Ch. 15 She's Water
Chapter 15
Amidst the murmur of running water, Eryx's voice reached Meera's consciousness, laden with concern and worry. She strained to locate the source of his words, wanting to turn her head in his direction, yet all she could perceive was the gentle, soothing sound of the flowing water.
Eryx's strong, warm hand wrapped around hers, offering a comforting touch. A faint spark danced through their touch, a lifeline in her unconscious state. As she drifted in the liminal realm, Meera became attuned to the rhythmic sensations of his touch—circles traced on her palm, a gesture both tender and protective.
"You should mark her," said a voice. Meera strained her hearing and recognized Zeya's words.
"No, not like this," Eryx countered, his voice resolute.
"What does it matter?" The urgency in Zeya's frustration came through. "They're just stupid ceremonies. Look at her, Eryx. She might not make it if you don't mark her."
"Not like this," Eryx reiterated, his tone stern and unwavering.
"She drank enough venomfire to kill a small village," Zeya emphasized the severity of Meera's condition, reminding him. "It's a miracle she's even breathing."
"It's the water."
As Eryx mentioned the water, Meera sensed the liquid around her hands, feeling its warmth soaking into her skin as he continued to offer his comforting touch.
"How did you know that would help?" Zeya asked.
"Water will never betray her," Eryx said. "She's an elemental."
"How long do you think she will be like this?" Zeya's softer, more empathetic tone queried,
"I don't know," Eryx admitted.
A stretch of silence ensued, interrupted only by Zeya's exasperated sigh. Meera heard her rising to her feet before a sudden, sharp sound and a door opening and slamming shut punctuated the scene, leaving her once again surrounded by the gentle murmur of water and Eryx's calming touch.
"Come on, princess," Eryx whispered. "You're starting to make me worry."
Meera struggled against the weight of unconsciousness, the allure of Eryx's concerned voice pulling her back from the depths of her comatose state. With great effort, she attempted to open her eyes, her eyelids feeling like burdens resisting her will. The desire to turn her head, to acknowledge Eryx's presence and perhaps seek his comfort, filled her senses.
Her body, burdened by an overwhelming ache, resisted her attempts to sit up. The strands of her hair clung uncomfortably to the back of her neck, a sensation that intensified her longing for a simple gesture—Eryx's touch, gentle and reassuring. Even in the dreamlike haze of her unconsciousness, she felt the warmth radiating from him, a comforting presence that seemed to be an electric current pulsing through her dormant body.
However, despite her efforts, the tug of weariness proved relentless. Like a relentless undertow, it drew her back into the embrace of unconsciousness, slipping away from the tangible connection she yearned to establish.
As Meera drifted deeper into the recesses of her unconscious mind, a serene dream began to unfold, offering a stark contrast to the challenges and turmoil she faced in the waking world. In this dreamscape, she found herself in the midst of snowy mountain tops and winding paths, the pristine white landscape stretching infinitely before her.
By her side, a magnificent silver wolf paced gracefully, its fur shimmering in the moonlight like liquid mercury. As Meera trod through the snow, leaving delicate footprints in her wake, the wolf mirrored her every step, a steadfast companion in this ethereal realm. The two moved in unison, connected by an unspoken understanding that transcended the boundaries between human and beast.
Gazing up at the majestic creature, Meera sought the solace that only the dreamy expanse and the silent companionship of the silver wolf could provide. The wolf, sensing her need, turned its head in her direction, acknowledging her presence with his silver eyes.
Drawing closer, Meera extended her hand, immersing her fingers into the wolf's plush fur. The silver strands felt cool and comforting beneath her touch, and the wolf stood patiently as she leaned against its strong frame. Meera nestled her head beside the creature's chest, captivated by the rhythmic hum of its heartbeat—a soothing melody that resonated through the snowy expanse.
Together, in this tranquil dreamscape, Meera and the silver wolf stood as silent witnesses to the hushed beauty of the snow-covered world, enveloped in the gentle calmness that pervaded their shared sanctuary.
As Meera lingered between the realms of dreams and reality, the voices of Eryx and Zeya seeped into her consciousness once more, blending with the soothing echoes of her dreamworld.
"Are you sure this will work?" Zeya's concern-laden voice cut through the dream.
"It has to," Eryx's unwavering determination responded, the resonance of his voice a comforting thread connecting the dream and the waking world.
Meera felt herself being lifted into Eryx's strong arms, his body radiating warmth that mirrored the silver wolf in her dreams. The rhythmic humming emanating from his chest mirrored the heartbeat of her dream companion, weaving a surreal connection between reality and the dreamworld.
"What if it does?" Zeya inquired, her voice laced with worry.
