Chapter Two
Chapter two
Present day
The music is blasting inside my blue 1970 mustang. I’m driving all the way from New York City. I have been all over the world. But my sister has moved back too Lynn haven, California. Which is my home town. I haven’t been there since 1754. I am excited to see what it looks like now. I have been driving for days and finally made it into California. Just twenty more minutes to go until I am back home. I am so ready to be back. I actually decided to go back to school. So I am starting junior year with every other junior. It just happens to be I am not a junior. Not anymore. But I am seventeen. I can fit in with them. I started to sing along to Classic by MKTO. The moon is so bright tonight. Maybe it is because it is a full moon. That means wolfs. But Wolfs haven’t been in California for years. Although, there is always something everywhere and anywhere. I kept singing along to the song out loud when I hit something and pushed on the breaks, making me spin into the rain. I look back and don’t see anything. I got out immediately. “Hello?” I shout. I look at the front of my car and there is a piece of black hair on the fender. I picked it up and looked at it. I shook my head and ran back into my car soaking wet. Son of a bitch. I said out loud. I grab a towel from my back seat drying myself off. I step on the gas as soon as I put my towel back into the back. I made it back to where my sister lives. It is a big house. I mean it was my great grandfathers. It’s an old Victorian style mansion. My great uncle, I guess you can say that, built it by hand. I pull into the long driveway and seen my sisters car. The suv read, “Lynn haven county sheriff.” Go sis. Living your dream. I laughed in my head. I grab my bags and walk up to the door. I ringed the doorbell then knocked. She answered it and screamed. She ran up and hugged me tightly. “Hey sis!” I shout. “I have missed you so much Declan!!!” She squeezes tighter. I try to breathe. “I can’t breathe Vanessa!” I shout. She laughs and gives me a kiss on the cheek. We walk up stairs putting my stuff in my room. “Can I ask you something?” I asked. She nods. “Is there wolfs here?” I asked concerned. “Um, not as I know off. There has been a few killings murders. But not from a wolf.” She explains. “Well I hit something on my way here and when I went to check, nothing was there. But there was a black hair on my head light.” I informed. “It could have been a bob cat. There is a lot of those in Californian.” She smiles at me. I smiled back. “I got to get up early in the morning to go to work. SO when you wake up for school, I won’t be here. Here is your transcripts. Just go to the office and they will enroll you. They already know you are coming.” She says. She smiles and shuts my door. I look around in my room. It’s an old place. I have a huge king size bed, a bathroom that is opened up in the other part of my room and huge closet, the same size of my studio apartment in NYC. This room is like the size of five studio apartments. I take off my clothes and hopped into my bed. Tomorrow should be amazing…. Not.
My alarm went off on my phone and I sighed. I looked over at the clock and it read “6:50 AM.” First day of school…. Well it is the first day of school for everyone. So it can’t be that bad. I took a shower and headed downstairs to find something to eat. Where does she keep the blood? I picked up my phone and dialed her number. “Yes Declan?” Vanessa asked when I answered. “Where do you keep the blood?” I asked. She giggled. “Go in the butler’s pantry and push on the wall next to the moral of a farm. The wall will open and there will be a code. The number for it is 1957.” She informs. I walk into the butler’s pantry and pushed the wall. This so cool. I punched the code and the other wall slid to the side. Which lied a big giant walk in fridge with blood. “Thanks sis.” I said and hung up. I drunk two bags of blood and headed to school. If I drink two in the morning, it stops my cravings. So then I can eat anything I want. Which is a good thing for me. Because I love food. Lots of it also. But I think I love blood more. I pulled into the school parking lot and everyone stared as I parked. What? Haven’t they seen a nice car before? Unless they know I am new…. I grab my bag and got out of the car. I tossed the bag over my left shoulder and walked into the school. I can hear people whispering as I walk by. “He is so hot!” “I would so tap that.” “He has a nice car.” “His style is awesome!” Some people said. I look down at my outfit. I’m wearing white skinny jeans that are ripped on the legs and a black leather jacket with red graphic tee. I shook my head and walked into the office. “Can I help you?” The big lady asked as I walked in. “Um, I am new and I have my transcripts.” I said awkwardly. “Oh! The sheriff’s younger brother!” She smiles and reaches for my transcripts. “So Declan, Vanessa said you moved from NYC? Why was you there?” She asked. “I was adopted after our family died. My sister just recently took me in. So I moved in with her.” I informed. She nodded. “Well here are your classes. Let me know if you need any help.” She smiled at me. “Principal Foster!” The lady yelled. “Yes?” A really beautiful guy came to the door. He looked about 40. But still. He is hot. “We have a new student.” She points out. “Oh! Mr. Bryant. Welcome.” He smiles and shakes my hand. “Let me take you to your first period.” He looked at my schedule. “Mrs. Blake, Chemistry.” He smiled. Great… Worst subject in the world. We walked down the hall and he opens a door. I walked in after him. Everyone turned and stared. “Class, this is our new student Declan Bryant. Welcome him.” He smiled and walked back out. Well he was in a hurry. “Hi, I am Mrs. Blake. Just take your seat behind Lyla Green.” She points over at Lyla. I like that name. It is like a flower. Lyla raises her hand and smiles. She had long silky black hair and bright brown eyes. She is actually really gorgeous. I sat down behind her and she turned back to me. “I’m Lyla.” She says and smiles. “Declan.” I mumbled. “Do you have a girl friend?” Asked the girl next to Lyla. Lyla laughs and slaps her arm. “That