© 2015 SilverStream22. All Rights Reserved.
@retardedpandabear for the awesome cover.
Extra long chapter just for you babes ;) this may clear up some questions you had about the whole Jazz, Draver & Faye mating thing.
I facepalmed myself as we all boarded the plane (excluding the Royal families and my Mother). Our army had taken up two cabins with just the Jaeger and Sakurai Lycans. Although it was handy that my family had a private jet (the damn perks of being a Royal) it was still difficult to envision fitting all of these Lycans in, especially since the seats were uber spacious with the entire plane being business class.
"Not this again," I moaned.
Castor scowled, holding back everyone as he did what would be the flight attendant's job of checking if the seats were clean.
"Castor!" Iris exclaimed. "You're going to delay us, just move out of the way."
He straightened up like a frightened squirrel at her angered voice just as she pushed her way into the plane from the entrance where she and Lorena were rounding up the remaining Lycans that the rest of the gang were getting chummy with. She snatched Castor by his ear and dragged him to the cockpit where my brothers and the twins were.
Stark was, to my surprise, keeping his distance from me. He escaped to the bathroom when I tried to talk to him- so here I was now, directing our Lycan army to their seats like some flight attendant while leaning against the door of the bathroom in which my mate was in.
"You know, I'm not moving until you decide you're going to talk to me." I murmured, knowing full well that he could hear me.
I could feel his weight shift as he leaned against the other side of the door.
"Katya, I don't feel well, that's it. I'm not running away from you." he insisted, his voice shaky.
I rolled my eyes just as Kendra launched a deluge of plastic knives at Kristos's retreating form. It still astonished me at how he acted so...normal with a gaping hole in the middle of his torso. There were no guts or entrails peeking out, instead it was like a black cyclinder scab had formed all the way around. I shivered just thinking about touching it.
I spotted Kyo and grabbed his arm. "Do you mind getting him out of there?" I hooked my thumb over my shoulder to Stark's hideout.
Kyo nodded wordlessly, blinking his mismatched eyes. He grabbed my shoulders and set me aside before clearing his throat.
Instead of talking, Kyo curled his fingers into a fist and slammed it into the wall behind me. I shrieked out of habit and ducked, sweeping at his legs.
"Oh my Goddess, what the hell are-"
He straightened up, raising his eyebrows to the restroom. I turned around to see Stark outside, breathing heavily as he addressed the situation.
Lorena's melodic voice rang out clear from the back of the plane. "Everyone's on board. Tell the triplets we should take off soon."
I gave Kyo a glance and he nodded, relaying the message up front while I grabbed Stark and pulled us both into the bathroom, locking the door.
Stark's eyes widened as I glared at him. "What is wrong with you?"
He swallowed. "Nothing. I'm fine-"
"Yeah? Is that why you're hiding out in the bathroom?"
The close quarters had him fully exposed to me. Unlike before his memories were taken away, it was practically impossible to read him unless he allowed me to.
"Stark, what's going on?"
His gold eyes flickered. "I don't have a good feeling about planes but I have no idea why."
I didn't have to rack my brain to know why. "That's because the plane we took from the US had gotten out of control because Castor killed the pilot- don't give me that look, we'll be fine- and the plane was infested with vampires that Erebus, Orion and Kaleesi had sent after us.
His head tilted back with a thud against the wall. "I still don't feel too good about this."
I crossed my arms. "Maybe you're just afraid of planes now. Don't worry, if anything happens, Jazz will give us a smooth transition with his powers and keep the plane afloat."
"Still not helping." he pressed his fingers against his temples. "It's been a flood of memories since the other Lycans arrived. Who is Rose?"
A lump in my throat formed immediately at the name I'd given to the girl we'd buried.
