Ch.21 Honeybee
Chapter 21
The long night was never-ending. Eryx lay awake, staring at the canopy of Meera's bed, wondering what shapes and stories she saw when she couldn't sleep at night. The ocean breeze was too warm and the scent of all the flowers in the room tickled his nose, making his head feel hazy.
Beside him, Meera lay, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moonlight. Her delicate features were illuminated by the soft lunar beams, creating a celestial aura around her. Eryx couldn't help but marvel at her beauty – her hand gracefully positioned beside her face, fingers slightly curled, and dense, dark lashes casting a shadow against the gentle curve of her cheeks. Her lips were slightly parted, and her brows rested in a state of relaxation.
Eryx's eyes lingered on Meera, absorbing every detail of her beauty like the silent night. A sense of awe and admiration welled up within him, causing his chest to tighten. In the dark of the night, he found himself unable to resist likening her to the silvery moonlight. To him, Meera was as real as the moon, yet just like the celestial orb, she possessed an otherworldly quality– a living, breathing embodiment of a celestial dream.
As the night wore on and fatigue settled into Eryx's bones, a heavy weariness draped over him like a weighted blanket. The gentle lull of the ocean breeze and the intoxicating scent of Jasmin and peaches in the room conspired to coax him into the embrace of sleep. The struggle between drowsiness and wakefulness intensified as the longing for rest tugged at him.
Eryx, however, found himself torn between the desire to succumb to sleep and the irresistible urge to keep his eyes open. The need to gaze at Meera, even in the realm of dreams, held him in its tight grip. His eyelids, heavy with weariness, threatened to close, but an internal battle raged within him.
With each passing moment, the struggle became more pronounced. Eryx's body yearned for slumber, yet his heart insisted on remaining vigilant, fixated on the captivating sight of Meera in the moonlit serenity. The silvery glow continued to weave its magic around her, casting a spell that compelled Eryx to resist the pull of sleep. Eryx had never seen anything quite like that, not even in the woods past the mountains of Voreios.
In the end, despite his reluctance, Eryx's eyes gradually surrendered to the weight of exhaustion, closing in a final, blissful surrender to the dreams that awaited him. The image of Meera, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, lingered in his mind, creating a dreamscape where he felt her moved beside him place her small hand over his beating heart.
As the first light of dawn gently filtered into the room, Meera stirred from her peaceful slumber. A contented smile graced her lips as she inhaled deeply, detecting a lingering fragrance that enveloped her. The sheets cradling her were soaked with the unmistakable scent of pine and cedarwood, a subtle and comforting reminder of Eryx's presence.
In the quiet moments before full wakefulness, Meera's subconscious mind danced with the essence of Eryx's scent. A smile played on her lips as she basked in the warmth and familiarity it brought.
As Meera slowly opened her eyes, she found herself nestled in the soft cocoon of her own bed, the morning light casting a gentle glow around her. The smile, born from the delightful remnants of Eryx's presence, lingered as she relished the lingering traces of his scent on the sheets.
In the gentle embrace of the morning light, Meera's consciousness unfolded like the petals of a delicate flower. As she reached out, her hand instinctively sought the side of the bed where her husband had lain. The touch sparked a symphony in her heart, the realization of the change in their relationship echoing through her being. Her heart fluttered with the weight of the title, and a soft smile played on her lips.
Meera's fingers delicately traced the remnants of jasmine scattered on the bed, each petal a memory of the night's festivities.She twirling the fragrant flowers between her fingertips, feeling a blush grace her cheeks. The blossoms seemed to whisper to her as she played with them.
With the smile still on her face and the blush glowing like the sunrise, a subtle awareness crept in as Meera wondered about the whereabouts of her newly-minted husband. A soft furrow graced her brow as she glanced around the room. Curiosity and a gentle longing sparked within her, and as if guided by an invisible thread, Meera's gaze drifted toward the balcony.
There, against the backdrop of the morning sky, stood Eryx, silhouetted in the soft hues of dawn. His figure, framed by the balcony's embrace, added a touch of elegance to the moment. A smile tugged at the corners of Meera's lips as she observed him, a silent observer of her husband lost in his own contemplation. The realization brought a warm flutter to her heart, realizing that their connection transcended the confines of physical proximity.
