Chapter 2
Writers see the world differently. Every voice we hear, every face we see, every hand we touch could become story material.
~ Buffy Andrews
‖Chapter 2‖
Ashers POV
I LAYED In my bed and stared up at the plain white ceiling.
I heaved a sigh and sat up. I stood up and walked to the front door. I looked through the peep hole and smiled when I saw It was Scott. I opened the door and welcomed him In.
"Hey man." Scott said giving me a bro hug.
"Hey." Scott said sitting down.
"So, hows everyone doing?" I asked cautiously.
"Good." Scott said.
"Elly?" I asked hesitantly.
"Man, I'm pissed at you. Whats so good In New York, huh? You broke Elly. She hasn't acted the same ever since you left and you left her three years ago. She stays In her house, alone. Oh and by the way, Laiken Is popping the question. You know the, 'Will you go out with me,' question? You screwed up big time. Shes giving up on you, and you don't even care. On top of that, I just lied to Hailand and told her I had to come down here for work. What the hell do you think shes gonna do when she finds out I came here for you? Huh?" Scott said blowing up on me.
"Man, do you really think I don't care?" I asked feeling a bit hurt that he thinks that.
"I honestly don't even know. You may care, but you don't care enough. If you did, you'd grow some balls, get the hell out of New York, put on your big boy panties, and win your girl back." Scott said.
If he were a cartoon character, steam would be blowing out of his ears... Just saying.
"I didn't mean to brake her. I was In a bad situation, you know that. I am gonna come back, you know that I am." I said.
"Hell, when will that be?!" Scott yelled.
"Soon." I answered.
"Dude, do you even miss her?" Scott asked.
"Yes In hell I miss her!" I hissed.
How dare he think like that. I do miss her.
"Then why don't you leave, now?!" Scott asked raising his voice.
"No, I dont want to." I said stubbornly.
"Why?! Because your scared?" Scott asked.
"No, I'm not scared of anything." I said crossing my arms.
"Whether you like to admit It, you're scared she wont take you back. I mean, I wont blame her If she doesn't. You took three long years of her life!"
"Dont talk like that! I didn't take anything from Elly. She just can't move on. Thats not my fault." I said.
"What? Man, this Isn't you, are you even hearing the way you're talking? I don't know where you've gone. You know It's your fault and thats why you dont wanna face her. Call me again when Asher Is back." Scott said getting up.
"What are you talking about?
Just because I left does not mean I'm scared. I'm anything but scared." I said.
"So you're terrified." Scott said.
Hit It right on top of the nail.
"Man, you better get your shit together, or you're gonna lose her, and you will have to watch her be happy, while your stuck In the dumps." Scott said leaving; slamming the door on his way out.
He's right. I do need to get my stuff together, the thing Is I'm scared, and guilty. I'm scared she wont take me back. I'm guilty because I left her. I knew when I started to pack up, I would brake her. I knew that from the start. I got up and ran a frustrated hand through my hair.
What have I done?
I can't watch her be happy with another man. I also can't be the reason why shes not happy.
I walked back to my small bedroom and pulled out a picture book of us. I sat It on my bed and smiled at It.
I opened the hardwood cover and looked at all the photos. I smiled at the first picture. The first day I met her.
"Asher, I swear. Hailand Is great In bed."
My eyes drifted off to a short blonde haired girl. She was Intently reading a book. Her eyes flickered to the next page and a smile grew on her pink lips. I knew from the start, I was gonna see her more In my future.
I jumped a little and looked at Scott.
"Are you even listening?" Scott asked.
"Uhhh." I said still staring at the beauty In front of me.
End Of FlashBack
My stomach grew In a small knot and I closed the book, not wanting to go through It anymore. I layed down on my bed and prayed to god, If there even was one that everything goes well. After that, my eyes closed and I was In a deep sleep.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey, dude. Whats up, homie?"
I rolled my eyes at Derick.
"Nothing much. Hey, I know you just call--"
"Hey man, I need to go to the store, can you give me a ride?"
I sighed and put the phone on mute.
"Oh my god!" I yelled out.
I took the phone back off mute and spoke;
"Look man I would, but I'm a little busy right this second." I said.
"Oh thats fine, man. I mean, I'd do It for you and everything, but If It's gonna be like that, than okay. I mean, I didn't get you an apartment or anything, or a job. I mean that means nothing."
He didn't do any of that stuff. I did.
"Look, If you called just to start your baby shit then just go ahead and hang u--"
The line went dead.
Thank the lord!
I sat back down at my desk and started to write again.
Dear Sunshine,
Well If you have gotten this that means I have finally grew some balls. I have been wanting to write you this for quiet some time. I ju
I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller ID.
I rolled my eyes and sent Derick to voicemail. Hes such a prick.
Hey lovelies!
How are you guys?
How was this chapter?
I feel pretty confident In this chapter. It took me three hours to write It so I really did put effort Into It.
It's actually harder than you think to write In a guys POV, If you're a girl.
Well, I have to go.
Peace and chicken grease!
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