Chapter 3: The letter
Gray P.O.V.
I called Juvia. It took awhile for her to pick up but she did. "Hey babe. How are the kids doing?" I asked. "Rin and I are fine thanks for asking dad! Mom isn't though." Storm replied. I sat up. "What's wrong? Code red? Black? or Blue?" "umm Purple!" Storm answered. "What!? There is no
Code purple!" I told him. "There is now dad. We sorta have a code red and we have a code blue." He commented. "What's going on?" "Mom got a letter about who has Sylvia so I guess that's code red. Mom is crying on the living room floor which is code blue. Red and Blue make Purple."
Storm replied. I sighed. "Tell your mother that I am on my way home okay? Don't answer the door to anyone!" I told him. "Ok. Bye daddy!" "Bye Storm! Watch Rin and your mother!" I hung up and ran out of my office.
At the house
I stormed into the house and saw Rin and Juvia sleeping while Storm is watching Tv. I smiled. "You are pretty smart for a 6 year old." I told him. He smiled. "I know. Here's the letter daddy!" He handed me a blue letter.
Dear Gray,
I know that you know that I kidnapped Sylvia. I didn't want it to have to come to this but it has. It's all your fault. You stole Juvia away from me years ago! Your kids should've been mine! If you want Sylvia, I'll give you a little trade. Next Thrusday night I will be at the alley way next to the
Apple store. If you give me Juvia, I'll give you Sylvia. If you don't well then you can kiss your little beautiful daughter goodbye. Your choice. I'll be waiting.
Sylvia's kidnapper.
I felt the rage rise in me. "Daddy, will we ever see Sylvia again?" Storm asked. I nodded my head. "Yes. we will. I will get her back safe and sound next to your mother. Even if it's the last thing I do. Watch Tv. I have something to do." I grabbed my phone and went into the bedroom.
Reyna: Double update. Thank you so so much for reading! bye.
P.S. the image I posted is the spoiler alert for what book 2 is for the lucky ones ;D
words: 388
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