MAY 1977
6th Year
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"Thanks." Jack smiled up at Holland, as she finished putting a plaster on the boy's finger.
Holland grinned at the boy, ruffling his hair, "No problem." She told him, before he ran off to find Ellie.
"Thank you for that," Margaret said, as she and her best friend made their way back over to Bronwyn and Lily, "I just hate the sight of blood."
"Which, considering you want to be a Healer, probably isn't the best thing." Holland chuckled.
"Probably not." Margaret laughed, as they down on the grass next to their friends under the large oak tree by the black lake.
"Why won't you even consider going on a date with James?" Bronwyn asked the redhead.
"I'd rather be pecked to death by a flock of hummingbirds." Lily told her.
"You're so dramatic." Margaret giggled.
"That's because she's been hanging out with Sirius too much." Holland pointed out, making the girls laugh.
"That's true." The blonde girl nodded.
"Why are you so against giving him a chance?" The Irish girl asked the Gryffindor, who was looking down at her lap, playing with her fingers, "You like him, don't you? You're just scared."
Lily looked vulnerably up at her friends, "Please don't tell him."
The three girls nodded.
"Can I just say," Holland said, making Lily turn towards her, "He's a really good guy, and you won't regret giving him a chance."
Lily nodded with a small smile, "I know."
"Waiting for those two to start dating is like waiting for Sirius to take a shower," Remus chuckled, as he sat across his girlfriend on the sofa in the Room of Requirement during lunch, "It hasn't happened yet, and you can't wait for when it will."
Holland let out a laugh, "I have never heard anything more accurate in my life." She said, as she played with Remus' fingers.
"You alright?" The boy asked.
"It's the full moon tonight." Holland muttered.
"And?" The Gryffindor asked softly, lifting his girlfriend's chin up with his hand, his eyes meeting her worried ones, "You're worried? You don't need to be."
"That's what you said to me back in February," The Slytherin girl told him, "And remember what happened?"
Remus looked at her, confused, "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that I'm tired of having to wait back in my dorm, or spend my Prefect duties wandering around the castle, feeling as though I'm going to throw up due my nerves, and not being able to find out how you are until breakfast, the first lesson we have together that day, or when James, Peter or Sirius drag me into the hospital wing," Holland told him, "I want to be there tonight."
Remus stared at her in shock, "W-What?"
"I want to be there tonight." The dark-haired girl repeated, "James, Peter and Sirius are always with you."
"Yeah, that's because they're animagi, who distract me from ripping people's throats out!" Remus exclaimed, standing up, Holland following.
"Then I'll become one, too!" She cried.
"No!" Remus shouted, scarily loud, making her flinch slightly, "No." He repeated in a softer tone, "I didn't even want them to do that for me, and I sure as hell am not going to let you do that, as well."
"Why?" Holland asked the boy, who stayed silent, refusing to look at the girl he loved, "If you're going to tell me why, then you can't convince me otherwise."
"You're not coming with us tonight, and you are not becoming an animagi," Remus said, slowly but firmly, "End of discussion."
And with that, the Gryffindor left the Room of Requirement, leaving his tearful girlfriend behind.
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