Chapter 6; Just Another Day
He was hers, but she was his?
───── ❝ do haru ❞ ─────
Thursday, 26th of January, 2021
Haru and Yoongi sat on Haru's bed with their legs crossed as they tried to find an answer to their English homework. She chewed on the pencil between her lips as she tied her hair into a messy bun.
'Listen, why the hell are we even trying if we can just use Google Translator?' Yoongi groaned, plopping his back onto the mattress that was covered in the white duvet. 'Plus, we have therapy in an hour, we gotta chop-chop with this shit.' he sighed, pulling his phone out of his sweatpants' right pocket and typing "Google Translator English to Korean".
'Okay fine, I give up as well, what the fuck is "I am going to the diner with Terry." anyway?' Haru slurred through the English sentence before dropping down beside her best friend, 'I mean, I get the"I am going to" part but what the hell does"diner" mean?'
'It's a place to eat, basically a restaurant,' Yoongi explained after reading what it meant on Google. 'Alright, we are finished with our translation of "Text 11", woohoo!' he pretended to be happier than he actually was for sarcastic purposes and closed his book. At least he did feel somewhat genuinely felicitous about the fact that they were finished with their homework.
'Yeah, finally. Anyway, it's four-thirty, we should leave at five, so we can be there on time. What do you want to do in the leftover thirty minutes?' Haru asked, looking at the time illustrated on her phone. 'Do you want to watch Weight-lifting Fairy Kim Bok Chu?' she wiggled her eyebrows playfully.
'Yeah, okay,' Yoongi agreed, 'but I swear, if you tell anyone that we are watching this K-Drama for the fourth time, I am gonna bury you alive!' he warned as he watched Haru make her way to the living room.
'Bury a friend!' she sang, looking over her shoulder with a lopsided smirk. Billie Eilish was her favourite artist and sometimes, she enjoyed making references to her. Yoongi chuckled as he looked at the poster of Billie that hung on the wall, right above Haru's desk before sitting up and following her.
'Wait a moment.' Yoongi looked at Haru excitedly as she stopped in her tracks. 'I am sorry yesterday I had to rush off after school immediately because of Haneul. So, how'd it go with lover-boy?' he wiggled his eyebrows, kind of mocking Haru from earlier.
'God, you are acting like a high school girl-bestie!' the girl groaned, feeling embarrassed by Yoongi's sudden interest in how her and Jimin's time was spent in art class.
Not that he wasn't spying on them, he for sure as heck was, but obviously couldn't hear their conversation. Plus, he had his own painting to complete.
A gentle hue of pink coated her cheeks as she replied, 'It was great. It was all great until I saw his finished painting. Then it became terrible, a fucking nightmare. But then I touched his hand and it became all good once again.'
'A nightmare? Why?' Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, concern filling his deep, brown orbs. 'Are you okay? Did he do something that hurt you?' he grabbed Haru's shoulder gently, trying to find an answer in her eyes.
'No, he didn't do it on purpose. He just drew a forest... he drew a forest and I was about to die right then and there. I swear to God I was almost suffocating. It looked so similar to the one beside my grandma's house.' A sob slipped past her lips, 'But then I placed my hand on his somehow and my breath returned. It was like he is actually an angel.'
She wiped her glossy eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. 'I am okay,' she reassured Yoongi, smiling at him candidly.
'You sure?' Yoongi rose a brow, examining her facial expression as she showed him thumbs-up. 'If you say so.' he shrugged, 'I am gonna have to trust those puppy eyes of yours,' he added lovingly, giving her cheeks a small squeeze. 'Now offer me something to eat,' he demanded, making Haru snort.
'Bipolar-ass human,' she muttered, 'Yoongs, get yourself something, you lazy ass!" Haru hit his back while getting herself a pack of Pringles.
Her best friend sighed and got himself a can of Sprite along with a few cookies before sitting next to her on the couch. Haru switched on the TV and found the episode that they stopped watching mid-way the previous day. After placing the remote aside, she put her head in Yoongi's lap whilst munching on her chips.
'First of all, get off me because if I get a boner, it won't be good. Second of all, if you eat chips like that, you will choke and I'll have to look for a new best friend which I don't want to do. And lastly, if you make pants dirty with your greasy-ass chips, I'll also have to look for a new best friend since I will kill you.' Yoongi glared down at her.
'Gosh! Why are you always so mean, Lil' Meow Meow?' Haru pouted while shooting up from his lap with a frown. 'First of all, if you get a boner, you can go and jerk off in the bathroom. Second of all, if I choke and die, as you said, you can go and find yourself another best friend. And lastly, if I spill anything on your pants, I'll buy you new ones,' she retorted, pausing the movie.
