WARNING*- Mature content, including vulgar language, talks/ attempts of suicide, and trigger themes.
Finn sped down the road towards Lydia house. His hands shook as his jaw clenched in anger. There was only one word circling through his mind.
Finn stopped the car abruptly before yanking out the keys and running to the front door. Finn still remembered Lydia's small shaky voice through the phone. She choked on sobs and she spoke like her heart had just been shattered into a million pieces and would never be mended again.
He knew that all she needed right now was a friend and that what he intended to give her.
"Lydia!" Finn barged through the door. His eyes frantically scanned his surroundings. "Lydia!" He called again but there was no answer.
Until loud thuds of footsteps echoed through the hall making Finn stop and wait.
"Dylan, where's Lydia?" Finn sighed as Dylan emerged from the hallway with a confused look on his face.
His face suddenly settled as if realizing why Finn was there. Realizing why Lydia was so upset. "She's in her room. She hasn't come out for hours." He spoke softly with a hint of sadness in his voice.
Dylan was young and quite immature but he knew that what his sister was dealing with was not a laughing matter and that it was best not to bother his sister at the moment.
Finn nodded a frown still etched on his face before answering. "Thank you," Finn mumbled before running up the stairs two at a time. Finn slowed as he approached the familiar door at the end of the hall. His soft fingers lightly tapped on the door, gently and carefully as if making sure not to leave a mark.
"Lydia?" Finn's voice was barely a whisper. "Lydia?" Finn's voice was louder waiting for an answer that never came.
Finn's knuckles turned slightly pale as he gripped the doorknob tightly before pushing the door open and slipping through the small space into the comfortable room Finn remember Lydia spending hours making it look some what like a photo she got off the internet.
Finn knew Lydia was upset and probably didn't want to see anyone at the moment, but he needed to make sure she was okay. He needed to help her.
"Lydia?" Finn's voice echoed once more but when Finn entered the room and found an empty bed and silence surrounding every inch of the room his eyebrows furrowed.
However, when Finn thought a little more he finally realized where Lydia was. Because he knew Lydia was sad; he knew Lydia was heart broken and there was only one place in the world where Lydia would go in a time she was so weak and vulnerable.
Finn stepped one at a time towards the roof. The cool wind blew around him and the dark night made him invisible to the neighborhood surrounding him. Vines grew on the base of roof and down the sides with small pebbles on the top of the roof as Finn smiled remembering throwing them up there with Dylan as a child. "Lydia?" Finn whispered, the soft sniffles became louder and louder as Finn drew closer to the top.
"Finn?" Lydia's small voice rang sounding small and weak and some what broken.
Lydia sat with her head in her hands and a giant sweater that looked more like a blanket covering her body. Her head shook with sobs and her hair cascaded down the side of her lap.
" Lydia, are you okay," Finn asked realizing how stupid his question was when Lydia looked up with her eyebrows crinkled in disgust and tears streaming down her face.
"Of course I'm not alright," Lydia sniffled as Finn sighed and sat down next to her.
"What happened Lydia?" Finn knew what Lydia had texted him was awful but she didn't give much detail and that was what made Finn confused.
Lydia looked down ashamed and upset as she sniffled a little making Finn's frown deepen and his sympathy grow.
"He cheated on me," Lydia finally looked into Finn's eyes. Her eyes were red rimmed and her cheeks stained with tears and it made Finn's heart break a million times over.
Lydia looked utterly broken and afraid like a child who had just witnessed their worst nightmares come to life. "You didn't deserve this Lydia. No one does."
Finn sighed as Lydia's sobs became smaller. Finn's finger traced small circles in the back of Lydia's giant green sweater. Her spine poked against the fabric at the top of her back as Finn's finger traced around the bone at the small of her back.
Although Finn had never liked Chris due to his jealousy, he knew how much Chris meant to Lydia. He was Lydia's first love. He gave her the greatest gift of all: first love.
The love that's new and has never been felt before. The love that comes quickly and leaves rapidly. The love that comes in a small package with rose petals on top and looks like it could be nothing but happiness. It's complete bliss and lust every second and you never want it to end. But when it does end, it doesn't fade away. No, it crashes to the ground leaving chaos and heart break in it's wake.
Lydia was utterly and completely in love with Chris. And Finn had thought that Chris was utterly and completely in love with Lydia. But apparently Finn was wrong, he knew that someone who loves another as much as Lydia loved Chris would never betray them the way he did.
They say you always remember your first love.
But they never said that your first love would be the one to break your heart the most.
Minutes past and Lydia's sobs didn't seize. Finn knew he needed to do something to calm her down but he didn't know what.
Finn looked at the vast night sky as stars twinkled through the dark. Finn's hand slid around Lydia's shoulder pulling her into his chest before smiling and looking at the stars.
"Hey Lydia, look up." Finn whispered as Lydia's eyes slowly looked towards the stars, the light hitting her irises making them bright as they glared in her eyes. "See that star right there?" Finn pointed his hand towards the brightest star in the midst of the rest.
It stood small but bright, shining through the night in all its glory. "Yeah," Lydia nodded her head still resting on Finn's chest.