With a gentle grace, Meera sat up in bed, her senses awakening to the quiet rhythm of the morning. The lingering scent of jasmine surrounded her like a delicate embrace as her long hair cascaded down the side of her shoulder. A subtle yawn escaped her, muffled by the gentle press of her hand against her mouth.
As Meera prepared to rise from the bed, her gaze was drawn back to the balcony. She realized fairly quickly that Eryx had not sensed her wake as he continued with his morning routine. His strong and handsome figure etched against the emerging daylight, allowed himself a brief moment of rest, a pause in the cadence of his exercises, before lowering his body to the ground for another set of push-ups.
Mesmerized, Meera's eyes traced the contours of his shirtless form. Eryx's muscles flexed and moved in a way that held her captivated, a display of strength and athleticism that seemed to defy the ordinary. Curly locks of his raven hair hung over his face, partially concealing the intensity in his eyes, while a sheen of sweat glistened on his skin, adding a luminous quality to his physique.
In that silent interlude between movements, Meera found herself captivated by the artistry of his morning ritual. The balcony became a stage, and Eryx, with each push-up, painted a portrait of dedication and vitality. As she watched, a sense of admiration and warmth welled up within her, a silent acknowledgment of the beauty in the strength and resilience of the man she now called her husband.
"You know," Eryx spoke inbetwen his sets, making Meera jump. "I now know what you mean about staring."
Meera, caught off guard, felt a blush creeping across her cheeks. Clutching the sheets closer, she averted her eyes, attempting to conceal the embarrassment that danced in her gaze. Eryx, undeterred, grinned playfully from the balcony, his silver eyes gleaming with mischief.
"A promiscuous princess, aren't we?" he teased, maintaining a challenging plank position. "So many inappropriate thoughts."
Meera, though her initial instinct was to defend herself, found herself at a loss for words. The warmth of Eryx's gaze seemed to intensify, making her feel exposed even under the covers. His chuckle echoed, and Meera, determined to counter his playful banter, pushed the sheets off, rising from the bed.
"Please," she retorted, gathering her hair into a bun with purpose. "Even in my sleep, I felt you staring at me last night. At least I have the decency to not disturb your nights."
Eryx paused, sitting on the balcony floor, his eyes following her every move. As Meera adjusted her nightgown, she felt a spark of mischief ignite within her. The desire to turn the tables on Eryx, to show him that shewasn't the only one with inappropriate thoughts, bubbled up.
Ignoring the robe that hung nearby, Meera cleared her throat, feigning nonchalance as she leaned over the bed, shaking out the flowers. Her hair cascaded down, framing her face, and she pushed it aside with deliberate grace. Arching her neck as if to stretch, she reveled in the subtle power of her own allure.
Eryx, sitting on the balcony, couldn't tear his gaze away. The morning light cast a subtle glow, rendering her nightgown nearly transparent. Her silhouette beckoned, a tantalizing dance as she moved around the room. Purposeful strides revealed the elegance of her long, slender legs, and with each turn, the light accentuated the curve of her waist, leaving Eryx captivated by the playful allure of his mischievous wife.
Meera waited until Eryx's eyes traveled up her figure and settled on her eyes. The corner of her mouth lighted along with her perfect dark brow.
"Inappropriate thought?" Meera queried, her eyes dancing with mischief.
Eryx, realizing he had inadvertently walked into her trap, couldn't help but chuckle. His shoulders shook with laughter as he hung his head and sighed, a playful surrender to the pull Meera seemed to exert on him. It was as if she held the keys to his reactions, and in those moments, it felt like she owned his eyes.
As Eryx chuckled to himself, still caught in the playful allure of Meera's impromptu display, a soft knock interrupted the private moment. Sighing with a mix of amusement and resignation, he rose from the balcony floor, his laughter echoing through the room like a secret shared between him and the morning light.
Walking over to Meera, Eryx picked up her robe and extended it to her with a wry smile, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected turn of events. As she covered herself, he called out to the approaching visitors, his voice carrying a mixture of good-natured humor and an undercurrent of warmth.
As the door creaked open, Iris entered the room, accompanied by Laiza and a group of other ladies from the court.
"Good morning," Queen Iris greeted with a warm smile, her regal presence filling the room. Laiza and the other ladies followed suit, offering their well-wishes to the newly-wedded couple.
