Colorado Rose POV
"Hello?" I asked.
My ears perked up at the voice.
"Hey bab--"
"It's over."
My face went flat.
"Alright jackass, I never liked you anyways." I said.
"Alright, alright, here me out." Miles said.
I thought for a second.
"You clearly still have feelings for Miles."
Before I could answer, Miles hung up.
What a bitch!
I most certainly do not like Miles. I mean, he sure has gotten a lot cuter, smarter, sweeter, but thats not the point. You know what, I don't even care. He wasn't my one true love anyways.
I put my shades on and walked out of my house, to my car. I got In and drove out of my driveway. I turned the volume up to my radio and plugged my phone up to the AUX cord. I played one of my favorite songs, wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus.
I love Miley Cyrus, despite her change. Sure she was a goody goody In her T.V show Hannah Montana, but everyone changes and she has actually let her hair grow back out. I mean, shes not bad anymore. I still love her either way, so...
I hummed along to the song and before I knew It I pulled up Into McDonalds.
Drive thru or nah?
Drive thru.
I pulled up to the little speaker thingy and waited for the person to speak.
"Hi welcome to McDonalds how may I help you?"
"Hi! I'd like an oreo flurry, a small fry, two McChickens, and a small Pepsi." I said.
What, I'm a pig. Why judge me?
"That will be $14.66. Please pull up to the first window."
I pulled up to the first window and dug my money out of my purse.
The lady stuck her head out of the window as I stuck my hand out to give her her money.
"Oh no ma'am. the car In front of you just paid for your meal."
"What?" I asked.
"The couple In front of you just paid for your meal."
Cue the awes.
I let out a smile.
"I wish I could have told them thank you." I said.
The lady gave me a small smile.
"Okay well, how much Is their meal?" I asked, meaning the people behind me.
"$6.48, ma'am."
I pulled out the amount of money and handed It to her.
"Here." I said.
The lady smiled.
"See, now If the entire population was like this everyone would get along. It's funny how one good deed can travel around."
"Exactly." I said.
"Well you have a nice day."
"You too." I said.
I looked at my Oreo McFlurry and smiled.
Miles POV
"Are you hungry?"
Elly shook her head, not even looking at me.
"Elly, I'm going to get food, are you hungry?" I asked again.
"No." Elly said.
"Are you sure, you can save It for later." I said.
"Yeah, yeah. Watch out I'm trying to watch TV." Elly said.
So rude...
"Okay." I said.
"I Insist, It's okay. You don't have to buy me anything." Elly said.
Shes not even paying attention.
"Alright, well I'm going to get food, okay?" I asked slowly.
Elly shook her head.
"Out the door I go." I sang.
Ellys POV
Finally, Miles Isn't bothering me. I am watching my favorite show, It's called, 'Stranger Things'. I love Gaten. Hes so funny. It's sad that he has no collar bones though. Hes still awesome!
Oh and Eleven, shes one of my favorite characters.
I sat on the couch eating some pringles. Where did Miles go? He just disappeared. I hate when he leaves and doesn't te--
"I'm back!"
I stood up and crossed my arms.
"Where did you go?" I asked as soon as Miles came Into view.
"Food, I to--"
"Food! I want some!" I yelped.
Miles narrowed his eyes.
"I ask you, but you Insisted on me not buying you any." Miles said glaring at me.
"Why would I turn down food? You're lying." I said.
"What?! You literally said It not even thirty minutes ago."
"But you have no proof." I said.
"Well you're still not getting any." Miles said.
"Because It's mine."
"But I want some." I said with a pout.
"I don't care."
Before I could protest Miles marched out if the livingroom.
"Fine! I have Pringles!" I yelled.
I sat down, a pout still toying at my lips. I really wanted some food. Really bad...
"I wanna do something." Hailand Grace said.
"Me too." I said.
"Hell yeah!" I chirped.