"Then we take her to Voreios," Eryx replied, his protective embrace tightening around Meera. "The council might have some way to help."
"Why don't we do that now?" Zeya questioned.
"Because she wouldn't want to go like this," Eryx explained, his voice carrying a hint of understanding. "I'm sure she will want to say goodbye to her family."
In the cocoon of Eryx's arms, Meera felt a solitary tear trace its path down her face, a silent acknowledgment of the emotions swelling within her. The prospect of returning home stirred a mixture of longing and uncertainty. How much time had passed, and did her family know where she was?
"Eryx, look..." Zeya's voice reached them, punctuating Meera's internal contemplation.
Eryx, attuned Meera's state, shifted her in his arms, lowering her gently against a supportive surface. His thumb brushed against her cheek, capturing the tear, a tender gesture that made Meera's heart swell.
"Is she in pain?" Zeya inquired, her concern rising.
"No," Eryx reassured, his head shaking. "I think... I think she can hear us."
"That's good, right?" Zeya sought reassurance. "She's not completely gone."
"Yes," Eryx affirmed with a sigh of relief. "That's good. Help me get her into the tub."
Meera, still caught in the limbo between awareness and unconsciousness, felt herself lifted once more. The murmur of water meeting her ears signaled a change in the surroundings, prompting curiosity within her clouded senses.
"You're going in with her?" Zeya's question pierced through the ambient sounds.
"Well, I'm not going to let her drown," Eryx responded with a hint of exasperation.
"She can't drown," Zeya pointed out.
"And how do you know?"
"She's water," Zeya reminded him.
"I'm not taking any chances," Eryx asserted, his protective stance unwavering.
Meera felt the shift as her body descended into the welcoming warmth of the water, a sensory awakening that rippled through her being. The familiarity of her element enveloped her, every pore tingling with the restorative touch of water.
"I got you," Eryx's comforting words brushed against her ear as his arms encircled her waist, cradling her against his chest. He guided her head back, allowing it to rest against his shoulder.
"You know," Zeya chuckled, a teasing note in her voice, "I've never seen you be so gentle."
Eryx's amusement echoed through his response, "Who would I be gentle with? You and Sven?"
"Or Dawn."
At the mention of the name, Meera, nestled in Eryx's protective embrace, felt a subtle shift within her. The mere utterance of Dawn's name caused a change in the rhythm of their heartbeats. Meera's pulse intertwined with Eryx's, creating an unspoken harmony that resonated with an unexpected emotion.
As Eryx's arm tightened around her, Meera found solace in the embrace, a subtle reassurance that quelled the unsettling sensations within. The longing to move closer to Eryx surfaced, an instinctive response to an unfamiliar feeling she couldn't yet comprehend. Yet, in the warmth of his arms, she felt a fleeting sense of ease.
"Have you written to her?" Zeya's question sliced through the air, and Meera felt the uncomfortable sensation rise within her again. Her blood simmered, limbs restless.
"Yes, I have," Eryx replied.
"And?" Zeya prodded, her curiosity evident.
"Did no one ever tell you that it's impolite to snoop around other people's business?" Eryx's response only fueled Meera's growing unease.
"Other people's business?" Zeya laughed. "She's my best friend. She has told me everything that has happened between you two."
The tension in the air thickened, and Meera yearned to escape from Eryx's presence. The warmth of the water became suffocating, and she felt her mind spiraling, desperately seeking a way out as Zeya and Eryx continued their conversation.
"She's mad at you, you know?" Zeya teased, her hand dipping into the water to play with Meera's.
"I know," Eryx sighed.
"Dawn really wanted to come to Azmeera," Zeya said. "I don't understand why you said no. I would have been fun to have her here."
"She needs to finish her training," Eryx replied. "No distraction until then."
"You're her biggest distraction," Zeya clicked her tongue.
"And who's your's?" Eryx wondered.
"Well, I mean there's no one else quiet as beautiful as Dawn," Zeya muttered. "And you have her all to yourself so the rest of us-"
Meera's patience shattered as the pressure in her mind reached its breaking point. Gasping for air, she shot upright, away from Eryx's embrace. Water splashed onto the floor as she clutched the edges of the tub, putting as much distance as possible between herself and Eryx. The unexplainable anger toward him surged, and she couldn't comprehend the source of this newfound emotion.
"Meera!" Eryx sat up in shock, his eyes widening with both relief and surprise. He reached out to grab her arm and steady her as she stumbled back against the other end of the tub.
"Don't touch me!" Meera swatted his hand away, her eyes ablaze with anger.
"Meera, Meera," Zeya reached out, attempting to soothe her. "You're okay. You're safe."
