12 - Night of the Equinox
When we return to the packhouse, I'm in for a nice surprise. The jeep Jos used to visit the Midwestern pack is parked right outside, his bag casually tossed next to the washing machine in the den. He is home, even if just for a few days. I try to control the sudden flutters in my chest, and when Dante carries in the bags with the fabric for his mother, he tosses me a dark look. He knows my accelerated heartbeat has nothing to do with him. Energy spurts into my fingertips and it takes all my effort to retain the claws.
I head upstairs and find Jos outstretched on his bed. He grew out his long fringe even more; it hides most of his face. When I walk in, he flicks a few strands of hair out of his eyes. His pupils dilate as his gaze roams over me.
"You're home," I remark, as if that weren't obvious.
"My father ordered me home."
"To celebrate the Spring equinox?"
His smile is mild, almost belittling. "I'm sure you know what's going to happen tonight. Unmarked males will stake their claims to their future mates. My father wants me to choose Lara to put an end to Dante's indiscretions."
"But that's what you want, isn't it? I mean, you said so yourself a few months ago."
"Yeah, well, I changed my mind. Lara is no longer pure, so I have no interest in her."
"What do you mean?"
The belittling smile turns into a smirk. "Don't be ignorant, Raelyn. What do you think Dante and Lara have been doing every night? She can't conceive outside the heat, so there's nothing stopping them from going all the way."
Heat prickles in my cheeks and under my scalp as my wolf stirs in anger. The mark Dante left of my neck throbs. He is close by and knows we are talking about him and his lover.
"You can't defy your father if he demands that you choose Lara as your future mate."
"I'm not his puppet, Raelyn. He can't force me to do anything."
"But he's the Alpha."
"True, but I will call for Trials, if I have to."
"Jos, that's insane. You haven't even reached full maturity. No way you can beat your father in a challenge."
"It would never come to that. If I call for Trials, Dante and I will have to go against each other, and as it stands, I will prevail since Dante is way behind in his training. My father won't risk that."
I just hope he is right. Trials between younger Alpha borns can get messy as brothers go against brothers and battle them to their death. Males before their prime are full of aggression and don't know when it's time to surrender. A few years ago, it happened to the largest Canadian pack. Kendrick Raynes killed two of his siblings before having to fight his father in the Alpha challenge. By a miracle, he prevailed, crowning him the youngest Alpha successor in werewolf history, though even then, he had a good ten years on Jos. Males before their prime are not cut out for leadership.
"Well, I'll catch you later. Need to get ready for the celebration." When I open the door, I almost collide with Dante who was obviously eavesdropping.
His face is dark with resentment, but he doesn't block my way when I squeeze past him. Following me to our room, he plops down on the bed. With a brooding face, he watches me as I start to undress.
"I don't want you alone around my brother."
"And why is that?"
"Don't play dumb. It's no mystery that you're attracted to each other. When you saw he was home, I felt your excitement. And your heart jumped a few times when he told you that he wasn't going to choose Lara."
"Jos and I are friends, that's all. He was there for me when you weren't."
"And when was that?"
"When you were busy screwing your lover."
My dress drops to the ground and I reach for my bathrobe, but he is right in my face before I can drape it around my shoulders. A deep growl resonates from his chest; his dilated pupils are fixed on my bra. His wolf is not in line with his skins. My wild responds with a low whimper; it's our natures' defiance of what our minds want. When his canines descend, my wolf pushes to the surface. I cut off the temptation by fleeing into the bathroom. This is not happening. I will not allow my bonding mark to run my life.
The warm water calms my racing heart but struggles to sooth the uproar inside me. My wolf is pouting. With spring in the air, she resents being locked up; she wants to run and play. Preferably with a mate. My joints pop as she stretches, but I keep her contained before my nature can crack my bones. The Alpha will have to schedule some form of exercise if he wants me to control her. Summer will be torture otherwise.
When I step out of the bathroom, Dante is gone. I rummage through my closet, once again at a loss of what I should wear. It all looks dreadful. In the end, I opt for a simple, pastel green blouse and a navy plaid skirt that only reaches to my calves for a change. A pair of worn sandals are last. Turning from side to side in front of the mirror, I can't blame the villagers for calling us a cult. A hippie in the sixties had more modern clothes than this pack.
