33 - True Mates
"What is it with you and this female? You almost started a war."
With an arched brow, I gaze at my mother over the rim of my coffee cup. What's her problem? "It's my responsibility as her Alpha—"
"I know that's what you've been telling me—or should I say, that's what you've been telling yourself. But whatever this is, it has to stop. Last night, a pack member died. Wolves are talking. It doesn't look good."
I smirk. "Since when do we care about appearances?"
"It's not like you, Kendrick. As leader, your first responsibility lies with the pack, not an outsider. You owe a duty to those wolves who have served our family for generations."
"I feel sorry for Raelyn. Is that so bad?"
"It's not bad at all and I'm glad that you haven't lost your empathy for others. But that's not the point. You haven't been acting like yourself lately. Rushed decisions, some reckless even. Jumping to conclusions. Showing aggression toward others who mean well. You're not a young wolf who's still exploring the mechanics of life. Everything you do has consequences, and most of them affect the pack. Think about that the next time you send wolves into the night."
I lower my gaze. I hate when she scolds me as if I were still a pup. No other wolf, be it male or female, could ever hope to get away with such harsh words. But she's still Mom—and Luna Adira of this pack. Showing her respect has been instilled in me since my first breath.
"And risking a war," she carries on. "That's not a clever move. With winter approaching, you should focus your energy on hunting and gathering supplies, so that the pack isn't lacking for anything during those long, dark nights. The last claiming ceremonies have to be held to get females paired for the next heat. Spring and summer are for male's play—now it's the time to focus on the welfare of the pack and not on expanding our territory or go to war over some female."
With my head lowered, I roll my eyes. My mother can talk without ever taking a breath. "Speaking of claiming ceremonies, don't you have to get ready?"
When I look up, she scowls at me. "And you should apologize to your sister. I can't believe you ever doubted her."
"I will."
The wrinkles on her forehead smooth. She reaches over the kitchen counter, her hand coming to rest on my forearm. "I'm not trying to be hard on you. I can tell you like this female, but as Alpha, your pack comes first. It's what you chose."
"I know."
"Then make me proud." She squeezes my arm. "But enough of this. I have to get ready."
Humming a tune that constantly plays on the radio these days, she walks out of the kitchen. My thoughtful gaze stays on the door long after she is gone. Maybe I've been acting irrational. And rash. Even a little reckless at times. Mother is right, it needs to stop. My pity for Raelyn can't rule my life.
The thought still leaves a stale taste in my mouth.
Heading up the path toward the healer's cabin, I convince myself that I'm not going there to see Raelyn. No, this visit is solely for Arabella. She's the pack's main healer. No one can fault me for wanting to ensure she's okay.
When I open the door to the cabin and peek inside, a sea of colors floods my system. Bouquet over bouquet are stacked around Arabella's bed, next to homemade get-well cards, most of them drawn by clumsy hands of little pups. The scent of wildflowers lingers in the air like a heavy perfume. Even heart balloons are tied to each side of her bed; a pack showing one of their most valued members how much they care. A nice gesture. I should find out who organized it, even if I have my suspicion that it was my Beta.
I drop on the visitor's chair by her bed. "Hey, how are you?"
She's beyond pale, but her eyes sparkle. Sheer happiness bursts out of every pore. "Much better, thank you."
"Do you think you feel well enough to attend the ceremony tonight?"
"I'd like to, but Nicollo isn't sure it's such a good idea. He feels I should rest."
I arch a brow. "Since when do you listen to anything Nicollo says?"
Her lips curl to a silly grin, some of the color returning to her cheeks. "He asked me if I wanted to be his mate."
So it took an attack to make him propose. Typical Nicollo style. "And Cassum being here has nothing to do with your reluctance to attend a great party?"
She can't look me in the eyes. "Nicollo thought it might be best to wait until she's gone again before we make it official."
"There's just one problem. Cassum isn't going anywhere at the moment. She'll be with the pack at least until the new year."
Arabella raises her head. "Seriously?"
I grimace. "To be honest, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Cassum never saw Nicollo as anything but a sparring partner whose butt she could kick. The mating idea was all my parents. She'll be thrilled that you two found each other. So if that's the only reason you don't want to go tonight, forget it."
"Well, if you are sure. . ."
"I am. And I clear it with Nicollo, so we're all on the same page."
"Thanks, Kendrick." The smile lights up her entire face. It's good to see her so happy.
My gaze flicks to the other occupied bed in the room. Raelyn is crouched with her back against the corner, watching me. The iPad is on her lap. She scribbles something down that is undoubtedly meant for me. Now would be a good time to leave. Otherwise, I'm sucked right back in by my pity.
I lower my head and pinch the bridge of my nose. Fuck my mother. I can talk to whomever I want. After all, I'm a grown male and an Alpha at that.
With a smile, I approach her bed. She scoots over some more and pats the mattress next to her for me to sit down. I really shouldn't. An invisible force drives me forward. I long for her closeness and that smile she so rarely displays.
As I lean against her pillow, she turns the screen for me to look at.
Thanks for saving me. Again! 😊 😊 I don't know how I can ever repay you.
"You don't have to thank me. I promised I'd protect you. Indeed, I should be apologizing. I did a lousy job. You almost died."
She places her finger over my lips, shaking her head.
Her touch draws out a goofy grin. "You don't agree?"
She writes on the iPad. I'd be dead if it weren't for you.
You gave me mouth-to-mouth.
