Ch.24 Fire and Ice
Chapter 24
Silence hung thick inside the roomy carriage, swallowing the warmth that the small space attempted to provide. Meera, wrapped tightly in her wool cloak, felt the biting chill creep through the seams, turning the tip of her nose beet red. She huddled into herself, attempting to fend off the cold that seemed to nibble at her very core, leaving her uncomfortably shivering.
Eryx sat across from her, his demeanor withdrawn, his gaze unreadable as always. The air around him held a certain tension, a barrier that kept Meera at a distance, even in the confined space of the carriage. Andrick, on the other hand, exuded a different energy, his green eyes gleaming with curiosity as he observed Meera's discomfort.
"What's going on with Prince Henry?" Andrick broke the silence, his eyes settling on the gold ring adorning Meera's finger.
"Ozmen gave me his word," Eryx responded, his gaze shifting from Meera to the passing woods outside. "He will see the trial through."
Andrick nodded, and Meera felt his eyes returning to her. His next words, delivered with a certain cockiness, cut through the uneasy air. "This must be difficult for you."
"Pardon?" Meera arched her brow, her discomfort growing with Andrick's invasive line of questioning.
Andrick's gaze fixated on her ring again. "Leaving your husband while he's on trial for war crimes."
"I did not marry Henry," Meera corrected him, feeling a pang of tension in Eryx's silence.
"You two were engaged, no?" Andrick prodded further.
"Yes, but," Meera's eyes sought Eryx's, a hint of vulnerability surfacing in her gaze, "I didn't marry him after everything that happened. Eryx and I married."
The words lingered in the suffocating air of the carriage, freezing like the world outside. Andrick's grin wavered as he shook his head, struggling to comprehend what he had just heard.
"I did not hear you correctly," he said, sitting up. "You married who?"
Meera's gaze shifted towards Eryx, and a heavy breath passed between them. Andrick's incredulous pause hung in the air, and the atmosphere inside the carriage seemed to tighten.
"Oh..." Andrick finally spoke, taking a moment to process the revelation.
Eryx, breaking his guarded silence, slowly shifted his attention back to the conversation inside. His eyes met Meera's, and she felt a subtle shift in the air. The guarded gaze held a weight as if he were holding his breath.
"You married her?" Andrick turned his head toward his brother, disbelief etched on his face.
"Yes," Eryx responded without breaking eye contact with Meera.
"How can that be?" Andrick asked, his tone now filled with genuine surprise. "Does the council know? Does father know?"
"Yes," Eryx answered once more, each word falling heavily and making the knot in Meera's stomach tighten further.
The carriage's uneasy atmosphere persisted as Andrick, still amused, continued to grapple with the revelation. "And they allowed it?" he gasped with amusement, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm speechless."
"Why wouldn't they allow it?" Meera questioned, a defensive edge to her voice. "And did you not know?"
"No," Andrick laughed, his amusement evident. "I had no fuckin' idea."
Meera's heart tightened, and her gaze shifted towards Eryx. "You told your family, right?"
"I spoke to my father and the council," Eryx responded, his tone calm but distant.
"So, mother had no idea?" Andrick continued to mock the situation. "Does Dawn know?"
Meera's chest tightened until she couldn't breathe anymore. Her arms felt numb, and the sick feeling in her belly surged upward. "There wasn't enough time for all the formalities," Eryx explained, his words directed solely to Meera, as if Andrick wasn't present. "Every day that you were outside of Voreios, you were in danger."
"Does anyone know that you're showing up with a wife?" Meera asked, her voice edged with frustration.
"Yes, of course, they do," Eryx replied. "I already told you, I spoke to the council and my father."
"I still can't believe they gave you permission," Andrick shook his head.
"Why do you keep saying that?" Meera questioned, her brows furrowed.
"Meera-" Eryx began, attempting to intervene, but her furious glare silenced him.
"Why are you so shocked that the council allowed this marriage?" Meera turned her attention to Andrick.
"Because you two are mates," Andrick stated, seemingly not understanding Meera's question. "You two are n-"
Suddenly, the carriage came to a halt, the wheels ceasing their turning, and the hooves of the horses carrying the soldiers stilled. A heavy silence filled the woods, and Meera, alarmed, looked around as Eryx opened the door, a soldier stepping forward.
"What is it?" Eryx asked.
"There's a storm coming," the young soldier announced. "Prince Will and Lady Zeya believe it would be best if we set up camp before the snow falls."