Hailey and Savannah are waiting for me in the kitchen. Just as this morning, Hailey's face is strained and she hasn't bothered changing her clothes or showering. A slight sweaty scent emits from her body; it's a clear reflection that she is beyond caring. Savannah picks at a cuticle, the crusted blood around her nail insinuating that she has been calming herself in this way for a while.
When I step beside her, she mumbles under her breath, "I'm so nervous. Bay is speaking to his father and the Alpha right now. I hope it will work out."
My smile is crooked. Why neither Hailey nor the Luna enlighten this poor girl about the Marco situation is beyond me. We cross the courtyard in utter silence and enter the clubhouse. Music and laughter greets us in welcome; most of the younger wolves have already gathered and are waiting for the adults to start the festivities.
I'm not even across the threshold when I spot Dante and Lara on a couch together. He has his arm draped around her shoulders, their knees touching. Marco is sprawled in an overstuffed chair across from them. I have to admit, he cleans up nicely. His unruly hair has been cut and is combed back, and with his striped polo shirt and jeans, he looks like an average teen. He even shaved off his usual stubble.
"Hey, Raelyn, Lara and I are thirsty. Would you mind getting us a soda from the fridge?" Dante's unbearable smirk cuts through the sudden silence. All eyes are on me. If I comply, a mark of weakness will always stick to my back, but if I give him attitude, I risk that the Alpha will punish me once again for starting trouble with my mate. A lose-lose situation all around.
The clearing of a throat behind me saves me from making a decision. The frozen smile on the Luna's lips can't hide the boiling anger in her eyes. "Everyone out into the field. The Alpha is about to light the fire."
Every wolf is to their feet within a heartbeat and shuffling footsteps file out just as fast. When Dante and Lara try to pass, the Luna holds them back. His arm is still around her shoulders but drops when he meets his mother's stare.
"That's it, Dante. I will no longer tolerate this utter disrespect for your mate."
"It was a joke, Mom."
"Save it." The Luna glares at Lara. "From here on out, you will no longer participate in any pack functions unless my mate tells you otherwise. You also are to stay away from my son. If you don't, I will hold you accountable. Now go home."
"Yes, Luna." When she turns to leave, Lara's face burns in a crimson red. For a moment, her gaze rests on me. The daggers shooting out at me would be deadly if they were real.
"And you, Dante, will also go home and prepare yourself and your bed for your mate. Lara's stench will have to go and you will be apologizing to your mate by honoring her as if she were pregnant with your heir. That means that you will work her chores for the next months and take her for a run in the woods every day, and otherwise pamper her as she pleases."
"That's too much, Mom. She isn't carrying my pup, so why should I honor her in that way?"
The Luna quirks a brow. "You either do what I said or I will get your father involved. And trust me, he won't let this slide with a few chores after your repeated warnings."
Dante can't hold his mother's glare, only mumbling something inaudible under his breath.
The Luna's brow arches even more. "Do you have something to add?"
"No, Mom."
"Then go." Harla squeezes my arm. "And you don't let this ruin your evening. Now let's check if my mate has lit the fire."
Though I should probably be thrilled that she finally put Dante in his place, a queasy feeling remains in the pit of my stomach. Dante's punishment will mean that we will be forced to spend a lot of time together, something I'm not particularly looking forward to. Sooner or later, we'll be at each other's throats. No doubt, things will turn ugly.
In the clearing, licking flames reach toward the dark night sky; the crescent moon lies bare on a bed of stars. A group of unmarked males have already gathered on one side of the fire, a giggling group of females hop from foot to foot across from them with their eyes glued to the ground. Mild smiles curl the lips of the adults as they watch the spectacle. The Alpha reaches out for his mate, her nod satisfying the questions in his eyes. With a wide grin, he turns toward his pack.
"Tonight is the night of our young—the night where they will choose their future partners, which will guarantee our continued existence and prosperity through future lives. This ceremony has been our tradition for centuries. Those males who have brought us pride by completing their fighter training will be able to choose their future mates, and their unions will be evidenced by individual claiming ceremonies between now and the summer solstice. As future Beta, Marco Ward will be the first male to choose."
Mumbling spreads across the group of adults as many toss surreptitious glances in Jos's direction. He is seated on a stone away from the group of unmarked males, his face even as if none of this concerns him. He must have reached an understanding with his father that he won't be part of the candidate pool.
When Marco steps forward, the crowd falls quiet. Dropping down on one knee in front of Savannah, he holds up a flower woven crown.