Eryx and Meera, still adjusting to the intrusion, exchanged polite nods and reciprocated the morning greetings. The courtly entourage, a mix of seasoned advisors and companions, carried an air of formality as they entered the space.
Two of the older ladies, with a practiced grace that spoke of their experience in courtly matters, approached the bed. With a nod to Meera and Eryx, they exchanged pleasantries before their attention shifted to the bed. In a gesture that combined tradition and a touch of ceremony, they checked the sheets, a symbolic act symbolizing the consummation of the marriage.
Their movements were swift and discreet, a testament to years of courtly etiquette. As they completed their task, the ladies exchanged satisfied glances, their expressions conveying a sense of approval.
Beside her, Meera felt Eryx mutter under his breath and shift his weight. She held her breath and gripped the fabric of her nightgown as one of the women walked over to her and checked her dress.
"Congratulations, my dear," the old woman said, kissing Meera's hand. "We hope to celebrate the arrival of a new life soon."
Meera wanted to push Eryx before her and hide from everyone's gaze. She could feel all eyes on her, nodding with approval over a moment that should have been private between her and Eryx. Sensing her discomfort, Eryx put his arm around her and moved her to his side. Some of the younger ladies giggled as they caught the small intimate gesture.
"Are we done here?" Eryx asked, his voice holding no trace of the playfulness from earlier. "I would like to be alone with my wife."
"Of course, your grace," Iris smiled, her eyes warm and proud as she looked at Eryx and then at Meera. "However, Lady Zeya is here to see you. She says it's urgent matters."
Eryx's brows furrowed and his mouth set into a thin line. Meera looked up to witness the muscles on his jaw feather and his gaze narrow.
"And Princess Meera must prepar for the rest of the wedding festivities too," Laiza spoke up. "I afraid all of your lengthy plans will have to wait until tonight, your grace."
Meera's belly clenched as Laiza's words sparked a revelation in her. All of her nights belonged solely to Eryx. Meera's heart began to pound as she snuck another glance towards the prince.
"Very well," Eryx said, not bothering to hide his annoyance. Her removed his arm from Meera's waist and stepped away. Without another word, Eryx picked up his shirt and pulled it over his head. Meera stood by and watched him as he gathered his sword and dagger. She wanted to say something to him but couldn't think of what to say. Her heart fluttered inside her chest as he bowed his head to Iris and walked out of the room.
"Lady Liza," Iris turned to the young woman. "Help Meera bathe and prepar for the day. And please do keep Princess Marcella and June out of this chamber. They can meet the bride during the games."
"Yes, you majesty," Laiza lowered herself in a graceful curtsy.
With another proud smile towards Meera, Iris turned and exited the room. The ladies of the court followed her before the maids entered with all the preparations for a bath.
"How was it?" Laiza whirled around and gripped Meera's hands as soon the older ladies had gone. Her eyes were wide with excitement. "What was he like?"
Meera began to blush heavily. She pulled her lip in between her teeth and thought of what to say. But before she could utter a word, Laiza saw the love bites on her neck and gasped.
"Oh my," she marveled. "There's so many of them!"
Meera's hand made their way up to her neck. She turned and walked over to the vanity and pushed her hair aside to see what Eryx had done. Her fingers lightly traced her neck, and as her gaze fell upon the reflection in a nearby mirror, her heart fluttered at the sight of dark red love bites from the night before.
The marks adorned her skin like a secret between her and Eryx. A flush of warmth spread across Meera's cheeks as she marveled at the visible evidence of his mouth on her. The subtle ache from the love bites served as a tender reminder of the moments they had experienced in the privacy of their shared space. In that moment, Meera's heart danced. The reflection in the mirror whispered of a private world shared with Eryx, and a shy smile played on her lips as she reveled in the sweet afterglow.
"And look at your dress," Laiza's eyes widened, her gaze locked on the bloodstain. "How do you feel? Are you feeling sore? Any discomfort?"
Meera shook her head, "No.....I'm feel fine."
Laiza, grinning as if she knew something Meera didn't, humed and then winked, "Of course, you do."
Not knowing what to say, Meera fanned out her hair to cover her neck.
"No, no, no," Laiza stopped her. "You're supposed to show them off today."