Meera pulled her cloak tightly around herself, and Eryx's gaze lifted toward the gray skies. His jaw clenched, and he sighed.
"Fine," he said. "Go on and prepare to stay the night."
"We're staying here tonight?" Meera's eyes widened in alarm.
"Yes," Andrick said, picking up his sword and preparing to step outside. "Didn't you hear? There's a storm coming."
"Shouldn't we try to get to the palace before then?" Meera looked at the two brothers.
"Not if you want to freeze to death," Andrick snorted.
Meera didn't know what to say as Andrick jumped out of the carriage, leaving her and Eryx alone for the first time since the night before on the ship. Her anxious heart felt too big and too heavy for her body.
"What else are you not telling me?" She asked, stopping Eryx before he could leave like his brother. "You have brothers. Why didn't you tell me? And why doesn't your family know we're married?"
Eryx lowered his head and let out a heavy sigh. His shoulders rested on his knees, his back hunched, and curly black hair hung before him. Meera sat before him with her heart pounding inside her chest.
As Meera bombarded Eryx with questions, his sigh deepened, and he finally lifted his head to meet her gaze. The weight of unspoken truths seemed to linger between them, and Meera's restlessness grew as she awaited his response.
"Eryx," she pressed on, her voice tinged with frustration and anxiety. "Is there a reason why the council would have said no to our marriage? Zeya had said the same thing. What are you not telling me?"
Eryx's silver eyes held a mixture of weariness and guarded reservation.
"Meera," he began. "There are things that cannot be explained right now. We don't have much time before nightfall and the snow is about to start."
"But I need to know," Meera insisted, her impatience bubbling to the surface.
"Not now," Eryx leaned forward, his hand resting on hers. "Please, not now. There are matters that are complicated, and I promise I will answer all your questions, but not now."
Meera stared at him, frustration etching lines on her face. She wanted answers, and clarity, but Eryx's plea for patience left her feeling restless and uneasy. Meera bit her lip, grappling with the urge to push for more answers and the realization that, for now, she had to yield to the priorities of the moment.
With a heavy silence lingering, Eryx gently withdrew his hand from Meera's, rose from his seat, and stepped out of the carriage, leaving her alone in the confined space. The cold air rushed in, intensifying the feeling of isolation as Meera watched him join the soldiers outside.
From her vantage point within the carriage, Meera observed the organized chaos unfolding around her. Soldiers hurriedly set up tents, secured supplies, and readied themselves for the impending storm. A tension lingered in the air, magnified by the urgency of the situation.
As Meera's gaze sought Eryx, she noticed both him and Zeya deliberately avoiding her. Their hushed conversations and shared glances spoke volumes, leaving Meera on the outskirts of the unfolding events. Restlessness gnawed at her, and the feeling of exclusion deepened as she observed the calculated distance maintained by those around her.
As the preparations for the storm unfolded around them, Meera couldn't shake the feeling that there were layers of truth yet to be unveiled, and her relentless curiosity clashed with the practicality of the present situation. She stepped out of the carriage, her cloak billowing in the biting wind. She attempted to approach Eryx and Zeya, but their subtle shifts and redirected gazes signaled a deliberate evasion.
"You should stay inside, your grace."
Meera looked over to where Will came to stand beside her. His youthful features seemed untouched by the cold. His flawless pale skin accentuated the high cheekbones, and dark hair framed a face that mirrored a younger version of his brothers. The green of his eyes stood out against the backdrop of the winter landscape, and a small, understanding smile played on his lips as he observed Meera's evident distress.
"You seem upset," Will observed.
"I'm fine," Meera dismissed, but her eyes betrayed the turmoil within.
"Andrick told me about you and Eryx," Will continued, his tone carrying a sense of understanding.
"So you didn't know either," Meera said, bitterness creeping into her words.
"To be fair, Eryx never tells us anything," Will explained, his eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and resignation. "For him, duty is everything. He told the only people he considered important enough to know."
"His family is important too," Meera insisted, her disappointment evident. "You, Andrick, your mother... he should have told you all too."
"Should have, could have, would have," Will shrugged, his expression resigned. "Don't take it too personally."
Meera frowned, her gaze dropping in disappointment. The revelation left a sour taste in her mouth, and the weight of the unspoken truths hung heavily in the air.
"Andrick sounded surprised when he heard the council allowed us to get married," she said, changing the subject. "Why was that?"
Will shifted uncomfortably. "Have you asked Eryx?"
