B.C. #2
"Give me one for the road, sunshine." I heard Stark whisper to Lux before a loud smack of Lux's lips against Stark's cheek hit me.
I finished putting on my coat, then turned to face our 5 year old daughter. Lux was going to steal the hearts of every boy out there, I could tell from her sandy blond hair, similar to Stark's yet even more vibrant. Her big beautiful cornflower blue eyes blinked up at me as I crouched down next to Stark.
She had on her blue silk pajamas that my mother had gifted her. "Mom, come home fast!"
I laughed at her whining tone. "Baby, you know we won't be back until tomorrow. Stark and I will be gone all night."
She pouted, her rose petal pink lips dropping down. "I want to come!"
Stark ruffled her hair. "Not this time, sunshine. Besides, you've got Castor and Winry to look after you."
I felt my heartbreak at little when Stark and I got into our car, and from the rear view mirror I saw her press her tiny palm against the window.
"I have half a mind to cancel date night." I pouted similarly to Lux.
Stark's grip on the steering wheel flexed as he shifted gears and we began to make our way to the hotel. "As do I. But we need this- you and I time."
I swallowed at the need simmering in his gaze.
"Right. You and I time."
Looking after little Lux was taxing on the both of us. Stark was afraid he'd break her at first, and I was worried that Stark would have a panic attack just being with her. But overtime, we got past Stark's phobia of Lux. And now, the two of them couldn't get enough of each other. Lux was so spoiled by Stark.
I took in Stark, seeing his beautiful silver eyes as they scanned the roads. I noticed that his eyes should flicker now and then, and I knew he was using his vision affinity. Stark was constantly in protector mode now, making sure that there wasn't any danger around us- immediate or not. He had changed, not only mentally, but physically. Becoming a father had made Stark stronger, his lean muscles had filled in and his already angled face became harsher- it was something that would definitely scare all the boys who came near Lux. But all those harsh lines and angles faded into a gentle softness that few got to see.
He also became...crisp. Stark, even when in flannels and dark wash jeans, looked like a GQ model. Even now, wearing black suit and silky red tie, fitting black slacks and Italian leather shoes; he looked flawless and put together. The only thing out of place was the slight stubble that he'd been growing. The shadow of a beard looked good on him; showing the gruffness of his past the crisp clothes he wore. His hair was still in his coiffed style, a few strands falling over his forehead.
I didn't realize that I was soaking him all up for the 15 minute drive to the restaurant within the hotel we were staying at.
Stark tossed the keys to the valet boy and climbed out of the car to open the door for me.
Katya...she looked stunning. More so than usual. Her hair was up in a loose bun, some strands falling around her face. She had a black lace dress on, one that hugged her curves and flowed past her hips in a train. With her coat still in the car, she stepped out. I felt so much pride, so much happiness, to know that the female in front of me was mine. Lately, I have been facing an intense attraction towards her shapely legs. And now, seeing the strappy black heels she wore, I was sure that I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of her by the end of dinner.
As we walked into the hotel, I made sure to keep a hand at the back of her waist, occasionally flashing my fangs at anyone who looked too long. She was for my eyes only.
"Reservation for Xerxes." I muttered towards the head server.
The boy looked as if he was about to piss his pants when I snarled at him. He rapidly punched into a few things on the iPad before yanking two menus from his stand and became guiding us to our table.
It was a small circular table, with a little cluster of candles in the center.
I pulled the chair back for Katya, and the smile she gave me squeezed my heart tight.
I took my seat opposite her, watching as she scanned the menu. Her eyes seemed bigger today, her lashes fuller. Make up? Either way, she was still stunning. Still gorgeous. Still mine. I had to clench my fist when she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth.
"Shrimp alfredo sounds good?"
"Yeah." I gritted out. "Great."
She frowned. "Unless you want crab? There's crab alfredo? I've never seen that before."
Goddess her voice- it was so beautiful. Just like her. So soft and sweet and elegant.
I wasn't going to last through dinner.
"What would you like to drink?" the server was different, still male though.
His eyes scanning my mate so obviously didn't go unnoticed by me.
"We'll have a sweet red wine, any will do." I growled, making sure to drill my eyes into that kid's head.
He nodded rapidly. "Yes sir, of course."
Katya's knuckles popped, and Stark instantly knew he was screwed.
"Stark?" she said sweetly, her voice like sugar coated venom.
"Yes, mea lux?" he choked out, glancing at her through the candle lit flames.
To his surprise, she just chuckled. "Lighten up, stop taking everyone so seriously. They're not all out to hurt me."