"What if I don't want to?" Meera frowned, feeling uncomfortable with the idea of the whole palace seeing the marks on her neck.
"It's your right as his wife," Laiza said. "You are a married women now."
Meera remained unconvinced. She played with her hair and watched the maids prepar her bath in the other room.
"By the way," Laiza lowered her voice. "What were you two doing before we walked in here?"
"What do you mean?" Meera asked.
"I mean we heard you both laughing from outside," Laiza said. "And we come in here and he's shirtless and sweaty and you're blushing....not to mention Eryx looked as if he was ready to throw us out the window one by one if we didn't leave you two alone."
"It wasn't like that," Meera shook her head.
"No, of course not," Laiza laughed and winked again. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
Meera followed the girl into the bathing chamber. Two maid stepped forward and held the towels around her as she stripped out of her nightgown and stepped into the bath.
Laiza and a group of skilled maids began to attend to Meera with meticulous care. The air was filled with the heady scent of fresh flowers, creating a sensory haven for the princess. The large bath was filled with warm water adorned with rose petals. The water leaped up and touched her skin, immediately igniting Eryx's scent.
Laiza, with a gentle smile, guided Meera where the water embraced her like a soothing caress. The maids approached with containers of milk and honey. They began to lather Meera's skin, the mixture leaving a soft, nourishing touch that added a subtle glow to her complexion.
As Meera reclined in the warm water, her hair cascading around her, the maids carefully poured rose water to cleanse and rejuvenate her tresses. The floral aroma intertwined with the essence of the bath, creating an intoxicating bouquet that enveloped the chamber.
Laiza, mindful of every detail, ensured that Meera felt both pampered and refreshed. The maids worked with a harmonious rhythm, their movements choreographed to perfection. As they attended to Meera's needs, the atmosphere was one of serenity and indulgence, a luxurious prelude to the festivities that awaited her.
The bath became a sanctuary of relaxation and beauty. It was a ritual of preparation, a ceremonial cleansing that symbolized not just physical purity but the ushering in of a new chapter in Meera's life. As the maids worked with diligence and grace, Meera surrendered to the exquisite experience, ready to step into the day's festivities with a heart and body refreshed.
Emerging from the bath, Meera was met with a chamber adorned in the soft hues of morning light. Her bed was already made and the bloodstained sheets were removed. Laiza and the maids awaited her with an array of garments befitting her new role. As the warm air embraced her damp skin, Meera felt a sense of anticipation for the transformation that awaited her.
Laiza approached with a gown of rich fabrics and intricate embroidery, a garment that spoke of regality and sophistication. The dress, carefully selected for the day's festivities, accentuated Meera's figure in a way that marked a departure from her attire as a young maiden. The bodice gently pushed out her chest, emphasizing a newfound grace, while the flowing silhouette showcased the subtle curves that defined her womanhood.
As the maids worked with practiced hands, fastening buttons and adjusting folds, Meera couldn't help but marvel at the reflection that met her in the mirror. The young maiden she once was seemed to give way to a proper lady, her essence transformed by the garments that adorned her. The gown, adorned with intricate patterns and delicate embellishments, whispered tales of tradition and elegance.
With a touch of artistry, Laiza arranged Meera's hair in an elaborate style that complemented the regal ensemble. The scent of flowers lingered in the air as the final touches were added – a subtle dusting of powder, a touch of jewelry that adorned Meera like precious whispers.
Turning to face the mirror, Meera saw the reflection of her evolution. The gown, the carefully styled hair, the refined elegance – each element contributed to the portrait of a young girl stepping into her role as a woman. The maturation was more than external; it was an acknowledgment of the responsibilities and stature that came with her new station in life.
As Meera gazed upon her transformed self, a mix of emotions welled up within her – a blend of nostalgia for the young maiden she once was and a sense of pride for the woman she had become. The gown became not just an outfit but a statement – a visual proclamation of the transformation that marked this pivotal moment in Meera's journey.
"There," Laiza said, patting Meera's shoulder. "All done."
"Thank you," Meera whispered.
"Now, come along," Laiza smiled. "The rest of the court is drying to lay their eyes on Eryx's wife. I think we kept them waiting long enough."
