Chapter 9; Für Elise At Evenfall
He came and left like the pernicious smoke that ditched his lips.
───── ❝ do haru ❞ ─────
Saturday, 28th of January, 2021
Yoongi and Haru had decided to meet up. She convinced Yoongi to allow her to come to his flat since it had been a while since she had placed a foot in there. In the morning, Haru kept fixing her designs (a little too obsessively perhaps) even though it was unnecessary. After the things that Hae-im and Mina had told her, she wanted to showcase only her best, especially to Jimin.
At seven p.m. she called a cab and arrived at Yoongi's small apartment. She didn't even bother ringing the bell considering she had keys to his apartment, just like Yoongi had keys to hers. That was just how much the two trusted each other.
As soon as she opened the door, her face softened. The intoxicating smell of cigarettes and the lekker fragrance of Yoongi's cologne still lingered in the air. It was a mixture that, although kind of controversial, she had always been attracted to.
Even though it had been just a month since she had last visited, she couldn't help but observe the house as if it was her first time there. The ugly pink and yellow striped sofa that both, she and Yoongi, hated was still there. The old TV, the sense of emptiness and most importantly, the photo frames, were all exactly how she remembered them. But that was just the living room.
Haru knew she'd find Yoongi in his studio, or at least thought so. She knocked on the door however, there was no reply. Since she assumed that he was just listening to music, deaf due to his headphones, she entered only to find no one.
'Yoongs?' Haru finally spoke up as she closed the door to her friend's small studio that he oh-so-adorably called "The Genius Lab".
'Oh, you're here,' Yoongi uttered as he opened the bathroom door, stepping out. He raffled and dried his hair with a towel as another dark blue one protected his lower region. Haru glanced at her best friend's exposed toned chest, snickering slightly.
'Yep.' she crossed her arms, 'Have you been working out?' Haru raised her eyebrows pryingly, scanning her friend's body unblushingly. Yoongi released a small, bashful chuckle as a hue of baby pink began coating his bread-like cheeks. He really did look almost dainty at that moment.
'Yeah, are the results visible?' Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows, trying to play it cool.
Haru cackled gaily at the very rare sight of her friend being shy and cute. She still nodded her head in response, her laughter gradually dying down.
'Well, will you stop looking at me like that? I know I am handsome, but you are being too shameless. What a pervert...'
'Okay, okay!' Haru tittered, stepping back. 'I'll wait in the living room.' she walked away after Yoongi gave her an approving smile and disappeared back into the bathroom.
Sitting down on the sofa, her eyes landed on a picture frame that was placed on the wooden coffee table. A small grin that Haru couldn't help stretched over her lips.
It was a picture that they had taken less than three years ago at a park in Daegu. Yoongi had brought her to his hometown so the both of them could give his foster parents a visit. Daegu wasn't grandiose nor was there something admirable about it, but it had a lot of nature and nice people. Haru relished how peaceful and small the place was.
'I still remember that day, one of the best days of my life.' Yoongi beamed as he walked up to his friend, dressed casually. Frankly, Haru loved when Yoongi wore simplistic grey hoodies with matching pants. She was also a sucker for his fluffy hair after coming right out of the shower; he was just way too cuddly-looking.
'Oh, God, I know that look,' he muttered after seeing Haru's doe eyes.
Yoongi plopped down onto the sofa next to his friend and pulled her head onto his shoulder, allowing it to rest there. She nuzzled into his shoulder, her smile widening as she, for the nth time, realised how well Yoongi actually knew her. 'Lil' Meow Meow?'
Yoongi hummed, rolling his eyes at the nickname that he pretended to detest so much, yet that was one of his guilty pleasures. He lowkey was a soft man, but only for a few people like Haru, Haneul, Mrs Shim and his foster parents. Only those few beings could get that gentle smile out of him, only they could catch the frostiness leave his tired eyes, but only Haru could pull him into a hug ever so casually.
And that hurt as fuck. He hated himself for it, but it was the truth. The truth he had buried deep within his chest. The one that he had tried to bury deep within his chest. Only Haru could wrap her arms around his neck whenever she desired. Only Haru could melt her hand with his. Only Haru could do everything without even once crossing him. It's just the way it is.
