WARNING*- Mature content, including vulgar language, talks/ attempts of suicide, and trigger themes.
Finn arrived home with a contagious grin plastered on his face. His eyes twinkled with joy as he stepped through the entrance to his home something he hadn't done since he was a boy.
Finn couldn't be more happy. A sense of warmth was flowing through his veins and he didn't ever want it to stop. Finn had never felt this happy in his life and words couldn't describe the feeling that pumped in his heart. Although he had just merely spent his last period of school playing Monopoly with Lydia, he still felt overwhelming cheerful.
Finn walked with a spring in his step towards his bedroom door. Kicking off his shoes, he dropped onto the familiar mattress with a sigh.
Finn knew this feeling that was flowing through him was only temporary. And he also knew that once this feeling finally met its unknowing end that he would need to wake up and realize that nothing had changed.
He was still in love with a girl that only saw him as a friend. His mother and sister were still buried six feet under and his father was still an abusive, cruel, drunk. And once the bliss that surrounded his heart in that moment ended the darkness that tainted his heart would show once again. And Finn would once again be stuck with the personal hell that was his life.
So, Finn smiled with a sigh, his eyes still tightly shut. He never wanted this feeling to end, but he feared it would end faster then he expected.
Because right as Finn let the breath of his sigh escape his lips he heard the distant clicking of a door unlocking. Finn's eyes shot open, scrambling to his feet knowing what came next.
The air instantly smelt of alcohol, guilt, and terror. Finn gulped in fear following by a deep inhale, wishing this would all be over.
"Finn!" A voice echoed through the house making a shiver run up Finn's spine.
Finn's lips started to tremble with fear as the voice slurred. "Finn!"
"Where are you, you son of a bitch," the voice mumbled slightly slurring the words.
Finn didn't think his father would return home for another couple of days. Granted, his father would spontaneously leave and then randomly return at any given moment. But for some reason Finn thought he had more time.
"Finn! Get your ass down here!" The voice boomed through the house making Finn gulp.
Finn's lips trembled as tears welled in his eyes. He knew if he didn't obey then the beating would be much worse.
So, Finn slowly stepped down the stairs following the stench of alcohol and pure evil.
Finn stepped into the foyer dreading the day he was ever born. With one single step he was standing right in the line of vision of his father.
His father slowly tilted his head towards Finn, jaw hardened and knuckles clenched.
The smell of liquor laced through the air as his vision blurred from the tears that started to well. But Finn couldn't cry, no, that would only make it worse.
Finn just wanted to leave, run far away so fucking badly. And in these moments Finn even felt like dying and he didn't even care about what he left behind.
And that was what terrified him most.
His father tilted his head until he was staring directly into Finn's eyes. Finn visibly gulped with trembling lips.
Suddenly the air became thick with fear and suspense, the suspense that happens when you watch a horror movie, and the moment that you know something's about to happen. When the music suddenly stops and everything goes silent and you know someone's about to die.
His father's lips curved into a deadly smirk before a small chuckle escaped his lips. But it wasn't just any chuckle. No, this chuckle was menacing, cruel, and filled with venom that was laced in the saliva of a viper.
"There you are," his voice was low and made Finn shrink, wanting to crawl back into the small space that was his mind.
Finn knew what would happen next, because it's what happened every night before. When his father came home with liquor staining his tongue and red rimmed eyes. Finn was so fucking scared no doubt, but showing fear and feeling fear were two totally different things.
Finn's father looked like a complete and utter mess. His hair was disheveled and greasy indicating that he had not showered in days. Body odor and alcohol weaved through the air around him making Finn want to fall over and die with merely a sniff. Blood that rushed in his eyes mixed with salted water that laced through the whites of his eyes. Black underlined his eyelids indicating the amount of sleep that he didn't recieve.
But that wasn't what scared Finn. No, what scared Finn was the dark, evil look that etched on his face.
"You ruined my life," Finn's father whispered as more tears welled in Finn's eyes.
"You ruined everything!" Finn's father yelled making him flinch. Finn knew what came next. Because every night that his father came home drunk, he would always come home with an empty bottle gripped in his hand.
Finn suddenly ducked as his father's arm swung forward. The green glass bottle flew through the air and crashed against the wall behind him. Finn's eyelids squeezed together as the bottle made contact with the wall.
The noise of shattering glass echoed through the air as Finn covered the back of his head with his hands. Glass fell around him, scrapping and cutting the floor and the flesh lining Finn's knuckles.
"Stand up!" Finn's father bellowed over the sound of shattered glass hitting the floor.
Finn knew if he didn't obey the beating would be much worse. He slowly stood from where he sat and faced his father with no emotion.
"You ruined everything!" Finn's father spat venomously as he stepped closer to Finn. "You killed the love of my life!" He snapped inches away from Finn's face making him flinch in fear. Finn's father didn't see his son, he saw his enemy. No bit of remorse left in his irises as he stared at Finn with the up most hatred in his eyes.
"I fucking hate you." The words barely escaped his father's lips before the rubber sole of his father's shoe made contact with Finn's stomach.
Finn's heart stopped for just one second because the blow kicked all the air out of his lungs. And for just one second Finn felt dead.
He didn't feel anything and the world around him blurred. Time had seemed to stop as he watched small amounts of blood escape his lips.
Because for a moment Finn didn't feel a thing.
For a moment Finn was dead.
And he didn't mind the feeling at all.
Author's note:
Hey guys! so, I hope you liked the chapter because I love writing these chapters for all of you. But I have a couple things to address before the next chapter is posted.
I already posted this on my message board, but I thought I should put it here too, because some people don't read the message boards (guilty haha).
So, here it goes:
I know I've been taking down a bunch of my stories and I'm really sorry! They will be posted again in the future when I either edit them better or I sit down and make time to write them (depending on the story).
I have recently taken down my fan-fiction Terminal Chaos because I am currently very busy and I know that I won't be starting it for a while, plus I want to get a couple chapters of it done before I start posting. I also want to focus on this story (Lydia) more and get closer to finishing it before I start a bunch of new stories.
Long story short, I'm sorry about taking all my stories down. However, I am working on a bunch of new stories including fan-fiction and original stories that I hope you guys will like.
And again I am so sorry about taking down all my stories!
Updates for Lydia will hopefully be up next week!
~ moe
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