Feeling excited to step out into the world as a new woman, Meera stood up and adjusted her dress. She couldn't stop the smile that graced her lips as she thought of what Eryx might have to say about her transformation. Her heart began to pound inside her chest and her cheeks returned to their permanent state of crimson.
Following Laiza, Meera stepped out of her chamber with an air of grace and poise. The morning sunlight spilled through the palace windows, casting a soft glow on the corridors as she made her way toward the grand staircase.
The news of her arrival had spread throughout the palace, and as Meera descended the staircase, the courtly attendants and members of the court greeted her with congratulatory smiles and warm wishes. The air buzzed with a sense of celebration and anticipation for the day's festivities.
Despite the genuine joy surrounding her, Meera's eyes sought out one person. Her gaze scanned the crowd, searching for Eryx;'s familiar figure amidst the well-wishers. Each congratulatory word, though appreciated, felt like a fleeting distraction as she continued to look for the one face that mattered most.
The grandeur of the palace's architecture and the lively chatter of the court seemed to fade into the background as Meera navigated the sea of faces. She politely acknowledged the congratulations, her responses punctuated by a polite smile, but her heart yearned for the presence of her husband.
"Good morning, dear baby sister," Ozmen stepped forward, stopping Meera as she set off to walk around the lawns once more in search of Eryx. She looked up and laughed as Ozmen cringed at the bright sunlight.
"Good morning to you too," She continued to laugh. "I'm surprised you woke before nightfall."
"I had no choice," Ozmen stepped back into the shadows to nurse his headache. "Lady Zeya came in at the ass crack of dawn demanding to speak to Eryx."
Meera's concern deepened as she noticed Ozmen's uneasy expression. "Is everything alright?" she inquired with a furrowed brow.
Before Ozmen could respond, Naya appeared around the corner, hands delicately holding a silver tray. Her eyes, pools of wisdom, held a hint of irritation, and her dark hair cascaded in elegant waves around her shoulders. Naya's attire, though modest, accentuated the refined allure that accompanied her every movement.
"Good morning," Naya greeted Meera with a bright smile.
Meera couldn't help but notice the subtle exchange of glances between Naya and Ozmen. Curiosity piqued, she turned her attention to her old friend.
"Where were you this morning?" Meera inquired, her concern mirrored in her gaze.
Naya's response was tinged with a hint of restrained frustration. "I wasn't allowed to attend to you since I am unwed," she explained, offering the tray to Ozmen.
"What's that?" Meera questioned. "It smells awful."
"Herbal tea to keep him from throwing up his insides," Naya sighed.
Ozmen's reaction, however, was less than appreciative. "This tastes like death," he remarked, his hangover evident. "What's in it? Rotting corpses Zahir keeps under the bed?"
Naya, unfazed by his complaints, listed the ingredients. "Dried hibiscus and swamp lilies."
"Swamp lilies?" Ozmen exclaimed. "How dare you give me swamp lilies? Nobody in my family has ever had swamp lilies."
Naya, unyielding in her commitment to wellness, retorted, "No body in your family has ever drunk as much as you have. If I hadn't made you throw up last night, you would be in a coffin this morning."
Ozmen, with a touch of sarcasm, acknowledged her efforts.
"My hero," he said, rolling his eyes, and took another reluctant sip of his tea. "Surely, death is better than this."
"Oz, just drink it, will you?" Naya clicked her tongue. "You're not the only one I have to look after."
"Oh, is Lieutenant James waiting?" Ozmen raised his brow.
"Only because you two drank up the entire ocean last night," Naya shook her head.
"Naya, I'm fine," Ozmen reassured her. "I can survive this. Go look after the pretty body."
Naya's eyes narrowed, a mix of irritation and determination in her gaze, as she stubbornly bowed her head and walked away. Meera couldn't help but observe the interplay with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.
"You shouldn't tease her so much," Meera scolded her cousin. "She might poison you."
"I don't tease her," Ozmen said defensibly. "And I think she has in the past to be honest with you."
"Okay, sure" Meera rolled her eyes. "Now tell me about Lady Zeya. What did she want?"
Ozmen took a long sip of his hot tea and gaged once more, "I don't know. She wouldn't tell me."
Meera, dismissing Ozmen's lack of information about Lady Zeya, shifted her attention to Eryx. "Where's Eryx?" she inquired, scanning the surroundings.
