Chapter 3; Bandy Words
If only a few poetic words were enough to make someone trust me the way you trust her...
───── ❝ do haru ❞ ─────
Tuesday, January 24th, 2021
Usually, Jimin, Yoongi and Haru sat together at lunch, but that day Jimin said he wanted to be alone since he needed to study. In fact, right beside his tray of school-cafeteria-rancid food, that Jimin clearly was not thrilled to eat, he had an open textbook. His eyes scanned through the words and pictures of the textbook attentively as sometimes he'd put a spoon in his mouth, scrunching his nose, but gradually finishing up.
'Well, crap.' Yoongi huffed as Haru sat with her mouth ajar, staring at no other than the one and only Park Jimin. She was completely out of it, like someone, more specifically that Park dude had bewitched her. 'It hasn't even been two weeks since he came to this school, and you already lost it? You are so easy, Haru-ya,' he jeered.
Yoongi wouldn't have been embarrassed to admit that with that sentence, he intended to make her feel bad. It might sound mean but she deserved it. It wasn't fair of her to ignore Yoongi over some "cute newbie".
'Shut up, Yoongi. If you hate spending time with me that much why don't you just go fuck your girlfriend?' Haru snapped, 'oh, right!' she raised her chin and eyes brows. 'That bitch is probably somewhere, fucking someone else, so she'd be too busy.'
'Can you stop bad-mouthing Haneul for a moment? Heck, for one single, motherfucking day?' Yoongi growled, scowling at his best friend with grand dissatisfaction.
'I didn't mention her yesterday,' she retorted.
'Oh, wow!' Yoongi pretended to gasp. 'Yeah, how was bizarre, you lived twenty-four hours without vilifying her. I thought that it was gonna rain pigs.' he rolled his eyes, not bothering to hold back his sarcasm. 'Why the hell do you resent her so much? It's been years, so why, Haru-ya, just why?'
'Because that is how humans are. Once they do something one time, there is an extremely high chance they'll do it again. Plus, she didn't look sorry to me when she "pleaded" you not to leave her, which you should have done anyway. Why don't you trust me when I say that I have caught her red-handed!?!'
Haru couldn't help the aggressiveness. Whenever Yoongi spoke about his girlfriend, her heart would burn with sorrow, but most of all fury. All because he would rather believe his cheating scoundrel of a girlfriend than his best friend who he's known for almost over a quinquennial.
Yoongi was a very clever man. He was sharp, he was distant and believed in facts and facts only. But when it came to that bitch of Haneul, he transformed into an undeniably purblind cretin. Because of this fatuous, naive love, Yoongi had become an absolute, unthinking dunce, and Haru unabashedly loathed that.
She knew that he would need to be shown the harsh reality. He had to see it for himself. It had to happen right before his eyes for him to realise just how ludicrous the reality of their so-called relationship actually was. The thing, that he foolishly called and believed to be "love", was nothing but bullshit; a lie that Haneul beguiled him into believing.
'I know that, Haru, and I believe you! But she said that she was confused because she was pressured at that moment, she wasn't thinking straight. It must've been an outburst... just like I did. You know damn well that after figuring out what she did, I also had an unreasonable reaction. I was cruel to her too, we are even,' Yoongi replied.
'You mean when you slapped her? Bruh, that bitch deserves more than that. If you weren't such an imbecile, I would've already put her on fire. You embarrassed yourself by wasting your time and raising a hand on her, which resulted in you looking like the bad guy. I can't believe you can go from the genius that you are to a complete fucktard because of her...'
'Why do you always need to bring up the past? Can't we all just move on?' Yoongi sighed, his chest heavy with the wish to just terminate this conversation. 'Also, frankly speaking, this is none of your business.'
'None of my business?' Haru's voice was low and quiet, and Yoongi knew he had hurt her—after hearing that tone—badly. 'If only someone loved me that much. If only a few poetic words were enough to make someone trust me the way you trust her...' she grumbled and further collapsed into her chair.
'Haru, you know that I am always here for you and that I trust you—' her best friend tried to reassure her, but she slammed her fist onto the table again, quelling him with a stern gaze. Her glistening pupils shook, and he cringed at the sight of her struggling to hold in her tears. Suddenly, he began feeling terrible, really terrible.
'You lying shit!' Y/N yelled while pointing her index finger at him. 'Why are you deceiving me? You only trust that stupid harpy! You'd rather trust a sod that has cheated on you than your best friend who has been by your side way longer than her, really Yoongi?' she looked at him with furrowed brows, the ache in her eyes getting more visible with each ticking second.
If she weren't Do Haru, she wouldn't have been able to hold her tears in. But she is Do Haru. Hence, Yoongi was obliged to watch as she stood up and disappeared out of the cafeteria, letting a loud, beaten sigh escape his lips.
All of a sudden, someone plopped down into Haru's seat. And as he looked up, he puzzled out that it was Jimin. Yoongi rose a brow, waiting for the latter to explain his unexpected appearance.
'What could make two best friends like you guys fight in such a severe way?' Jimin questioned, leaning over the table. A very small, unnoticeable smile coated his lips as he locked his hands beneath his chin. The lowkey smugness in his tone annoyed Yoongi.
'Why'd that be any of your business? Do you even know that she likes you? I can't understand why, but if you are going to reject her, you better do it nicely. Let me make this clear... I. Don't. Like. You. And if you hurt her, I'll make your life a living hell,' Yoongi cautioned, eyeing Jimin with a bitter taste dancing on his tongue.
'I do know she likes me.' Jimin grinned sheepishly, clearly trying to restrain himself from looking down shyly. 'She is a total cutie, yet kinda a baddie at the same time. That's so adorable! If she wants to go out, I'll for sure accept.' he leant closer, patting Yoongi's bangs out of his eyes as he spoke, his voice silky, 'It could bloom into a great relationship, right, Yoongi-Hyung?'
Anyone would've felt fluttered if someone talked like that to them. Yet, the way that the words "Yoongi-Hyung" rolled off his tongue, made Yoongi's stomach churn. In fact, he froze for a second, staring at Jimin with a fascinated expression plastered dumbly on his face until he managed to snap out of it.
'What the fuck was that?' he whispered, hoping Jimin wouldn't have heard it. 'H-have we met before? All of a sudden, you seem familiar...' Yoongi asked curiously with a hesitant undertone as he tilted his head, examining the blonde boy before him.
'Who knows? Maybe.' Jimin shrugged, his expression turning even more playful.
No, Yoongi was definitely not turning gay; he thought it was rather creepy. And the familiarity of Jimin's voice only made it a thousand times creepier.
'Haha! I don't really remember you, but as I said, who knows? We could have met a long time ago, everything's possible, right?' Jimin suddenly laughed, which to Yoongi seemed very peculiar.
'Anyway, I need to go and get Haru, so we can make up.' Yoongi cleared his throat and left Jimin alone.
As the blonde boy sat and fiddled with his fingers, his bubbly face morphed into one of emotionlessness. The cafeteria, that slowly became emptier and emptier as lunch time came to an end, witnessed his true colour for a brief moment. Then, he finally decided to march to his next class.
Author-nim's note:
I know this chapter is quite short hehe...I also hope it's not sounding boring, but you know, this is just the beginning, there is still a long way to go with the plot. These are just the initial chapters :)
Published date: 26/07/2021.
Word count: 1,371.
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