Oh. So obviously she didn't see.
And for some reason, that made him angry.
He decided to be blunt with her. "All the boys who have looked at you; they aren't thinking of hurting you, they're thinking of fucking you. Which is why I won't lighten up. And maybe I wouldn't have to be like this if you wore something with more coverage. We're out in public and you're dressed like that."
She flinched back, and in an instant Stark knew that it came out wrong. He could tell by the faint watery smile she threw on.
Ah fuck, his nerves were going to blow this date night to shit.
"Damn it, Katya, you know I didn't mean it that way." I ran a hand through my hair, and I realized it was shaking.
She was silent as the server gave us our wine glasses, murmuring only a soft thank you before she lifted her wine glass and spoke. "Mean it in what way? That I dress in way to expose myself? Like, say, a hussy? Well I apologize for wanting to wear something to entice you, perhaps I shouldn't ever dress like this again."
Shit. She was doing that thing of hers- were she spoke to me like I was some business partner instead of her mate.
"Katya, I didn't mean it like that. I just don't like that other people have their eyes on you. I'm not upset with what you're wearing. In fact, I adore it. You look beautiful."
She sighed, "I'm sorry,"
"Sorry? For what?" Stark was pretty sure he was the one who was supposed to be apologizing.
"For being all weird. I know you're trying to make this work, and here I am letting my temper get the best of me."
He almost melted. Goddess, how did he get blessed with such an amazing mate?
"No Katya, it's my fault. I've been nervous since the moment we reached here."
She tilted her head to the side, "Why? Is it about Lux? She'll be fine, Castor and Winry are looking after her."
I shook my head. "No, it's not about our daughter."
Before she could question me further, the server approached with a notepad at hand. "Are you ready to order?"
Katya and I both shared a glance.
"No, I think we're done here."
Doing this- doing normal. It still felt weird for the both of us.
So instead, we ditched the restaurant and headed up to our hotel room.
I felt Katya's hand interlace with mine. "I remember that one time when we were in the elevator and you told me you had thrown away your wedding ring."
This topic was making me even more nervous. I bit my tongue to keep the words from spilling out.
The hotel room was at the end of the hallway, and I wasn't sure if I'd make it by then. To busy my trigger happy hands, I surprised Katya by sweeping her legs out from under her. She felt so good against my body, so right. Like the perfect puzzle piece.
Her arms looped around my neck. "Jeez, give me a warning next time. I couldn't been hurt."
I almost snorted at the thought. "You? Hurt when I'm around? Never."
She smiled again, and I couldn't help but draw her closer to me.
Katya inserted the card to our hotel room as I set her down. She immediately rushed to the bed, throwing herself on it.
"What's the thread count on these? A million? So soft." she moaned into the pillow.
"Katya," I scolded her. "Remove your shoes."
She sighed heavily, pushing herself up to remove her heels and I removed my suit jacket and tie.
Do it now, while she's sitting on the edge of the bed.
And so I did. I dropped on both knees in front of her, placing my hands on her thighs.
"Katya." I muttered, digging into my pocket to retrieve it.
"Stark." she said in a tone that told me she was wondering if I was okay in the head.
I yanked out the damned thing, and held it out to her in the palm of my hand.
"Marry me." I stated firmly, pushing all the confidence I had left into the statement.
She froze, looking at the ring, then back at me. "What?"
"Marry. Me." I repeated, fear seeping in when she wasn't answering.
The fear was unwarranted, since Katya and I were already bound deeper than some ring, but I still felt unease when she didn't respond.
"Aren't we already...?"
"Yes or no!" I snapped. "Actually, fuck that. You're already mine,"
So, I grabbed her hand and slipped it on her.
"There. Done."
Katya tackled him, and the both tumbled and bumped into the TV stand. "Done? Done? I was going to say yes, but clearly you want to make my decisions for me."
I breathed easy, my grip around her waist as she laid above me loosened up. "Thank the Goddess. Why did you take so long?"
"Because I was shocked!" she spluttered out.
I laughed, the sound vibrating in my chest. I pulled her down for a kiss, my lips molding over her soft pliant ones. I felt her nails sink into my shoulders, a pain that I welcomed with open arms.
"Oh love, you're too good for me." I murmured against her mouth.
Her smirk threw me off, and she simply kissed me hard. "I'm just right for you Stark. Just as you are for me."
"I love you," I whispered to her, as it was something that was only reserved for her.
"And I love you," her brown eyes hidden in her smile.
No truer words had ever been spoken.
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