~Flashback memory~
-21 years ago, October 6th-
"Ugh!" Lukari went as she fell to the ground on both of her knees while clutching her chest as she weakly gasped in pain.
It was around nighttime and rainy.
Lukari didn't know who or what kind of pokémon had suddenly attacked her out of the blue before all of this happened, because it was really dark and she couldn't see anybody or anything.
Even sensing the pokémon's aura wouldn't help.
The pokémon who was beating her up, for no apparent reason, smirked before kicking Lukari in the chest.
Lukari suddenly was thrown back by the force of the kick the pokémon just did to her, before she was slammed against the tree.
She felt the bones in her rib cage break and her blood going in the alveoli and into her lungs after being slammed against the tree.
As Lukari slumped, the pokémon picked her up by the head and slammed his fist into Lukari's chest again and again.
"You're such a weak, dainty, little riolu! Nobody cares about you anyways just because you're a stupid, dumb shiny!!!" The pokémon says as he sneered.
Lukari could only scream in pain, unable to respond, as the pokémon kept punching her in the chest really hard.
As the pokémon continued to do harm to Lukari, he failed to notice someone coming after him until it was too late.
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing to my wife?!?!?!" Another pokémon said before he started to beat up the one hurting Lukari.
Lukari heard a scream from the attacker and felt something warm and moist drip on her fur before hearing a body thud.
Then she heard the sound of panting until a small ball of light appeared, shining brightly to the point where Lukari can see the defender clearly.
As Lukari looked and caught a glimpse of the defender's face, she realized it was no one none other than her husband, Yachio.
"Y-Yachio. I-It's you..." Lukari began as she looked at him weakly.
"Yeah...It's me...Are you okay?" Yachio said before asking Lukari out of concern and worry.
Lukari shook her head as she rested her paw on her chest.
"I-I think that pokémon broke my rib cage..." Lukari replied.
Yachio had a haunted look on his face after hearing that.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't make it in time..." Yachio began before Lukari suddenly held her other paw up to stop him from talking.
"It's okay...As long as you came for me and to protect me, then, I'm okay with that..." Lukari replied as she smiled weakly.
Yachio smiled back.
"What happened to the pokémon who attacked me?" Lukari asked after a few minutes had passed and she happened to notice blood, that didn't belong to her, was on her fur.
"The pokémon who was doing harm to you is still here...But, he's gravely injured." Yachio replied before he had a dark look on his face.
Lukari was horrified and shocked.
Then Yachio stood before he picked Lukari up, bridal style, and looked at her.
"C'mon...Let's head over to Lord Renji and tell him what's happened to you.
Maybe he can heal you up while we're over there since he's the Lord of Noe Town." Yachio said to Lukari before he took off to Lord Renji's house.
-In Lord Renji's house-
Lord Renji sighed as he stared at the book he was reading before closing it.
"Well. That should be enough research for today." He says to himself before he took out a cigarette and started smoking after he lit it up.
As Lord Renji looked up at the ceiling, thinking to himself, Yachio suddenly came in with the door kicked open.
Lord Renji was so startled by when Yachio kicked the door open that he almost inhaled the cigarette in his mouth and about to choked on it.
"Yachio! Don't scare me like that again! You 'bout almost gave me a heart attack, sonny!" Lord Renji said as he scolded Yachio a little.
"I'm so sorry, Lord Renji. I'll make it up to you later, but, we have a medical crisis in our paws right now!" Yachio panted out as he hurried over to him.
Lord Renji sat up as he looked at Yachio before suddenly noticing Lukari's unconscious and gravely injured figure in Yachio's arms.
"Crikey, Yachio! What in the devil happened to Lukari?!" Lord Renji asked.
"She was attacked. And I know she didn't do anything wrong for her to end up getting attacked by another pokémon." Yachio explained as he looked at Lord Renji.
"Who attacked her? I will have the police arrest them and send that pokémon to Hozuki Castle! Their sentence will be death after 20 years in jail time!!!" Lord Renji demanded angrily.
"All I know is that the pokémon who attacked her was a Houndoom because I smelled fire in his breath while I was defending Lukari." Yachio explained. "He's over at the woods injured, but still alive."
Lord Renji nodded.
"Good. I'll notify the police immediately. As for your wife, Lukari, I'll heal her up. She's like a daughter to me. I am very fond of you and her.
I absolutely forbid the fact that someone would be cruel enough to hurt a sweet angel like Lukari." Lord Renji said as he led Yachio into his bedroom.
Yachio never knew that Lord Renji's bedroom was big and really comfortable.
The smell of old and new books lingered in the air as Yachio looked around, fascinated and curious about the bedroom.
"Lay her here." Lord Renji instructed as he gestured Yachio over to his bed, breaking him from his thoughts.
"But, your bed. It'll be stained with blood! I - -" Yachio began before he was interrupted.
"It's alright. I can change the blanket and the bed sheets later." Lord Renji says as he looked at Yachio.
Yachio laid Lukari down on the Midnight Lycanroc's bed without any hesitation or uttering another word.
After Yachio did that, he held Lukari's paw and looked over at her unconscious figure with his eyes filled up with worry.
Lukari was barely breathing and really pale on the face but she was still alive thankfully.
As Yachio was looking over at Lukari, Lord Renji headed over with medical supplies in both of his paws and arms.
"Why do you need those for?" Yachio asked.
"Lukari's dying, Yachio...One of the bones in her rib cage has punctured one of her lungs.
The only way she'll live is if I use that technique on her. But, she will not be healed. There is one condition that I cannot fix since it's already developed itself in her..." Lord Renji explained.
"What is it?" Yachio asked.
"Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage...It's a rare condition where blood goes in the alveoli and into your lungs. It's a serious condition and can kill you." Lord Renji explained.
"Strong medication like steroids is the only thing that will keep the condition sustained.
There is no cure for Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage. It's like cystic fibrosis, only there's blood in Lukari's lungs instead of mucus."
Yachio looked at him in horror.
"No! You can't use that technique! You know what'll happen if you do use it!
I don't want Lukari to be stuck with Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage and suffer with it if she lives, years on forward!" Yachio said as he shook his head.
"Would you rather let Lukari die and let me live or the opposite?" Lord Renji asked.
Yachio went quiet, unsure about that.
"But, your citizens of Noe Town....What will they say and happen to them after they find out what's happened to you?" Yachio asked.
"Don't worry...They're aware of what'll come. I'm 100 years old. My time's about up anyways..." Lord Renji said as he smiled a bit.
"Lukari will take my place and become the Lady of Noe Town. I will write a letter to the Guardian 3 about this as my final request."
Yachio felt tears running down to the sides of his face as he lowered his head, completely silent about this.
Then he looked up at Lord Renji as he sniffed a little.
"Okay...Fine. Heal Lukari up before I change my mind." Yachio said as he turned and looked away.
After Lord Renji had notified the police and the police had arrested the Houndoom, Lord Renji wrote a letter and sent it to the Guardian 3 before he headed back in the bedroom and started tending to the wounds that Lukari had gotten during the attack.
After the wounds were dealt with, Lord Renji looked over at Yachio and handed him a bottle of medicine.
"What's this?" Yachio asked as he looked at the bottle.
"It's medicine for Lukari's condition. The instructions are on the bottle if you're about to ask how many pills should you give to Lukari and so forth..." Lord Renji explained.
Yachio nodded before he putted the medicine in his backpack.
Shortly after that, it was time for Lord Renji to do what needs to be done....
~End of flashback memory~
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