'Aish, no. I still kinda don't want you to choke, so yeah...'
'What? Do you care for me, Lil' Meow Meow? Do you perhaps—' she teased, but he promptly interrupted her.
'Shut up. I do care about you, but when you act like this I just want to murder you,' Yoongi whinged in frustration as he leant into the couch more comfortably. 'Let's just watch, idiot! Switch it back on!' he commanded, waving his hand lazily, motioning her to hurry up.
When Yoongi heard no response, he began feeling like he had spoken a little too rudely, 'Please,' he added to make the previous statement sound a little less harsh.
'Ha!' scoffed Haru, reaching for the remote and switching the TV back on. 'If you are going to be mean and rude, at least make sure you won't feel bad afterwards.'
The two watched the K-drama until it was their cue to leave with Billie Eilish's "Lost Cause" ringing from Haru's phone.
'You even use a Billie Eilish alarm?' Yoongi raised his brows as he stood up and helped her clean up. Haru nodded, biting her lower lip as she chuckled. 'Do you like her that much?' he asked, watching as she nodded again.
The man with mint-like hair simpered to himself, sometimes such insignificant things made him realise just how fond he was of his best friend. 'Ah, by the way, did you leave some food for Yeongi? Where is he?'
'Yeah, don't worry. I am sure he is sleeping somewhere.'
Once they had finished cleaning up, they put their shoes and coats on before locking the door and sitting in Yoongi's car. Billie Eilish's latest album blasted throughout the car as soon as Yoongi turned the radio on, making Haru turn to look at him in excitement.
'What?' he asked coldly, his voice dropping by a couple of octaves, pretending as if he hadn't just put her favourite artist's music on just for her.
'Did you really buy Billie's last album for me?' she piped cheerfully jolting up from her seat slightly. Her best friend sighed and nodded in defeat. 'Wow, Yoongi, thanks! You see, when you do the minimum, you can be something else but rubbish!' wisecracked Haru, making the man in the driver's seat glare at her disgruntledly.
When two had reached the hospital, they sighed knowing that a boring one-hour session awaited them. The only good thing was that on that day they were going to have it together, like a mini group therapy.
Usually, they were huge despisers of group therapy as they clearly weren't social peeps. Nonetheless, when it was just the two of them it was perfect. The two friends knew each other like the backs of their hands. In the last seven years, they had shared things with each other that they had never even told their family.
'You ready?' Yoongi beamed at her tenderly, holding his hand out which Haru gladly grabbed.
The two were never surprised when people mistook them for a couple, but that's just how they were. Haru was the only person, along with Haneul, whom he would allow to touch him anytime. As in, he didn't mind their hugs or holding their hands, when they patted his shoulders or placed their heads on him. Meanwhile, when other people did, he'd become furious.
Haru had a similar situation, but she never got angry about people touching her, she simply didn't like it. Yet holding Yoongi's warm, slim hand felt so nice and reassuring. Wrapping her arms around his waist and placing her head on his strong chest felt so comforting. She just trusted him that much, and so did he.
'Yep,' confirmed Haru as they began walking towards the building.
After going through their usual procedures at the reception, they stepped inside the lift and finally reached the third floor of the medical centre. The usual, red and velvety carpets came into their sight, each time looking older and dirtier.
They followed their wonted path and reached a familiar cabin with a plate hanging on the door on which Mrs Hwang's name was engraved in golden letters. Yoongi let go of Haru's hand to knock and once the door was opened, the two were greeted by Haru's psychologist's sweet smile.
'Hi, come on in, Mrs Jin and Mr Moon are waiting inside.' Mrs Hwang opened the door completely, letting the pair in.
Haru and Yoongi bowed at Yoongi's psychologist and the other doctor who was a therapist, both nodded back at the two friends. Mrs Jin usually worked with Yoongi, meanwhile, Mrs Hwang worked with haru; Mr Moon joined their sessions from time to time.
Once they were all seated, Mr Moon was the first to speak up, holding his red clipboard and scanning it briefly. 'How have the two of you been?'
Basic question...
Silence filled the room for a second. It happened often when the questions were directed to the both of them. Yoongi decided to be the first to speak up. 'Everything has been pretty good for me. No memories, no triggers. However, Haru has faced something unpleasant yesterday.'
He noticed the way she scowled at him for exposing her, even though she already knew it was bound to happen.
'Ms Haru, will you please elaborate?' her psychologist inquired, voice brimmed with concern.
