The Engagement
Luna is 26
Ryder is 29
Ryder POV.
It's been 8 years since Luna and I have been together. Today is the day I will ask her to marry me. I have been planning this for a couple months and she has been feeling like I don't love her but I tell every time I love her so much. I have been trying to distract her from finding out but she doesn't like surprises so I have the kids and her family are going to distract her because I need to finish setting it up.
(N/A here I will be switching to third person but will go to Luna maybe why I am letting you guys know is because he just was a paragraph bye for now back to the story)
Third person POV.
Ryder left saying he needs to do something at the office. Ryder kissed her head and told her I love you and then he walked out the door.
He drives to one of his restaurants and he goes to the roof where he sees the scene before him. He starts moving the table to where he wants it and he lays everything down on the table and puts some rose petals down and on the ground lending to the sign. He thinks that she doesn't like it, what if she doesn't and wishes she was there with him right now to stop him over thinking things.
While he is doing theirs Luna is yelling at every one her children come over to her and told her to stop yelling because she is over thinking it and fine I will calm down but only for you and Ryder. She asked them you'll are acting differently because you guys are smiling more than usual. Nothing is going on Luna, they told her at ones. Hey Luna you need to change your clothes because we all are going somewhere fancy to eat at we have reservations for 7:58 so you better hurry.
They are all dress fancy Alessandro texted Ryder they are just getting out the door text you when we are 10 mins. Out from the restaurant. Ryder replied ok thank and I need her to hug me so my nerves calm down so you better hurry here. We will Alessandro reply back.
Luna POV.
My family has been acting differently lately and every time I ask they say nothing is going on they have been smiling ear to ear and I don't know the reason why the weird thing is we are go to a restaurant and the the reservation is at 7:58 and that is odd time to reserve at but I'm not going to question it because I know the reply will be.
My father goes to he's message to text some one but I don't know what he is saying but he keep shaking his head at the other person saying to him. I turn my head to the window and the next thing I know is someone ties a blind fold on my eyes.
We stop and I hear the doors opening up and i feel someone grab my hand and I get out and I think it is my father. We walk straight and then a left and then a right and we came to a stop and told me we are going to walk up stairs we got to the top and my father hugs my and told me I love you. I hear him walk away and I hear another footstep and the person grabs me and hold me tight and I know the person it is Ryder.
he moves his hand up and take the blind fold off and I look up at him and kiss him on the lips and ask "what is going on?" . I questioned he answered in a nervous and scared voice look around My Moon". I look around and see a sign 'Will You Marry Me Moon?' I look at him and sharing my head yes. He pull the ring out and put it on her finger and pull her in and kiss her hard and holding deer life.
Time skip
We ate and we spent time away from the family and kids. We got up and walk to the door and went down to see the family and yes we got engaged at 8:00. When I saw my family they was smiling to ear to ear still and I yell I'm engaged y'all. We all hugged and when I got to my baby's I hugged thenm tightly and tell them I love them so much and kissed the top of their head.
Her ar the ring and the set up loos like and her dress
Prepend that the flowers are roses
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