6th Year
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Holland laughed, looking at her best friend, making Regulus look at her.
"What?" He asked.
"You can't even sit at lunch without glaring at your brother." The Irish girl chuckled, taking a bite from one of her crisps.
"Shut up." Regulus mumbled, looking away from Sirius, eating his sandwich.
"Do you think you'll ever get along with your brother?" Bronwyn asked the younger boy.
Regulus scoffed, "When pigs fly."
Holland chuckled, smirking at him.
Regulus turned to her, "I swear, if one of you turn me into a pig again." The boy said, making Holland laugh harder.
"Hi." Maxine grinned, as she and Rosier joined the trio at the table.
Bronwyn stared at the couple's intertwined hands as they sat beside her, before she collected her things, standing up, "I have to go." She said, before rushing out of the Great Hall.
Maxine started after her best friend in worry, "What's up with Bron lately?" She asked her friends, "She's been acting weird for a while now. I'm getting worried."
"She's just not been feeling well lately." Holland waved off, standing up and collecting her things as well, "I'll go check on her. I'll see you guys later." The Irish girl told them before following after her friend.
A frown appeared on the raven-haired girl's face as she saw her friend sat on one of the stone benches, hand over her mouth, crying.
"Bron?" Holland spoke up, softly.
Bronwyn looked up at the girl, before crying harder, breaking out into sobs.
"Oh, Bron." Holland whispered, sitting next to the girl, encasing her in a comforting hug.
"It's harder than I thought." Bronwyn sobbed.
"I know, Bron," Holland muttered, "I know."
Holland smiled as she and Remus sat on the floor, in front of the fire in the Room of Requirement.
"You know," Remus spoke up, looking down at their intertwined hands, "It's your turn."
Holland looked up at him, eyebrows creased, "My turn?"
"Well, I know your favourite colour is blue, you're allergic to honey, your favourite sweets are liquorice wands, you love Muggle Studies and Care for Magical Creatures." Remus listed off.
"Oh." Holland grinned, realising what he meant.
"And we're nearly down to four now, so this has to be a deep one." Her boyfriend told her.
"Okay," Holland said with a light chuckle, staring into the crackling fire as she thought, before sitting up further against the sofa, Remus following suit, "Well, I mean, I guess I've been wondering, um," The Irish girl licked her lips, "W-Why do you, um, Why do you love me?" She asked, her voice breaking, as she looked at him nervously.
Remus stared at his girlfriend in disbelief, "W-What?" He asked.
"Why do you love me?" Holland repeated, softly.
Remus smiled lovingly at her, "How could I not?" He said, tucking a lock of the girl's dark hair behind her ear, "You're perfect, kind, pulchritudinous." He told her, making the couple chuckle slightly.
"But I'm a wimp of a Slytherin."
"You're not a wimp," Remus told her, firmly, "And the fact you're proud about your house makes you brave. You see the world in a way that I never could. Do you know what 'Lux' means in Latin?" The boy questioned her.
Holland shook her head, "No."
"Light," Remus told her, "You're the light of my life."
Holland smiled at the Gryffindor, wiping away a stray tear, "You're cheesy."
Remus smiled and nodded at her, "I know, But you still think I'm incredible."
Holland laughed, "That I do," The Slytherin nodded, grinning up at him, "You know, 'Lupin' derives from the Latin word 'Lupus', meaning wolf." The girl said.
"Yes," Remus nodded, "I do."
"It suits you."
"Thanks, I suppose." Remus chuckled, before the pair looked at each other, smiling, "I love you." He told her firmly.
Holland beamed at him, the pair both knowing and understanding that she wasn't ready to say it back yet. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Holland sighed as she breathed in the scent of chocolate that clung onto his jumper and Remus smiled softly at the familiar vanilla scent attached to her robes.
And it was sitting there in her embrace, that Remus realised he was ready to tell her his secret.
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