"Where am I?" Meera pushed herself to her feet, her legs wobbling beneath her. Water cascaded off her body, causing her dress to cling to her figure. Eryx's gaze traced her movements, and Meera felt exposed. In a moment of embarrassment, she sank back into the water, covering herself.
"Get out," she glared, her eyes filled with fury.
"I see you're feeling better," Eryx rolled his eyes as he placed his hands on either side of the tub, pushing himself out. Meera flinched at the splashing sound, her anger intensifying. Eryx's well-defined body rose from the water.
"Zeya, get her changed," he instructed, his expression now a mask hiding any emotion.
Meera, still seething with unexplained anger, reluctantly stepped out of the warm bath. Water droplets clung to her skin as she wrapped herself in a thick towel. The small cabin on Eryx's ship felt confining, and the walls seemed to echo with her turbulent emotions.
Glancing around, she found a set of clothes neatly folded on a wooden chair. Meera hastily dressed herself in the unfamiliar garments, the fabric clinging uncomfortably to her damp skin. The anger bubbling within her intensified, and she wondered why she felt this way towards Eryx. It was a confusing mix of frustration and an inexplicable desire to be near him.
Moving towards a gold-framed mirror hanging on the cabin wall, Meera examined her reflection. Strands of wet hair clung to her face, and with a frustrated sigh, she attempted to wrangle them into some form of order. The image staring back at her held a fire in its eyes, a reflection of the turmoil within.
As she finished fixing her disheveled hair, conflicting emotions battled within her. Meera felt a strange connection to Eryx's wolf, a pull that urged her to seek him out. Yet, the inexplicable anger lingered, making her want to push him into the vast ocean surrounding the ship.
Steel in her gaze, Meera decided to face Eryx. The small cabin seemed to shrink around her as she made her way to the deck, determined to confront the man who had entered her life with a storm of secrets.
Zeya and Eryx, engaged in a quiet conversation on the deck of the ship, suddenly looked up as they heard Meera's footsteps. As Meera approached, both of them turned to witness the storm in her eyes.
Meera's gaze filled with an intensity that spoke of anger and frustration. Her steps were determined, each one echoing with a resolve to confront whatever had unsettled her. The wind tousled her hair as if warning everyone to be aware. Eryx's eyes flickered towards the sea as the waves began to pick up and rock against the ship. His brow arched as he retired his gaze to Meera. Zeya exchanged a quick glance with Eryx.
"What happened?" Meera demanded. "Why am I here?"
"You don't remember?" Eryx asked.
"The water channels," Meera nodded. "I remember that. I'm asking what happened after. How did I end up here?"
"The venomfire was in your system," Zeya explained. "Eryx had to bring you here. Your family wouldn't have known what to do with you."
"Do they know where I am?" Meera windered, her heart shaking.
"No," Eryx answered.
"How..." Meera resisted the urge to shove the man. "How long have I been here?"
"Three days," Eryx held her gaze.
Meera's eyes widened. Her face paled as her hand flew up to her mouth.
"Three days?" Meera gasped. "I've been here for three days?"
Zeya, observing Meera's shock and distress, felt a deep understanding of the gravity of the situation. The unspoken scandal surrounding Meera's abrupt departure and prolonged absence from the palace was not lost on Zeya. In the rigid societal norms they inhabited, such behavior, especially for a woman of Meera's stature, was bound to stir controversy.
The frown on Zeya's face deepened as she recognized the weight of societal expectations pressing down on Meera. It was a world where a woman's reputation was fragile, and any deviation from the accepted norms could tarnish it irreparably. Zeya, being well-versed in the complexities of their society, knew the judgments that would be cast upon Meera, and the thought saddened her.
She could see the realization dawning in Meera's eyes—the understanding that her reputation, carefully built over the years, might now be at risk. The unspoken truth lingered between them, and Zeya could sense Meera's inner turmoil.
"I couldn't take you back," Eryx tried to explain. "You were in a dangerous state."
Meera didn't know what to say. Her legs felt weak as she grabbed the railing of the ship and hunched over to catch her breath. Her eyes watered as her heart sank to the bottom of the ocean.
"Meera?" Eryx stepped forward, watching as Meera wrapped her arms around herself and sank to the floor.
"Meera, it's okay," Zeya moved beside the crying girl and placed a caring hand upon her shoulder. "It'll all be okay."
"No," Meera whispered, shaking her head. "It won't be.....what have I done?"
"You did nothing wrong," Zeya assured her. "You were protecting your kingdom."
"No, no," Meera shook her head vigorously with her hands over her ears.
"Zeya," Eryx stepped forward.
"Eryx, tell her!" Zeya looked back. "She did nothing wrong."
"She didn't," Eryx sighed. "But we can't explain to them what she did either. They saw me bring her back to the ship."