"Future mate, please accept this gift as a token of my loyalty to our union."
She clutches her hand over her mouth, her gaze fixed on Bay who stares at his brother with crumbled brows. Apparently, he missed the memo as well.
Savannah's focus shifts to Marco and a single tear rolls down her cheek. "I—I. . ." Desperation is etched on her face and she glances again at Bay. "I. . ."
Teeth snap and Bay is on his brother with one big leap. Marco must have anticipated his reaction; his shift is smooth and effortless. Growling, the two males face each other off. The Alpha and Lance exchange a smirk—they don't appear worried that those two could fight to their death over the female they both want. The Luna is equally calm. Only Millie steps closer to her fighting sons, her pale face almost ghost-like in the angry flickering of the flames.
With a deep growl, both wolves rise on their hindlegs, their bodies crashing together. Marco's strong frame buries his brother underneath. With snarls, growls, and yelps, the fight continues. Marco is finally tossed off. When Bay shakes his fur, blood flies. He rises back on his legs, his teeth snapping before he goes for his brother's throat once more. This time, Marco grabs him by the neck and bites down hard until a pitiful wail breaks through the night.
Letting go, Marco steps back and gives his brother time to rise. Before Bay can take flight, Marco's snout shoots forward and grabs his brother's hindleg, his sharp teeth tearing deep into the tendons. Shaking and twisting, his jaw locks on his prey. Bay's yelps drift toward the moon, his body jerking in pain.
"Stop." Savannah steps in between the fighting wolves and Marco finally releases his brother.
Bay licks her hand; his eyes beg for forgiveness. She strokes his bloody muzzle, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Go, son. I will find you later." Millie's words mix with a sudden howl of the wind.
Bay limps away with great effort, tail tucked between his legs, his snout low to the ground.
Brokenhearted. Betrayed. Defeated.
The end of a fairy tale.
With one dive, Marco shifts back into his skins. He bends down to pick up the crown. Blood seeps from a gash on his chest, and claw marks have nicked his skin in a few places, but otherwise, he's unharmed. He holds up the crown to Savannah.
"Accept this token or watch Bay die."
Savannah reaches for the crown. "I accept your gift and agree to become your mate." Not even a slight tremble distorts her voice, but her eyes hold the same hate that has been staring back at me from the mirror every morning. Though Marco might have won this fight, he will never hold her heart.
The Alpha claps his hands to draw everyone's attention to him. "Let's continue with Edison Parker."
Another unmarked male steps forward and lowers himself on one knee to offer a crown to his chosen female. This time, the proposal is accepted without any hiccups. As the ceremony carries on, I search the crowd for Savannah, but she has vanished together with Millie. More trouble in the making.
I lower myself on the stone next to Jos. "What will happen now?"
"You mean with Savannah and Marco?"
I nod.
"Nothing. Bay lost the challenge and will have to accept his brother's choice."
"But he and Savannah love each other. Why is Marco doing this to him?"
"Believe it or not, he's trying to protect him. Marco doesn't believe in true mates and thinks it won't last. He wants to spare his brother from even greater pain."
"That's ridiculous."
"And ultimately, none of our business. They fought it out and that's it."
"I still think it's sad."
"Please, Raelyn, do yourself a favor and don't get involved."
"I won't."
"Promise me."
I can't hold his gaze, unable to make a promise I'm not intending to keep. What happened here tonight is unjust and I will try everything in my power to make it right. "I'll try."
"Tomorrow morning, I have to leave again, so at least don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."
Like lead, sadness settles in my heart. "When will you be back?"
"I'm not sure. But before I go, I want to give you something." He takes my hand and wraps my fingers around a familiar object. The edges of the crescent moon cut into my palm, but for once, it's a good pain.
"Oh my god, is this my necklace?"
"I pulled it out before the fire could destroy it. It's damaged, but I thought you'd still like to have it."
Tears fill my eyes. "Thank you, Jos. This means the world to me."
"And keep it well hidden."
"Of course."
He smiles.
I'm tempted to stroke his cheek as a sign of gratitude but come to my senses before I can act on the impulse. Another pack member could be watching. "Why did you salvage it?" If he had gotten caught, his father's wrath would have been swift and harsh.
"Because sometimes, you just have to go with your gut feeling to help a friend in need."
© Sally Mason 2018
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