'Yes?' Yoongi finally answered, snapping out of his little short-lived reverie.
'Something happened yesterday,' she announced, 'you know that I like Jimin, right?' Yoongi's wide eyes landed hers instantly, but she remained calm. 'Yesterday those bastards of Hae-im, Mina and the rest approached me again, but before they could do anything, Jimin came. He helped me, he didn't judge me for crying like a baby...'
Haru's best friend's face softened at her words. He had no idea which sentiment to focus on because he was feeling so many of them all at once. The feeling of anger because Haru hand't told him anything up until that moment. The selfish feeling of disappointment because it wasn't him who helped her. Or the bit of felicity because someone else finally stood up for her too.
As nonsensical as it sounded, Yoongi was happy, angry and upset about what happened all at once. It was very hypocritical of him to want others to help Haru, and yet, be the only one to do so at the same time.
'Why are you telling me this only now?' was all that he had managed to blurt out.
Haru frowned, her hand sliding to his chest and resting there. 'Don't get upset, please,' Haru whispered, and what could Yoongi do? She was scary to Yoongi, she had the power to get him to agree with her on almost anything. Therefore, his personal, greedy sentiments were instantly thrown into the bin—exactly where they belonged.
She noticed the way his brows, once again, lost their intensity, allowing the wrinkles that had formed on his forehead to smooth out.
'I am not.' Yoongi sighed, pulling her closer as he began stroking her hair. He must've really had something for caressing his best friend's hair because he did it very often. 'I am glad Jimin stood up for you. He must be a great guy, a great pick for you.' he gave her a small smile, some undefined sorrow hiding behind it.
'Thank you, Yoongs. I hope he feels the same...' she twinkled. 'Ah, by the way—' Haru turned to look at him, '—yesterday, you said you had something to tell me?' she raised a brow curiously as the mity-green-haired guy nodded.
'Yeah, um, when I met up with Haneul, she said she wants to hold a "truce" with you.' he almost rolled his eyes at how dramatic he came off.
'We are always together and she is upset that I spend most of my time with you, but she also knows that you need me. She said that she was ready to try and be friends with you again, after all, you guys have quite a bit in common. And you used to get along pretty well, will you try, please?'
'What?!?' the girl squeaked, not expecting such a request to pop up. 'She really said that?' she rubbed her index finger over her chin before sighing. 'I don't know... the fact that she cheated on you will never be forgotten by me. Whenever I see her face, that's all I can think about.'
Then seeing her best friend's hopeful face, she sighed again, 'But if you really want to, I'll try. Plus, she went for it first. Maybe, you aren't wrong about her after all. I'll give her a second chance, but if she screws up again...' Haru shot him a warning look, knowing that she didn't need to bother finishing her sentence for Yoongi to understand what she meant.
Hearing Haru put aside her opinion and trust him, really warmed his heart. He immediately tilted his head downwards and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, startling Haru with the sudden affectionate move. Her cheeks heated up, turning red as she cleared her throat, and the action didn't go unnoticed by her best friend.
'How about next week? We can have dinner at her house or at a restaurant if that makes you more comfortable,' Yoongi suggested, unable to hide his rapture as his gummy smile made his bread cheeks look more prominent.
'Apartment or restaurant, it doesn't matter. Anything you and Haneul prefer,' she replied, clearing her throat as she cringed internally. Haru had seriously just called her by her name... 'Lil' Meow Meow?'
Yoongi turned to look at his friend again, her doe eyes glistening like a reflection of the stars in a lake at night. He hummed, not being able to say anything else. 'Will you play your piano for me?'
Wordlessly, he stood up and grabbed her hand, slowly leading her to his poky and dingy studio. Haru grinned enthusiastically as she took a seat on a round, wooden stool, meanwhile, Yoongi sat on the piano bench
The pianist took a depth breath and before he knew it, his fingers had already started to play a song that he started learning ages ago and that took him ages to memorise; until it came so naturally that he didn't even need to think about it anymore.
At the sound of the oh-so-familiar melody, Haru couldn't help but grin. It felt nostalgic.
Für Elise by Ludwig van Beethoven.