"That's the North Star," Finn smiled making Lydia nod waiting for him to continue. "They say love is like the north star, in a changing world its the constant."
"Who says that?" Lydia giggled as Finn rolled his eyes. She obviously had not gotten the point but Finn knew Lydia was upset and she didn't really want to comprehend quotes right now.
"It doesn't matter. The point is that just because this relationship didn't work out you'll still love again. One day when you're ready you'll move on and you'll fall more deeply in love like you've never have before and that guy will treat you right and never let you go."
Lydia averted her eyes from the star and towards Finn, "Thanks Finn."
"And until you find that guy I'll be right here, when you need a friend." Finn smiled before continuing, "Well not here, a couple blocks down at my house."
"Finn I get the point," Lydia giggled again. Finn laughed along with her as they sat and watched the stars. There was a long moment before anyone spoke again and when they did speak it was Lydia who broke the silence, "Thank you, Finn."
And although Finn knew he wouldn't be her first love he hoped he could be her last.
Finn stumbled out the back door trying to escape from the monster that followed him.
He should've know he'd come home tonight. It had been weeks since Finn had last seen his father and he should've known he'd show his face soon.
"Where are you, you little bastard?" Finn's father sneered with a wicked smirk on his face and a sickening hint of disgust in his voice.
Finn hadn't gotten out quick enough because when he heard the click of the front door unlocking he was running down the stairs and crossing the door right as his father pushed it open.
Finn's father caught a glimpse of Finn before yanking him by the shirt collar and shattering the beer bottle in his hand just barely skimming Finn's head.
Now, Finn ran towards the backyard sliding on his feet dragging mud against his pants as he hid behind the shed. "Finn?" Finn's father sung in a venomous voice as he grazed through the yard looking for any sign of his broken son.
Blood trickled down Finn's head and drops fell beneath to his lips making his tongue stain with the taste of copper and the color of dark red. His head ached and all Finn wanted to do was cry out in pain.
The pain burned on the top of Finn's head and he was pretty sure there was a small piece of green glass with drops of alcohol still on it wedged within his scalp because it burned more than Finn ever thought it would.
"Finn where are you son, it's time to go to bed." And although Finn knew his father was playing it nice for the neighbors that were settling down for the night, he still knew that by bed time he meant something entirely different.
"Fine, stay out. But you'll have to come in some day." His father chuckled making Finn shiver in fear still holding in his breath not daring to make a move. Finn knew that his father wasn't done with him and he never would be, but this was the first time Finn had ever escaped his father's wrath and he couldn't help but think this was a sign of hope.
Finn let out a deep breath as the click of the backdoor shut. Blood still raced down his cheek sliding down onto his hands staining them with a tint of dark red.
And as time passed Finn's lips started to tremble. His eyes started to well with tears and his head started to pound in pain.
Finn wondered when it all went wrong. He wondered when his pain became too much for him that it finally just became numb. Finn didn't hurt, he was numb. His memories were fading and he couldn't quite remember the color of his mother's hair as vividly as he used too.
The internal wounds that held his life together seemed to rip at the seams and Finn's head hadn't hurt this way in years. His lips trembled, his hands shook, and tears streamed down his face. Finn had finally cracked. He was broken.
But suddenly his jaw stopped shaking and his fists clenched violently. Finn's chuckles cracked and turned white to the bone as he tightened them into fists. Finn reached his hand up to the top of his head. His hand brushed gently against his hair before gripping the small piece of glass in the base of his skin and tearing it out.
Instant pain shot through his veins as he winced before setting his hand by his side once more. His hand settled next to him on the cold dirt ground with blood staining it and a small piece of green glass with drops of beer and blood laying on top.
The pain that once filled his veins diminished and Finn's eyes closed knowing he could finally rest.
The air was warm with a slight bit of coldness that made the hair rise on Finn's arms. The shed was right up against a fence that led to the neighbors yard. Silence filled the air and Finn sighed knowing he was alone.
And as Finn leaned his head against the fence beside him a small flicker of light caught his eye. It rose before disappearing but then reappearing again about a foot higher in the air.
Finn's frown twitched upwards as fireflies started to fly in the air making the night sky brilliant with light. Finn let out a small sad laugh as vibrant neons of yellow light floated around him. It blew through the air and into the sky above.
And as the fireflies rose so did Finn smile, so desperately trying to forget the pain throbbing in his head. His hands rest at his side and his grin was small but full of hope. Blood still stained his hands and dried on his forehead.
But as Finn stared at the night sky his gaze landed on a bright flicker of light that stood out against the dark blue sky.
The North Star shined through the night making Finn's smile grow in length and the fireflies twirl with flecks of golden light around him.
But all Finn could think about was Lydia.
EARLY UPDATE!!!! Today was the last day of school for me so I updated Lydia as like the start of the summer and many more updates to come!
I will also updated Terminal Chaos because of the start of summer and the Cover Shop will be once again OPEN!!! And there are new covers to choose from! GO CHECK THOSE THINGS OUT!!!
THANK YOU FOR READING! The next update should be up some time next week! (hopefully)
~ moe
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