His words made Meera's stomach chuch with anxiety. She curled up into a tight ball as her eyes rained tears.
"I want to go home," Meera managed to say.
"You can't," Eryx frowned.
"No," Meera lowered her hands and looked up at him. "I want to go home. Take me home."
"I don't think that's a good idea," Zeya matched the look of worry on Eryx's face.
"I want to go home," Meera slowly pushed to her feet. "Please, Eryx."
Eryx sighed, recognizing the genuine distress in Meera's tear-filled eyes, and he knew he couldn't refuse her. Every ounce of his being told him it was a bad idea to take Meera back to the palace, but he couldn't reason with himself when her warm brown eyes begged him.
With a reluctant nod of his head, Eryx held out his hand, "Alright."
Meera took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as she mustered the courage to face what awaited her at the palace. The weight of judgment and whispers lingered in the air, but she squared her shoulders, determined to confront the storm that awaited.
With Eryx by her side, she stepped out into the gray and gloomy day. The sky mirrored the uncertainty in her heart, clouds heavy with unspoken words. The air felt charged, not with the usual vibrancy of the city, but with an undercurrent of tension that set the tone for the journey ahead.
They approached the waiting chariot, its darkened silhouette blending seamlessly with the somber atmosphere. Meera hesitated for a moment, her eyes scanning the cityscape as if searching for answers in the muted colors of the surroundings. Then, with a silent nod to Eryx, she stepped onto the chariot, and he followed suit.
The chariot set into motion, the horses moving forward with a measured pace that mirrored the gravity of the situation. Meera's gaze remained focused straight ahead, a mixture of determination and apprehension in her eyes. The rhythmic sound of hooves on cobblestone echoed through the quiet streets, emphasizing the weight of the journey they undertook
As Eryx guided the horse-drawn carriage through the bustling streets of the city, he couldn't shake off the heavy weight of anxiety that settled upon him. Meera, now composed and no longer shedding tears, exuded a quiet tension that resonated with Eryx.
The whispers of the city seemed to amplify. Every gaze that fell upon Meera felt like a scrutinizing lens, and Eryx could sense the judgment in the air. The city, usually alive with its love and admiration for Meera, now seemed to have hushed its usual hum in response to the unusual return of its princess.
Meera, with her head held high, projected an image of strength and resilience. Yet, Eryx, attuned to the subtle nuances of her demeanor, could see the vulnerability beneath that façade. He observed her shrinking within herself, an unconscious response to the weight of the collective gaze that bore down on her.
The journey through the city became a test of endurance for both Meera and Eryx. The carriage moved through the winding streets like a vessel navigating the currents of public opinion. Eryx's anxiety heightened with each passing moment, acutely aware of the challenges awaiting them at the palace and the intricate web of expectations and judgments that surrounded Meera.
When they arrived at the looming palace gates, Meera climbed down from the chariot and approached one of the guards. The man bowed his head and looked up slowly, his eyes flickering towards Eryx.
"Please open the gates?" Meera requested.
The man hesitated, his features filling with uncertainty and embarrassment. Meera's insides twisted into a tight knot as he lowered his gaze.
"Forgive me, Princess," he said. "I can not open the gates."
"Wh-why not?" Meera struggled to breathe.
"King Neftali's orders," the guard said.
"Will you let him know I am here to speak to him," Meera insisted.
"He asked us to deny any request for an audience with him, Princess," the man said.
"Oh..." Meera's voice shook. She stared at the man and the closed iron gates past him.
Eryx stepped up behind her and placed a supportive hand on her lower back.
"We should go now," he said.
Meera, choked with emotions she couldn't handle, looked over at him, "Go where? This is my home."
The guard's shoulders slumped as if he too felt Meera's pain. He stared at the ground as the princess cried and her tears fell upon the ground.
"Meera," Eryx took her hand. "Let's go. We can try something else."
Meera didn't speak. She stared at the gates as Eryx guided her back on the chariot and rode back to his ships. Zeya jumped up as soon as she saw them and rushed up to greet the pair.
"What happened?" She asked.
Neither Eryx or Meera responded. Zeya stared at them waiting before she understood the long look on their faces.
"'s good that you're back," she said slowly. "There's someone here to see you, Meera."
Meera looked up and her brows furrowed.
"Come with me," Zeya said taking her hand and guiding her to the back of the ship. "Come."
Meera and Eryx followed down the narrow corridors of the ship until they arrived at the empty guest cabin Meera had been staying in. The door opened and their eyes fell upon two family figures dressed in dark clothes.
Meera felt her heart stop as Marcella and Ozmen stepped forward and removed their hoods.
What are you feeling?
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