Ozmen, taking a sip of his tea, grimaced once more. His eyes inadvertently caught the love bites on Meera's neck, peeking out from beneath her necklace. The revelation didn't sit well with him, and a scowl crossed his face while a shiver of disgust ran through his shoulders.
Caught off guard, Meera noticed Ozmen's reaction and couldn't help but wonder. "What?" she asked, puzzled by his sudden discomfort.
"Nothing," Ozmen muttered, attempting to brush off his reaction. "Eryx left with Zeya."
"What?" Meera's brows furrowed in confusion and disappointment.
"They had to go back to their ships," Ozmen explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "He said he will be back before the games this afternoon."
A sense of unease settled over Meera. She felt her heart whining, a subtle ache of disappointment and upset. The realization that Eryx had departed without a word stirred a mixture of emotions within Meera – a sense of confusion and a touch of hurt. As she absorbed the news, her disappointment lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the morning.
"Cheer up," Ozmen offered a comforting pat on Meera's arm. "And prepare for the games. I heard Eryx doesn't like to lose. With your competitive nature, this should be interesting."
Meera, however, remained silent, her gaze distant as she wrestled with the emotions brought on by Eryx's unexpected absence. Ozmen, taking another sip of his tea, eventually walked away, leaving her alone by the bushes to contend with her feelings of disappointment.
Throughout the day, Meera's mood remained in a mellow state. She moved through the palace lawns, attempting to mingle with the guests, but her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Eryx's return. Marcella, by her side with arms linked, engaged in endless chatter about the wedding, but Meera found it challenging to pay attention to the festivities.
Restlessly playing with the pendant of her necklace, Meera's thoughts were consumed by the absence of her husband. The competitive excitement of the upcoming games held little appeal when contrasted with the lingering sense of longing. Each passing moment seemed to stretch, and despite the vibrant atmosphere surrounding her, Meera couldn't shake the somber mood that had settled in her heart.
The palace lawns, adorned with laughter and celebration, felt like a realm apart for Meera. Her eyes, though engaged in the mingling crowd, were always searching for Eryx. She moved through the day with a sense of incompleteness.
As the day wore on, the anticipation heightened with the approaching games, and the palace lawns buzzed with energy. Meera's somber mood persisted. The air crackled with tension as the guests eagerly awaited the spectacle.
Then, in a moment that seemed to carry a surge of both relief and frustration, Eryx returned. The atmosphere shifted as he entered the lawns, and Meera's eyes involuntarily found him. His gaze met hers, and for an instant, time seemed to pause as their eyes locked in a silent exchange.
However, the relief Meera might have felt at his return quickly morphed into a storm of anger and frustration. The emotions, simmering beneath the surface, surged forth like a tempest. As Eryx's eyes found hers, a current of unspoken words passed between them. But instead of basking in the reunion, Meera's expression tightened. Unable to contain the tumult within, Meera looked away. The anger and frustration that had simmered throughout the day now danced in the shadows of her gaze. Eryx, sensing the shift, entered the lawns with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.
"Gather around everyone!" Ozmen's loud voice pulled the crowd together.
Marcella tugged Meera forward as they stood across from Eryx and a few of his men who had come to partake in the Azmeerean traditional wedding games. Her eyes averted looking at Eryx as she focused all her attention on her cousin.
"In honor of my dear cousin Meera and her lucky husband Eryx, today we will be kicking off the games with Honeybee!" Ozmen announced and the crowd began to cheer. "For my new Vorean friends and the groom, here are the rules."
Meera's eyes moved towards Eryx.
"Gentleman, you will be the beekeepers," Ozmen explained. "The ladies are the bees. Of course, as tradition states, the bride should be the Queen Bee."
Eryx's eyes shifted towards Meera. He held her gaze and Meera immediately felt a current run down her back.
"The beekeepers will hide the golden jar of honey," Ozmen continued. "The bees and the Queen Bee must find the golden jar of honey to win."
"How do we win?" One of Eryx's men asked.
"Good question," Ozmen laughed. "You win by capturing the Queen Bee shouted Honeybee."
The men nodded. Eryx smirked as if he had already won the game. His confidence made Meera's eyes narrow.
