When her green eyes opened again, confusion clouded them like dark clouds clouded the sky during a rainstorm, she was no longer in the room, no, she was in the school cafeteria again,at least the believed she was, all the long tables are empty, and through the glass walls that it appeared to be snowing. As Lyanna looked around once more she found a table with two baskets. In one is a hunk of cheese, and in the other, a knife the length of her forearm.
Frowning she turned around, trying to make sense of what was going on, only to come face to face with a woman, red hair, green eyes, slightly plump lips and an almost innocent expression on her face, only after staring at her for a few moments did Lyanna understand that the woman, or rather girl, was her, or at least a reflection of sorts of her.
"Choose." Reflection Lyanna orders, face bare of emotions, the real Lyanna frowns and inquires "Why?" of course she didn't expect a real reply, she knew that it was only a simulation of herself ordering her, so when Reflection Lyanna repeated "Choose." she rolled her green orbs, typical Lyanna Owens response.
She stands there, arms crossed over her chest as she turns to the side, face facing the windows, ignoring the staring reflection, that was until the reflection claimed "Have it your way." then as once more confusion clouds her mind, her reflection and the baskets disappear, leaving her alone with a long table in an empty cafeteria.
For the second time that day, Lyanna felt as if she was the sole survivor of a horror book, the eeriness of the empty cafeteria making the hairs on the back of her neck stand and her hands to instinctively curl into fists. Her fight or flight mode activated. Then a door squeaks as it open, making the redhead turn around slowly, in order to figure out who it was, unfortunately, it wasn't a who but a what.
A dog with a pointed nose stands a few yards away from her, crouched low and creeping toward her, lips peeling back from its white teeth. A growl gurgles from deep in its throat, and all the ginger could do was utter a string of colourful words under her breath. There was no point in running, the dog was much faster than she was and even if she could tackle it to the ground there would be no way to subdue it.
She could jump over the tables but that didn't leave her much time to react if the dog decided to jump over them after her. She was scared, how could she not, the dog was angry and rabid looking and it made her head pound and her heart clench.
As the dog makes a run for her, Lyanna sinks to her knees, her mind suddenly flashing back to the Biology class she had had earlier that semester regarding aggression and submission to animals. Her breathing controlled and her head down, her fists in her lap, just in case that if she needed she could punch it.
Then as she waits for the vicious attack, something rough and wet touches her cheek. The dog's growling stops, and when she lifts her head to look at it again, it's panting. Suddenly having turned docile, not that Lyanna trusted it, no, animals can change in a blink of an eye so she couldn't trust it much.
Suddenly a child stands across the room wearing a white dress, innocent and young, oblivious to the don't true nature. She stretches out both hands and squeals, "Puppy!" then begins to run toward the dog, unfortunately, before Lyanna can warn her off the dog turns to her. Instead of growling, it barks and snarls and snaps, and its muscles bunch up like coiled wire.
As the dog is about to pounce, Lyanna pulls the dog to her, making it snap everywhere, trying to bite her, which as she pulls it closer, it does. A big nasty bite that she knew would leave a mark, her eyes screw shut as pain flashed through her causing her to let go of the dog, that suddenly wasn't there, neither is the girl, no.
Not even she's in the right place, the cafeteria is long gone and instead, she's sitting at the podium of a courtroom, blurry faces make up the crowded room, on the judge's seat is her father, cold face and hard eyes. Sitting at the accused's table is a preppy looking woman, her clothing blue, indicating she's from Erudite, brown hair in a short sophisticated blob and her mud eyes narrowed at her, but still, Lyanna sits there cupping her clean and bare cheek, no wound in sight or touch field.
"Do you solemnly testify that you saw this woman poisoning the Peace Serum container in question?" an attorney, her mother as Lyanna comes to understand, questions, at first Lyanna looks around confused but her mouth gives the reply that she didn't know she knew, the reply that her mind was telling to give, the reply that echoed through the large and crowded room like a scream, "Yes."
The brunette woman jumps on the balls of her feet, or rather her heels and shouts indignantly "You're lying, she's lying!" her attorney is quick to pull her back down and order her to be quiet, which leads to her pouting like a child who's been denied cookies.
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