6th Year
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Holland and Remus sat on the girl's bed on the day of New Years Eve, as the rest of their friends were downstairs destroying the kitchen whilst all of the parents were out. The girl was sitting between her boyfriend's legs, as he played with her hair.
"You know, I've enjoyed my time here much more than I originally thought I would," Holland spoke up, wrapping Remus' arms tighter around her waist, "Your friends aren't half bad."
Remus chuckled, "I'm glad." He muttered, resting his chin on the Slytherin's shoulder.
"It's just upsetting that we have to go back to Hogwarts in just under a week's time." The Irish girl frowned.
"Let's not think about that now." Remus told her, as she leaned further into the boy.
"Okay." She nodded.
"I'm glad you and Sirius get along now." The Gryffindor said.
"Me too." Holland agreed, nodding, before laughing slightly.
"If you'd have told me two months ago that this is how I'd be spending my Christmas and New Year, surrounded by the people I'm proud to now call my friends and the boy I love, I wouldn't have believed you." The girl chuckled, Remus joining in.
"You know, I believe the people that we choose to surround each ourselves with says a lot about us as a person." The boy said.
"For example, and please don't hate me for saying this. You hang around your friends as some sort of punishment on yourself because you don't believe the same as they do." He explained, making Holland think.
"I suppose," The Slytherin nodded, "Well in that case you surround yourself with your friends because as you watch then lead 'normal' lives. You don't believe you could ever live such a life, and because deep down you know you deserve friends like them. And they deserve you too," She told him, "Merlin, they can't even go five minutes without you before blowing something up." She laughed, as did Remus, before they heard a loud explosion from where the other boys were.
The couple stared at each other.
"That was incredible timing." Remus stated.
"Scary good." Holland nodded.
"We should probably go down there."
"Remus." Holland said, bringing the boy to the side, as everyone was talking in the living room.
"Yeah?" He asked, looking at hos girlfriend in worry.
"I think we should tell them," The girl told him, "About us."
Remus looked at her, "A-Are you sure?"
"Well, I was thinking about what we said. We only have a little time left before we go back to school, and I have to pretend like I don't know any of you," Holland explained, wringing her hands together, "And these are our friends and your family. And I don't like keeping things from my friends. Especially something as important as you."
Remus grinned, "Are you sure you're ready though?" He checked.
Holland nodded, "Absolutely. Are you?"
Remus gave her a nod, "Definitely."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Excitement buzzed through the families, as they stood in the living room, looking at the clock, only a few minutes until midnight, and a new year.
Holland and Remus glanced at each other, both sitting nervously, before giving each other a nod and standing up, gaining everyone's attention.
"We need to tell you guys something." Remus said anxiously, as he moved to stand in front of the fire, gesturing Holland to stand next to him, which she did, "Holland and I," He started, before taking his girlfriend's hand in his own, "We're dating." He revealed, making the people in front of them smile.
"Go on, Moony," James grinned, hugging his friend, "I mean, I found out a little while ago, but I'm really happy for you." He said, also hugging the Slytherin girl, making her laugh and shake her head.
"Of course you did." Holland chuckled, as the rest of the people in the room congratulated them and Holland came face-to-face with Sirius.
The boy looked at her, before hugging her, making the girl smile, hugging him back.
"I'm glad," He muttered in her ear, "I know you're not a bad person, but if you hurt him, I will be forced to kill you."
Holland chuckled, pulling away from the hug, "Duly noted."
"Ten seconds to midnight!" Lyall announced, making everyone excited.
Remus wrapped his arms around Holland from behind, as everyone counted down.
"That went well." He grinned.
"It did." Holland nodded with a smile.
"Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"
Remus then spun his girlfriend around, giving her a loving kiss, to which she immediately leaned into.
"Happy new year, Romeo."
"Happy new year, Juliet."
It was one o'clock in the morning when everyone decided to go to bed, tired.
After walking up the stairs, both Holland and Remus felt a tug on their wrist, being pulled into Holland's room and made to be sat on the bed.
"Guys, it's late." Remus said, looking up at James, Sirius and Peter - who were staring down at the couple.
"This will only take a minute." James shrugged.
"How long have you been together?" Sirius asked them.
"Just over two months." Holland replied.
"Remus, do you love Holland?" Peter questioned.
"With all my heart."
"And Holland, do you love Remus?" The Pettigrew boy continued.
"Remus, what is Holland allergic to?" James asked the werewolf.
"Holland, what is Remus' biggest secret?" Sirius interrogated, turning to her.
"That's he's a werewolf."
The threee boys stared at Holland. Then at Remus. Then back at Holland.
"You know?!" James exclaimed.
Holland nodded, "For some time now. I told Remus I knew a few days ago."
The boys continued to stare at them.
"Oh, wow, this is really serious." Sirius muttered.
"We accept." James told them, before grabbing Sirius and Peter's wrists, and they all left the room.
The couple stared at each other.
"There will never be a dull moment with them around, will there?" Holland asked her boyfriend.
"Nope." Remus shook his head, before bringing the girl he loved into a warm embrace, the both of them enjoying every moment that they had together before the start of term.
And what a long term that would be.
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