The dark-skinned boy from the train tracks found the transfer trio shortly after they were all inside the moving train, smiling and opening his arms to them as he spoke loudly "You made it inside!" his voice was loud enough on its own but it was clear that he was making it louder so it could be completely heard above the noises of the train and the fact that it bounced off the walls of the carriage made it somehow louder.
With him was a girl that the trio had not seen before, her face slightly impassive, her skin fair and her hair brown almost like Tobias', her dark brown eyes flickering through the trio unamused, although they lingered on Lyanna for a moment, the ginger not opening her eyes.
"Yeah we did." Tobias smiled at him, his smile polite as Eric clenched his jaw at the dark-skinned boy, "Great, I was hoping you did." the boy smiled, stepping closer to them with the girl following suit. "He was blabbering about how he was hoping that the three transfers he bumped into caught the train." the girl told them.
She lowered herself to the ground, laying on it next to Lyanna, she would never admit verbally but she actually liked that there was another person besides her that actually laid down on the train's floor.
"I was not blabbering Shauna." Zeke countered, throwing his best friend a glare, a fake one that she brushed off and told the ginger girl "Shauna." her brown eyes hiding under her eyelids. "Lyanna." the ginger replied effortlessly, acknowledging her presence, "Those are Eric and Tobias." Shauna waved up at the boys while her childhood best friend looked down at her shaking his head.
"Betraying me already Shauna." Zeke gasp, lifting his hand to his chest, "Fuck off." Shauna muttered annoyed, Zeke gasped once more before sliding down the wall and sitting next to Tobias.
"You know, I don't think that anyone at Dauntless ever imagined that a Leader's son and a Judge's daughter would come to our faction." a dauntless born commented as they approached the group, their voice taunting and their footsteps unsurprisingly heavy. "Fuck off Malachai." both Shauna and Zeke countered, their voices drained and annoyed, something that told the transfer trio that this Malachai guy was a pain in their asses.
Tobias and Eric shared a silent look, one that was commonly shared between friends that had known each other their whole 16 years of life. "No one told that the Judge's daughter was such a hot redhead though." Malachai smirked, kneeling down in front of Lyanna and Shauna, his dark eyes wandering up and down Lyanna's body.
Both male transfers clenched their jaws as they heard the nearly crude words that come out of Malachai's lips, even Zeke, who didn't have an instant connection with Lyanna, flexed his fingers and curled them into fists, ready to start swinging them.
Lyanna seemed to ignore him for the time being, even if the hand that was closest to Eric and Tobias' feet tapped them gently, a silent tell for them to calm down, something she could tell they were by the sudden change in the air. "Then again I would know hot redheads when I see them considering I am one myself." he self-proclaimed, smirking at the still closed-eyed ginger.
Malachai's hair was much lighter than Lyanna's, indicating that it was strawberry blonde and not proper ginger, and were it not for his clear horrible personality he would've been attractive.
"And clearly no one told you the Judge's daughter doesn't swing that away." Lyanna finally commented nonchalantly, clearly missing the surprised looks on all 4 boys' faces, even though 3 of them were will angry. Malachai clearly didn't care about what she said because once the shock vanished from his system he merely chuckled and attempted once more "I can change that."
Lyanna finally opened her eyes, forcing herself onto her elbows to look Malachai dead in the eyes with the most unnervingly impassive face he'd ever seen, "Riddle me this," Lyanna began, her voice annoyed but smooth, seemingly entrancing Malachai who looked as if he were gazing upon an angel, "Why is it that when a woman is not interested, tells you that she is not interested in you and that she swings for the same field you do, you have the nerve challenge her?"
Shauna opened her own eyes to be able to see the scene unfold, as many of the initiates on the train around then and within earshot also did, her arms crossing under her head as she watched a woman put the annoying Malachai Kenner in his place, once more. Zeke relaxed and uncurled his fists, smirking at Malachai, genuinely impressed with the redheaded Candor transfer on the ground. Tobias found himself smiling in pride at Lyanna while Eric rose a challenging brow at Malachai while crossing his arms over his chest.
Malachai could not come up with a response for the rhetorical question, his jaw slacking slightly as he thought really hard on a comeback, which allowed Lyanna to continued, her voice changing to one that would resemble and innocent child "Why would I choose you over this amazingly fine looking woman next to me? Who can clearly give me a much better time than you can?"
Silence seemed to fill the train as now everyone was listening to the altercation, and at the lack of reply from the strawberry blonde dauntless-born, Shauna couldn't resist but sit up and look at Lyanna with the most teasing and amused look on her face as she herself replied "Name the time and place, I'll be there."
Zeke rolled his eyes at his best friend, knowing that she was like this, not only because she liked embarrassing Malachai but also because she liked men and women.
"You're only saying that because you're afraid I'll give you the time of your life." Malachai finally replied, his voice weak, even though he did puff out his chest to make himself look more manly. "No." Lyanna replied bluntly, sitting up completely now, face void once more, "They could give me the time of my life." she pointed at both Eric and Tobias together, ignoring the fact that they turned slightly red.
"He would annoy the fuck out of me before giving a really good time." her finger shifted to Zeke, who winked at her teasingly, "She would give me the absolute best time of my life." her thumb jutted toward Shauna, who smiled and threw one of her arms around Lyanna's shoulders, "Your ex and your twin sister probably wouldn't mind an extra person in bed with them." she tilted her head slightly forward and to the rise while raising a brow.
It wasn't a secret that Cleo Frigg cheated on Malachai Kenner with his own twin sister, Kera Kenner, and it was the fact that it wasn't a secret that made most, if not all, the initiates in the train that were listening in chuckle lightly, Cleo and Kera included.
Malachai's face went red with anger, anger that prompted him to accuse "You wouldn't dare kiss Shauna right here, right now to prove that." at this Lyanna smirked devilishly and turned her head to Shauna, the brunette also turning her head simultaneously, an identical smirk on her face as Zeke muttered, "Now you've done it."
With slight nods to each other, silently requesting and giving permission, Lyanna's hand cupped Shauna's cheek and pulled her to her, closing the little gap between their faces and connected their lips, proving Malachai wrong and making a few people cheer, the reason behind them unknown.
Shauna pulled back first and teased "Behave, we're in public with children." making Lyanna snort slightly and roll her eyes at the brunette. Both of them turned to Malachai and teased in sync "Shall we kiss you ex and sister as well?"
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