"Yes," Meera nodded.
"He didn't tell you," Will frowned. "That's why you're asking me."
"Tell me what?" Meera demanded, a sense of urgency coloring her tone. "What's the big secret?"
"You should really speak to Eryx," Will suggested, taking a step backward. "I wouldn't want to anger him—"
Just as Will spoke, Meera flinched as the heated exchange between Andrick and Eryx erupted over the wind. She lowered her hood and peered through the crowd, watching the two brothers argue. Eryx's anger clashed with Andrick's annoyance and frustration, their voices carrying over the winter air. They bickered and hurled insults at one another while Meera and Will observed from a distance, the tension in the camp mirroring the frosty weather surrounding them.
"Don't stress it," Will said. "They're always like that."
"What do you mean?" Meera frowned. "That's normal?"
"Very," Will chuckled. "Eryx likes telling people what to do and Andrick hates being told what to do."
Meera stared at the brothers in disbelief. She couldnt remember the last time she had such an argument with Marcella or June. Had Ozmen ever shouted her in such a manner.
"Welcome to the family," Will sighed. "You'll get used to it soon enough."
The temperature continued its relentless descent, each passing moment taking the world deeper into a bone-chilling darkness. The frozen ground offered no respite, and the air carried a sharpness that cut through the camp like a knife, its bone-chilling touch leaving everyone on edge. Though the absence of snow was notable, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, foretelling its imminent arrival.
Within her tent, Meera sought refuge from the biting cold, huddling close to a crackling fire that fought against the encroaching chill. As she sat, the flames in the fireplace danced with an intensity that mirrored the storm brewing within her. The orange and red hues cast flickering shadows on the canvas walls, creating an eerie yet comforting atmosphere.
Eryx had successfully eluded her throughout the evening, avoiding the confrontation she sought. However, Meera knew he would have to come inside for the night. A promise hung between them, a promise that held the key to unraveling the secrets and unanswered questions that plagued her.
Seated by the fire, Meera stared into its depths, absentmindedly poking at the burning logs with an iron rod. The flames roared in response, mirroring the rage that simmered in Meera's thoughts. Her mind was a tempest of conflicting emotions, and no amount of reasoning could appease the storm within. Her heart and mind seemed locked in a relentless dance, unwilling to yield to the logic she desperately sought. As the fire crackled and popped, Meera braced herself for the inevitable confrontation that awaited when Eryx would finally step into the warmth of the tent.
As Meera sat by the fire, the distant sounds of the soldiers outside filtered into her tent. The night air carried the muffled laughter, boisterous conversations, and the occasional burst of a hearty song as the men reveled in camaraderie. The clinking of tankards and the echoes of toasts resonated through the camp, creating a lively backdrop against the cold stillness of the night.
Despite the lively atmosphere outside, Meera felt the weight of fatigue settling in. Her eyes, heavy from the strain of the day and the emotional turmoil she had endured, fought against the desire to succumb to sleep. The rhythmic sounds of laughter and singing gradually morphed into a lullaby, and Meera found herself teetering on the edge of slumber.
One by one, the soldiers began to retire to their tents, their voices fading into the background. The camp, once alive with the energy of shared stories and shared drinks, quieted as the night progressed. As the last strains of laughter dissipated into the cold night air, Meera found herself in a cocoon of silence, with only the crackling embers in the fireplace breaking the stillness.
Meera resisted the pull of sleep, her determination to confront Eryx and unravel the mysteries surrounding them serving as a temporary shield against the drowsiness that threatened to overtake her. The tent, now enveloped in a serene hush, became a sanctuary where the boundaries between wakefulness and dreams blurred. In the quiet aftermath of the night's revelry, Meera steeled herself for the impending conversation, her senses heightened by the anticipation of Eryx's arrival and the answers he held.
As the minutes stretched into an agonizing silence, Meera's anticipation turned into a gnawing sense of unease. The absence of Eryx's voice among the fading echoes of the soldiers and Andrick outside left her questioning if he would appear at all. Had he chosen to persist in avoiding her?
In the midst of her contemplation, a subtle sound, barely audible, penetrated the quiet of her tent. Meera's senses heightened as she turned her head towards the back of the tent, where an uncanny sniffle reached her ears. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she strained to discern the source.
Her eyes darted towards Snow, nestled in his basket, fast asleep, oblivious to the strange sound that had caught Meera's attention. The small sniffle echoed once more, beckoning her curiosity. Rising from the edge of the bed, Meera cautiously approached the back of the tent, drawn towards the origin of the peculiar noise.
