Tetsu's arms went around me as his cellphone dropped to the table. His phone case padded its fall, but it still made an alarming clatter. The glowing of everyone's cellphones lit us like the soft light of candles. I looked up, and his mouth was open as he looked around the room at everyone. Finally, his eyes went on me and he squeezed me to him tighter. My first thought went to my wheelchair. It was so strange. I found it folded next to the wall where the door was, just as it had been seconds before. Why was I anxious about it? The idea of being anxious about it was just as dizzying as the darkness.
"Okay, no one panic," Keitaro said, his hands raised in front of him, trying to calm us. No one was moving, staring at their phones and scrolling.
"The national weather center says the typhoon's outer bands hit Tokyo hours ago, way ahead of schedule. What's going on?" Davy said quickly, interrupting his friend most likely unintentionally.
"Ah, the article I found says that their predictions changed. The storm was gaining speed. We missed this information, because we were in here," Masaki informed everyone.
"What website is that?" Nobu asked, leaning over to him. They quietly read the article together.
"Well, at least the phone networks are working," Keitaro breathed.
"Oh!" Tetsu gasped. He picked his phone up again quickly, tapping it to life. He got into it, and I saw he was trying desperately to check my app. In no time, he brought up my reading. It was a comfortable one-hundred and four. I felt fine, too.
"It's okay, I feel fine," I assured him. I really did feel fine. Any sleepiness I'd had was gone now, too shocked by these sudden events. As I was speaking, his hand dove for my wrist. He brought my watch up, and jerked my wrist a little to get it to come on. I patiently watched as he checked me out. It was true that I might not be fine even if I felt good. He was right to check it. But, my watch showed me vital signs were alright. My heartbeat wasn't even elevated. I was steady. I felt him deflate as he let out a sigh of relief. His other arm went around me, embracing me tightly.
"I'm worried," he said only to me, whispering in my ear. I kissed his ear a little to show I was okay. He gave another long breath, starting to rock me a little, maybe to comfort himself or me or both.
"I think if it's still the outer bands, then we should make our way to our homes," Keitaro was saying. "The trains might still be running. Maybe there's Ubers. If it's too hard to get to various wards, those of you who live in those wards can stay with my family and I until it's safe to go home. We have enough room. Yami, I know you live quite far away, is that right?"
Yami sat up straight, his eyes wide. It was obvious he was excited about this prospect. "Yes, I live pretty far away. It takes thirty minutes to get there by bus and train."
"Where do you live?" Davy asked him, staring at him curiously from his position at the end of the table. Yami was like a deer in headlights, being asked this by his idol.
"Oh, I have to call Sawai-san!" Tetsu suddenly yelped, tightening his arms around me as his body jerked upward a little as he came out of his seat in panic. My arms went around him, bringing him back to me.
Yami came back, too, jarred by Tetsu's words. His eyes took on their usual sharp focus. "I'll call her." Tetsu nodded as Yami brought his phone up, tapping it rapidly.
"There's a window in the hallway, right?" Masaki asked. "I wonder if it's our building losing power or maybe even this part of Shibuya? Could it be the breaker? Where could that be located? You said the building got damaged from the last typhoon, right? Could this be related to that?"
Keitaro was nodding as he was speaking, agreeing to all of it. "Let's go check the window down the hallway. Maybe we can see if the streetlights are on, or if the buildings across the way have lights."
Masaki nodded back to him. "Let's go."
Yami's phone was to his ear. "Wait, wait. I don't want us to get separated. That's not a good idea." He was using the same voice that he did when he was commanding them about repairs to our house.
"He's right," Keitaro said. His gaze wandered to me, and then flicked back to everyone else. Had he meant to do that? Did I interpret that right? My eyes went wide, and I looked downward. Good thing it was too dark in here to see me blush. But, Tetsu was right on it, almost on the same wavelength. Or maybe, everyone was thinking this. It made me blush worse.
"I don't want us to be separated. We have Sana here. He might need help, and- and- I- I-" His breathing was quickening.
"Whoa, whoa," Nobu said, his voice with such a gentle tone. "It's going to be okay." He leaned over the table to get a better look at us. "Sana, how are you feeling? Do you want to lay down?" He sounded like he had such a command of the situation already. I remembered that he'd helped his residents evacuate storms before. I wanted to remind Tetsu of this.
I decided to do everything he told me, to help Tetsu. Maybe it would make him calm down and feel better. "I could lay down," I agreed, smiling at him.
"Okay. We'll lay you down and get you comfortable after we check what the weather looks like outside," Nobu said, smiling back at me. He looked up at everyone. "Let's go see, okay?"
Yami let out a frustrated noise, putting his phone down. "My mom's not answering. She'd better answer. I'll try again in a few minutes."
"Text her," I said. "Maybe she's distracted or asleep."