'Nothing serious, I just sat next to a guy and he drew a forest.' she shrugged as if it was nothing. 'And yes, I've been taking my medications. Just like Yoongi, there were no new memories, just this little thing that triggered me,' Haru added, knowing that it was better to just say everything all at once instead of having the doctors asking her each question.
'Dear Lord, finally it's over.' Haru sighed as she collapsed into the seat of Yoongi's warm car. It was freezing outside, so the comfort of his car instantly made her feel better. 'It's already seven p.m., do you wanna have dinner at mine? You could stay the night over too if you are lazy to drive back,' she proposed as she buckled her belt.
'I'll have dinner, but I can't stay over. Haneul wants me to meet her at nine.' Yoongi mimicked Y/N's actions and started the car. His friend rolled her eyes at the mention of his girlfriend, nodding nonchalantly. Anyone who didn't know better would've thought that she was jealous. 'Listen, I don't know why she wants to meet me, but today I'll talk to her.'
'It's okay. I have already accepted that there is nothing I could or should do.' she shrugged, making Yoongi frown since he knew that she was lying. No, her statement wasn't untrue, she knew that what she said was right and had accepted it, she simply didn't like it. 'Just because I accepted it, doesn't mean I like it, but that's better than fighting with you. Plus, you are mine.'
'Wha—' Yoongi's jaw dropped as he tore his eyes from the tenebrous road ahead of him. His frown became even more intense once he heard her loud chortling. Someone else would've thought she instantly needed to be brought to an asylum. 'What are you saying, Haru?' he pressed, trying not to turn his head into her direction and focus on the road.
'Don't you know?' Haru kept on guffawing like a fool, 'Yoongi, you are mine,' she repeated herself, knowing that she was only further galling him. 'You clearly spend more time with me. You chose to attend the same university as me. You sleep at my house and I sleep at yours almost every day. We see each other every single day, but her? You meet her like once or twice a week. Of course it's my win!' she smiled gloriously.
So you knew, huh?
'Haru, what the hell are you saying? Are you—'
'No, I am not complaining.' she cut him off, already knowing what he was going to say. 'I am so glad about that. When in the lecture hall you said you loved us differently and that you'd never dare to pick someone, you clearly lied. If I called you and told you I had a problem, you'd ditch her in a moment for me. You might be in love with her, you might become a lamebrain because of her, but you know why you aren't when it comes to me?'
The driver turned to look at his friend curiously, trying to ignore the way his hands were beginning to sweat around the steering wheel and the way his heart was pounding against his chest.
He knew she was right. He didn't want to admit it, but she was one-hundred percent correct. She had only stated facts. Yoongi's love was like a brother's, a father's even. Just as she said, he'd ditch anything and anyone, even his girlfriend, if she just got a minuscule scratch on the soft skin of her pale hand.
He was hers, but she was his?
'Because you trust me. You love her, but you don't trust her. You love me and you trust me. See what I did there? See the difference? Because you know you too are my first pick. Between us, I am the weaker one in the majority of points. You get infuriated when random people touch you, but my wrath can become terrifying thanks to way simpler things. Yet you know how to stay calm when that happens to me.'
Haru paused for a moment, looking at Yoongi's tensed figure. 'Plus, I see how you sometimes become stiff at her touches. And not that type of still, nothing that has to do with your heart fluttering or sexual tension.'
'What type of stiff then?' Yoongi sighed, knowing that his questions were absolutely dumb, but also knowing that Haru was more than willing to play along.
'The type in which you try to hold back your rage. When you want to scream at someone to get the fuck off you because it disgusts you. I know you don't always feel like that, and I know that you sometimes reach for her first. Although I also know that I've never once felt you stiffen like that with me. Not. Even. Once,' Haru spoke each word one by one, emphasising her point.
'I am not claiming you don't love her, or else you would've broken up with her. I am just saying that I come first,' she concluded with a proud smirk.
'Fine, I'll admit that you aren't wrong, happy to hear that?' Yoongi rolled his eyes, adjusting his turtleneck as it felt like it was throttling him. She nodded, in fact, beaming ever so vividly. Yoongi's anxiety was then eased; he didn't even know what the hell was he worried about.
The car ride was tranquil and quiet until the two made it to Haru's house.
Author-nim's note:
Hi guys! I think this chapter was quite intriguing, I tried to show Yoongi's and Haru's relationship. They are such great friends uwu~ anyway, I realised some of my paragraphs are too long, and I know it's annoying. When you write on your laptop it looks different from when you publish :") I'll fix that once I edit, but won't do it anymore for the sequent chapters!
Published date: 31/07/2021.
Word count: 2,724.
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