Standing by the thick canvas, Meera focused her gaze on the ground. A shifting shadow danced on the fabric, moving with an erratic rhythm as though a creature, perhaps a dog, nosed about the ground. The shadow paused, hovering right before her. Then, a scratching sound emanated from beneath the tent, accompanied by the unmistakable presence of claws.
Meera's heart quickened as a whisper escaped her lips, "Eryx?"
The claws persisted, poking through the fabric.
"Eryx, is that you?" Meera asked once more.
The scratching stopped and the claws retracted. Meera peered and held her breath as a small whimper was heard.
Wanting to know why he wouldn't just come inside the tent, Meera turned towards the entrance. With deliberate steps, she approached the thick canvas that separated her from the outside. The air crackled and Meera felt the weight of the moment bearing down on her. She took a deep breath, her exhale visible in the chilled night air, as she reached for the tent flap.
Meera hesitated for a brief moment before the decision was made. She pulled back the flap, revealing the world outside the tent in all its shadowed uncertainty. The light from the campfire spilled across the camp, casting a glow on the frozen ground. Meera's eyes darted around, searching for the source of the sound, her senses heightened by the anticipation of what awaited her. The night held its breath as Meera walked around to the edge of her tent. Her eyes traced the indents of paw prints in the snow, leading her to an imposing silhouette that blended seamlessly with the shadows. As the campfire spilled its soft glow, the mysterious figure revealed itself to be a large black beast, its fur absorbing the night's darkness.
A sudden hush enveloped the surroundings, and Meera's heart seemed to pause in tandem with the revelation before her. The wolf, its gaze fixed upon her, held a stoic demeanor as if assessing her response. Meera's breath caught in her throat, her astonishment melding with a tingling sense of nervousness.
"You're not Eryx..." Meera uttered, her voice betraying a tremor that mirrored her unease. The wolf dipped its massive head, acknowledging her observation with a silent grace.
"Zeya?" Meera spoke. "Are you Zeya?"
The wolf met her gaze, its eyes unreadable.
"Who are you?" Meera questioned, her curiosity overcoming the initial shock.
The wolf responded in its own silent language. With a measured deliberateness, it took a tentative step forward. Meera gasped, and in an instant, the creature froze, a silent understanding passing between them. Locked in a gaze that was a still as the night, the wolf waited, granting Meera the time she needed to acclimate to its presence.
In a gesture reminiscent of Eryx's gentle approach in Azmeera, the wolf extended its snout beneath Meera's cold palm. The warmth of its breath mingled with the chill of the night air as it guided her hand to its nose. Meera, frozen yet remarkably brave, felt the rhythmic pulse of her heart reverberating through her fingertips. She lifted her hand and brushed it over the wolf's nose, causing it to step closer.
As seconds passed, a distant growl broke out through the night air. Meera's eyes darted toward the source, her heart quickening as she saw Eryx's silver wolf approaching with a stance that exuded territorial assertiveness. His wolf's eyes narrowed, fixated on the black wolf, and a low rumble emanated from its throat, a warning that cut through the silence.
Meera, caught between the two majestic creatures, sensed a shift in the atmosphere. The black wolf, once serene, began to growl in response to the silver wolf's intrusion. The tension escalated, tangible and charged, as the two wolves faced each other, each radiating an aura of primal strength.
Suddenly, the confrontation erupted into a flurry of fur and teeth. The black wolf lunged at the silver wolf, their bodies colliding with a primal force. The night shattered with the sounds of snarls and growls as the wolves grappled in a fierce display of dominance. Meera, caught in the midst of the unfolding struggle, took a step back, her eyes wide with astonishment and concern.
From a nearby tent, Andrick and Will emerged, their swords drawn in response to the escalating confrontation between the wolves. The brothers' faces were etched with worry as they observed the clash between the creatures.
"Meera, stand back," Andrick commanded, positioning himself protectively in front of her. Will swiftly moved to rouse the guards, their camp awakening to the unforeseen threat that unfolded before them.
As Andrick shielded Meera, her eyes remained fixed on the black wolf. Questions buzzed in her mind, a mix of fear and curiosity, as she sought to understand the nature of the intruder. Andrick's jaw tensed, and he scanned the surroundings with a heightened vigilance.
"Who is that?" Meera questioned, her gaze piercing through the chaos toward the black wolf.
