MAY 1977
6th Year
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"It's all my fault." Holland said, as she walked down the corridors during Prefect duty.
"No it's not." Margaret told her.
"No, but it is," The Slytherin girl shook her head, "Why would I ask to do such a thing when I know the one thing hd wants is to keep me safe, and him locking me up in the castle is his way of doing that."
"Listen," Margaret said, grabbing her best friend's arm, bringing them to a stop, "Neither of uou were looking at the situation from each other's perspective. You were both consumed bu anxiousness."
"And the full moon is why he shouted at you, rather than talking rationally like he normally does. Don't beat yourself up for an argument. You're a couple. You're in love. It happens," The Hufflepuff told her, "If anything, if you two weren't to have argued by now, then I would be very worried."
"I just don't want him hurt." Holland whispered.
Margaret sighed softly, bringing the Slytherin into a hug, "I know. And the boys are doing all they can to make sure that he won't be."
Holland gave her a small smile as they pulled away from the hug, "Honestly, what would I do without you."
"That's a question I ask myself everyday." The blonde girl joked, making the pair laugh, before continuing their rounds.
"So?" Holland started, as she and Bronwyn got ready for bed that night, "How're you and Marlene."
The brunette smiled thinking of the girl, a smile that Holland knew all too well.
"Yeah, we're doing great."
"And how are you dealing with everyone else?"
Bronwyn smiled slightly as she brushed her hair, "There will always be people whoa re going to whisper behind our backs and call us names to our face," She said, "But it's those moments with her that make it all worth it. Seeing her smile, spending time together, laughing at jokes that only the two of us understand. Even with all of the looks and comments, feeling this way about someone makes it all worth it in the end. You know?"
Holland nodded with a small smile, "Yeah. Yeah, I do."
"How are you and Remus?"
Holland frowned, putting her hair up in a ponytail, "We had quite a big fight earlier today."
"No, it's okay. I was in the wrong, really," She shrugged, "But it's like you said, "Even when fighting or having people say all of these things about you. They make it worth it."
"You really love him, don't you?"
The older girl nodded, "With everything I have."
"You two will be fine," Bronwyn told her friend, "You're Romeo and Juliet."
Holland chuckled, getting under her covers, "That we are."
The next morning, Holland sat in the Room of Requirement, wrapping up Margaret's birthday present, when the door burst open and Remus, covered in dirt and a fresh cut across his face rushed in.
"Lily told me you were here." He muttered, as Holland stood up in worry.
"Why aren't you in the Hospital Wi-"
The Gryffindor cut his girlfriend off by putting his hands on the side of her face and placing a sweet, soft kiss on her lips.
Holland smiled as they pulled away.
"Hi." The girl muttered.
"When I'm in that shack turning into a monster, the only thing keeping me sane is the thought of coming back to you," Remus told her, "I don't want you there with me because I need you here, to keep you safe and me sane. I love you. And I could never forgive myself for you getting hurt. Especially because of me."
"I love you too," Holland smiled, "And I understand why you don't want me there. So, I promise I will stay in the castle during full moons. But I hope you know that won't stop me from worrying about you and the boys."
Remus grinned, pecking her lips, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
Holland laughed softly, "Come on, let's get you to the Hospital Wing so that we can celebrate Maggie's birthday." She told him, taking his hand and gently leading him out of the Room of Requirement, both with content smiles on their faces.
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