"That- that's a little girl we met at the Halloween night parade in New York. Alpha Donovan didn't want to sign over his territory to the human Mayor Liston Bright so vampires were running amok...and she got caught up in it when she was separated from her family. I was running with her to the rooftop and I saw you. I set her down for just- just a moment. Orion appeared from nowhere and got his hands on her. He killed her, sliced her neck open. Donovan then signed the contract after Jazz and Draver got him to submit and all the vampires were pushed out of New York. We had a funeral for her and I didn't know her name but she reminded me of Rosemarie, a girl I used to look after from my old pack. So I called her Rose." I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth, tilting my head back at the fluorescent lights to stop myself for tearing up. "I can't let what happened to her happen to my old pack. Erebus is going after Rosemarie, and if he kills her, then there's not way I'm going to be able to forgive myself."
Stark was quiet for a moment before kissing my temple. "We'll avenge her, I promise."
I nodded, taking in a few more breaths before walking out of the bathroom with him.
Alric saw the two of us come out and wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm not sure if they provided condoms on the plane, so I have no idea how you guys managed safe sex- but congrats!"
The mood lifted with Alric's stupid comment and we both glanced at each other from the corner of our eyes, smirking.
The PA crackled from above us. "Seatbelts fastened please. We are preparing for take off. Turbulence is expected."
I blinked. "Wait, my brothers are the pilots?"
Alric grinned over his shoulder as we walked to the very last cabin. "Yeah. I didn't expect that either. Varian and Nikolai can fly the plane. Damen is just hanging around with them."
Jazz and Draver were animatedly whispering themselves and Castor, Lorena and Iris were playing UNO.
Castor scowled when Iris laid down the draw four card. "This is the reason why friendships are ruined."
Alric joined them, leaving Stark and I to sit by ourselves in the far back.
"Want to play?" I held up a deck of cards from the console between our seats.
The corner of his mouth tipped up. "Very well."
I shifted to sit opposite of him and shuffled the deck before splaying them out.
"Pick a card, any card."
Stark's fingers ghosted over the cards in the middle and I scowled, slapping his hand.
"Not that card."
He let out a low chuckle. "This I remember."
I leaned forward, resting my chin on my fists. "Do you remember what happened after that?"
Stark pulled out the Joker and tapped my nose with it. "You wanted to see me shirtless."
I snatched up the card and inserted it back into the deck. "Correction: I wanted to see your tattoo."
We both looked outside the window just as lightning struck. We were high up already, gliding over Sicily.
"I had a long talk yesterday." Stark muttered, gliding over the cards once more with wavering fingers. "With Alric and Castor. They filled me in on my past...and about what I thought of you."
I granted him permission to lift the card at the very end of the rightside of the deck.
"What did they say?" I was too intrigued at his flawless poker face to guess what card it was.
"Something about you trying to reject me and I, proudly taking initiative, kissing you before you could finish the sentence that would unravel me."
I leaned back in my seat as we rose into the clouds. "Quite an effective way to shut me up."
He tilted his head to the side, resembling a curious puppy.
"Guess what my card is." Stark's voice changed, now low and husky.
"Queen" My sentence faltered at his expression.
"King of Spades?"
He smirked. "Try again."
I snatched the card from him and shook my head. "You swapped the cards. I had this one on the left. But how?"
Stark flicked me on the forehead with the Queen of hearts. He was about to answer but Alric beat him to it.
"You were too busy eye-fucking him to notice."
I sprung the deck of cards at his face. "Lorena really needs to rinse your mouth with soap."
Castor scowled when Alric stood up and stumbled towards the bathroom.
"Alric! I swear if you make me whip out my multi-surface cleaner I'll whip you with my rag."
Iris couldn't control her laughter. "This is what happens when you suggest Vodka Uno, Mom."
I was still in awe of how well they got along. Lorena was one hell of a mother, managing to raise not only Alric, Castor and Stark- but Iris too. She was amazing...someone that I would definitely need to look to when I have kids of my own.
Jazz and Draver- I felt off not knowing their story. They always seemed to stick by themselves. Although Draver and I connected, Jazz always seemed distant; calm and collected just like Stark before he lost his memories.
While my mate was being coerced into Vodka Uno, I unbuckled my seatbelt and wriggled over to the twins. They both sat on one side, whispering softly. They instantly stopped when I sat across them.
