"Rascal.......scoundrel..........why did you allow anyone to do that to you without having it?" early in the morning there was an assembly in the hall and the lady was quarrelling with a girl there. "You did not even take a tablet to prevent this!"
"What happened?" looking into the face of Prameela, Charitha asked her as if she still could not understand Tamil.
"That girl has allowed someone to do that to her without condom and did not take a tab either afterwards. Now she is pregnant!"
"My god!" Charitha whispered.
"I want to become a mother, I just want to become a mother." That girl also suddenly shouted. "It does not matter who is the father of the baby but I just want to become a mother so I let him do that so. Why do I take a tablet also when I want to have a baby?"
That lady immediately slapped that girl with her right hand on her right cheek and said. "This is not new here and I know how to get rid of that. I not only make you get rid of that but get you operated so there would no pregnancies to you again. I can manage all this just in one month."
That girl cupped her face in her hands and slumped on the floor there weeping loudly.
"Don't hope that I would not send customers before all that happens. If someone fucks you hard, your so much cherishing child dies then itself and it solves half the problem." Suddenly there was a sadistic and cruel expression on the face of that lady.
"All of you remember! If any of you plan like this, it will be to your peril. Customers don't leave you then also and in no time I plan for the abortions and operations." That lady looked into the faces of girls there with a warning expression and they hung their heads as if they did not want to show the fear in their faces to her.
"Sometimes customers want to fuck us without a condom also and that lady charges something extra for it. But we need to take a tablet immediately after that." After explaining everything in Telugu to Charitha once they came into Charitha's room, Prameela said. "Namita not only let that guy fuck her without a condom but got pregnancy like that. It is indeed odd that she wants to become mother now also. How does a prostitute wishes to become a mother?"
"Why does not a prostitute wish to become a mother?" Charitha knitted her brows together.
"Then whom she shows as the father of the child?" Prameela also knitted her brows. "Then how the child feels knowing that it is a bastard?"
"Then the prostitutes do remain without having children all their life? Is it is the gift they do have for the great service they are doing to the humanity?" with the same serious expression in her face, Charitha asked her.
"You are thinking what we are doing is a great service?" there was surprising expression in the face of Prameela.
"Is it is not so then?" Charitha paused for a second as if to reiterate whatever she was going to say. "We are not only helping the unfortunate men to satisfy their uncontrollable urge but we are preventing rapes. More than half of the rapes in the world are because the men don't know where and how to satisfy their uncontrollable urge."
"Its seems you came to know many a thing after coming here." With an odd expression in her face, Prameela said.
"Of course, I am." Charitha nodded her head. "The men who are coming to us to have it are not bad men. They are just trying to find out a way to satisfy their urge. I just see happy and satisfying expressions in their faces once I cooperate with them in the way they want."
"I just don't know." With a pathetic expression in her face Prameela said. "I just give my body as long as they want but never put my mind to think about it."
"Then just do it. Put your mind on it." Charitha said "Try to change your ideology also. Once there is a mother to look after a child carefully and affectionately, why there should be a father also to it? A prostitute can cater any number of men but should not she have a child of her own through one of them? Why a child should be considered menial just because it does not know who its father is? In fact when a single mother brought up a child with care and affection and made it a responsible citizen, that person has to be considered more dignified and has been given more value than the other citizens also. So a prostitute has every right to have child of her own even without knowing who is its father."
"Even what you have said is appearing odd; I can say there is a point." With thinking expression in her face, Prameela said. "I sure do think about it."
"Please do that." With pleading expression in her face Charitha said "It is just because I am planning a mission and I want your help completely for it."
"Tell me, what is that mission?" suddenly the expression in the face of Prameela turned curious.
"First put your mind and think about it. Realise yourself that we are doing a service to the humanity but not a wrong thing. Not just that a prostitute can have children without a father to it but she has an equal right to marry, run a family with children. She has more right than any other woman to lead a dignified and decent life as she is doing a great service."
"Even what you have said is absolutely reasonable, I am not thinking that it is possible to make it all practical." There was sudden apprehension in the face of Prameela.
