Sirius and Caelen paused, stunned and awkward, in the doorway upon returning with breakfast.
Tonks was on tiptoe, arms wrapped tightly around Remus' neck, ring Sirius immediately recognized as Remus' mother's shining on a certain finer. Sirius felt like he couldn't swallow, or maybe that was breathing he was struggling to do? He wasn't quite certain.
"Oh, Sirius, Caelen," Remus murmured, noticing the pair first and extricating himself awkwardly from Tonk's grasp. "So uh, Tonks and I have uh, come to an agreement..."
"We're getting married!" The woman gushed excitedly, holding out her hand for inspection.
Caelen blinked in surprise, glancing between the adults in the room quizzically, "now?" She whispered.
"Uh, soon," Remus replied cautiously, glancing to Sirius for assistance.
Sirius forced a breath in, he felt like the world must've tilted. "I should go fetch Harry, train will be in soon," he muttered, voice sounding a bit choked, and hurried out the door.
Caelen glanced toward the clock, the train wouldn't be in for several hours yet.
"You alright?" Tonks whispered gently, slowly approaching the girl.
"Fine, surprised," Caelen murmured quietly. "I'm going to go have a bath." She trundled up the stairs looking slightly dazed.
"Well that was fun," Tonks laughed sarcastically. "Think they're alright?"
"Timing probably," Remus responded softly, "yesterday was pretty rough." He moved into the kitchen to make tea.
Harry was angrier than ever before, the loss of the headmaster, a man he'd revered, weighing heavily on the teen. He tumbled through the floo after Sirius and moved straight up to his room. Caelen sat in her own, door wide open, staring sadly at a pile of potion making supplies in front of her on her bed. "Get those from the traitor?" Harry growled from the doorway.
Caelen glanced up, big brown eyes misty, "he couldn't-"
"-he did!" Harry spat angrily, interrupting the younger girl. "I saw him do it!! Dumbledore was begging, he trusted him!"
"Maybe there's some explanation?" Caelen tried in a small voice, desperate to find some reason to justify her friend's actions.
"How are you so dense?!" Harry screamed, losing himself in his heartbreak and anger. "He's evil! He's a bloody death eater! He was never your friend he probably only wanted you around because you made Sirius and professor Lupin quit suspecting him!"
"Harry mate," Sirius murmured from the stairs, having heard the commotion from the kitchen. "Come on that's enough."
Harry didn't seem to notice his godfather's presence and continued on furiously. "Maybe if you hadn't been around they'd have seen through him!!"
"Hey!" Sirius shouted protectively, "that's enough!"
Harry glanced toward him then, realizing what he'd said and turning toward Caelen remorsefully. "Cae, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry," he murmured. He hadn't meant it, not really. He was mourning and angry, he felt frustrated and betrayed. He'd suspected him right off and everyone had insisted he wasn't evil, 'trust Snape Harry, Dumbledore does,' he'd heard it repeatedly from so many sources and yet here they were. "I'm sorry, I just don't understand why you're still standing up for him..." he breathed out quietly, slowly entering the room and moving to sit beside the girl.
Caelen had her knees tucked up under her chin, arms wrapped tightly around them in a white knuckled grip as she breathed in quick gasping breaths in an attempt to keep calm. Harry reached out tentatively and the girl's composure crumbled, gasps turning to heaving sobs. "I-I-I," she sobbed breathlessly trying to speak through the tears, "just, don't want, don't want him gone!" She wailed brokenly. Even she wasn't certain if she meant Dumbledore, Snape, or both.
Sirius moved into the room, pulling the girl into his arms and shooting his godson a disapproving look. "Shhh, it's alright baby, it's alright," he soothed, running his palm down her hair gently.
Harry and Sirius sat together until Caelen fell asleep from exhaustion, her body still shaking with the occasional sob.
"I know it hurts, Harry," Sirius began softly, "I know you're angry. We're all angry, for several reasons. But you've got to stop taking it out on Caelen just because she doesn't immediately agree with you. She's hurting too. She just watched someone she loved die as well, then learned of Dumbledore's death-"
"-murder," Harry interrupted, less aggressive but still angry.
"Regardless, two deaths and the betrayal of someone who meant a lot to her," he held a quieting hand up when Harry looked ready to argue. "He was important to her Harry, regardless of what he's done recently he treated Caelen well. In her life there's a small, growing but small, list of people to have done so. She's a child and she's struggling with a lot and you could do with being more sensitive to that."
