53 - Iomaire Draíochta
"Master Marush, look."
With a small smile tucking at the corners of my lips, I watch Tessa control the path of the colorful butterfly with her finger. The creature flutters up and down as if pulled by a string.
"That's already very good. Now obliterate it with your powers."
Tessa's mouth twists to a pout. "But it's so beautiful."
"True, but it's an inferior creature. It's your right to determine when it dies."
"Do I have to?"
For a beat, I chuckle to myself. Such an eager student; yet, she has so much to learn. "You come from a strong bloodline and if you work hard, you will one day be allowed to make decisions over life and death. For now, you're in training and have to follow what your Sentinel master tells you."
"Okay." Lips bend downward in a frown, she squints at the butterfly. Then she holds her breath. Exhaling, sparks burst from her fingertip, turning the creature into ashes with a loud puff.
"That was a bit over the top, don't you think?"
She cocks her head. "Why's that?"
"You spent a lot of your energy on such a small task. The next time, use steam. Always remember: every release of power should be kept to a minimum, so when you face a dangerous enemy, you didn't waste your powers on nonsense."
Her face reflects disappointment for not mastering the task as expected. "I'm sorry, Master Marush."
"Don't be. Instead, learn from your mistakes. That's why you're here."
She nods.
I tousle her short, copper hair. "Now go and play with the others."
The hem of her skirt bounces as she rushes through the ankle high grass. Her bare feet slap almost silently on the soft ground. At least to the human ear. For a warlock, her running footsteps are like clods of an elephant herd. Indeed, this child has much to learn.
When dust twirls up a mile down the unpaved road that leads to our settlement, I turn my head, my brow quirked. Lowering myself onto a flat rock, I follow the path of the dirt cloud getting closer to camp. By the creek, I can make out a car with a little bit of squinting. That can only be our visitor. This will be interesting.
I get to my feet and walk through the grass toward the handful of cabins. My arrival is timed perfectly; Rikka and Andrenior are just getting out of the SUV. I stand back and wait for the newcomer to emerge. When she does, I take a sharp breath. Definitely not what I expected.
Gray eyes pierce into me the way her father's used to do. Her blond hair is so light, it's almost white. Little crinkles around her eyes show determination and strength. All in all, she's the spitting image of Gideon. I sniff the air; only a hint of animalistic nature emits from her pores. If I had to bet, I'd say she is more warlock than werewolf.
"Welcome to the Iomaire Draíochta. I'm Marush."
Our hands connect for a handshake. When she tries to pull away, I hold on. Eyes closed, I let her energy pulse against my skin. She is strong, even if her dominant power is still trying to manifest itself.
When she yanks harder, I loosen my grip. She is graced with one of my fake smiles. "I'm sure you are eager to freshen up. Andrenior will show you to your quarters."
Her gaze flicks to the sky. "Why is the sun shining?"
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
She cuts the air with her hand. "All this. When we left Edinburgh, it was freezing cold with high winds. Then we drive and all of a sudden, it's mid-summer."
"Ah, that. I have to apologize, but this is what I'm used to. I rarely leave this area and couldn't even tell you on most occasions what season it is." This time, my smile is more genuine. At least she isn't too shy to ask questions. "You crossed what we call the Iomaire Draíochta, the Magic Ridge. You need to picture it like a dome. Inside, seasons don't change, plus we are invisible to the human eye. For them, all this is a loch."
From the way she blinks at me, she can't be very bright.
I try to keep my patience, even though it's running thin. Dealing with idiots isn't my forte. "Once you've settled in, I'll show you. Now if you'd excuse me. I need a word with Rikka."
With my hand on Rikka's lower back, I guide her to my cabin. She trembles under my touch, her heart is racing. Without a doubt, she knows she hasn't been up to par. My patience is running even thinner with her.
Inside, I jut my chin at the couch. "Sit."
She smiles. "I'd rather go upstairs."
I bet she does. "Let's do this a little later. For now, we should talk." I glance at the kitchen counter. Maybe a little bit to drink will take the edge off. "Would you like a glass of wine?"
"It's ten in the morning."
I put all my efforts into the smile, even if I fail miserably in the end. "Since when did that ever stop you, love?"
"I guess one glass is okay."
"Good girl." With a swoop of my hand, I gather up a glass. One snip of my fingers fills it to the brim. "Here we go. Now sit down." The last words are a lot sharper than intended.
She pales and finally obliges. I choose the chair closest to the fireplace, pulling my leg across the other to show her that this is meant to be a relaxed situation. Some of the tension leaves her shoulders.