Hailand Grace told me all about her forgiving Scott. Am I mad? No, I have no right to be. Hailand Isn't even In this entire feud, so I have no right to be mad at her.
"Alright, well lets go put on some makeup and look beautiful!" Hailand Grace said.
We both walked Into her bedroom and to the bathroom. Hailand sat down In a chair and I stayed standing up.
"Ready." Hailand Grace confirmed.
She closed her eyes and relaxed.
This Is gonna take a while.
I took the blush brush and tapped off the access. I rubbed the blush on Hailand Grace' cheekbones and backed up.
"Alright." I said.
Hailand Grace stood up and looked In the mirror. She gawked, big time.
Good thing I'm a makeup designer.
Now she can do the clothes.
"This Is beautiful."
"Thank you." I said.
"This smoky eye brings out my eye color." Hailand Grace said.
"Thats why I chose It." I said with a smile.
I'm so glad I can do makeup.
"Alright well stop gawking and go pick out outfits while I do my makeup." I said.
I looked In the mirror and smiled. I think I look good. I heard a stomp.
"I'm fine!"
I laughed at Hailand Grace' clumsiness. I remember that being me. Hailand Grace never really use to be clumsy, It has always been me, but I guess It was switched around. Oh well. No more falling and almost braking my neck.
Hailand Grace walked In the bathroom with her hair up Into one of her famous buns, ripped skinny jeans, and a white tank top with a flannel around her waist.
"Cute, cute, cute." I said.
Hailand Grace smiled.
"There." Hailand Grace said.
I grabbed the clothes out of her hands and quickly put them on.
I pulled my shades in top of my head and smiled at Hailand Grace.
"Do I look good?" I asked.
"Yes, do I?" Hailand Grace asked.
"Always." I said.
We walked Into Walmart gaining a few stares.
Damn, do we really look that good?
Of course we do!
We walked over to the shoes and I looked at some cute sandals. To be honest, Walmart sandals are really cute. I'd rather have Walmart sandals over Academy sandals. I don't know what the problem Is, but Walmart sandals are a lot cuter.
I grabbed a pair and sat down. I took my shoes and socks on and slipped my foot In It. I wiggled my foot around and stood up. I walked a little In them and when I felt satisfied I took It off and put my shoes on.
"Hailand, I found some." I said.
Hailand looked at me and then to the shoes.
"Walmart has such good shoes." Hailand mumbled.
I smiled and we walked over to the toys.
As I looked at one of the little bikes I felt eyes on me. I turned around and was faced with Hailand.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Hailand asked.
Her eyes darted to me to the bike. An evil grin spread across my face.
"Lets do it."
We chose our bike and hopped on. We then resumed to riding up and down the aisle.
"Watch out!" I yelped.
Hailand swerved and almost crashed, but took control of her bike.
I snickered to myself.
My heart went a bit faster and I turned my head.
"Workers are coming, workers are coming!"
"Abort mission, abort mission!"
At that Hailand Grace and I literally stuck out feet to the pedal. We were pedalling fast.
"Go Hailand go!" I yelled.
"Move the fuck out of our way!"
Hailand and I didn't look back, but we were pedaling as fast as we could to the entrance.
I went right, Hailand went left.
We both continued to make different turns and when I was sure I lost the guards I stopped the bike, got off It, and started to run. My phone vibrated In my pocket. I took It out and slowed down.
Go to the exit In the back.
The message was from Hailand Grace and just as I turned the corner, I smacked Into a guard. I let out a squeal and ran the other way.
"I'm gonna call the police!"
"Hell yeah you are!"
I cackled and ran faster. By the time I made It to the exit and In the car my heart felt like It was about to explode. Before I could calm down Hailand spoke.
"About time!"
Only because I love you guys, and you guys love me. ❤
How was this chapter? It's actually a long one by the way. I had fun writing It too. What are you guys doing this weekend? I am actually going to take pictures because I love taking pictures. Who else loves to take pictures?
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