"Nobody good," Andrick responded, his attention split between the ongoing wolf confrontation and the surrounding woods. The night seemed to hold its breath as the brothers prepared for the unknown threat lurking in the darkness.
"Stay close," Andrick instructed Meera, his voice low and steady.
The wind carried a chill, and Meera felt a shiver run down her spine. The camp, once tranquil, now buzzed with the hurried movements of soldiers awakening to the unexpected danger.
Suddenly, the stillness shattered.
A black wolf threw its head back and howled. The sound echoed through the night, and Meera's eyes widened as the surrounding trees caught fire. Flames flickered and danced, casting an eerie glow that revealed the approaching danger. Panic gripped the camp as soldiers scrambled to form a defensive line, their swords unsheathed and faces set in grim determination.
"Fuck!" Andrick hissed.
With the flames rapidly spreading through the camp, Meera felt an inexplicable urgency coursing through her veins, compelling her to find water. Ignoring the chaos around her, she sprinted toward the nearby woods, her instincts guiding her toward the soft sounds of running water she remembered from when they had set up camp. If she could reach it, she might be able to quell the flames.
"Meera!" Andrick's urgent yell cut through the crackling chaos as he chased after her. Beside him, a third wolf appeared, its honey fur gleaming in the firelight, and its amber eyes fixed on Meera. The trio entered the woods, shadows dancing around them in the flickering light.
The crackling of the fire echoed in Meera's ears as she rushed through the narrow spaces between the trees and dried shrubs. Smoke billowed into the night sky, casting an ominous shadow over the chaos. The scent of burning wood filled the air, and Meera's heart pounded in her chest, fueled by a potent mix of fear and determination.
As she navigated through the dense foliage, the sound of running water grew louder, guiding her toward a small stream that cut through the forest. The glimmer of hope spurred her onward. With each step, her surroundings blurred, and the urgency to reach the water intensified.
Andrick and the third wolf followed closely behind, their presence a reassurance in the tumultuous night. The amber-eyed wolf maintained a vigilant watch over Meera, as if understanding the gravity of the situation. Shadows flickered across their path as they delved deeper into the woods.
The stream came into view, the light from the fire glinting off its surface like a golden ribbon. Meera reached the water's edge and wasted no time. Kneeling beside the stream, she dipped her hands into the cool liquid, cupping it and splashing it onto her face to clear the stinging effects of the smoke.
Meera's hands trembled with a mix of adrenaline and urgency as she knelt beside the stream, her fingers plunged into the cool water. Without hesitation, she closed her eyes and drew upon the innate connection she had with the element. She visualized the stream, the flow of water responding to her unspoken command. With a focused mind and a surge of determination, she extended her hands over the stream, palms facing upward.
A subtle shimmer appeared on the surface of the stream. The water responded to her call, rising in a gentle cascade, defying gravity's pull. A liquid ribbon hovered in the air above the stream. With a precise mental command, Meera guided the suspended water toward the engulfed camp. The liquid ribbon glided through the night air, following an invisible path dictated by Meera's concentration. The campfire's glow illuminated the surroundings, casting dancing shadows on the trees as Meera's power worked in tandem with the forces of nature.
But as the water approached the camp, Meera's control over it wavered. The water, once an obedient force under Meera's command, now seemed to resist her untrained influence. As it approached the camp, the liquid ribbon began to ripple and splinter, its form losing the precision Meera had initially summoned.
Meera's brow furrowed in frustration as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She extended her hands, desperately trying to maintain the delicate balance between concentration and control. The liquid ribbon, however, responded erratically, as if mocking her feeble attempts to manipulate it.
Soldiers and onlookers, initially awestruck, now watched with concern as the water's movements became unpredictable. The once graceful descent turned into a chaotic cascade, droplets splashing in all directions. The flames, instead of yielding, seemed to dance with renewed vigor in response to the unstable water.
Andrick, who had followed Meera into the woods, watched the struggle with a mix of worry and confusion. He could sense Meera's distress and the unpredictable nature of her elemental abilities. His eyes darted between Meera and the unruly water, contemplating whether to intervene or allow her to grapple with the unpredictable forces.
Meera gritted her teeth, determination etched across her face. The strain on her untrained abilities was evident, her lack of control a stark reminder of the untamed power she possessed. The elemental dance between fire and water became a dissonant melody, and Meera fought against the rising panic threatening to engulf her.