"It is possible. It is certainly possible. Great things have happened in this world with the whole hearted efforts of just one or two individuals. We too can get successes if we really do want change and put effort." With a smile on her lips, Charitha said. "Just put your mind and think about. I need your help a lot to put myself into the mission I am thinking."
That scene came to an end with satisfying expressions of both Tarang and Madhukar also.
It was another scene in that movie.
"So far in your company I understand many a thing. It is really very much surprising! You have got this much of maturity in you at this very young age itself." Tarang said with a surprising expression in his face.
"I just tried to understand the situation. At first I was forced but when I saw the relief and relaxation in the faces of men I understood in how much of need they are for it then. I don't know the language of any of them but I could read the expressions in their faces. Then I started cooperated with them in the way they wanted putting my heart in it. Then the expression in their faces is just that what you do have every time after your having it with me." Charitha said.
"It seems that you are feeling pride for what you are doing."
"Absolutely I am!" Charitha nodded her head. "But I just don't like the way prostitutes are treated even they are providing such great service to the society. They are helping the men to satisfy their uncontrollable urge when they cannot have it in any other way. They are preventing rapes on innocent women by giving a way to the men to satisfy their uncontrollable sexual urge."
"I can say what you have said is reasonable. It is indeed very much pathetic that prostitutes are being considered like that." The expression in the face of Tarang was genuine then.
"Why don't prostitutes do have children without marriage and husband? Why don't prostitutes marry, have families and children? Why don't prostitutes do lead happy, decent and dignified lives just like all other women?" Charitha voice was vehement and she knitted her brows together. "Why should not she help the men in satisfying the urge while having husband, family and children?"
"It is agreeable but who comes forward to marry a prostitute that too when she does not want to quit her profession." Tarang sighed heavily and asked her. "It is even more surprising to me that you are asking that prostitutes do have children without marriage and husband."
"What's wrong? What's wrong in it tell me?" Charitha said vehemently. "Why should not a prostitute has a child of her own without husband?"
"It is not just for the sake of the prostitute, it is for the sake of the child." Tarang said. "He would be considered very menial by the people around."
"That type of conception must be changed! A responsible citizen who has been brought up by a woman doing prostitution must be respected by all just because his mother is doing a service to the society." Still Charitha was vehement.
"I don't think that this society grows up to that extent." with fear in his face Tarang said.
"Society has to grow up in many ways not just this." Charitha said. "I am talking not just on behalf of the prostitutes but all the women also. Every woman should have liberty to provide sexual favours to other men and charge money for it also. It will not only be a service to the society but beneficial to them also."
"This is something that we cannot even voice out." The fearful expression in his face was intensified even more. "You are proposing that housewives also can start doing prostitution! They do simply kill you if they hear it."
"You are thinking like that?" Charitha laughed. "But most women who cannot be satisfied with their husbands feel happy for it." then her face became serious again. "We do think about the other women later. But our focus must be on prostitutes. They should have been given liberty to have families and children while practicing prostitution."
"Why should they practice prostitution once they settled in their lives with families?" Tarang knitted his brows together. "There always will be prostitutes to cater that need to men."
"It is just because prostitution is never a bad thing and the right of practicing it should not be confined only to the prostitutes." With firmness Charitha said. "Moreover prostitutes should have the obligation to cater that need even after they become housewives."
"But they should be married first. I don't think there will be men who can understand their ideology and come forward to marry them." Tarang sighed heavily.
"There certainly be men who can understand. But the prostitutes should be given a chance to put their proposal in the public. There is a first time to everything. If one prostitute marries and starts leading life like that, many such marriages do happen."
"It is something that needs to be given a consideration." Tarang nodded his head.
"Then why we both should not be the first example for it and show a way to others?" that question was straight while she was looking into his face.
There was sudden shocking expression in his face and after few seconds pause he said with a happy expression. "There is nothing happiest to me than marrying you!"
"But don't forget I continue doing this even after our marriage also." With a cautioning expression in her face Charitha said.
"There will be no more fool than I if I forget about it after hearing you in this way also." He hugged and kissed on her lips. "In fact I am feeling proud for your broader way of thinking."
(..........to be continued)
(I hope you enjoyedit so far. Please don't forget to rate and review it. I update the next chapteras early as possible.)
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