is Shaylee, which is one of my best friends.” Lyla pointed out. “I don’t have a girlfriend. I am actually gay.” I smiled. There jaws dropped. “A hot guy like you is gay? What even?” Shaylee rolled her eyes. “Oh my god! That is amazing! I always wanted a gay best friend!” Lyla smiled. I smiled back. People are way different here then back in NYC. The teacher went on talking about what this year’s plan was for this class. Then the bell ringed. “Come on, I will walk you to your next class.” Lyla gestures. Shaylee grabs my schedule. “Hey you have Trig with us next period.” Shaylee smiles. Shaylee has short brown hair down to her neck. Like Miley Cyrus did before she cut her hair. Exactly the same type of hair and color. They walked me inside the classroom and told the big fat old guy that I was new. He shook my hand and said, “Mr. Longhorn.” I smiled at him. They walk us to the back of the class. I sat down looking out the window. I looked over at the door watching everyone come in. Then this guy walks in. He has the sexiest face I have ever seen. Besides Theodore’s. He had soft brown hair just like him. His eyes were green and he started walking over to my way. Oh god. Act cool. “Hey Aiden!” Shaylee smiled and gave him a hug. “Who’s that?” Aiden asked pointing at me. “That is Declan. He is new.” Lyla smiled at him and looked back at me. Aiden nodded and sat beside me. “Where did you move from?” Aiden asked. “NYC.” I responded. “Oh my god! You lived in NYC?!” Shaylee screeched. I nodded. “What does your parents do?” Lyla asked. I gulped. No one has asked that question for a while. They burned to death in a house fire cause by the vampire who turned Vanessa and me. “They died.” I said nervously. “Aw. I’m sorry Dec.” Shaylee awed. Dec? No one had ever called me that. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did they die?” Lyla asked. “They burned to death in a house fire.” I frowned. “Oh I am so sorry dude. That must be hard. Who are you living with now?” Aiden said. “I live with my sister.” I responded. “Does your sister go here too?” Lyla asked. I shook my head. “She is actually the sheriff.” I mumbled nervously. “Vanessa is so young.” Shaylee smiled. I guess everyone knew her. “I don’t see how a young lady like that gets a job as a sheriff.” Lyla says. I smiled. The teacher started talking and everyone became so quiet. The teacher explained the same thing that the last teacher did. I ignored her and leaned back into my seat trying hard to not glance over at Aiden. I gave up and glanced over. He was already staring. He looked away soon as I look at him. I giggled and turned my head back to the teacher. “You may have the rest of the class to talk.” The teacher says and sat at his desk. “So… Declan… Do you play any sports?” Lyla asked me. “Um… yeah.” I smiled at her. “Really? You should join the Lacrosse team then. Tryouts are after school.” Aiden said excitedly. “Aiden love sports. He is the star athlete and champion of the Lacrosse team.” Shaylee pointed out. Obviously. He was so muscular and toned so perfectly. Everything on him was perfect. “We are cheer leaders so if you join the team, we will root you on.” Lyla informs. I smiled at her. “I am Captain.” Shaylee smiles at me. I smile back instantly. I look down at my schedule to see what class I have next. Aiden leans over and I can feel his breath against my skin. Instantly making me have Goosebumps. “Cool, you have history with me next.” Aiden smiles. The bell rings. “I’ll see you later guys.” Lyla and Shaylee said and ran off. We walked to history so quietly. “Mr. Andrews, we have a new student.” Aiden points out. “Mr. Bryant. Welcome.” He shook my hand and I smiled back. I sat next to Aiden and leaned back in my seat waiting for class to start. Of course this teacher talks about the same thing. Maybe it is because it is the first day after all. I shook my head and waited impatiently for the class to end. I tried my hardest to not glance over at Aiden. He is just so beautiful. Beautiful like Theodore. Even though it has been hundreds of years, I still love him and I always will. I just wish he was still alive. Why couldn’t he turn into a vampire also? It would have made me complete. The bell ringed and Aiden turned to me. “Do you want to sit at lunch with me?” Aiden raised an eyebrow. Oh god that was so hot. I nodded. We walked into the cafeteria and waited in line. “Do you want anything?” Aiden asked. “I’m good.” I smiled at him. He nodded and got his food. He grabbed a hamburger and a PowerAde. Well he likes meat. I was about to say something funny until someone jumped on my back. I turned my head around and it was Lyla. “Hey there cutie.” She winks at me. I giggle. “I don’t think he would be interested in a girl like you.” Aiden pointed out. “He is actually gay.” Shaylee informed walking up to us. “You’re gay?” Aiden asked looking at me awkwardly. “Well if I’m not, then I must have been confused when I got banged.” I winked at him and left with Lyla and Shaylee. They both started laughing. “Did you actually have sex with another guy?!” Lyla asked excitedly. “Yeah. He was my boyfriend. We were going to get married then….. I gulped…. Then he was murdered.” I informed. They both gasped. “I am so sorry Declan!” They both said as we sat down at the table. “Did they ever find the person who killed him?” Shaylee asked. I shook my head. “That is literally so terrible.” Lyla shook her head from the image. Aiden walked over sitting down next to me. He looked over at me and looked away. They started talking about what they did over summer break. Aiden went to this Lacrosse camp over the summer. Lyla and Shaylee went to cheer camp. They must be really athletic people. I mean I am too but not that athletic where I have to go to a camp. Well since I am a vampire, everything comes so easy to me. So that could also be the reason. The bell ringed and Aiden took me to my next class. He is acting so strangely and quiet since he found out I was gay. I am guessing he thinks I am going to hit on him or something? I mean if he was gay I would. But I am pretty sure he is straighter then a stripper pole.
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