6th Year
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"'Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow'," Holland read softly as she and Lily sat in the window table of the library, the pair reading the book intensely.
"Okay, the meaning of that line is?" Lily asked.
"Uh, Romeo and Juliet, being lovers, are desperately waiting to be together," Holland started, "And this is the point when Juliet says goodbye to her lover, Romeo, anticipating another meeting the next day. In my opinion, she refers to the pain they had faced since their relationship started. It hurts her to leave Romeo. However, parting hurts her so much, yet it intensifies her feelings for him. She wishes to tell him goodbye repeatedly until morning comes. Simply, you can understand the line that lovers hate to separate from each other when they are in love?" Holland unsurely answers.
"That was... perfect," Lily nodded, "Okay, usage?"
"The phrase is very commonly used in advertisements, and lovebirds often use it in their practical life. It may carry different meanings to different people. Some use it as a verbal wistful kiss at night, while others use it as an expression to their undying love, and still some others may use it to highlight the nature of their relationships. Parting is painful, because a beloved prefers to trap her lover in twisted chains. Fast friends can also use it jokingly when they part after finishing classes," Holland rushed out, before looking up and seeing the look on the redhead's face.
"That's wrong, isn't it?" She asked.
"No," Lily shook her head, "It's perfect,"
"Oh," Holland said with a smile.
"So, if you understand this so well, why do you need my help?" Lily asked.
"Well, the truth is. I wanted to talk to you," Holland confessed, "We haven't in a while,"
"Yeah, sorry about that," Lily said, looking down.
"It's not your fault," The Irish girl shook her head, "I get it,"
"So, tell me," Lily said, "What's been going on in the world of Holland Lux this past month?"
"Well, there was Quidditch tryouts, which Black turned into a game - Slytherin won. Obviously - Black is an all round prick. In order to get a good grade in Muggle Studies, I have to get Black to go on a date with Sullivan, the first game of the year is in three days, and Slytherin is against Ravenclaw and I think Lupin and I are in a somewhat friendly relationship," She said.
"That's a lot in one month," Lily marvelled with a nod, "...Can you explain that again, please? But slower and in more detail?"
"I... don't think I can," She said, and they both broke our into a small fit of laughter.
"Shh," A voice hissed.
"There she is," Holland mumbled, before turning her whole body to face Lily, "So, it all started on the first day of term, when Slughorn told me that I was pretty much failing Muggle Studies,"
It was the day of the first game of the year, and all of Hogwarts was buzzing. The Gryffindors were sporting blue and bronze, and most of the Hufflepuffs were clad in green and sliver, and the Slytherins and Ravenclaws were preparing to root for their teams, as they all stood on the Quidditch stands, excited for the match.
The mood in the Slytherin Quidditch tower was very different. The sound of the crowd's cheering protruded through the wooden walls, as did the daylight from outside and the team were scattered around the space, going over their team strategy for their last five minutes before the game started.
"Who's seeker this game," Bronwyn asked, playing around with her black Beater's bat, as she and Holland sat on the floor, leaning against the wall.
"Reg and I decided that it would be me until after Christmas," Holland informed her friend, "Then me again from April onwards,"
"We're gonna win, right?" The brunette asked.
"Of course," Holland scoffed, "Have you seen Clearwater's strategies in the past? Trust me, Ravenclaw will stay in the middle of the pitch the entire game.
"That, and the Captain's gotta keep up her winning streak," Regulus smiled as the two stood up and he walked up to them.
"Yep," Holland nodded, "Hoping for a fourth win in a row," She smiled.
"Potter's ecstatic about that by the way," Bronwyn smirked.
"I bet he is," Holland said as they got into position to fly onto the pitch.
"What are you doing on Halloween," Bronwyn suddenly asked from her position behind the Chaser and the Seeker.
"Nothing," Regulus rolled his eyes.
"As usual," Holland finished for him.
"No, you're not," Bronwyn countered, "You're coming with me and Max to the masquerade ball,"
"What?" Her two friends exclaimed.
"You haven't come before and Max is dragging me with her, so you two are coming two," She said and they opened their mouths to protest, but the sound of cheering increasing made Bronwyn shut them up, "Final decision. You two need to stop being so edgy all the time and have some fun. Now, come on, we have a game to win,"
The pair groaned, before the doors opened and they flew onto the pitch. Determined to win.
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