Chapter Three
Chapter Three
The rest of the school day went by pretty fast. I thought about Lacrosse… Should I try out? I don’t want to be “The best” when Aiden deserves that. I went to my locker and put my books back in. I can sense that Aiden is close by. I could hear his heart beat. Its beating so fast like he is nervous. Probably the try outs. But he does not need to try out when he is the best. Or does he need to try out? “You coming?” He asked me. “What?” I looked at him confused. “Are you coming to try outs?” He asked. I sighed. “Yeah, let’s go.” I said and shut my locker. We walked into the locker room and the room was full of shirtless guys. Oh hot damn! Is this a dream?! Don’t make a scene Declan. Do not make a scene! I said to myself over and over. “Here.” Aiden said handing me an old tee shirt and shorts. I raised an eyebrow at him. “I figured you didn’t bring any extra clothes with you to school so I have extra. Just wash them and bring them back to me tomorrow.” He smiled. I nodded. I took off my shirt and my jeans. I slipped on the old tee shirt and shorts, and waited for Aiden. He handed me a lacrosse stick. “Let’s go.” He said and we walked outside. Aiden was talking to me about what I needed to do to be on the team. “1. Show off. 2. Be your best. 3. Look hot.” He informed. Look hot? He did not just say that to me. Am I not hot too him? “Look hot?” I asked awkwardly. He laughed. “Yeah. Although no one can look hot as me.” Aiden said concededly. A big muscular guy blew his whistle. “Alright you lousy losers! Line up!” He shouts. We all line up. “New boy! You are goalie!” everyone turned to me. “Um I am not a good goalie!” I shout back nervously. “Oh so you think you can be the best huh?” Coach asked walking over to me. “I..I..” I started to say but he interrupted. “You are up first then.” He smiled sarcastically at me. Fine. He wants to play games. I can play harder. I walked up to the line and picked up the ball. Two guys are waiting for me half way so they can tackle me. I giggled in my head. I charged forward. And so did they. I can hear their heart beating rapidly. They both waited for me and then boom. I flew backwards. Everyone laughs. So did the coach. I started to get angry. I walked back and decided I was going again. “That’s what I am talking about!” Coach got all excited. I picked up the ball and ran for them faster then what I did before. One charged at me and I darted passed him. The other guy came running after me. I shoved him and he flew backwards and I threw the ball towards the goal and I made it in. I looked over at the coach. “Is that all you got?” I asked sarcastically. “Four guys line up and get ready to charge at new boy.” The coach demands. Oh shit. This is going to be fun. I grabbed the ball and two of them charged after me. I knocked them both backwards and the other two charged. I jumped over the small guy and rammed the other guy. I threw the ball into the goal. I laughed inside my head. This is actually fun. “Oh be damn.” Coach said. I smiled and went in the back of the line. “You never played lacrosse before?” Aiden asked me in shock. “Never.” I responded. Aiden went up next and he was really good. He did the same thing I did. Well except the jumping over the guy part. He just has fast reflexes which is a really good thing. The tryouts was over and Lyla and Shaylee walked over to us. “Oh my god! Declan you were amazing!” They both said. I smiled. Aiden got mad and walked off. “I think he is a little jealous.” Shaylee laughed. I giggled and they waited for me until I came out of the locker room. Aiden came along walking out to the school parking lot. “That’s your car?” Lyla asked. “Yeah.” I smiled. “Nice wheels man!” Aiden said looking at the car. I do love my car. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Aiden says walking to his car. I looked and seen what kind of car he had. He has an old truck. Looks like an old Chevy. “You should come hang with us. Everyone always goes to this diner in town after school.” Shaylee gestured. “Sure.” I smiled. They got into their car and drove off. I followed behind them. We drove into town and made it to this big diner next to a lake. I got out of my car and everyone stared at my car. Have they not seen an old car before? Like get over yourself people. Someone honks behind me as I started talking to Shaylee and Lyla. I turn around and it was Vanessa. She got out of the car and smiled. “Hey sis.” I said giving her a hug. “I was just stopping by to tell you I will be working late tonight. My phone died so I had to come find you. Since everyone comes here, I started here.” Vanessa explained. I laughed. “Vanessa this is Lyla and Shaylee.” I pointed out. “How are you girls?” Vanessa asked. “Good.” They both smiled. “Don’t be scared of her. Even if she is a cop I can still kick her ass.” I wink at them they all laughed. “You wish little bro.” She slaps my ass and gets back into her car. She honks while she drove off. “She is actually pretty cool.” Shaylee nodded. “Are you and Vanessa close?” Lyla asked. “Yeah we are like best friends.” I smiled. We walked into the diner and sat at a booth by the window looking over the lake. This lake was not here long time ago. “What can I get you?” Asked a voice from the side of me. I turned back around and faced him. Holy mother of god. He is so hot. Like hotter