59 - By Vote of the Council
This time, I'm the first one to arrive. The underground cave where the Sentinel Council meets is cold enough to mist the breath in front of my mouth and the water running down the stones makes it damp and clammy. With a sigh, I lower myself onto one of the stools. Where is a match when you need one?
"You're here early." Delsandra dips her head to avoid the sharp edges that shape the top of the entrance.
"So are you."
"Do you remember when it was just us and Gideon? I miss those times."
Those were the years when the world was at our feet. Kaleidopae was always on some quest and Izikey felt that the meetings were just a waste of his time. It was before he tasted the power the position brings. "Since when are you so melancholic?"
"I guess I miss him. Don't you sometimes?"
I grimace. "Nothing to miss. Gideon was just a know-it-all twat in the end. Besides, he cheated on you with the werewolf tart. Didn't think you ever forgave him for that."
"Forgiveness has a way of healing your heart. You should try it sometimes."
I snort. "Thanks, but I'm good. I love the sweet tinge of revenge too much."
"I'm with Marush on that." Izikey smirks as he ducks low to make it through the narrow entrance. Even though he tries to avoid a collision with the rock walls, his wide shoulders almost get stuck. "And why hasn't anyone bothered to start a fire? It's freezing in here."
"Because you're the only sun warlock at present." I snap my fingers as if I remembered something. "But then, you already knew that."
"Admit it, you guys are lost without me." The smirk is so wide, it could fall off the edges of his lips. Stroking the top layer of the wood, he ignites a fire. A touch of breath turns the licking flames into an inferno. If he hadn't embraced the blaze with his long arms, it would've scorched the cave with everything in it.
With the fire under control, he turns around. "Speaking of revenge, it's time to set Andrenior's punishment. I got some new information that makes his crimes much more hideous. That boy needs a lesson he won't forget."
I quirk a brow. "What new information?"
"Not now. Let's wait for the others." As he gets comfortable on his stool, a hint of superiority reflects in his stance. He relishes that he knows something I do not. It's undoubtedly payback for the other day when I choked him.
The silence between us is awkward. Delsandra seems to have swallowed her tongue as she rubs her hands over the fire, and Izikey glares at the wall like he's lost in another lifetime. Warmth spreads in the cave. It's now so blasting hot that I'm sweating. Draping a cold layer of mist across my shoulders from inside the stones provides some relief.
Laughter drifts from the tunnel. It's high pitched and giggly in typical Asther fashion. Oldor is with her. His dark, obnoxious voice echoes so loud that the rocks shake upon impact. I roll my eyes. The earlier I get rid of them, the better.
"Did we miss anything?" Asther asks with a new bout of giggles. Not really sure what's so funny.
"We were waiting for you, so we can begin." Izikey narrows his eyes at Oldor. "Would you mind sealing the entrance?"
Oldor obliges by pulling a big rock in front of the gaping hole with a wave of his hand. "Why all the secrecy? It's not that any of the pupils would ever dare to come down here."
"There aren't only pupils residing in the Iomaire Draíochta these days." Izikey's smile is smug. "Plus there is something of a rather delicate nature we need to discuss."
"And what might that be?" Ashter's giggles are getting on my nerves. She's the queen of annoyance.
"Andrenior's punishment." That finally shuts Asther up. Through the sudden silence, Izikey's gaze travels from face to face. "Or have you forgotten what he did?"
"No one has forgotten what he did," Delsandra says. "It's just that I don't feel that his transgression warrants a big consequence. So what if he befriended a werewolf? It's not that he got her pregnant."
"Cassum Raynes was his close confidant. Who knows what secret he might have shared with her?"
I click my tongue. "Cassum Raynes is dead. Any secret went with her to her grave."
Izikey nods. "Under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you, but Cassum's spirit is lost. If someone makes contact with her, she could still harm us."
Talk about farfetched scenarios. "Last time I checked, the only ones who can communicate with the dead are Caomhnóirs. There has never been any evidence to suggest that a creature outside of the magical world holds that type of power. It's a moot point."
"And Kaleidopae? Many of us have always believed that she still crosses over the lines of the Spirit realm into our world."
I laugh. "Those are unsubstantiated old wives' tales. Look, if this is all you have on Andrenior, we should put this matter to rest."
"Oh, but there is so much more." Izikey tosses me a dark look. "Or are you denying he healed the hybrid on several occasions, including growing back her tongue?"
Now how would he know that? "Prove it."
"Stop playing games, Marush. You just discussed this yesterday with Raelyn during supper."
"You had one of your pupils spy on us?" I scan through the images in my mind. There had only been a handful of students at the other tables; although one of those had been Nalco. No doubt his sneaky character would allow for eavesdropping and then snitching to Izikey.
"I don't need to remind you that such sensitive matters shouldn't be discussed in public where pretty much anyone can overhear you." Izikey plays with a handful of flames; likely a precaution to be poised for an attack in case I'd choose to engage in a skill competition.
"Fair enough."
"And I'm not sure why you would want to withhold this from us," Asther jumps in. "If anything, you should have mentioned it earlier."
Did she seriously just criticize me? Poking my finger in her direction, I give the stool she's sitting on a good push. She lands on her ass. Just a gentle reminder that she owes me several favors.
"That was very childish of you." Oldor helps Asther to her feet. His stare is lethal—it's his tried intimidation tactic that has always failed on me.
Asther moves the stool back into place and sits down with a huff.
I smirk at Oldor. "Forgive me that I gained your disapproval. Now back to Andrenior. I'll handle his punishment, so we can move on to something else."