"That's true. She's got Eclipse, too. Eclipse doesn't like storms. She can be a lot to handle in one."
"Maybe it's that, then." I started to rub Tetsu's back as he breathed deeply in my ear. He was trying to calm himself down, too.
"Let's go out into the hallway. Careful, though. We're going to figure this out." Keitaro started to move away from the head of the table towards the door. This was the signal for everyone to get up.
Nobu stood up and immediately went and grabbed my wheelchair. Expertly, he unfolded it and brought it to us. Masaki got up while he did this and offered his hands to me. I untwined from Tetsu and he got up, too. Carefully, Masaki pulled my chair out from the table and turned me towards my wheelchair. Nobu took off the armrest closest to me off and got my wheelchair as close to my chair as he could. Gently, he and Masaki pulled me onto it. It was a smooth of a transition as you could ask for. Nobu secured my armrest back in place, and we were ready to go. It was over in seconds. If Nobu treated his residents this way, they were very lucky people. I felt so lucky. Almost inappropriate happiness filling me up at what he'd just done, so the opposite of what I should be feeling right now in this storm.
I was oddly calm. I was realizing that now. Tetsu was panicking, but I was still as a stone. Where was that coming from?
We watched Shizue and Hikaru go out of the door, Hikaru leading Shizue in a gentlemanly manner. She looked impressed, and I saw a little bit of a smile sneak onto her face as she slipped through the doorway. Tetsu rolled me through the doorway, too, and Nobu and Masaki followed us.
As soon as we entered the hallway there was heaviness to the air. A complete change in atmosphere. Shizue and Hikaru were frozen in their tracks as they almost bumped into Keitaro, Davy, and Yami. They were all frozen, staring at where the large window at the end of the hall should have been. Utter silence was upon us, as the anger of whipping rain lashed the window and the sound of a train filled my ears. But it wasn't a train. It was the wind.
"Shit," Yami muttered under his breath. "It wasn't supposed to hit until almost noon. It's 3AM."
"Maybe if it's hit us this soon, then it's going very fast and will leave us quicker," Masaki observed. "Keitaro, do you know where the breaker is? Can we take a look at it?"
"Sana, we have to put your insulin in the fridge," Tetsu said behind me. His voice made me want to hug him and never let go. He was so scared. My hand searched for his hand in the semi-darkness, finding it gripping one of my handlebars way too tightly.
Davy was close enough to hear him. "There's a fridge on this floor. There's a breakroom."
"Oh, right, there is!" Tetsu gasped. "Where is it? Where- I- oh- that way-"
"Breathe," Davy said. He emerged in the light of Shizue's cellphone. She was checking it again, Hikaru looking at it with her. "It's going to be okay. We'll get his insulin in the fridge, and-"
"But if there's no power, then what about the fridge?" Tetsu asked. "What about the fridge?! It's not going to be cold!" His breath went shaky behind me.
"Oh shit," Yami said under his breath, turning and racing toward us. His form went through the gamut of lights from our friends' phones. "You're right! What are we going to do?! I've got that cooler at your apartment, but we can't get it, and-"
"Whoa, calm down," Nobu gasped behind us. He appeared, too. His large hand went on my shoulder as he went around me. Masaki followed him. Everyone was coming toward us. "The fridge will still be cold enough for hours if we don't open it excessively. And if it has a freezer, then that will be cold enough once the fridge isn't. It's going to be okay."
"But, who knows if we're the only ones without power?" Tetsu said frantically. "What if we don't have power for days?!"
"Then he'll go to the hospital and get fresh insulin," Nobu offered. "It's okay, I promise."
"Oh, his purse! I left it inside the meeting room!" Tetsu went to leave me, but he jerked himself back. He was in full panic now. I wanted to get up and hug him and make him sit down instead. I knew what he was saying was true, but this calmness in me. It was disturbing me.
"I'll go get it," Shizue said, rushing away. Her cellphone light went with her, dimming everyone. We could see her glow through the glass like a fairy.
Keitaro went behind me and I craned my neck around just in time to see him embrace Tetsu like I couldn't. I saw Tetsu fully now by cellphone light. His eyes were wild. That was it. I had to do something. My hands went to my armrests, and my feet went onto the floor.
"Hey, wait, what are you doing?" Yami asked me, his hands going onto my forearms, stopping me.
"I need to hug Tetsu," I said, determined. I struggled against his hold.
"What are you- don't get up," Yami replied, sounding a little frustrated with me.
But, before we could get much further, Tetsu was gently shoving Yami out of the way. Like fresh air, his strong arms went around me. He leaned over, and was hugging me just like I'd wanted to hug him. I embraced him, holding him tightly to myself. He breathed a long breath, ruffling my hair next to my ear. I hoped it was one of relief.
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