And oh, from there the merry, poignant and beauteous memories flashed in both friends' minds. It felt almost like a movie of their lives flashed right before their eyes.
───── ❝ X/05/2015 ❞ ─────
'You are nothing but a useless freak.'
'You. Are. A. Useless. Freak.'
'What the fuck are you doing?!?' a low and raspy voice of a male rang in the corridor, making the two bullies immediately move away from the beaten-down girl.
Haru shakily twisted her body to look at her saviour, and her heart instantly dropped. The man was intimidating and aloof, yet on fleek. He had green-minty-coloured hair that was strangely attractive and suited him perfectly. Flawless, pale skin and sharp cat-like eyes that held so much dept, maybe even more than the ocean.
The man had his hands buried in the pockets of his denim skinny jeans. He wore a black leather jacket and a simple white shirt underneath, all that combined with black combat boots. Haru wasn't about to lie and say that she was not in love with his style.
'You little toffs better screw off,' the man threatened as he slowly moved closer to the two gulping girls. 'This is my last warning. If I catch you bothering kiddos in here again, you are all dead meat.'
He adjusted the collar of his jacket, eyeing the girls sternly as they nodded, trying to hold back their tears of fear and shame. 'What are you waiting for? Avaunt!'
The two mortified bullies instantly vamoosed like cats startled by the mere rustling of plastic, finally leaving Haru alone. She was still breathing heavily.
The man waited until her breathing became steady and left, not allowing her to thank him or say anything at all. Haru remained still in her spot, clutching at her chest as she watched him walk away. A frown was plastered on her forehead as she wondered whether she was going to see him again or not.
The next day, after dinner, Haru made her way to the balcony as she leant against the railing. She had been there only a couple of times after discovering it a week ago. And she liked it up there, getting fresh air is always good anyway.
A sad sigh left her lips as she stared at the starless sky. All day long her head had been filled with thoughts of the arcane man who seemed to be an enigma itself, yet veiled with some internal benignity. He appeared just as rapidly as he vanished. It was indeed enthralling to Haru, just how classy the man was. And she had met him only once.
Unexpectedly, the young girl heard a small, almost out of earshot click. She instantly snapped her head towards where the sound had come from, somewhere on the balcony but in a distant corner. Nonetheless, it was too dark for her to see if someone was there, especially due to the lack of lights in that specific area.
She began taking quiet steps. The closer she made it to where the sound had come from, the more she could smell a strong scent of cigarettes. An acrid aroma that was completely foreign to the nineteen-year-old girl.
She coughed slightly, pinching her nose to avoid inhaling the terrible emanation, yet not stopping. And soon, she had hit her head on something, or rather someone. Haru looked up, understandably startled as her eyes met the ones that resembled a cold autumn evening.
The man was staring back at her emotionlessly, a typical white-and-orange cigarette dangling lazily between his lips. He rose his eyebrows questioningly as he took a couple of steps back and puffed out a cloud of smoke in a direction that wouldn't allow Haru to inhale it.
'U-um...' Haru sputtered unsurely, tugging a strand of hair behind her ears. 'You are the one who helped— no, saved me yesterday, right?'
'If you wanna label that as "saving", I guess yeah.' he shrugged, taking another intoxicating breath and puffing it out. After that, he dropped the cigarette onto the ground, stepping on it with the same boots he had worn the previous day.
Before Haru could speak up, just like yesterday, the man was already walking away. He came and left like the pernicious smoke that ditched his lips. His scent lingered in the air. A sweet yet bitter mix of death and purity, of cigarettes and his cologne was all that tarried after him.
There was something about him that was extremely charming to the young girl. Maybe the way he always left mutely, his clothes or the remoteness that never wavered from his eyes even when he performed good deeds.
The wind made danced with Haru's hair as she stared at the crashed cigarette, where his boots once were. Unknowingly, she felt her heart crack like the ice on a frozen lake in the first days of March.
The sequent day went by just like the previous one.
Even during therapy, Haru was lost between the countless and endless clouds of nullity. She zoned out every minute, her mind replaying the flashbacks of the mysterious man flicking his leather jacket, of him glancing down at her with the cigarette in his mouth, of his intimidating glare as he told the two girls to stop. Just him in general.