"Is something troubling you?" Jazz inquired. His golden hair, lighter than Stark's dirty blond, was illuminated beautifully by the moonlight.
I shifted in my seat and linked my hands together out in front of me.
Their silver eyes- the eyes of a Lycan- never failed to unnerve me. "Yes. I actually want to know more about you. Stark and I are practically asking you to go to war with us, but I have no idea what your last name is...or do I? Now that I think about it, I don't know Alric's either."
"Killian!" Alric hollered over Castor's frustrated groans from the bathroom as he emptied his stomach.
I raised a brow. "Nevermind then."
Draver pushed back his wavy locks that looked like midnight. "Our last name is Monticello."
I nodded, pursing my lips. "And?"
Jazz's knee jumped and hit the table. "And we lied to you."
I narrowed my eyes. "What?"
Draver swallowed, glancing at Jazz. "Is now really the time for this?"
Jazz sent him a faintly annoyed look. "I don't handle lying very well."
They both sighed before looking at me and unanimously saying: "Our mate is Faye."
I choked on the recycled air. "What? Your cousin is your mate? The Moon Goddess must be into some kinky stuff. I knew you two were pedophiles like Stark."
Draver rolled his eyes. "We lied to you about her being our cousin. And not to worry, werewolf law prohibits us from being with her until she is 21."
My frown softened. "So you're just there for her as...brothers?"
Jazz scowled. "Unfortunately, yes. Until she turns 21."
"And you are both her mates?"
They nodded.
I couldn't wrap my head around that.
"But you aren't identical twins. I know identical twins have the same mate because their DNA is 100% the same but you guys aren't-"
Jazz interjected my sentence. "The Moon Goddess gave us Faye as sort of a...neutralizing gift."
This raised my interest. "What do you mean?"
Draver leaned forward in his seat. "My brother and I share everything. Except, we've never shared a woman. Back before we met everyone here, Jazz and I were considered dangerous. Twins with opposite affinities: fire and water. We spent our days killing and hunting for sport. Stark was the one who brought us out of it. But to prevent us from falling into the habit we have of wanting to tear down everything in our path until the world is in ruins, the Moon Goddess gave us one mate: Faye."
I frowned. "But wouldn't that make you hate each other? Plus she's human, wouldn't she pass away eventually?"
He crossed his arms. "We've known Faye only for several centuries. Unlike most mates, she's reincarnated. She doesn't truly die unless one of us dies- or at least that's what the Moon Goddess tells us. And in most lifetimes we only see her from far. Sometimes we get too eager and take her for our own before she turns 21."
"And no," Jazz commented. "Those times weren't when she was under 18. Besides, now we've learned that if we don't wait, she'll die soon after. It's the Moon Goddess' way of...keeping us in check. Although it may sound like heaven, to have a mate that doesn't die, it's sometimes one of the most difficult things. You have to earn their trust without overstepping your boundaries. And since Faye is human, in every life where she forgets we ever existed, we must teach her once more of the world we belong to and what creatures we are. We go through her initial denial of us; the idea of us, and it hurts."
They both looked worn out just thinking about it.
"So what makes this time different?"
A smile flickered on Draver's face. "Same process...but it's going to be easier this time. We're influencing her, getting her more used to the idea of mythology. We put her to sleep at daycare sometimes, reading her Greek mythology stories. Sometimes we'll change into a smaller version of our wolves and be around her in that form until she gets used to it. That way Faye won't be too shocked even if she doesn't remember seeing all of it. It'll be there in the back of her head."
I grinned. "You two have really though all this out. What about her birthd-"
I glanced up to see a hyperventilating Castor. We all instantly became aware of our surroundings.
"What happened?" Lorena unbuckled her seat belt.
"Did you kill Varian or Nikolai?" Iris shrieked.
"No, no." He wheezed. "I might have killed Stark."
That awkward moment when Pinecone is the most popular character. Like damn. I even had a fan who changed their username to Mr.Pinecone to lead on my fellow silverlings.
Speaking of fanbase names I now fucking hate silverlings as a fanbase name.
What about pinecones?
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