I touch my lips; for the first time in my life, heat creeps into my cheeks. "Yeah—sorry. I sort of panicked."
Though her laugh is nothing but a weird gurgle, it's kind of cute.
I made you something. As a thank you.
She pulls a leather band from under her blanket. On closer inspection, it's a bracelet, woven out of several dark brown strings.
"It's beautiful."
She pulls on my arm until I hold up my wrist. Carefully, she wraps the bracelet around it and fastens it by knotting the two loose ends together.
Awkward. A present like this is too much. It must've taken her days to make it. "You shouldn't have."
Words after words spill onto the iPad. But I wanted to. Last night, after we got back, I couldn't sleep, so I finished it. My mom showed me how to make them when I was little. It's my birth pack's tradition.
"Tradition for what?"
She can't hold my gaze, confirming my suspicion.
"It's usually for your mate, isn't it?"
She grimaces.
I sigh. "I can't accept this. I'm not your mate, Raelyn."
Her eyes are pleading and fill with tears. A few of them drop on the blanket.
She writes on the tablet. Please! It's the only thing I can give you to show my gratitude for everything you've done.
It's just a stupid bracelet. No one will know its meaning. "Okay, I'll keep it."
There it is again, that smile that warms me up from the inside. When she looks at me like that, I could stare at her for hours.
Thank you.
"No, thank you."
For a moment, I want to ask her to accompany me to my mother's claiming ceremony. Then I come to my senses. Whom am I kidding? Everyone would gawk at her the entire night, wondering what's up between us, plus she couldn't even eat. At the banquet, she'd have to settle for mush like Alexander, which would make dinner incredibly awkward. And after Mom's speech this morning, she'd be furious if she saw us together.
No, siree!
I'm not in the mood for that today.
"I have to go, but I promise I'll be back tomorrow to check on you."
A timid smile signals her okay.
Outside of the healer's cabin, I rest my palms against the wood. The cool wind clears my head. What the hell am I doing? Am I leading Raelyn on? I can sense her through the wall. Her heart pounds evenly; her mind is at peace. She trusts me. Not as her Alpha but as a male. Dangerous territory to step on. I can't have her falling for me.
"What ya' doing, brother?"
I spin around and meet Cassum's quizzical gaze.
She quirks a brow.
"I was checking on Arabella." Fuck, now I even see the need to justify myself to my sister.
She smirks. "Sure thing."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Her chuckle is like a purr. "I'm sure Arabella wasn't the only reason you came up here."
"But she was."
Man, I sound defensive.
"And you didn't say hi to Raelyn?"
"So what if I did?"
That sounded even more defensive.
"Just admit you like her."
"Not like that."
When she gives me her famous Cheshire cat grin, I throw up my hand and take off toward the woods. Cassum follows. Geez, she can be such a nuisance. Gossipy, like all females.
"So how do you like her then?"
I stop walking and turn around to face her. "I feel sorry for her. That's all. It's not a big deal."
"Uhm, sure."
"What do you want from me, Cassum?"
"Face it, Kendrick. Love might've finally struck. For all you know, Raelyn could be your true mate."
"That's ridiculous."
"Is it?"
"If she were my true mate, shouldn't I know?"
"Let's see. You constantly run up to the healer's cabin. You're überprotective and hyper touchy when it comes to her. Last night, you risked your life to save her. That, brother, is not the Kendrick Raynes I know. That Kendrick doesn't look at any female for more than three seconds. And he sure doesn't smile like some love-struck pup who just discovered that a female can give him a boner."
"You're totally exaggerating."
"Maybe look into a mirror once in a while. I mean, it's not that the stupid grin doesn't suit you. You're still kind of badass."
I lower myself onto a tree stump. Was that what my mother was worried about? That I'd fall for a mated female? It would explain this constant urge to see her. And a lot of other stuff.
I gaze up at Cassum. "Okay, let's hypothetically assume I feel more for Raelyn than just pity. How can I make sure?"
"That's easy. Get her tongue back. If you still like her after that, you'll know."
It's my turn to smirk. "Sure. I'll just go to the pharmacy and ask for a tongue." Piece of cake.
"The warlocks know how to heal. That's common knowledge."
"Too bad I've never met one."
"Then I guess it's good that I have connections."
I stare at her. "You know a warlock?"
"Not just any warlock. I know Andrenior, a very powerful warlock who has healed in the past."
My jaw drops. "Cassum, are you insane? The warlocks are our natural enemies. They'll turn on you the first chance they get."
"Not Andrenior. I saved his life. He owes me."
This is getting better by the second. "How did you save his life?"
"Long story. Now, do you want me to call him for you or not?"
My chuckle is incredulous. "You have his number?" Why is there even anything that still surprises me about my sister?
"Sure, why wouldn't I?"
"Wizards don't strike me as the technological kind. I thought they follow ancient traditions."
"Maybe the others do, but Andrenior is quite modern."
I give. "Okay, then call him."
"I will as long as you promise you'll train me for the Trials, no matter what."
I stretch out my pinkie for the pledge. She entangles it with her own finger and we shake. It seals the deal.
"And Cassum, I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I should've known you'd never agree to Dante's crazy plan."
"Don't sweat it. A total brain meltdown is a side effect of true mates. I'm sure you'll get a handle on it eventually."
"You really think Raelyn might be my true mate?"
Her smile carries a hint of superiority. "I'd bet my life on it."
Kendrick's bracelet that Raelyn made for him:
© Sally Mason 2018
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