your so-called "son", If you cared about him, you would take him to a doctor or some shit, you would leave this shit-ass household. But all you care for is a good fuck and money! Isn't that why we're together?'
'I don't give a shit about what you have to say. I am no saint and I know that, but don't you dare to lay hands on my kid ever again!' she walked carefully through the shards of glass, grabbing her husband's collar.
'Use Jimin as much as you'd like' she spat, 'but do not touch my son. Don't touch my real son, at least he's somewhat my blood.' Mrs Park harshly released him.
'Fucking bitch,' Mr Park whispered, shoving his left hand into the pocket of his trousers before grabbing another bottle of Soju from the fridge.
'Clean this shit up, do something useful,' he ordered coldly before disappearing out of the kitchen, walking right past Jimin. He even had the audacity to bump his hip into Jimin's shoulder without looking back.
'M-mother?' Jimin mumbled, taking a couple of steps into the kitchen, being mindful of the glass.
The woman turned to look at Jimin, her eyes burning with hatred. 'Why were you and Father fighting again? Is it because of me?'
'Shut up.' she turned to face him. 'Leave before I do something you don't want me to do. You're always such a nosy bitch. It's my last warning, keep your mouth shut before I make you.'
Apart from the shuffling of the cutleries, there was an awkward and jittery silence in the air.
After another of Mr and Mrs Park's fights, the "family" sat at the dining table, eating. As always, Jimin was given the worst piece of meat, dry and hard to chew as well as cut. But the boy had no right to complain as he quietly dined beside his brother.
Jimin's older stepbrother, although the two didn't like to use that term, nudged him slightly with his elbow. When the nine-year-old boy turned to look at him, he noticed a plate in his lap. The older one gestured at it with his chin as he quickly reached for Jimin's plate, switching them up.
He always used to do that. He would always switch plates with Jimin to give him the better food.
Jimin lowered his head in a small, grateful nod even though he wanted to reject the kind offer. However, he knew better than to speak up. If his Hyung were to be caught, he'd get hit by their father.
He managed to keep quiet, but at some point, the little boy frowned, his curiosity getting the best of him as he took a deep breath and spoke up.
'Why do you two always fight?' Jimin pouted, playing with the broccoli on his plate. 'Can't we just be all peaceful? Plus, Father, do you need to hit Hyung as well?'
'What a brat!' Mr Park sighed and stood up, pushing his chair backwards with a screech in the process and making it fall loudly. 'I told you to stop being a nosy little shit!
'I hope this teaches you how to keep those lips of yours sealed!' he sauntered towards Jimin, grabbing his collar after reaching him and dragging him out of the kitchen.
Jimin shrieked as his shirt choked him. Tears began to flow out of his eyes like a broken sink, then he met his brother's terrified gaze.
───── ❝ end of f.b. ❞ ─────
'J-Jimin, I am so sorry.' Haru's voice quivered as she reached her arms out to engulf him into a tight hug. 'I am not mad at you and you aren't annoying, I promise!'
It was a new feeling to Haru. Such anguish when seeing someone cry was reserved only for Yoongi. It used to be only when it came to him. But now she cared about Jimin just as much.
'Sorry, Haru. I've never told this to anyone, but I've ruined the mood,' Jimin maundered as the two separated themselves from each other.
She shook her head, patting his blonde hair, smiling at the feeling of the soft texture sliding through her fingers. 'It's totally fine, we are good, okay?' she reassured him and he nodded, a tiny beam already beginning to creep up his plump lips.
'You are so freaking cute,' she whispered, sniggering as Jimin's cheeks turned visibly pink.
Published date: 24/08/2021.
Word count: 3,105.
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