41 - Heat
My wolf roars, trying to push to the surface. The scent of females in heat is driving him nuts. For the past three days, I've stood guard in front of the cabins in the woods that we use to lock up the unmated females, chasing away the few male adolescents who were stupid enough to stay behind in an attempt to get in. They will carry around the shame of the battle marks for months. The other unmated males went on an extended hunt far away from temptation. A rule my grandfather implemented that has worked well over the years.
My gaze is fixed on the side of the closest cabin. The thick walls can't contain the strong essence of the Alpha borns. Raelyn is there, together with my three sisters. Keeping the strong females away from the others to avoid fights is another necessity. My mother runs a tight ship when it comes to protecting the young. A role she has always excelled in. Next year, it's something that Raelyn will have to organize. Even though she's young, I can see her embracing the Luna role. It comes natural to a female who was groomed her entire life for leadership.
Twigs snap just yards away and I whip my head around. My joints pop to facilitate the shift until I realize it's Andrenior.
I frown at him. "Man, you need to be careful. If you sneak up like this on a wolf, you might be dead faster than you can blink."
"Trust me, it takes a little more than your teeth to kill me." His smirk is belittling. "How is it going?"
"Five more hours 'till dawn and it's all done and dusted." Which will mean I'd finally get some sleep.
"The heat is a cruel trick of nature. Your kind is at its weakest during breeding time. An easy prey for an enemy. Shows that werewolves were never meant to survive as a dominant force."
My wolf growls. It's one of those times I want to tear his throat out. Smiling with teeth, I sooth the uproar inside me. "How do warlocks procreate?"
"Works similar to humans. A witch has a few fertile days a month. Plus we don't have to stick to our kind. "How do you become a Sentinel?"
My forehead wrinkles. "You can reproduce with humans?" Something that's impossible for a wolf. I heard of instances where human females got pregnant by a he-wolf, but they miscarried early on as the pup developed wild traits and tore them up from the inside.
"Not just humans but werewolves, too. Granted, it's frowned upon and the hybrid is usually killed as soon as it's born by order of the Sentinels, even though it would be perfectly normal and healthy if allowed to live."
"How can you be sure of that if they are killed?"
"Once in a while, a hybrid is sired by a Sentinel. Of course, those infants are spared since Sentinels would never kill their own offspring. It rarely happens, though, and those babies are kept away from the magical world. If they aren't taught how to harvest their powers, they are just ordinary creatures."
Not sure if I'd agree. Such offspring would still hold magic that could accidentally endanger those around them. "Do you keep tabs on them?"
"It's not something that is ever talked about. The Sentinels are a closed knit group and they don't share with the other warlocks what's going on in their circle. If one of them sired a child, they'd keep it to themselves. Any warlock who dares to question them is dead."
Interesting that the Sentinels are even feared by their own kind. "How to you become a Sentinel?"
"It's a birthright. There are five of them, each representing the tip of a pentagram. Their primary powers are derived from either fire, metal, earth, water, or wood. As soon as one of the Sentinels gets too powerful, his successor is called upon to kill him before taking his place."
"And one day, this will be you."
He snorts. "That'll be centuries from now and who knows what will happen till then. I have three cousins with the same birthright, and it will be a fierce fight for the top. For all I know, I'll end up with a sacred dagger in my throat tomorrow."
Sounds worse than our Trials. At least our fights are fair and end with the survival of the fittest. It's the way nature intended for rulers to rise. Backstabbing and sneaking around is against the natural progression of power. "I'll be leaving with Cassum for Maine in two days. Once we are gone, you and Rikka can't stay here any longer." Otherwise, my mother will have a conniption. Since the winter solstice, she has avoided the topic of the warlocks, but past outbursts have proven that it's the typical quiet before the storm.
Andrenior's gaze is fixed on the cabin housing my sisters. "Don't worry. Cassum and I started this journey together, so I'm fully intending to be by her side when she claims the Alpha spot. And Rikka will go wherever I tell her to go."
"Just like that." I've always taken Rikka for a female who doesn't like to be told what to do.
"Yep, just like that."
I'll believe it when I see it.
My nose picks up the scent of a young wolf and I scan the darkness. Turning my head, I catch him peeking through a gap in the bushes. It's Orin McCoy, the youngster who has had an eye on Kenna for ages. Time for Alpha duty. With the next breath, I shift and leap into the bushes. He takes flight with a low howl.
I chase behind him through the underbrush, relishing in the fear that emits from him with every jump. Just before the creek, I end the game. When I toss him on his back, his tail is firmly tucked between his legs. I growl. Locking his gaze, I stare him down until his whole body quivers. He knows the rules; his punishment will be in skins with his wounds for everyone to see. That will teach him to control his hormones during the next heat.
I allow him back to his feet. His shift carries on forever and he immediately falls on his knees. He exposes his cheek for the strike. My claws slash deep and the metallic stench of blood blends with the rich scent of pine needles carried by the frigid winter breeze. His cry is low, though I detect moisture in his eyes. When I shift back, he remains on his knees.
Towering above him, I stare at his rounded back. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I'm sorry I failed you, Alpha." He's shaking, but I can't tell if it's from fear or the pain.
"Why didn't you go on the hunt with the other unmated males?"
"I swear, I never intended to break into the cabin. I—I just couldn't leave Kenna. I could sense she was suffering. I wanted to make sure she was okay."
I quirk a brow. "You sensed her suffering?"