At evenfall, just an hour before dinner, Haru found herself on the balcony once again, foolishly hoping for the man to reappear. If she saw him again, she wanted to memorize everything about him. His feline eyes, fluffy hair, thin lips, cute jawline and puffy cheeks. She begged God to let her at least find out his name.
And as the orange and pink, maybe even yellowish twilight was ablaze, a soft yet fast-paced piece rang in her ears. Skilled fingers glided along piano tiles, releasing a heartfelt melody. Intrigued, the girl skipped around, following the sound until she reached a door; there it became louder and clearer.
The person playing the piano depicted carefulness with their movements and desperation at the same time. Haru assumed that was a hard thing to do. A jaundiced mixture of grief and melancholy with despair jumbled somewhere in between. The overall song remained balanced and graceful, played with perfect tempo and dynamics.
Haru pressed her fingers lightly against the door, pushing it open only to find out that it was almost. The room was ill-lit and only a wooden piano was placed in the middle, the pianist facing his back to her. But she didn't need to see his face, she could already tell from his posture and hair that it was him. The person she had been just looking for.
The last note was played and held for a few beats, then the song ended. The man, also the astonishingly talented pianist, turned around, his eyes meeting Haru's. He huffed at the sight of the same girl he had stumbled upon for the (now) third time.
'What um... what song is that?' she queried curiously, her lips folding into a pursed and awkward line.
'Für Elise,' the man replied simply and stood up, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. That day his look was slightly different, softer you could even say. He was wearing a comfy white jumper matching it with classic Timberlands and ripped denim jeans.
'I-I liked it,' Haru stammered as she looked down timidly. 'You are good, Mr Enigma. Will you become a pianist?' she chimed, bouncing slightly. If the man didn't have a 'reputation' (of being a misanthropic introvert) to keep up, he would have giggled at the girl's cuteness.
'I don't know.' he shrugged. 'But I like— I love music.' he smiled fondly as he peered over his shoulder at the piano. 'I hope so.'
'I am sure you will!'
And oh, when he beamed. Haru's heart couldn't take it. She almost wanted to tear up because not even in her most imaginative wonders could she have pictured that bloke grinning. She almost thought he didn't know how to, that his lips were paralyzed.
'You should smile more often,' said Hary cheesily, 'then you'll definitely be a pianist, I promise.'
Yoongi smiled again, without even realising.
'I have heard this song before,' she whispered, and the man nodded, explaining that it was a very well-known but hard to play piece. 'Mr Enigma?'
'What, Ms Nuisance?'
'Does this song have a story?'
Startled by the unique question, the man's eyes widened as he made direct eye contact with the curious girl. After a few seconds of thoughtful silence, the man silently walked back to the piano bench, sitting more towards the left side as he indicated the girl to sit on the right.
'The song was written by Ludwig van Beethoven, and its meaning is "For Elise". It's actually dedicated to a woman that he wanted to marry by the name of "Therese", yet people had misunderstood its translation, therefore, calling it "For Elise".'
'So it was originally called "For Therese"?'
'Exactly,' responded Yoongi, 'but Therese did not want to marry the composer. This song which is meant for piano was discovered way after its writers' death.'
The passion in his eyes was what had something tugging at Haru's heart. It just kindled a deeper feeling of admiration towards him. Haru could relate to him because she felt like that too when anyone was willing to discuss fashion with her.
'Mr Enigma, what's your real name? Mine is Do Haru.'
'Yoongi. It's Min Yoongi.'
And from there on it was history.
───── ❝ end of f.b. ❞ ─────
Haru closed her eyes, oscillating her head with a frown as she fell into the swift notes of the piece. Memories flashed in her mind like she was living them all over again. She could smell the same mixture of cigarettes and cologne, she could feel the same gelid wind rocking with her and she could hear the same fusion of emotions in the song.
Once again, it ended on that strong note that lingered for just a little longer before eventually meeting the heaves, thus dying.
'Mr Enigma?' Haru murmured. Yoongi's smile became even bigger at the old nickname as he nodded his head. 'Will you tell me that story again?'
Published date: 15/08/2021.
Word count: 3,393.
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