Chapter 4
Nightlara's p.o.v: we where all reading though the library before a blue portal open up right underneath us all and we fell through. I couldn't tell what just happen until fluttershy screamed softly saying that we are back in Equestria. We all started to walk down a path way when I noticed that going through that portal showed my wings but I hoped that those two didn't notice. I went ahead of the little group when I heard a dragon and a changing flying above us. When we were close enough to the opening I peaked my head through to see a type of creature, two dragons and about 17 ponies. When the others catched up opy accidentally got too exited and flew out into the opening screaming "oh my sweet Queen Natura!" Elisabeth was trying so hard not to laugh that she was kinda crying. When I noticed that fluttershy and luna was not with us and they where way back behind us. I look out to where opt was she was looking at the ponies, changling, and the two dragons. After a while they started talking and a pony who looked familiar look over to where we where. I didnt relise he was coming over here until he was already over here. I made sure my wings where Biden because I didn't want anyone else to know I was an alicorn. I couldn't hide my wing fast enough for him not to notice them. Right as I was finishing hiding them he looked at where my wings where then said "I thought I saw wings there. I might be mistaken though." Opt heard this all the way where she was and looked at me hoping he didn't say what she thought she saw. "Nope. I am just a regular unicorn. Btw I found these two ummm back way back there and well I heard talking over here so I thought to bring them over here." I lied. Je looked over my shoulder looking at luna and fluttershy who is enjoying the mother planted here.
Star Swirle's p.o.v:
I looked over the young mares side to see princess luna and fluttershy. I trotted down the path to meet them. " hello princess luna and fluttershy." " hi star swirl" said fluttershy and luna. We walked togther up the path and when we reached the path the other girls next to that made and her was more out of the forest now and next to some of the statues. Luna and fluttershy go over to the group where evryone meet and celestia told both fluttershy and luna what she told the rest of us but I went to the mare first and told her thank you. She nodded in reply but was looking at the couple that I feel like I should remember but it was so long that I sdidnt know them. " they are a great couple. Aren't they?" I asked. She sighed and and lowered her head and then said " They where a great couple." I didnt understand how she knew they where gone. I asked her how she knew and She asked me to keep a secret. I promised and she pulled me from the others but in some of they ponies view that I didn't know and that was it. She did a spell and in a split second she was an alicorn. I gasp at this and asked who she was. She her name was nightlara and that the statue of the couple where her parents. She also told me that after the ponies left monsters where sealed underground to be protected from an evil shadow named crupter. Just before this fight between him and the united she told her mother how she hated her because she was going to fight her brother who was crupted. Later on that same day a wonder gaurd came to the castle door and told nightlara what had happen just before he died. Her sister had ran off earlier and never came back. That's when she found out they had died too. Chara found out the news and she ran off to the mountain and died of a sickness. Then nightlara found Moonlight and took frisk to a place where she could be adopted. After she said that she got up hide her wings again and sighed. Then she asked me to tell no pony about her wings and her past. We went back and this shadow like pony came to nightlara and said " NIGHTLARA! They are talking about what happen along ago to the ponies who was in our deletion. Two other shadow like ponies did a face plant into the hooves. "Opy please. Quite it down." " OHHH WHO ARE YOU!?" the pony called opy asked. "I am star swirl the bearded." Nightlara froze. " umm night are you ok? you act like you know that name. wait do you? this is a different demetion where the poines where sent to with your aunts luna and celstia and your sister fluttershy but thata inposable." said opy. Everyone just stared at the shadow pony named opy. Princess Celestia came over and I bowed nightlara and opy bowed too. " what did you say?" asked Celestia to opy. " oh I said to my friend nightlara here that she acts like she knows this fellow star swirl like he was the same star swirl that went with her aunts, sister and all the other ponies to another demention. but that is inposable cuz he was old when he left and its been over a tousand years here for that old pony to still be alive. now there is a posable way for her aunts and sister to still be alive but that isnt too likely. oh and let me not forget that that star swirl was a mentor to her young aunts that was only 100 years old." opy said with a smile to the princess. " ok. and I do belive that you said thata the aunts names was celestia and luna?" ask celestia. " princess celestia. I dont think we have to get in way deep into that. lets continue this tomarrow. its getting late, right luna? " I ask luna and told celestia. opy just frooze and nightlara chukled a bit. " ya I can see the sky. * she fakly yawns* you know I am getting really tired." " umm night. you rarely sleep." said one of the other shadow ponies. nightlara just gave them a stare that made a young earth pony go " ohhhh shady. you got that. i dont think you where sapose to say that.
To Be Continue..........
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