24 - Captured
"Oh my god, they found them." The doorknob slams hard against the wall as Hailey storms into the kitchen.
I look up from the boring task of potato peeling. "They found who?"
"Bay and Savannah. Cedar Raynes and his pack forced them back onto our territory and the hunters caught them."
Bile clogs my throat. This can't be happening. Not now, on top of everything that's going on with Cassum. "What will they do to them?"
"I don't know. My dad and Lance are interrogating them to see if they had help from anyone before deciding how they will punish them."
When the bile reaches my mouth, I clutch the edge of the kitchen counter for balance. What will they tell the Alpha? Even though I never directly helped them, I planted the idea in their heads.
Hailey squints at me. "Are you feeling okay? You're really pale."
"I've been a little woozy all morning. Must be the heat." I force a smile on my lips.
"I can finish up here, if you'd like, and you could sit outside in the shade for a while."
I stare at the mountain of potatoes that still needs peeling. "I'd really appreciate that." The scent streaming from the bubbling pot adds to my nausea and I sway from left to right. "As soon as I feel better, I'll come back in and help you."
"Don't worry, I got this covered." Hailey has already rolled up her sleeves and turns on the faucet to wash her hands.
I make my way to the door; once outside, the fresh air clears my head. It's actually not that hot, a light breeze drifting up from the lake. The wind carries a hint of lavender and honeysuckle. Out in the vegetable garden, a few females whisper to each other. The news about the capture must be spreading.
Cassum strolls over from the cow enclosure. Though Dante already hinted that he doesn't like to see her in pants, she's still dressed in her skinny jeans that highlight her curves. Her tank top exposes plenty of skin—something else I know he disapproves of. Him burning her clothes is just a matter of time.
She glares at me with an arched brow. "Where's Allo? I hope you didn't leave him by himself."
"Of course not. He's taking a nap and Hailey is keeping an eye on him. I just came out here to get some fresh air."
"I guess I can go for a run then."
"You're not supposed to roam the woods without a male escort."
She snorts. "And who is going to stop me?"
"It's against pack rules. You'll get in trouble with the Alpha."
Her cold gaze cuts into me and I shudder despite the heat. "Raelyn, I'm an alpha-born from one of the most powerful packs of the Northern Hemisphere. I've trained with the hunters and fighters since I was eight years old. My brother Kendrick was my sparring partner for most of those years. Do you really think there's anything on this territory that could keep me in my place—and that includes the males of this pack?"
"Well, do what you want then." The Alpha will deal with her cockiness. She won't get away with breaking our basic rules. It won't set a good example for the others.
She's about to turn when the Luna walks up behind her. Wrinkles of worry cut across Harla's forehead and she seems preoccupied.
Cassum beams at her. "Raelyn just told me I'm not allowed to run the woods by myself. Would it be possible to arrange for an escort for me?"
My jaw drops. What the hell? Why is she pretending to have her tail between her legs when not even a minute ago, she acted as if she's invincible?
Harla nods absentmindedly. "Of course. Dante is busy this morning, but Jos can take you."
"And maybe Raelyn can come, too." Cassum's smile is so sweet it could give me cavities. "Hailey is watching Alexander, so it would be such a great opportunity to get to know her a little better."
"I'm glad you two are getting along so well. Of course she can go. Wait here and I'll get Jos."
Cassum pulls a face as the Luna rushes off.
"What happened to nothing could keep you in your place?" I ask her.
"A word of advice. Mind your own business and don't pester me with your questions. Then you might even get to live." She smiles at me with teeth. "If not, I'll just have to tear your throat out."
Charming. "I'm not afraid of you."
"Yeah, it's the prerogative of the young to be ignorant."
Fifteen minutes later, I chase behind Jos and Cassum along the path by the lake. They both race at record speed and I struggle to keep up. When I first arrived at Scopan Lake, my physique had been much better. I was used to hours of regular exercise and daily training with the other females of my old pack. Now, with the infrequent runs and no drills to keep me fit, my body suffers from a constant fatigue that is hard to shake off. Too much body weight on top of that, and my muscles ache from exhaustion after a few jumps.
We stop in a shaded area under some trees a few miles from the packhouse. As I catch my breath, my legs fold underneath me. Cassum watches me; even in her wolf form, her eyes mock me. No words are needed to tell me I'm truly no match for her.
Her attack is quick and sudden. I'm just able to rise on my hindlegs before our bodies collide. She throws me on my back and goes for my throat. I manage to turn my head as her powerful body crushes me. Hard muscles ripple her fur. Struggling underneath her, I try to toss her off, but she's as strong as any male I've ever fought.
A rumble from her chest warms me to surrender. My response is a swift snap at her ear. As I nick her skin, blood floods my mouth. She plunges her powerful jaw at my vein of life, but before her teeth can deliver the fatal blow, another wolf rams into her side. She's thrown off me, rolling around a few times before getting to her feet. Shaking, she crouches down, ready for another attack.
Jos shifts. "What the hell are you doing, Cassum?"
She follows suit. Sitting down on the forest ground, she hugs her knees with a contrite smile. "Hey, I was just playing."
"That didn't look like play to me. You were going for a kill bite."