"So you want me to just let her keep trusting him?" Harry seethed, not wanting to see the truth in Sirius' words.
Black raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, "I want you to be kind." He replied in a firm tone. "I want you to realize she's a child, she's been through quite a lot, and you shouting at her for struggling with her feelings about the mess that even a lot of us adults are having trouble with, is not helping. You two joke about being siblings, well behave like it. She could sure as hell use a proper big brother right now. Your father could've been that, can you?" He tucked the girl in gently, standing to move to his room. "I'll be extremely disappointed in you if I hear more of this nonsense, understood?"
"Yes, Sirius," Harry mumbled, ashamed. He sat on his bed with his door open, watching the foot of Caelen's bed through the night.
Remus and Tonks' wedding was a quiet affair, performed by a judge in a small room of the muggle register's office.
Caelen sat outside next to a somber looking Sirius Black, tapping her heals absently against the bench they rested on in an echoing beat. "You didn't want him to marry Tonks, did you?" She whispered into the near silence.
"I want whatever makes him happiest pup," Sirius replied, resting his elbows on his knees, chin propped in his hands. "Dora will be good for you, proper mum. Won't need me hanging under foot all the time," he offered a poor attempt at a smile.
Caelen sighed, curling into his side. "That's what you meant before, about missing your chance?" She whispered, catching on as she always did. "Not Tonks, she's your cousin, daddy. He's what you wanted all along. Why didn't you tell him?"
"Don't say anything, promise puppy?" Sirius whispered, his voice sounding choked and teary. "Too late, regardless." He kissed her forehead, a single tear escaping and falling off black eyelashes to splash against her dress. "I'm, uh, well I'm headed back to Grimauld for a bit."
"But you hate it there," Caelen whispered, tears filling her own eyes at the thought. "What will I do without you? Who'll make hot chocolate? Or prank daddy with me? Or take me flying?"
"Not leaving you baby," Sirius sighed brokenly, "just moving out. You know my secret now so surely you can understand why? It's just too hard."
"You'll come over? Lots? Promise?"
"Much as I can," Sirius entwined their pinkies, promising. "And hey, won't be long at grimauld. I'm thinking of finding my own little cottage somewhere."
"No you won't," Caelen giggled, "but it's a nice idea. If you do make sure to have a room for me."
Sirius didn't get the chance to respond, the happy couple burst from the room at that moment. Tonks was giddy with excitement, wrapping her cousin and new daughter into an exuberant hug. "Mrs Remus Lupin," she nearly squealed, beaming brightly.
Remus joined them at a more sedate pace, corner of his mouth turned up slightly, "alright cub? Siri?"
"Congratulations Moons," Sirius responded quietly, extricating himself from his cousin's hold and squeezing the other man's shoulder. He forced a smile. "Harry's off soon, business for everyone's favorite headmaster, planning to accompany him. Now I know you two have someone to look after you and all," he smiled, the expression not quite reaching his eyes. "Want me to take Pup? For the night I mean?"
"I don't think that's necessary-"
"-what a sweet suggestion," Remus and Tonks spoke over one another, the latter trailing off into giggles. "Whatever you'd prefer Remus."
"I'd like to go with uncle Sirius," Caelen put in quietly. "Sleepover?"
"Very well," Remus agreed reluctantly and lifted his child into a tight hug. "Do as Sirius says, I'll see you in the morning."
"Eh we'll be fine Moons," Sirius smiled and pulled the girl into his arms, sending her off for the small bag she'd left on the bench. "Bring her back after breakfast."
Remus eyed him thoughtfully, eyes searching. "Alright?" He whispered eventually where only Sirius would hear.
"Sure," Sirius grinned over brightly, "I'm always alright."
Remus snorted, "yeah ok, tosser." He reached forward to pull his best mate into a hug.
Sirius melted into the embrace, suddenly fighting tears again. He forcefully pulled himself together. "Alright then, enough of this nonsense. Nymphadora, try not to settle him too much. Only two of us left, that's a lot of mischief needs managing. Can't expect me to shoulder it all alone."
The woman rolled her eyes, "go on, before I hex you for calling me that," she chuckled.
Sirius spun and collected his niece before vanishing.
Yay yay yay! Finally something to publish for you! Still not settled but getting there finally moving with littles is exhausting! Ugh! Sorry for the wait my lovely readers. Hope you've enjoyed this chapter 😘😘💙💙 laters
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