than me. Just kidding. No one is hotter than me. “Um what do you think is best here?” I asked him. He smiled and blushed. “Well I really like the French fries.” He smiled at me. “Then order two of those. One for me and one for you if you sit and join us.” I gestured. “Will do.” He smiled back. He turned to Lyla and Shaylee asking what they wanted. They ordered the same. “How in the hell do you have so much game?” Shaylee asked me. Game? I looked at her awkwardly. “She means how you get hot guys to talk to you.” Lyla explained. “Just act yourself. That is all that matters.” I smiled at them. The hot waiter came back and sit down next to me with four orders of French fries. “So what’s your name?” he asked me. “Declan. And you?” I asked. “River.” He smiled. “That’s hot.” Shaylee and Lyla giggled. I rolled my eyes. “Do you go to school here?” I asked. “I do actually.” He smiled. He has dirty blonde hair and his eyes are so blue. Like blue as the sky. “What’s your guy’s name?” He turned to Lyla and Shaylee. “I am Lyla and this Shaylee.” Lyla smiled at him. “It’s nice to meet you.” He smiled at them. “Are you gay?” Shaylee asked him. I kicked her foot. You just don’t ask someone that. It is just so rude. Lyla smacked her arm. River laughed. “No. God no.” River laughed more. I just bought French fries for a straight guy. Well this is just so terrible. I rolled my eyes “You seem gay to me.” I winked at him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “How so?” He asked. “Well because when I was talking to you, you blushed and smiled like how someone gets nervous when they think someone is hot and they don’t know what to say.” I crossed my arms looking at him. I heard his heart beat faster and faster. “You don’t have to tell me that you are gay. I am just telling you that you are. If you are not ready to come out of the closet yet, then that is ok. No one is pushing you.” I explained. He shoved the French fries across the table and walked away. I giggled and took a bite of my French fry. Lyla and Shaylee are staring at me. “What?” I mumbled with food in my mouth. “You are now our new gay best friend. Welcome to the group.” Lyla laughed. “You are bad ass.” Shaylee laughed. We finished eating our French fries and talked for about an hour. He came back and handed me a check and walked away. He wrote on the bottom, “I am not gay.” I laughed. “You are not paying for us.” Shaylee crossed her arms. “I am.” I said and pulled out my wallet. I laid a twenty and left a huge tip for him. We got up and walked to our cars. I was talking to Lyla and Shaylee by my car when someone shoved me. “Who the hell do you think you are calling my brother gay?” A guy said from behind me. I clinched my fist. And turned around. He pushed me against my car. And I do not like that. “I did not say such a thing.” I said. “Who the hell do you think you are talking too?” He crossed his arms. “I am not looking for any trouble. So go back inside and just do your think whatever you do. Alright?” I said and turned around. He grabbed my shoulder and is spun around bending his arm back. “I said I am not looking for any trouble. Understood?” I said aggressively. “Ok. Ok! Let go!” He screeched in pain. I shoved him forward and he ran back inside. “How did you learn to do that?” Shaylee asked nervously. “My ex.” I smiled and got in my car. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I smiled and drove off. I got home and ate some dinner. Then I went up into my room and read for a while. My phone starts to ring. It was a number I never seen before. “Hello?” I answered. “Um… Hey it’s Aiden…” He said. “How did you get my number Aiden?” I asked. “I have my ways.” He laughed. “Ok so what do you want?” I asked fiercely. I do not like people bothering me when I read. “Um so I was telling you that you are on the team. Practice is ia after school and last for an hour. Sometimes longer.” Aiden informed me. I got all excited. “Ok is that all?” I asked. “Why are you so anxious to get off the phone?” He asked me. “I am having sex right now. And I don’t like to be bothered.” I lied. I could tell he does not like being around gays nor hearing about it. So I am going to bust his ass about it and make jokes all the time now. “WHAT?! EW! You are new! How are you already hooking up with someone?!” He asked. “I am hot Aiden. And guys love me.” I laughed. So did he. “Shut up and go back to reading.” Aiden said. How did he know that I was reading? “How did you know I was reading?” I asked looking around in my room. “Because you seem like the guy who likes to read.” He laughed and hung up. That ass wipe. I rolled my eyes and went back to reading. I really wished Aiden was gay. He is my type. For sure. He reminds me so much of Theodore. Oh sweet Theodore. I wish that he was still alive. I love you Theodore. I said looking up at the ceiling. I know he went to heaven. He was too much of a good person to not go to heaven. He would do anything for anyone and that is what I loved so much about him. How he was so caring and loving for anyone. Even if they hated him, he didn’t care. He would do anything for them also. I started to get tears into my eyes. I shook my head and wiped my eyes. I put my book over on my night stand and turned to my side. Soon enough everything started to fade and I was out.
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