"Don't be silly, Jos. I'd never hurt another member of my pack, especially not my future Luna." The last part is muttered under a low snicker. Shifting again, she cowers down with her butt sticking in the air. Her tail twitches. Little yelps solicit Jos to play.
Jos ignores her and his focus turns to me. "Are you okay, Raelyn?"
I growl in the affirmative. Lying flat on my stomach, my head rests on my paws. Though my ribs hurt with every breath, I don't want to give Cassum the satisfaction of showing a weakness.
Jos shifts into his wolf and moves toward Cassum. She friskily snaps her teeth at him. When he lunges at her, she rams her snout into his side. Chasing her across the clearing, he's right on her tail. Just before the tree line, he catches up with her. One powerful jump and she's buried underneath him. Growling and rumbling, she manages to toss him off. Her teeth snap at him as she waits for his next move.
Turning toward the forest, he must have decided that they played enough. One big jump and he disappears into the underbrush. To my surprise, Cassum lays back down on the ground. Her amber eyes roam over me as if she's waiting for me to join her in the race.
My body is still sore and I would rather take it easy but I don't want to show her my discomfort. Gritting my teeth, I pursue her through the shrubs. Snapping twigs and rustling branches lead us back to Jos. Another chase ensues until my legs go on strike. Cassum and Jos slow down as I fall more and more behind.
We quench our thirst in a small stream that cuts through the woods before turning back the way we came. The return trip is another race along the lake. By the time I reach the packhouse, my muscles scream with so much agony that I'm ready to collapse.
After stretching into her skins, Cassum looks up at the sky. "There'll be a lunar eclipse tonight. We should watch it."
Though her statement isn't directed at anyone in particular, I'm sure her invitation is meant for Jos.
"No time. There will be a pack meeting tonight to announce Savannah's and Bay's punishments." Jos slips into his pants and pulls his shirt over his head. A long cut just where his neck connects with his shoulders oozes with blood. Rough play gone bad—something Cassum seems to be good at.
"What do you think the Alpha will do to them?" Dread settles in my stomach.
Jos shrugs. "I have no idea, but whatever it is, it won't be pretty."
For the rest of the day, my stomach is in a tight knot. Most pack members stand around in little groups, whispering to each other with anxious faces. I catch Millie crying in Harla's arms in the living room. The tension is palpable in the air, and neither the happy chirping of the birds nor the pleasant sunshine can ease the dark foreboding that has fallen over the settlement.
The pack gathers in the large clearing just as the moon is about to reach its peak. The silence is pressing, the dancing light of the lanterns unable to shush away the dark shadows of despair. The wolves part as Savannah and Bay are led to the small hill. Their hands are shackled with silver rope and they lower their heads as they face the Alpha. My mouth is so dry that my tongue sticks to the roof—I can't even swallow to get rid of the bitter taste lacing the inside of my cheeks.
The Alpha pushes Savannah to her knees. "You decided to abandon your pack by leaving the territory without my consent. According to our laws, this makes you a traitor to our kind. How do you plead to this despicable crime?"
"Guilty," Savannah cries out.
"After conferring with the elders, we have decided to spare your life. You will be allowed to live among us, but you will no longer be a part of this pack. You won't attend any official gatherings or eat at the pack table. You have brought shame on us and your family."
Silent tears roll down Savannah's face, but she remains quiet.
"Furthermore, you will give your right foot in sacrifice to the moon. That way, you won't be able to abandon this pack again."
I gasp. Never in my life have I heard of such a harsh punishment. Bay struggles against his restraints, but he is powerless as Lance drags Savannah to the pole. With her hands secured above her head, he removes her shoe and ties her skirt up around her thigh. When the Alpha approaches with the ax, absolute silence falls over the pack.
The ax rises and I hold my breath.
"No." Bay howls at the moon. "Take my foot instead."
The ax comes down. Savannah's cry cuts through my soul. Blood pours from the wound and soaks into the grass. Vision blurred by my tears, an incredible helplessness overcomes me. It takes all my effort to keep the bile in my mouth. Reduced to a sobbing and shivering ball, Savannah is freed from the pole. The Luna wraps a blanket around her and carries her off toward the healer's cabin.
"Now to your punishment, Bay Ward." The Alpha's voice rolls like thunder across the clearing. "Since we believe that your mind was poisoned, the council will also spare your life. Instead, you will be banished from this pack. You have one hour to leave this territory. If you return, you will be killed. If you seek help from any member of this pack, they will meet the same fate. Go now."
Lance removes the shackles from Bay's wrists. Snapping at his son, he chases him toward the woods. Bay shifts just before the tree line and disappears in the darkness with one leap. Only after a long howl at the moon does the Beta return to the Alpha's side.
"Are you still going to mate with Savannah?" Hailey whispers to Marco.
Vicious rage jumps from Marco's eyes. "Hell, no. I'm sure my brother fucked her, so she isn't pure anymore. Besides, what do I want with a gimp?"
A claw of despair wraps around my chest. Savannah and Bay lost everything—and I'm the one to blame.
The Alpha raises his hand to silence the growing mumble. "That's not all. During the interrogation, we found that one of our own poisoned Bay's and Savannah's minds. They were encouraged to run away by a future leader."
When he turns his head to glare at me, I shrink back. He knows what I've done. And now, the entire pack will punish me.
© Sally Mason 2018
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