"How is it going with Raynes?"
"Okay." She gulps down half the glass of wine in one go. Why she thinks she has to lie to me is a mystery. Anyone with half a brain can see how uncomfortable she is.
"Define okay."
"Well, you know. . ."
Bloody hell, she is really testing my patience. "Unfortunately, I do not know or I wouldn't be asking." When she drains the rest of her drink, I decide to go a more direct route. "Have you and Raynes got any closer?"
"I swear I tried, I really did, but he's totally hung up on Raelyn."
I quirk a brow. "You mean he believes in that true mates bullocks?"
"Exactly." As she sets the glass down on the table, her hand shakes. She takes a deep breath and our eyes meet again.
"Next time, try harder," I suggest.
"With Raelyn out of the picture, I'm sure it will be easier." She nods, as if trying to convince herself that Raelyn's presence in the Highlands will make things go smoother in Canada. Yet, the struggle on her face isn't very comforting.
"Let's hope so."
When I fill her glass again, she smiles with appreciation. This time, she takes smaller sips. "What do you want with Raynes anyways?"
I almost laugh out loud. Since when does a Sentinel have to justify himself to an underling? "Don't meddle in things that shouldn't concern you. Following my orders is all I expect of you."
"It's just. . .Andrenior has been asking a lot of questions."
"Has he now?" Who knew my baby cousin would turn into a nosy brat? It's about time I'd put him back in his place.
"I never know what to tell him."
"You worry too much, Rikka. If you are stuck, just claim you're madly in love with Raynes. Considering that you spread your legs for pretty much anyone, it should be an easy sell." Taking the glass out of her hand, I ignore the red that sneaks into her cheeks. Let her be angry; it's not that she can do anything about it. "And now I'm ready to go upstairs."
"I'm actually exhausted from the trip."
Pulling her to her feet, I cup her chin to force eye contact. "Don't play games with me, love. We both know you're not tired." I squeeze her behind. "Now, get upstairs."
She knows me well enough not to object again and I usher her up the circular staircase. Dropping on the bed, she gives me a small smile without hiding the apprehension in her eyes. The girl hasn't a clue that she is on really thin ice.
I lower the blinds with a clap of my hands. Striking a match, I hold the flame to the candlewick. "So tell me about Raelyn. What are her powers?"
"I'm not sure. I think she might be a Caomhnóir."
"Yes, Andrenior mentioned that."
"Her other powers are all over the place."
"Well, they will show eventually." When the candle catches fire, I blow the match out. Turning, I smile at Rikka. "Come here."
She gets up and strolls over. I pull her into my arms, indulging in the fruity scent of her shampoo. Despite the long trip, her skin smells like spring flowers and honeysuckle. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too," she mumbles without looking at me. How much more insincere can you get?
"Don't tell me you are still cross with me."
"Why wouldn't I? I mean, you pretty much called me a slut."
I sigh. Why do women always have to be so overdramatic? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."
"You know I'd never sleep with anyone but you if you didn't insist."
"Yes, love, I know."
"And it's unfair that you rub this now in my face."
"I apologized, so what else do you want?" I stroke her bottom lip with my thumb. "Please, don't ruin the moment. We have so little time."
"If you are sorry, tell me at least why I'm doing it. Why is Raynes so important?"
I roll my eyes. Fine, if a fib will stop her from nagging, I'm all for it. It's not that I'd ever tell her the truth. "It's actually a favor for Sazith."
Her forehead wrinkles. "Since when do you do favors for Sazith?"
"Let's just say I owed him one from a very long time ago. Now stop talking." I unbutton her shirt. Peeling her out of her clothes reminds me of how much I want her. I stroke her breasts, tracing little kisses along the top of her shoulder.
She sits back on the bed and gets busy with my belt and zipper. When my pants drop, she pulls my hand. I bury her small frame underneath me. Her fair skin looks even paler against my tanned arms. To the rhythm of the humming fan, I make love to her the way she likes it—hard but slow. She finds her release with a small cry. As she unravels in my arms, her heart races against my chest. I hold her tight until her body relaxes.
"I hate to play and run, but I have places I have to be." I kiss the tip of her nose. "Rest now. The driver will take you back to the airport this afternoon."
She arches her brows. "I'm going back today?"
"I'm afraid so. I need you on the ground in Canada."
She pouts. It's kind of cute. "Can't you at least stay for a little while?"
I free myself from her embrace. Clinginess after sex isn't really my thing. "The next time."
"And when is that?"
"Woman, you ask too many questions."
© Sally Mason 2018
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