The toll of her repeated attempts began to shine through in her eyes. Her features wore the fatigue of someone pushing their limits, dark circles forming beneath her eyes as her energy waned. The strain was evident in the lines that marred her forehead, the weariness that crept into her gaze.
With each summoning of water, Meera's breaths became labored, and the effort seemed to drain not only her magical abilities but her physical strength as well. The once-controlled movements of her arms now betrayed a hint of desperation. Her soaked hair clung to her forehead, a testament to the struggle she waged against the elements.
In the chaos around her, Eryx's attention was momentarily diverted. He wrestled with the black wolf, attempting to direct its actions to strategic points in the camp. His eyes flickered toward Meera.
"Meera, stop," Eryx commanded. "You're hurting yourself."
Just as Meera approached the edge of the camp, a surge of water suspended above her head, ready to be directed toward the flames, disaster struck. A sudden loss of control caused the water to cascade over her instead, drenching her form in frigid liquid. The icy shock stole her breath, and for a moment, she stood there, shivering and defeated, water dripping from her saturated clothes.
Eryx's gaze shifted from the black wolf to Meera, a mix of concern and frustration etched on his face. The flames continued to devour the camp, and the air was thick with the acrid scent of burning wood.
As Meera stood defeated and breathless, she felt a profound sense of frustration. The realization of her inadequacy in controlling the water weighed heavily on her shoulders. Her hands trembled with residual energy, and her mind echoed with the dissonance of her failed attempts.
Meera cast a gloomy glance toward the camp. The fire, now a chaotic dance of embers and flames, painted an apocalyptic scene. Smoke spiraled into the night sky, carrying with it the scent of burning wood and a lingering sense of failure.
In the midst of her despair, Meera's gaze was drawn to a figure watching her from across the camp. A pair of intense eyes locked onto hers, their expression unreadable in the flickering light of the flames. Meera's brows furrowed as she tried to discern the identity of the observer amidst the chaos.
The figure remained shrouded in shadows, their features veiled by the dancing flames. A sense of unease crept over Meera as the eyes continued to scrutinize her every move. It was a gaze that held a weight of judgment, a silent assessment of her abilities.
Despite the chaos around her, Meera felt an inexplicable pull toward the mysterious figure. The eyes that bore into hers seemed to carry a significance beyond the immediate crisis. The unease that settled over her evolved into a strange sense of curiosity.
As the flames cast erratic shadows, Meera took a hesitant step forward, her waterlogged clothes clinging to her frame. The observer remained still, a silent sentinel in the midst of the pandemonium. The dance of firelight played upon their features, revealing just enough to intensify Meera's intrigue.
Summoning her inner resolve, Meera took another deliberate step forward. The figure, cloaked in shadows, reciprocated by stepping out into the flickering light of the flames. As the man's features became discernible, Meera felt an inexplicable recognition, as if the threads of fate had woven their destinies together.
The man emerged from the shadows, revealing a young figure with striking but unassuming features. His jawline, though not particularly strong, carried a hint of determination. His eyes, rather than intense, betrayed a certain timidity as if harboring stories yet to be told. His disheveled hair, tousled by the chaos surrounding them, painted a picture of vulnerability
Their eyes locked, and in that moment, Meera experienced a magnetic pull, a force drawing her closer to this stranger as if they shared a bond that transcended the boundaries of time and circumstance. The man's expression mirrored her own astonishment, as if he, too, felt the unexpected surge of connection.
The flames danced between them, casting a surreal glow on the scene unfolding. Meera's senses buzzed with a strange energy, and she found herself captivated by the man before her. It was as if they were two lost souls, finding each other amid the chaos. As she stood staring at the man, the corner of his mouth curved up and he seemed to smile at her. A gentle soft smile.
Before Meera could take another step toward the mysterious figure, Eryx's wolf materialized in front of her, teeth bared and poised to attack. A horrified scream escaped Meera as an explosion of flames erupted, engulfing the man. Eryx's wolf swiftly recoiled, returning to guard Meera against any potential threat.
As the roaring flames subsided, Meera found herself staring at the vacant space where the enigmatic man had stood. Smoke billowed around her, causing her head to sway, her lungs to fill with acrid fumes, and her eyes to burn. Eryx turned his gaze toward her just as the relentless strain and exhaustion caught up with her, causing her to crumple and lose consciousness.
Who are these people now?
Also, my wrist isn't getting any better. It takes me a very long time to do anything. I'll try to sneak around my family and write but I'm not supposed to be using my right hand at all. Updates might be shorter.
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