"At least that's how it felt. Honestly, I can't describe it."
I internally groan. If he's Kenna's true mate, he will have a long, hard road ahead of him. "Look at me, pup."
He slowly raises his head.
"If you want a shot with my sister, you need to grow a set of balls. That means you don't run away from your Alpha, and if I catch you, you don't submit but fight. Now shift back and show me that you are a fighter Kenna can be proud of."
He obliges without a second's hesitation. Snarling, our wolves face each other. He has a good size for his age, his muscles packed from years of training. I allow him to attack first, his snapping teeth nicking a part of my ear.
My wolf tosses him on his side before standing back until he regains his footing. He shakes the snow out of his fur. Growling, he bares his fangs. Gutsy, even in a training fight.
This time when he attacks, I ram my snout into his ribcage. The cracking of bones is drowned by his roar. Instead of retreating, his teeth lock into my shoulder blade. He tears, jerking his head from left to right, and I have to take a good chunk out of his hindleg before he lets go. Panting, I go for the scruff of his neck and shake. Only when he whimpers do I release my grip.
He comes at me again with his fangs exposed. Just before he can cut into my flank, I jump aside. The momentum carries him forward and he falls flat on his stomach. My heavy body crushes him underneath, holding him down. He struggles and wiggles, but it's to no avail. If we were serious enemies, the fight would be over with the kill bite.
Even after I get off him, he stays down. His warm blood has melted the snow around him. I lick the worst of his wounds clean before signaling him with my snout to get into the stream. He crawls on his stomach and lays in the shallow waters with his eyes closed.
My shoulder hurts like hell, but I stand watch to give him time to heal. For a young wolf, he fought well and deserves a respite. Ears pricked and nostrils flared, I scan the shadows of the night for any danger. Steam rises from my snout with every huffed breath and the freezing night air numbs the pain. By the time Orin is able to limp toward the packhouse, the sun is already coloring the horizon red.
After rinsing off in the stream, I fight my way through the thick underbrush until I find a spot under the trees that is not only fully hidden but mostly dry. Exhausted from the fight and lack of sleep, I allow my heavy eyelids to droop. I don't awake until the sun has passed its midway point. Stretching, I put weight on my injured leg. My shoulder is still sore as fuck, but the wound has fully closed.
I trudge through the forest back to the packhouse. The females have returned and are chatting like crazy in the kitchen with coffee cups in their hands and platters of smoked meat on their laps. When I walk through the door, everyone falls quiet.
Nicollo, his arm around Arabella, snorts. "Rough night?"
I ignore him. Plodding through the living room, I tackle the stairs and halt on the threshold of my bedroom.
Raelyn turns around and smiles. "Hi there."
I jump on the bed and indulge in her rubs behind my ears. My snout rests on her thigh.
She kisses me on the head. "I missed you."
Not as much as I missed her. When her fingers comb through the fur on my back, I rumble with pleasure.
"Aren't you going to shift?"
I yawn in response, unwilling to admit that I still have some healing to do. That little pup put up a good fight. He must really like my sister.
"Okay, I tell you what. You take a nap, and Nicollo, Cassum, and I will go hunting. By the time you wake up, I'll have a nice meal prepared for you."
I lick Raelyn's hand in approval.
"And Kendrick, when you leave for Scopan Lake, I want to come with you."
My wolf growls. He doesn't like the idea. Returning to her old pack could place her in unnecessary danger.
"I know you are trying to protect me, but I need this. For closure."
Our eyes meet. Hers hold a determination that doesn't allow for opposition. She's one headstrong female. Not that I would like her any other way.
I lick her hand again. It's settled.
"Thank you." She stands up and closes the door. Spinning around, her robe drops. "But before I leave, I want to show you just how much I missed you." One blink and she has shifted into her beautiful gray nature.
Jumping onto the bed, she has my wolf pant with excitement. He's ready to play with no time to nurse a bad shoulder.
Three days later, we cross the little bridge marking the territory of the Scopan Lake pack. A convoy made up of four more SUVs and two trucks loaded to the brim with fighter wolves follows us. Just in case the Scopan Lake pricks decide to play dirty. We roll down the same small road as we did the night of the lunar eclipse. Passing the spot where we encountered Raelyn, I reach for her hand in the back passenger seat. Her eyes sparkle with tears.
"Thank you," she mumbles.
Cassum, sitting next to her, stares straight ahead. Her jaw is clenched. Knowing my sister, it still bugs her beyond belief that she didn't help Raelyn that night. Pangs of remorse that might lessen if she kills Dante, although I doubt they will ever go away. Ultimately, those hard lessons will help her become a better Alpha, even if she can't see that yet. She will never again abandon a member of her chosen pack.
When we pull up to their packhouse, heavy clouds hang deep over the lake. They forebode another winter storm. Everyone is gathered around the small square; their scouts must have alerted them of our approach. Getting out of the car, I sense the hostility in the air. Warriors, their arms folded, measure me up. If I hadn't brought backup, I would be fighting them off already.
Dante steps forward. His handsome face is twisted in fury. "Cassum, what is the meaning of this? Why did you bring them? And where is my son?"
Hell, he still hasn't caught on that he will never see Allo again.
My sister brushes him aside and steers straight for the Alpha. She drops down on one knee. "I, Cassum Raynes, member of the Scopan Lake pack, hereby assert my right as Alpha born and call for Trials."
© Sally Mason 2018
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