French Lessons
"Finally! Something Big Brother Francis can 'elp with!" Francis grinned at his little sister, who had just told him she needed French lessons.
Luna nodded, hugging her knees as Francis pulled out the flashcards. He held up the first flashcard
Oui it read
"Oui." Luna says.
"Very good! Do you know what oui means?"
"It means... yes?"
"Oui! Zhat is correct!" Francis grinned and ruffled Luna's hair, making her tilt her head.
"Does that mean something in French custom?" Luna wondered.
Francis laughed, "Non, non, it's used as a friendly thing 'ere, its just something zhat we do."
Luna nodded then smiled, ruffling Francis' hair.
Francis smiled, "Now, next." He said, holding up another flashcard.
Mon ami
"Mon am-eye?" Luna asked
Francis laughed, "No, but close, its mon ah-me. It means my friend."
Luna nodded, "Mon ami." She smiled
Francis held up another flashcard, he was hoping for a cute moment on this flashcard.
"Frère?" Luna hoped she got it right.
Francis nods, "It means brother."
Luna then smiled widely and hugged Francis, "Mon frère!" She giggled.
Yay... Francy-Pants did get a cute moment...
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