The Confessions
After everything I told my father. I told him to get everybody in the meeting room, just tell Valentino to show you guys the larger one and tell him that my crew is on the way here and can you whisper it to him. He walks out to tell my second in command. I start putting everything I need into a folder and making sure everything is in place and I start walking out towards my room so I can change and I change into an a tan top and white pants and skin tone high heels and I see the kids cuddling with each other and I take a picture and put it as my wallpaper.
I call Nalda and ask her to stay with the kids for a couple hours while I am in a meeting with everybody. She responds to me saying "yes and updates me on everything". "Will do so," I replied back. I walk towards the meeting room and I wait for a text from Valentino to say to come in.
I got it and I opened the door and walked in confidently with my head held high. I nodded my head at my crew members and I took my spot. "Hello everyone, I like to speak about one of my worst enemies. He is the last person who is on my list and I will be needing your help to find him. I hope they don't find out that their uncle is alive while looking for my enemies because he has been leaving me clues, I thought.
You are also his worst enemy and also have some important information that I need to find. If you find interesting things that don't involve him please let me know and not anyone else and if it does involve him let everybody know. Hypothetically if the information involved a dead person please let me know at that moment.
His name is Killian Black and he has done something that nobody knows about and it might have to deal with me in a way. If you find something that has to do with a person four years ago delete it when you see it and not tell everybody about what you saw. I'm not going into more of the details about it because it's something I don't want anybody knowing about and you have my trust to look inside my background and sorry for not introducing myself to you guys I'm L and also Nixon and Silent.
"Boss we found something and I am not sure what it means but I only know that your name is on it," Santino announced to me. "Ok I come see what it means," I replied to him. I went over and read it and I wrote it down and I just hope they don't sort it out.
I hope you know that our daughter is safe and I hope you know Luna Calia that I will have you back into my arms.
"Delete it now because I don't want people to know what it means," I told him. I watched him delete it and made sure of it. I miss her so much and she has all of my features except for her hair. Alessio has never seen her. I am going to find out where she is so I have custody of her.
We soon found out that Killian Black is in hiding and I think I might know where he is hiding and I have to go alone for this but I need you guys to sit close but far enough so he doesn't get suspicious of it.
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