"But here's the catch," Ozmen held up a finger. "The beekeepers will all be blindfolded. And if you shout Honeybee and it is not the queen you have caught, you will be sent off to the sidelines."
Eryx continued to watch with an overconfident crooked grin on his face.
"And my beautiful Queen Bee," Ozmen turned towards Meera, "You shall wear a bell that signals your position at all times when you move. It is up to your bees to keep you protected from the beekeepers as you look for the honey."
Meera nodded.
"Any questions?" Ozmen asked the crowd.
Everyone shook their heads, their eyes excited to start the game.
"Alright," Ozmen clapped his hands. "Both teams will have twenty minutes to prepare. Talk amongst your teammates and decide who shall have what role. We will meet back here."
At once, Meera grabbed Marcella's hand and instructed all the other ladies participating in the games to follow her. Zeya, catching Marcella's eyes, decided to join in at the last minute.
"Naya?" Meera called to her friend as she led all her teammates into the boathouse of the palace gardens.
"Right here," Naya waved her hands. "I got everything I could find."
"What is all this?" Laiza asked as Meera began to dig through the pile of her clothes and distribute them out.
"You'll be wearing my clothes," Meera explained. "Quickly, we don't have much time. Change or throw it on over what you are wearing."
Grabbing a shawl and a robe, Meera walked up to Zeya and handed her the items.
"He can smell me," Meera reminded Zeya when the girl arched her brow. "But if we all have the same scent, it will throw him off."
The corner of Zeya's mouth curved up, "Smart."
With a small smile, Meera quickly turned away to help whoever she could. She unlaced Marcella's corset and helped her put on a summer dress she often wore. Marcella's gaze lifted towards Zeya and she began to blush.
"Are we all ready?" Meera asked, looking around. "Remember, do not get too close to Eryx."
"Yeah, yeah, we get it," June rolled her eyes. "He's yours."
"No," Meera said. "That's not why-"
"Eryx is a skilled hunter," Zeya stepped in. "He can distinguish the sounds of animal footsteps with his eyes closed. He's fast and agile. You won't even know he's behind you. Be alert and be prepared. I've seen his men train, they're not to be taken lightly either."
Zeya's words made all the faces in the room cloud with unease. They looked at one another and then back towards Meera.
"It's just a game, right," Marcella laughed uncomfortably, her heavy chest squeezed sightly into Meera's dress.
Zeya looked towards her and smiled, "You'll have me on your team."
"And I don't intend to lose to Eryx today," Meera said.
"You know," Laiza began as the group headed out of the boathouse. "They say the winner of the Honeybee game is the real winner in a marriage. They call all the shots."
"We shall see," Meera muttered under her breath.
As the ladies made their way back to the courtyard, the men turned their heads, their blindfolds already tightly wrapped around their eyes. Ozmen stepped forward and fastened the bells around Meera's ankle and wished her good luck.
"You will need it," He teased as he tied his blindfold and signaled the start of the game.
Zeya and Marcella instantly formed a protective circle around Meera. The men stepped forward like hunters.
"Eryx will think about his opponent's disadvantages," Zeya whispered. "Keep that in mind. Where would he least expect you to look for the honey?"
Meera tried to think but the men were closing in. She moved with her team and they began to follow. The bells on her ankle signaled her every move. She motioned for June and Naya to head towards the flowerbeds and shook her ankle to trick the men.
As planned, Ozmen and a few others separated from the group. Meera signaled Laiza to move in the other direction. As soon as the girl moved with Marcella, Eryx's nose turned in their direction.
Meera and Zeya stood still, watching the confusion on Eryx's face as he tried to decipher where the scent of Jasmin and peaches was coming from.
"Zeya?" Meera whispered. "Do you think you can carry me to the other side of the court yard?"
"Yes," Zeya nodded. "Get on my back."
As Meera prepared, she signaled for Laiza and the others to move before her.
"What are you doing?" Zeya questioned. "They will get caught."
"A few soldiers need to be lost a few to win a greater war," Meera whispered back to her. "Now, hurry."
With the limited sounds of Meera's bells, the men had no idea of knowing where she was going. They followed and collided with a few of the women. Overjoyed, they shouted Honeybee but were soon disappointed to learn they were tricked. Zeya hurried across the yard to the other side and dropped Meera down on her feet. They had managed to successfully eliminate half of Eryx's team. With so many of the beekeepers gone, Meera could not focus on finding the honey.
