Yeonjun would look at the black haired male as he slightly frowned "Hun it isn't good to stare i know I'm beautiful but you don't have to stare" Soobin would roll his eyes as he walked away from the bed.
"What the fuck just happened" Yeonjun would yell at Soobin as he heard Soobin laugh "Junnie I don't know I just went with the flow" Soobin would explain as he put his black skirt back on with his fishnets "Anymore questions before I go on my killing spree?" Soobin would smile as he lightly swayed his hips while walking to Yeonjun.
"No just get out my room" Soobin would smile "Idiot you are in my room" Yeonjun would frown as he walked out Soobin's room "Safe Travels Mr.Mafia" Soobin would jump out his window after he watched Yeonjun get in his car and leave.
Soobin would sway his hips as he walked to the club "Hey Handsome" Soobin would Sit on the brown haired males lap as he stared into his eyes "H-Hello" The Brown Haired Male would shyly make eye contact with Soobin.
"What's your name sweetie?" Soobin just slightly grinded on the younger male as he heard satisfied quiet moans "H-Huening Kai" Kai felt a bit weird as he put his hands on the black haired males waist "I'm Soobin" Soobin quietly laughed at the youngers cuteness.
"Wanna have a good time?" Soobin look at the younger hardened clothed cock as he wiggled his ass a bit "S-Sure" and with that Soobin took his hand and pulled him into a private room.
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