"That won't work this time, Marush." Izikey's gaze flicks to the others. "I think I'm speaking for the rest of us in that we want to see a proper punishment. Andrenior went too far. He befriended them, offered the healing gift of the Moon Goddess in violation of our sacred laws, even got involved in their war when he searched for Cassum Raynes's body. Werewolves are our archenemies, something you petitioned for when you called on us to fight Akino and his packs. You made a promise that day that you will always put the interest of the Council first. It's time to make good on your word."
Seriously? "You cashed in that promise when I killed Gideon." I point at Asther. "Look at her. She could've never beaten him in a fair fight. Her hand shakes whenever she holds her Na Miodóg." I hate that my voice has risen by a few notches. It makes me look weak, like I need to shout to bring my point across. "I got rid of your problem then, so now give me some leeway to disentangle the mess caused by my own family. Andrenior will be punished but in a way I see fit."
"Calm down, Marush." Izikey's tone is soothing. It's not appreciated. I'm not a small child who needs to be subdued. "No one is trying to question your loyalty to the Council. All I'm saying is that a violation of our sacred laws requires a vote. That's how we've always handled it."
I fold my arms. "Then what do you see as an appropriate punishment?"
"I say we take his hands."
It requires all my effort for my jaw to stay in place. "You can't be serious. Taking his hands will mean that he can no longer rise to the level of a Sentinel."
"It's a fair trade for such a serious crime." Oldor exchanges a glance with Izikey. His triumphant smile hints that this is not a surprise to him. They must have discussed it before the meeting. Not that such a punishment could come at a better time for him. Andrenior wouldn't be able to challenge him for the Sentinel seat anymore, and any other earth warlock who could eventually replace him is decades, if not centuries, away from completing their training.
"So let's put it to a vote," Izikey says. "All in favor of taking Andrenior's hands, say aye."
Oldor is quick to show his solidarity. "Aye."
Izikey's focus shifts to Delsandra. She shakes her head. "Count me out. Impeding on a warlock's skills like that is out of line. No type of crime justifies it."
I smile at her. When it comes down to the wire, I can always count on her.
"Marush, I take it that you aren't in agreement with the punishment?"
"Of course not."
Izikey turns to Asther. It's down to her. If she turns into a backstabber now, I'll make her pay tenfold for her betrayal. "Aye."
"Three to two, then it's decided." Izikey's gaze flicks to me. "I'm sorry it has come to this, Marush, especially since he's family. By vote of the Council, Andrenior's punishment will be carried out after sunset. His hands will be severed with a Na Miodóg, so they won't be able to grow back."
I get to my feet. None of them will be getting my support on absolutely anything in the next billennium. Or better yet, I'll make them suffer. I'll replace them one by one with my henchmen before they even catch on, starting with that bitch Asther.
Spinning the tiny metal pieces in the air into a powerful sword, I swing it at the boulder that blocks the cave. The rock shatters into a thousand little pieces. As I walk out, a plan forms in my head. This will not be the last of it.
I takes me close to an hour to track Sazith down. He's out by the old Glencoe battlefield in the exact same spot we took the hybrid to, talking to a ghost. When he hears me coming, he severs the connection and turns around.
"Marush, what are you doing outside the Iomaire Draíochta?"
I'm taken aback. "I didn't know I needed permission."
"That's not what I meant. It's just that you usually don't cross the borders of the Magic Ridge."
I suppose I don't. Yet that doesn't mean I shouldn't. Keeping a closer eye on things out here in the human world could ultimately prove to my benefit.
His smile is slow. "Is there anything I can do for you?"
I narrow my eyes. If I didn't know better, I could swear he's trying to hide something from me. "As a matter of fact, I need your help."
He arches a brow. This must be as much of a surprise to him as it is to me. Not even in my nightmares did I ever anticipate that I'll have to seek him out to beg for his support. "My help?"
"The Council decided on Andrenior's punishment. They're planning on cutting off his hands."
"Wow, that's harsh." He runs his fingers over his coarse hair. "What do you want me to do?"
"Warn Andrenior and tell him to leave. He can't return until he's ready to challenge and replace Oldor."
"And you can't warn him?"
"For obvious reasons, no. I'm still a Council member and can't go against their vote."
Hesitation plays in his features. "They might come after me if I warn him."
"The Council has the utmost respect for you." Well, at least the others do. "All you need is a plausible story. Maybe tell them you were compelled by Kaleidopae herself. Since Andrenior is in her bloodline, he would fall under her protection. Most of the Council members believe she still crosses over from the realm of the dead, so it'll be an easy sell. It would also explain how you found out. Trust me, no one will ever accuse you of lying. It's not in your nature to be deceptive." The cockamamie story could even divert any potential suspicion from myself. It's brilliant.
His gaze rests on the mountains. One breath. Two. I could strangle him for taking his sweet time on what should be a no-brainer. "Okay, I'll do it."
I look up at the sky. Streaks of orange mix with the bright rays of the sun and the few puffy clouds are a cute pink. It won't be long before the tips of the mountains are bathed in a deep crimson red; then the shadows of night will move in. "They will come for him in the next hour, so you should hurry."
"Do you know where he is?"
"I saw him training with Raelyn and Tessa by the meadow."
"Okay." He has already walked along the trail a few yards when he turns around. "And you know what that means, right? You owe me, Marush."
I roll my eyes. No need to remind me. "Trust me, the next time you need something, I'll have your back."
© Sally Mason 2018
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