I wake with a sigh my heart beating faster than usual. It's bright, almost as if someone's shining a torch on me. I peel my eyelids apart, attempting to adjust with some struggle, why is it so bright? Slowly, i notice my surroundings, it's white, just completely solid white. "Hello?" I call out, hearing my voice echo throughout the empty space.
"Heya!" My heart stops at the voice, The sweet melodic sound of my care bear. I turn slowly as tears fill my eyes. There she is, standing behind me with a care bear in her arms, her hair plaited and a new outfit stuck on her. "The nice lady said you'd come visit." She says with a smile, "I missed you!" Instantly, i feel her arms wrap around me.
It feels so real. Please let it be real. I hear slow footsteps before a hand is placed lightly on my back. "It's real, Amity, just not in the way you'd like. You're not on earth, we'll put it that way." I look up to see the woman responsible for everything, Selene stands above me with her long hair and glowing skin.
"What is this?" I whisper out holding onto Charity tightly, i don't want to let go. "Well, I thought you could use this, I know you have a lot going on." Charity steps back as my hands fall to my stomach. "Selene said you're gonna have a Baby with Titi! I'm so happy, i wish i could be there but i can watch from up here." A sob escapes me as i watch her bounce up and down, staring at my stomach excitedly.
"I'm scared." I whisper out to Selene, "I'm setting myself up for failure, I couldn't protect my sister, how am i am going to protect a baby, my dads still out there in turning 19 in less than a week, i can't do it," My voice breaks as i look up at her, Charity sighs as she cuddles into me, resulting in me tightening my grip.
"Charity wasn't your fault. When i created werewolves, i didn't want them to be like your dad, or like Titus once was, I wanted them to be kind, loving. It hurt me to see one of my beings hurt a pair i'm so connected to, that's why Charitys with me, aging as she would on earth, but in here, with me and my mate. Don't blame yourself, Amity, you were willing to die for her, if that's not a sign you're ready for motherhood, i don't know what is." I smile up at her, still not fully convinced.
"Tell him." She says, "I know it seems like everything is going downhill right now, but tell him, don't push him out of this. Worst case scenario, he gets overprotective."
"But what if he hates me, I feel like such a slut, I'm pregnant before my 21st that cant be good."
"Hates you for bearing him a child? Amity, he loves you and is willing to start a family with you, he yearns for it he just doesn't know how to approach you about it, especially with how you've spoken to him about it. And as for the slut thing, you're far from it."
I look up at her with a smile, however it drops once she speaks again, "Say your goodbyes, we need to leave."
"No," I plead, "Please, no." My cries escape me as i look up at her, holding Charity tightly to my chest. "It's okay Ammy, I'll try to convince Selene to let me see you again, pinky promise." I sob quietly as i look down at her, wrapping my pinky around hers, "I love you. Goodbye Care Bear."
I wake with a start, sitting instantly as sobs rack my body, "Hey, hey, hey." Titus soothes, wrapping his arms around me as he pulls me into his chest, kissing my head lightly. "I saw her Titus, I saw Charity!" I sob, "Selene came down and she let me see her."
"In your dream?"
"No, it wasn't a dream! I was asleep here but i was with them, i don't know how to explain it but it was real." I sob, He pats my hair down, stroking my head gently. "She also told me i needed to tell you the truth." He releases me, looking into my eyes. "I'm pregnant, Titus."
Short but satisfying
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