"Go help, Marcella and June," Meera whispered to Zeya.
"Are you sure?" Zeya questioned.
"Yes," Meera nodded. "Eryx is across the yard. I have some time before he realizes where I am. Go."
Without wasting time, Zeya ran off towards Marcella. Meera located Eryx amongst the crowd before turning on her heels and searching for the golden jar of honey.
"Come on, come on," she muttered to herself as she looked through the potted plants and bushes. "Honey, honey, honey...."
Suddenly, Zeya's words came flooding back into Meera's mind. If Eryx used his opponent's disadvantage against them, what would he consider Meera's disadvantage?
Meera looked over her shoulder and watched her husband towering over everyone in the yard. He turned from left to right, careful to not accidentally grab the wrong bee as the women ran around. She could see him struggling to locate her scent. He stood out in the crowd with his broad shoulders and dark curls.
"That's it!" Meera gasped.
Picking up her dress, Meera turned towards the hanging plants in the garden. Eryx was taller than most. He would have used his height as his advantage and her height as her disadvantage. Meera felt her heart leap with excitement as she began to peer up at the hanging pots of flowers. She searched through them all when suddenly her eyes caught on the glint of the golden pot buried deep within the petals of the magenta blooms.
"Gottca," she smiled.
Pulling over a garden chair, Meera carefully climbed up and reached for the pot. Her fingers brushed its smooth surface, confirming that it was the honey pot indeed. As she pushed to reach for it, the flower pot swung and hit her on the head.
"Ouch," Meera groaned as she shut her eyes and reached for it again, shaking off the dirt that fell over her. Her forehead began to throb but she paid no attention to it. Victory was so close. She could almost taste the honey.
Suddenly, without any warning, the chair disappeared from underneath her. Meera let out a yelp as she fell into a pair of strong arms.
"Should I shout, honeybee?" Eryx asked his mouth against her ear.
Startled, Meera pushed away. Eryx placed her down on her feet but leaned forward, caging her in against his body and the pillar behind her.
"Neat trick you pulled back there," he said, leaning forward with his blindfold still on.
"How did you know I was here?" Meera asked, her eyes flickering up towards the pot of honey. If she could only distract him for just another second....
"Nothing smells quite like your blood," Eryx said. "It took me a second, but I figured out what you did."
"Were you impressed?" Meera slowly reached for the jar above their head.
"Very," Eryx smiled. "But there's something you should know about me, Meera?"
"What's that?"
Eryx reached up and grabbed Meera's wrist, stopping her from reaching the pot.
"I don't like to lose," he said.
Meera swallowed the tightness in her throat, "Not even to me?"
Eryx's grin spread.
"When Lady Charlotte had gotten married, her husband let her win," Meera said, still attempting to reach for the honey. "As a sign of his devotion towards his new wife."
Eryx tilted his head.
"Think of it as a wedding present," Meera negotiated.
"A wedding present?" Eryx asked.
"Yes," Meera nodded.
A second passed before Eryx let out a heavy sigh. He leaned forward and quietly kissed the small red bump on Meera's forehead.
"Is that what you want?" He asked.
"Yes," Meera nodded.
"Okay," Eryx said, taking a small step back. "Anything for my wife."
Rubbing her wrist, Meera stared back at Eryx. her heart pounded in her chest as her gaze flickered up towards the honey pot. Sensing her hesitation, Eryx took another step back.
Meera stepped forward. She reached up and tilted the flower pot back. Her fingers curled around the lid of the honey pot when suddenly, Eryx hooked his arms around her waist and shouted.
Meera was left speechless as everyone turned in their direction. She gasped as Eryx swung her into his arms and lifted her like a trophy.
"He caught the Queen Bee!" someone shouted.
Everyone took off their blindfolds and began to cheer. The ladies groaned but still found delight in the game's adrenaline. Meera, her heart beating with Eryx's betrayal, looked towards him and scowled.
"Don't look so sad, Your Highness," Eryx chuckled, pulling her closer. "If you want to win, fight for it. No one will hand you a victory. Not even me."
Wrote this in a hurry, excuse the mistakes.... Should Eryx have let her win?
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